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# WizardDescriptor
# Dialog title:
TITLE_x_of_y={0} de {1}
# common first step label for wizards
TITLE_ConnPoolWizardPanel_dbConn=Choose Database Connection
TITLE_ConnPoolWizardPanel_properties=Add Connection Pool Properties
TITLE_ConnPoolWizardPanel_optionalProps=Add Connection Pool Optional Properties
TITLE_pool-setting=Add Connection Pool Optional Properties
NoConnection=< Cap connexi\u00f3 >
SelectFromTheList=< Seleccionar del llistat >
NoTemplate=< Cap plantilla >
## Labels for Database Connection Panel of Connection Pool
Description=Proporciona la informaci\u00f3 de la configuraci\u00f3 per a l'agrupaci\u00f3 de connexions JDBC.\n\Podeu triar una connexi\u00f3 existent a una base de dades per extreure'n la informaci\u00f3, o b\u00e9 introduir la informaci\u00f3 de configuraci\u00f3.\n\Fields with an * mark are required.
ExistingConnection=&Extract from Existing Connection:
NewConfiguration=Ne&w Configuration using Database:
isXA=&XA (Global Transaction)
ACS_DescriptionA11yName=Configurar agrupaci\u00f3 de connexions JDBC
ACS_DescriptionA11yDesc=Proporciona la informaci\u00f3 de la configuraci\u00f3 per a l'agrupaci\u00f3 de connexions JDBC.\n\Podeu triar una connexi\u00f3 existent a una base de dades per extreure'n la informaci\u00f3, o b\u00e9 introduir la informaci\u00f3 de configuraci\u00f3.\n\Fields with an * mark are required.
ACS_pool-nameA11yDesc=Introdu\u00efu un valor per al nou nom de l'agrupaci\u00f3 de connexions JDBC.
ACS_descriptionA11yDesc=Introdu\u00efu el valor per a la descripci\u00f3 de l'agrupaci\u00f3 de connexions JDBC.
ACS_ExistingConnectionA11yDesc=Seleccioneu aquesta opci\u00f3 per a seleccionar des de connexions existents.
ACS_ExistingConnectionComboBoxA11yName=Quadre desplegable de connexions existents
ACS_ExistingConnectionComboBoxA11yDesc=Quadre desplegable que cont\u00e9 totes les connexions existents a bases de dades.
ACS_NewConnectionA11yDesc=Select this option to create a new connection by selecting a Database Vendor Name.
ACS_NewConnectionComboBoxA11yName=Database Vendors combo box
ACS_NewConnectionComboBoxA11yDesc=Combo box containing Database Vendor Names.
ACS_isXA_A11yDesc=Casella de selecci\u00f3 per a crear una agrupaci\u00f3 de connexions JDBC amb transaccions globals.
## Labels for Properties Panel of Connection Pool
CPPropertyPanel_Description=Enter the Datasource Classname, URL, and User to continue.\nHit the Enter key to save values in the Properties table.
LBL_datasource-classname=Datasource &Classname:
LBL_res-type=Resource &Type:
ACS_datasource-classnamefieldA11yDesc=DataSource implementation class name is filled in depending on choice in previous step of the wizard.
ACS_res-typefieldA11yDesc=Camp de nom\u00e9s lectura que mostra el tipus de recurs de l'agrupaci\u00f3 de connexions JDBC.
ACS_propTableA11yDesc=Table containing Standard JDBC DataSource Properties. User can add or delete properties using the Add and Remove buttons.
ToolTip_datasource-classname=DataSource implementation class name
## PropertiesTable
ACS_AddButtonA11yDesc=Afegir propietat
ACS_RemoveButtonA11yDesc=Remove a Property
CommonPropertyPanel_Description=Afegir informaci\u00f3 de configuraci\u00f3 addicional per al recurs {0}.\nHit the Enter key to save values in the Properties table.
TITLE_CommonPropertyPanel=Propietats addicionals
ACS_propTableCommon_A11yDesc=Table containing Additional Properties for configuring the resource. User can add or delete properties using the Add and Remove buttons.
## Database vendor display names
#DBVendor_oracle=Oracle (OCI)
#DBVendor_oracle-thin=Oracle thin
DBVendor_sybase1=Sybase (jConnect 4.2 and earlier)
DBVendor_sybase2=Sybase (jConnect 5.2)
DBVendor_datadirect_sql=Microsoft SQL Server (DataDirect Connect for JDBC)
DBVendor_datadirect_oracle=Oracle (DataDirect Connect for JDBC)
DBVendor_datadirect_db2=IBM DB2 (DataDirect Connect for JDBC)
DBVendor_datadirect_informix=Informix Dynamic Server (DataDirect Connect for JDBC)
DBVendor_datadirect_sybase=Sybase (DataDirect Connect for JDBC)
DBVendor_pointbase=PointBase 4.8
DBVendor_cloudscape=Cloudscape driver
DBVendor_informix=IBM Informix driver
DBVendor_mysql=MySQL (MM MySQL driver)
DBVendor_db2=IBM DB2 7.1
DBVendor_sql-server=Microsoft SQL Server (Weblogic driver)
DBVendor_jdbc-odbc-bridge=JDBC-ODBC Bridge
DBVendor_derby_net=Java DB (xarxa)
DBVendor_sun_db2=Sun DataDirect driver for DB2
DBVendor_sun_msftsql=Sun DataDirect driver for Microsoft SQL Server
DBVendor_sun_sybase=Sun DataDirect driver for Sybase
DBVendor_sun_oracle=Sun DataDirect driver for Oracle
DBVendor_microsoft_sql=Microsoft SQL Server JDBC Driver
DBVendor_jtds_sql=jTDS (SQL Server)
DBVendor_jtds_sybase=jTDS (Sybase Server)
## Labels for Common Attribute Wizard Panel shared by resources
## Connection Pool
LBL_GROUP_pool-setting=Pool Settings
LBL_GROUP_pool-setting-2=Transaction Isolation
LBL_GROUP_pool-setting-3=Connection Validation
MSG_NotNumber=Input value must be a number
ACS_LBL_GROUP_pool-settingA11yDesc=Editar les propietats de les prefer\u00e8ncies d'agrupaci\u00f3 de l'agrupaci\u00f3 de connexions JDBC
ACS_LBL_GROUP_pool-setting-2A11yDesc=Editar les propietats de l'a\u00efllament de les transfer\u00e8ncies de l'agrupaci\u00f3 de connexions JDBC
ACS_LBL_GROUP_pool-setting-3A11yDesc=Editar les propietats de la validaci\u00f3 de les connexions de l'agrupaci\u00f3 de connexions JDBC
ACS_LBL_GROUP_generalA11yDesc=Edit General properties of JavaMail Session resource
ACS_LBL_GROUP_advancedA11yDesc=Edit Advanced properties of JavaMail Session resource
LBL_steady-pool-size=&Steady Pool Size:
LBL_max-pool-size=&Max Pool Size:
LBL_max-wait-time-in-millis=Max &Wait time:
LBL_pool-resize-quantity=&Pool Resize Quantity:
LBL_idle-timeout-in-seconds=&Idle Timeout (secs):
LBL_transaction-isolation-level=&Transaction Isolation:
LBL_is-isolation-level-guaranteed=&Guarantee Isolation Level:
LBL_is-connection-validation-required=Connection Validation &Required:
LBL_connection-validation-method=&Validation Method:
LBL_validation-table-name=T&able Name:
LBL_fail-all-connections=Fail All C&onnections:
LBL_non-transactional-connections=&Non Transactional Connections:
LBL_allow-non-component-callers=Allow Non &Component Callers:
ToolTip_steady-pool-size=Steady Pool Size
ToolTip_max-pool-size=Max Pool Size
ToolTip_max-wait-time-in-millis=Max Wait time
ToolTip_pool-resize-quantity=Pool Resize Quantity
ToolTip_idle-timeout-in-seconds=Idle Timeout (secs)
ToolTip_transaction-isolation-level=Transaction Isolation
ToolTip_is-isolation-level-guaranteed=Guarantee Isolation Level
ToolTip_is-connection-validation-required=Connection Validation Required
ToolTip_connection-validation-method=Validation Method
ToolTip_validation-table-name=Nom taula.
ToolTip_fail-all-connections=Fail All Connections
ToolTip_non-transactional-connections=Non Transactional Connections
ToolTip_allow-non-component-callers=Allow Non Component Callers
COL_HEADER_ERR_ERR_ERR=Properties column can only be 0 or 1
Err_DuplicateValue=Duplicar propietat. Property Name should be unique.
##DataSource Wizard
TITLE_general=General Attributes
LBL_GeneralAttributes_DS=Atributs generals - Recurs JDBC
LBL_GeneralAttributes_PM=General Attributes - Persistence Manager
LBL_GeneralAttributes_JMS=General Attributes - JMS Resource
LBL_GeneralAttributes_MAIL=General Attributes - JavaMail Session
ExistingResource_DS=&Utilitzar una agrupaci\u00f3 existent de connexions JDBC
ExistingResource_PM=&Utilitzar recurs JDBC existent
NewResource_DS=Crear una nova agrupaci\u00f3 de connexions JDBC
NewResource_PM=Crear nou recurs JDBC
NoResource_DS=< Sense agrupaci\u00f3 de connexions JDBC >
NoResource_PM=<sense recurs JDBC>
ACS_ExistingResourceA11yDesc_DS=Seleccioneu aquesta opci\u00f3 per a triar des d'una agrupaci\u00f3 existent de connexions JDBC.
ACS_ExistingResourceComboBoxA11yDesc_DS=Quadre desplegable de totes les agrupacions existents de connexions JDBC.
ACS_NewResourceA11yDesc_DS=Seleccioneu aquesta opci\u00f3 per a crear una nova agrupaci\u00f3 de connexions JDBC.
jdbc-resource_Description=Proporcioneu la informaci\u00f3 per al recurs JDBC.\n\Either choose an existing JDBC Connection Pool, or create a new JDBC Connection Pool.\n\Fields with an * mark are required.
LBL_jndi-name=&JNDI Name:*
LBL_pool-name=Nom de l'agru&paci\u00f3 de connexions JDBC*:
LBL_object-type=&Object Type:
ToolTip_jndi-name=JNDI Name:
ToolTip_pool-name=Nom de l'agrupaci\u00f3 de connexions JDBC:
ToolTip_object-type=Object Type:
jms-resource_Description=Introdu\u00efu la informaci\u00f3 de la configuraci\u00f3 per al recurs JMS. Fields with an * mark are required.
LBL_jms-provider=J&MS Provider:
ToolTip_jms-provider=JMS Provider:
LBL_resource-type=Choose Resource Type:*
ToolTip_resource-type=Choose JMS Resource Type
LBL_jms-connector=Connector Resource
LBL_jms-admin-object=Admin Object Resource
jms-connector_Description=This will create a new Java Message Service Connection Factory (Connector Resource). This also creates a Connector Connection pool for the factory.
jms-admin-object_Description=This will create a new Java Message Service Destination Resource (Admin Object Resource).\\\
JMSPropertyPanel_Description=Afegir informaci\u00f3 de configuraci\u00f3 addicional per al tipus de recurs JMS {0}.\nHit the Enter key to save values in the Properties table.
TITLE_JMSPropertyPanel=JMS Properties
ACS_propTableJMS_A11yDesc=Table containing Properties for configuring the JMS Resource. User can add or delete properties using the Add and Remove buttons.
## MailWard
mail-resource_Description=Proporciona informaci\u00f3 de configuraci\u00f3 del recurs de sessi\u00f3 JavaMail.\n\Fields with an * mark are required.
LBL_host=Ordinador central de correu:*
LBL_user=Default &User:*
LBL_from=&Adre\u00e7a de retorn predeterminada:*
LBL_debug=Debu&g Enabled:
LBL_store-protocol=&Store Protocol:
LBL_store-protocol-class=Store &Protocol Class:
LBL_transport-protocol=&Transport Protocol:
LBL_transport-protocol-class=T&ransport Protocol Class:
ToolTip_host=Mail Host
ToolTip_user=Default User
ToolTip_from=Default Return Address
ToolTip_debug=Debug Enabled
ToolTip_store-protocol=Store Protocol
ToolTip_store-protocol-class=Store Protocol Class
ToolTip_transport-protocol=Transport Protocol
ToolTip_transport-protocol-class=Transport Protocol Class
TITLE_MailPropertyPanel=Mail Session Properties
MailPropertyPanel_Description=Add additional configuration for JavaMail Session {0}.\nHit the Enter key to save values in the Properties table.
ACS_propTableMail_A11yDesc=Table containing Properties for configuring a JavaMail Session resource. User can add or remove properties.
## PMWizard
persistence-manager-factory-resource_Description=Provide configuration information for the Persistence Manager Resource.\n\Either choose an existing JDBC Resource, or create a new JDBC Resource.\n\Fields with an * mark are required.
LBL_factory-class=F&actory Class:
LBL_jdbc-resource-jndi-name=JDB&C Resource JNDI Name:
ToolTip_factory-class=Factory Class:
ToolTip_jdbc-resource-jndi-name=Nom JDNI per al recurs JDBC:
ACS_ExistingResourceA11yDesc_PM=Seleccioneu aquesta opci\u00f3 per a triar des dels recursos JDBC existents.
ACS_ExistingResourceComboBoxA11yDesc_PM=Quadre desplegable que cont\u00e9 tots els recursos JDBC existents.
ACS_NewResourceA11yDesc_PM=Seleccioneu aquesta opci\u00f3 per a crear un nou recurs JDBC.
Templates/SunResources/JDBC_Connection_Pool=Agrupaci\u00f3 de connexions JDBC
Templates/SunResources/JDBC_Resource=Recurs JDBC
Templates/SunResources/Persistence_Resource=Persistence Resource
Templates/SunResources/JavaMail_Resource=Sessi\u00f3 JavaMail
Templates/SunResources/JMS_Resource=Recurs JMS
Err_AOName=JMS resource (Admin Object) requires a valid property : Name
Err_InvalidNameValue=Properties should have non-empty Name and Value. Use '()' to indicate that a Value is an empty string.
Err_InvalidJndiName=Provide a valid value for JNDI Name
Err_DuplFileJndiName=Please provide unique name for resource, (Mapped as : type/name = type_name)
Err_DuplFileName=Please provide unique name for resource
Err_InvalidName=Provide a valid value for Name
Err_ChooseDBConn=Choose an existing Database Connection from the list
Err_ChooseDBVendor=Choose a Database Vendor from the list
Err_EmptyValue=Please provide valid value for : {0}
Err_ChooseOrCreatePool=Choose an existing connection pool or create one
Err_ChooseOrCreateDS=Trieu un recurs JDBC existent o b\u00e9 creu-n'hi un de nou
Err_InvalidSetup=Selected project does not support creation of GlassFish Resources
StepName_OptionalConnectionPool=Specify Optional Properties for Connection Pool
LBL_PoolSettings_Title=Pool Settings
LBL_SteadyPoolSize=&Steady Pool Size\:
LBL_MaxPoolSize=&Max Pool Size\:
LBL_MaxWaitTime=Max &Wait Time\:
LBL_PoolResize=&Pool Resize Quantity\:
LBL_IdleTime=&Idle Timeout (secs)\:
LBL_TranIsol_Title=Transaction Isolation
LBL_TranIsolation=&Transaction Isolation\:
LBL_Guarantee=&Guarantee Isolation Level\:
LBL_NonTransactional=&Non Transactional Connections\:
LBL_ConnValid_Title=Connection Validation
LBL_ConnValidationReq=Connection Validation &Required\:
LBL_ValidationMethod=&Validation Method\:
LBL_TableName=T&able Name\:
LBL_FailAll=Fail All C&onnections\:
LBL_AllowCallers=Allow Non &Component Callers\:
ACSD_OptionalConnectionPool_panel=Proporcioneu els valor per a les propietats addicionals per a l'agrupaci\u00f3 de connexions JDBC
ACSD_LBL_PoolSettings_Title=Editar les propietats de les prefer\u00e8ncies d'agrupaci\u00f3 de l'agrupaci\u00f3 de connexions JDBC
ACSD_LBL_TranIsol_Title=Editar les propietats de l'a\u00efllament de les transfer\u00e8ncies de l'agrupaci\u00f3 de connexions JDBC
ACSD_LBL_ConnValid_Title=Editar les propietats de la validaci\u00f3 de les connexions de l'agrupaci\u00f3 de connexions JDBC