blob: 57d604826eacb1d585358dbd8f620ff120b8236a [file] [log] [blame]
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ACSD_Configure=Seleccioneu els par\u00e0metres i les opcions per de l'executable depurat
# For error (dialog) stuff
PathmapWarning=la comanda pathmap de .dbxrc sobreescriu les prefer\u00e8ncies de la configuraci\u00f3
CorefileError=Error en el fitxer del nucli
CoreNameMismatch=The core file name does not match the executable.
CoreNameExtract=Unable to extract program name from the core file.
CoreOld=The core file is older than the executable.
CoreLoadAnyway=Load core file anyway
ACSD_CoreLoadAnyway=Load core file anyway
# OLD CoreSelect=OK
MSG_CorefileUnknown=If you entered commands in the Dbx Commands tab, the Debugger does not know the full name of the core file.
SourceOODTitle=Fonts modificades
SourceOODMesg=El fitxer de codi actual \u00e9s m\u00e9s recent que l'executable.
SourceOODWarn=advert\u00e8ncia: el fitxer de codi actual \u00e9s m\u00e9s recent que el fitxer de l'executable o de l'objecte.
ACSD_SourceOODIgnore=Bot\u00f3 d'ignorar
SourceOODFix=Corregir-ho tot
ACSD_SourceOODFix=Corregir tots els fitxers
ACSN_WarningArea=Text d'advert\u00e8ncia
ACSD_WarningArea=Text d'advert\u00e8ncia
# OLD # {0} here is the path to the dbx as the debugger expects it
# OLD MSG_NoEngineFound=Could not find debugger engine; it should be installed as\n{0}
# OLD MSG_NoGdbFound=Could not find gdb; it should be installed in\n{0}
MSG_NoSource=Sense informaci\u00f3 per a \"main\". Compilar amb l'opci\u00f3 -g.\n\n(Suggeriment: Podeu deshabilitar aquesta advert\u00e8ncia al quadre de di\u00e0leg d'opcions de depuraci\u00f3.)
# {0} breakpoint type
# {1} debugger engine name
FMT_UnsupportedBpt=El punt d''interrupci\u00f3 de tipus {0} no est\u00e0 suportat per {1}
# Status area messages
Loading=Carregant {0}
Loaded=S''ha carregat {0}
AttachedToProc=Adjuntat al proc\u00e9s {0}
ProgStarted=Programa iniciat, pid {0}
LoadedCore=Loaded core file {0}
FixBuildingFile=Corregir i continuar: Construint {0}
FixDone=Fix and Continue: {0} out of {1} succeeded.
FixFailedMsg=Corregir i continuar: Error en la construcci\u00f3 de {0}
ReadyToRun=Preparat per l'execuci\u00f3
ButtonIgnored=Button Ignored
Dis_MSG_NoSource=Sense informaci\u00f3 simb\u00f2lica.
# Stuff used by SignalDialog
# {0} is the session name.
SignalTitle={0} - Senyal capturada
ACSD_SignalCaught=S'ha capturat una senyal
ACSN_SignalMsgArea=Informaci\u00f3 de la senyal
ACSD_SignalMsgArea=Informaci\u00f3 de la senyal
# {0} is the process id of the originating process
SignalSrc=Des del proc\u00e9s: {0}
# {0} is the session name of the receiving program
# {1} is the process id of the receiving program
SignalDst=Per al programa {0}, pid {1,number,integer}
SignalHelp=You may discard the signal or forward it and you may continue or pause the process
SignalConfigHint=Per a controlar quines senyals s\u00f3n capturades o ignorades utilitzeu Depuraci\u00f3->Configurar Dbx
SignalAddToIgnore=No tornis a capturar aquesta senyal
ACSD_Signal_AddToIgnore=No tornis a capturar aquesta senyal
SignalDiscardAndPause=Descartar i pausa
ACSD_Signal_DiscardAndPause=Descartar senyal i pausa
SignalDiscardAndContinue=Descartar i continuar
ACSD_Signal_DiscardAndContinue=Descartar senyal i reprendre
SignalForwardAndContinue=Avan\u00e7ar i continuar
ACSD_Signal_ForwardAndContinue=Avan\u00e7ar senyal i reprendre
# for CallStack view
PROP_frame_location=Localitzaci\u00f3 dels fonts
HINT_frame_location=Source location (requires verbose stack traces)
PROP_frame_number=N\u00famero de marc
HINT_frame_number=N\u00famero de marc
HINT_frame_optimized=Aquesta funci\u00f3 est\u00e0 optimitzada?
PROP_frame_current_pc=Comptador de programa actual
HINT_frame_current_pc=Program Counter of the callsite for this frame
PROP_frame_loadobj=Carregar objecte
HINT_frame_loadobj=Load Object this function belongs to
# same as debuggercore:
ACT_Pop_Caller=Pop Topmost Call
ACT_Make_Current=Fer que sigui l'actual
ACT_PopTo_Here=Pop To Here
ACT_Copy_Stack=Copiar la pila
MSG_MORE_FRAME=double click to get more frames
MSG_DEBUGGER_CALL=cridat des del depurador
# {0} is the signal name
# {1} is the signal number
MSG_SIGNAL_HANDLER=encarregat del tractament del senyal {0} ({1})
# for Threads view
HINT_thread_state=Estat del fil
HINT_thread_suspended=S'ha susp\u00e8s el fil a trav\u00e9s del depurador
HINT_priority=Prioritat del fil
HINT_lwp=LWP id and association (is thread (a)ctive on, (b)ound to the LWP or ne ither)
PROP_startup_flags=Startup flags
HINT_startup_flags=Flags passed in at thread creation
PROP_executing_function=Funci\u00f3 en execuci\u00f3
HINT_executing_function=Fil de la funci\u00f3 en execuci\u00f3
PROP_start_function=Funci\u00f3 d'inici
HINT_start_function=La funci\u00f3 que va cridar l'inici del fil
HINT_thread_address=Adre\u00e7a de l'objecte del fil
HINT_size=Mida de la pila (bytes)
HINT_id=ID del fil
# for Watches view
ACT_WATCH_NewWatch=Nova observaci\u00f3
ACT_WATCH_DeleteAll=Eliminar-ho tot
ACT_WATCH_Inherited=Membres heretats
ACT_WATCH_Dynamic=Tipus din\u00e0mic
ACT_WATCH_Static=Membres est\u00e0tics
CTL_WatchesModel_Empty_Watch_Hint=Introdu\u00efu una nova observaci\u00f3
# for Session view
PROP_session_debugger=Motor de depuraci\u00f3
HINT_session_debugger=Motor de depuraci\u00f3
PROP_session_state=Estat del proc\u00e9s
HINT_session_state=Estat del proc\u00e9s
PROP_session_pid=ID del proc\u00e9s
HINT_session_pid=ID del proc\u00e9s
HINT_session_location=Localitzaci\u00f3 del programa
HINT_session_mode=Mode de sessi\u00f3 (MT, Access, MemUse)
HINT_session_host=Equip on s'executa el dbx
HINT_session_args=Arguments del programa
HINT_session_core=Location of Core file
MSG_session_core_file=Core file
MSG_session_exited=Ha sortit
# for Variables in Watch/Locals view
ACT_Static=Membres est\u00e0tics
ACT_Inherited=Membres heretats
ACT_Dynamic=Tipus din\u00e0mic
ACT_Output_Format=Base de sortida
ACT_ABrowser=Browse Array
HINT_name=Nom de la variable
HINT_value=Valor de la variable
HINT_type=Tipus de la variable
PROP_dtype=Tipus declarat
HINT_dtype=Tipus declarat de la variable
HINT_address=Adre\u00e7a de la variable
# Error messages
MSG_UnknownFailure=Error desconegut
# For DebuggerAnnotation
TOOLTIP_DISABLED_CONDITIONAL_BREAKPOINT=Punt d'interrupci\u00f3 condicional deshabilitat
TOOLTIP_DISABLED_BREAKPOINT=Punt d'interrupci\u00f3 deshabilitat
TOOLTIP_CALLSITE=L\u00ednia pila de crida
TOOLTIP_BREAKPOINT=Punt d'interrupci\u00f3
TOOLTIP_CONDITIONAL_BREAKPOINT=Punt d'interrupci\u00f3 condicional
TOOLTIP_CURRENT_PC=Comptador de programa actual
# StartDebuggerPanel
TITLE_StartNewSession=Iniciar nova sessi\u00f3
# {0} description of program already being debugged
# {1} name of host program is being debugged on
FMT_StartNewSession=Un programa,\n\t{0}\nest\u00e0 a punt de depurar-se en {1}.\nTrieu Reutilitzar sessi\u00f3 actual, per sortir del programa i comen\u00e7ar la depuraci\u00f3 del nou programa, trieu Iniciar sessi\u00f3 addiciona, per depurar tant l'actual com el nou programa, o trieu Cancel\u00b7lar, per a continuar la depuraci\u00f3 \u00fanicament del programa actual.
CTL_session_reuse=Reutilitzar sempre sessions existents quan es carreguin nous objectius
ACSD_session_reuse=Reutilitzar sempre sessions existents quan es carreguin nous objectius
CTL_FinishAndStart=Reutilitzar sessi\u00f3 actual
ACSD_FinishAndStart=Reutilitzar sessi\u00f3 actual
CTL_StartNewSession=Iniciar sessi\u00f3 addicional
ACSD_StartNewSession=Iniciar sessi\u00f3 addicional
# OW: Evaluation window
CTL_Evaluation=Avaluaci\u00f3 d'expressions
TITLE_EvaluationWindow=Avaluaci\u00f3 d'expressions
TITLE_EvaluationView=Avaluaci\u00f3 d'expressions
HINT_Expression=Expressi\u00f3 (decimal)
HINT_Output_format=Format de sortida
LBL_File= Fitxer:
LBL_Function= Funci\u00f3:
Col_Address= Adre\u00e7a
# Followfork stuff
TTL_ProcForkHeader=Seguir al fork
ACSD_Followfork=El proc\u00e9s est\u00e0 a punt de fer un fork
ProcForkQuestion=El proc\u00e9s est\u00e0 a punt de fer un fork
ProcForkStopAfter=Aturar el seguiment del proc\u00e9s pare abans del fork (el fil que segueix sempre s'atura)
ACSD_FollowStopAfter=Aturar el seguiment del proc\u00e9s pare abans del fork
ProcForkParent=Seguir al pare
ACSD_FollowParent=Seguir al proc\u00e9s pare
ProcForkChild=Seguir al fill
ACSD_FollowChild=Seguir al proc\u00e9s fill
ProcForkBoth=Seguir ambd\u00f3s
ACSD_FollowBoth=Seguir ambd\u00f3s processos
ProcForkStop=Decidir despr\u00e9s
ACSD_FollowStop=Pausa i decidir despr\u00e9s
# Misc.
TITLE_ProgramIOWindow=E/S del programa
Threads_Table_SignalsTip=Set of signals that the thread wants to catch/react to
Stack_Table_SignalTip=Signals raised, if any
CTL_LocalFileOnly=Can only debug executables that reside in local file systems
CTL_DebugCorefile=Load Core File
LBL_DebugCorefile=Load Core File
MSG_BadCoreFile=An invalid core file name was given in the core file chooser
MSG_InvalidIO=The Debugger could not obtain the I/O of this process. If you attached to this process, look in the terminal window where the process was started. If you loaded a core file, the I/O of the particular run is lost.
CorefileError=Error en el fitxer del nucli
CorefileChooser=Choose Core File
Corefile_Corefile=Core File:
SelectCorefile=Choose Core File
ACSD_Configure=Seleccioneu els par\u00e0metres i les opcions per de l'executable depurat
PathmapWarning=la comanda pathmap de .dbxrc sobreescriu les prefer\u00e8ncies de la configuraci\u00f3
OPTION_EXEC32=Utilitzar Dbx a 32 bits
ACSD_OPTION_EXEC32=Utilitzar Dbx a 32 bits
EXEC32MSG=64-bit Dbx can't debug 32-bit application; check box and re-start dbx
OPTION_EXEC64=Utilitzar Dbx a 64 bits
ACSD_OPTION_EXEC64=Utilitzar Dbx a 64 bits
EXEC64MSG=32-bit Dbx can't debug 64-bit application; check box and re-start dbx
REMOVINGWARNING_D=The -D and -E options for debugging an executable file that is not part of project might be removed from the sunstudio command in a future release. You might want to try using the stand-alone debugger GUI dbxtool instead of the IDE to debug your executable file.
ERR_no_set_til_session=Cannot set breakpoints until a program has been loaded in the debugger
# GdbHandlerExpert
MSG_OnlyStopGdb=Only Stop action is supported by gdb
MSG_NoWhileGdb=While in option not supported by gdb
MSG_NoLwpGdb=LWP option not supported by gdb
# Disassembly window
Dis_MSG_NoSource=Sense informaci\u00f3 simb\u00f2lica.
Hint_Show_Autos=Mostrar Actes en comptes de Variables locals
LBL_ResolveMissingDebugger_Title=Resolve Missing Debugger Command