blob: 6980fcd35fe2bf6a2f9caa10fd52f07c2fdf010e [file] [log] [blame]
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# {0} - repository folder name
CTL_MenuItem_PushBranchRoot=\u63a8\u5165\u5f53\u524d\u5206\u652f - {0}(&S)
# {0} - repository folder name
CTL_MenuItem_PushRoot=\u63a8\u5165\u6240\u6709\u5206\u652f - {0}(&A)
# {0} - branch name
MSG_PUSH_PROGRESS = \u6b63\u5728\u63a8\u5165...
# Capitalized letters used intentionally to emphasize the words in an output window, should be translated
MSG_PUSH_TO = \u4fe1\u606f: \u5df2\u63a8\u5165\u81f3: {0} - {1}
# {0} - names of new branches
MSG_PushAction.questionPushNewBranches=\u63a8\u5165\u64cd\u4f5c\u5c06\u521b\u5efa\u65b0\u7684\u8fdc\u7a0b\u5206\u652f: {0}\u3002\n\u662f\u5426\u4ecd\u8981\u7ee7\u7eed\u5e76\u4e14\u8fd8\u63a8\u5165\u672c\u5730\u5206\u652f?
# Capitalized letters used intentionally to emphasize the words in an output window, should be translated
MSG_PUSHING_TO = \u4fe1\u606f: \u6b63\u5728\u63a8\u5165\u81f3: {0} - {1}...
# Capitalized letters used intentionally to emphasize the words in an output window, should be translated
MSG_PUSH_FROM = \u4fe1\u606f: \u4ece{0} - {1}\u63a8\u5165
# Capitalized letters used intentionally to emphasize the words in an output window, should be translated
MSG_PUSH_FROM_NONAME = \u4fe1\u606f: \u4ece{0}\u63a8\u5165
# Capitalized letters used intentionally to emphasize the words in an output window, should be translated
MSG_PUSH_TO_NONAME = \u4fe1\u606f: \u5df2\u63a8\u5165\u81f3: {0}
# Capitalized letters used intentionally to emphasize the words in an output window, should be translated
MSG_PUSHING_TO_NONAME = \u4fe1\u606f: \u6b63\u5728\u63a8\u5165\u81f3: {0}...
MSG_PUSH_TITLE = Mercurial \u63a8\u5165
# Capitalized letters used intentionally to emphasize the words in an output window, should be translated
MSG_PUSH_DONE = \u4fe1\u606f: Mercurial \u63a8\u5165\u7ed3\u675f
# Capitalized letters used intentionally to emphasize the words in an output window, should be translated
MSG_PUSH_UPDATE_DONE = \u4fe1\u606f: \u5df2\u5728\u63a8\u5165{0}\u540e\u5b8c\u6210\u66f4\u65b0 - {1}
# Capitalized letters used intentionally to emphasize the words in an output window, should be translated
MSG_PUSH_UPDATE_DONE_NONAME = \u4fe1\u606f: \u5df2\u5728\u63a8\u5165{0}\u540e\u5b8c\u6210\u66f4\u65b0
# Capitalized letters used intentionally to emphasize the words in an output window, should be translated
MSG_PUSH_UPDATE_NEEDED_NONAME = \u4fe1\u606f: \u63a8\u5165{0}\u540e\u9700\u8981\u6267\u884c\u66f4\u65b0
# Capitalized letters used intentionally to emphasize the words in an output window, should be translated
MSG_CHANGESETS_TO_PUSH = \u4fe1\u606f: \u8981\u63a8\u5165\u7684\u66f4\u6539\u96c6:
MSG_PUSH_ERROR_TITLE = \u65e0\u6cd5\u6267\u884c\u63a8\u5165\u64cd\u4f5c
MSG_PUSH_ERROR_QUERY = \u5c06\u4e0d\u6267\u884c\u63a8\u5165\u64cd\u4f5c, \u56e0\u4e3a\u6b64\u64cd\u4f5c\u4f1a\u521b\u5efa\u8fdc\u7a0b\u5206\u652f\u3002\n\n\u60a8\u5fc5\u987b\u9996\u5148\u8fdb\u884c\u91cd\u65b0\u540c\u6b65, \u65b9\u6cd5\u662f: \u4ece\u76ee\u6807\u8d44\u6e90\u5e93\u4e2d\u6267\u884c\u63d0\u53d6\u64cd\u4f5c, \u7136\u540e\u8fdb\u884c\u5408\u5e76\u3002
# Capitalized letters used intentionally to emphasize the words in an output window, should be translated
MSG_PUSH_ERROR_CANCELED = \u4fe1\u606f: \u65e0\u6cd5\u6267\u884c\u63a8\u5165\u64cd\u4f5c, \u56e0\u4e3a\u6b64\u64cd\u4f5c\u4f1a\u521b\u5efa\u8fdc\u7a0b\u5206\u652f
MSG_NO_DEFAULT_PUSH_SET = \u6b64\u9879\u76ee\u672a\u8bbe\u7f6e\u9ed8\u8ba4\u63a8\u5165\u8def\u5f84\u3002\n\n\u8bf7\u4f7f\u7528\u201cMercurial > \u5c5e\u6027\u201d\u6765\u8bbe\u7f6e\u9ed8\u8ba4\u63a8\u5165\u8def\u5f84\u3002
MSG_NO_DEFAULT_PUSH_SET_MSG = \u6b64\u9879\u76ee\u672a\u8bbe\u7f6e\u9ed8\u8ba4\u63a8\u5165\u8def\u5f84\u3002\n\u8bf7\u4f7f\u7528\u201cMercurial > \u5c5e\u6027\u201d\u6765\u8bbe\u7f6e\u9ed8\u8ba4\u63a8\u5165\u8def\u5f84\u3002
MSG_DEFAULT_PUSH_INVALID = \u4e3a\u6b64\u9879\u76ee\u8bbe\u7f6e\u7684\u9ed8\u8ba4\u63a8\u5165\u8def\u5f84\n ({0})\n\u4e0d\u662f\u6709\u6548\u7684 Mercurial URL\u3002\n\u8bf7\u4f7f\u7528\u201cMercurial > \u5c5e\u6027\u201d\u6765\u8bbe\u7f6e\u6709\u6548\u7684\u63a8\u5165\u8def\u5f84\u3002
MSG_PUSH_MERGE_CONFIRM_TITLE = \u786e\u8ba4\u63a8\u5165\u540e\u6267\u884c\u5408\u5e76
MSG_PUSH_MERGE_CONFIRM_QUERY = \u63a8\u5165\u5df2\u5b8c\u6210, \u9700\u8981\u6267\u884c\u5408\u5e76\u3002\n\u662f\u5426\u7acb\u5373\u5408\u5e76\u63a8\u5165\u7684\u66f4\u6539?
MSG_PUSH_MERGE_UNCOMMITTED_CONFIRM_QUERY = \u63a8\u5165\u5df2\u5b8c\u6210, \u4e14\u5b58\u5728\u672a\u63d0\u4ea4\u7684\u5408\u5e76\u5185\u5bb9\u3002\n\u9700\u8981\u6267\u884c\u5408\u5e76\u3002\n\u662f\u5426\u7acb\u5373\u5408\u5e76\u63a8\u5165\u7684\u66f4\u6539?
# Capitalized letters used intentionally to emphasize the words in an output window, should be translated
MSG_PUSH_MERGE_DO = \u4fe1\u606f: \u5408\u5e76: \u5bf9\u63a8\u5165\u7684\u66f4\u6539\u6267\u884c\u5408\u5e76\u64cd\u4f5c
MSG_PUSH_LOCALMODS_CONFIRM_QUERY = \u5b58\u5728\u51b2\u7a81\u6587\u4ef6/\u672c\u5730\u4fee\u6539\u7684\u6587\u4ef6/\u65b0\u6587\u4ef6, \u63a8\u5165\u64cd\u4f5c\u5c06\u8986\u76d6\u8fd9\u4e9b\u6587\u4ef6\u3002\n\u662f\u5426\u4ecd\u8981\u6267\u884c\u63a8\u5165\u64cd\u4f5c?
MSG_PUSH_LOCALMODS_CONFIRM_TITLE = \u786e\u8ba4\u5bf9\u672c\u5730\u4fee\u6539\u6267\u884c\u63a8\u5165\u64cd\u4f5c
# Capitalized letters used intentionally to emphasize the words in an output window, should be translated
MSG_PUSH_LOCALMODS_CANCEL = \u4fe1\u606f: \u7528\u6237\u5df2\u53d6\u6d88\u63a8\u5165\u64cd\u4f5c, \u56e0\u4e3a\u5b58\u5728\u51b2\u7a81\u6587\u4ef6/\u672c\u5730\u4fee\u6539\u7684\u6587\u4ef6/\u65b0\u6587\u4ef6
MSG_EXTERNAL_REPOSITORY = <\u5916\u90e8\u8d44\u6e90\u5e93>
CTL_PushDialog_Title = \u201c\u63a8\u5165\u201d\u5bf9\u8bdd\u6846
CTL_Push_Action_Push = \u63a8\u5165(&P)
ACSD_Push_Action_Push = \u63a8\u5165
ACSN_Push_Action_Push = \u63a8\u5165
CTL_Push_Action_Cancel = \u53d6\u6d88(&C)
ACSD_Push_Action_Cancel = \u53d6\u6d88
ACSN_Push_Action_Cancel = \u53d6\u6d88