blob: ea4520f5002cd347fc4cdea5bd50e6573a632807 [file] [log] [blame]
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OpenIDE-Module-Name=Datasystems API
OpenIDE-Module-Short-Description=Veri nesnelerini i\u015flemek i\u00e7in NetBeans Open API'\u0131
OpenIDE-Module-Long-Description=Datasystems API, Filesystems API \u00fczerinde veri nesnelerini tan\u0131yan ve gruplayan ve onlara belirli anlamlar veren bir katmand\u0131r. \u00d6nceden genel Open API'lar\u0131n bir par\u00e7as\u0131yken, \u015fimdi ba\u011f\u0131ms\u0131z bir mod\u00fcle d\u00f6n\u00fc\u015ft\u00fc.
HINT_DefaultDataObject=Bilinmeyen Dosya
EXC_SharedAccess=Payla\u015f\u0131lan eri\u015fim
EXC_ReorderFailed=Yeni s\u0131ralama kaydedilemiyor.
# {0} - folder that cannot be deleted
EXC_CannotDelete2={0} dosyas\u0131 silinemiyor.
# name for shadow of an object
# {0} real name of the shadow
# {1} real name of the original
# {2} full name of shadow file
# {3} full name of original file
# {4} display name of original node
FMT_shadowName={0} (\u2192)
# name for shadow of an object
# {0} real name of the shadow
# {1} real name of the original
# {2} full name of shadow file
# {3} full name of original file
FMT_shadowHint={3}'e Ba\u011flant\u0131
PROP_ShadowOriginalName=Orijinal Ad
HINT_ShadowOriginalName=Bu ba\u011flant\u0131n\u0131n i\u015faret etti\u011fi nesnenin ad\u0131
PROP_ShadowOriginalFileSystem=Dosya Sisteminin Orijinal Ad\u0131
HINT_ShadowOriginalFileSystem=Orjinal nesnenin dosya sisteminin ad\u0131
# DataNode
HINT_name=Bu nesnenin ad\u0131.
HINT_template=Do\u011fruysa, bu nesne \u015fablondur (kendisinden \u00f6rnek olu\u015fturabilir).
PROP_files=T\u00fcm Dosyalar
HINT_files=Bu nesne taraf\u0131ndan temsil edilen dosyalar\u0131n bir listesi.
PROP_size=Dosya boyutu
HINT_size=Dosyan\u0131n bayt olarak uzunlu\u011fu. (Sadece T\u00fcm Dosyalar i\u00e7erisinde listelenen ilk dosyaya uygulan\u0131r.)
PROP_lastModified=De\u011fi\u015fiklik Zaman\u0131
HINT_lastModified=Bu dosyan\u0131n en son de\u011fi\u015ftirildi\u011fi zaman. (Sadece T\u00fcm Dosyalar i\u00e7erisinde listelenen ilk dosyaya uygulan\u0131r.)
HINT_extension=Birincil dosya uzant\u0131s\u0131.
ERROR_extension=Uzant\u0131 de\u011fi\u015ftirilemiyor. Dosya de\u011fi\u015ftirildi.
# name of set with sorting options
HINT_sorting=Ayarlar\u0131 s\u0131ralar ve d\u00fczenler.
# folder sort mode property
PROP_sort=S\u0131ralama Kipi
HINT_sort=Paket i\u00e7erisindeki nesnelerin nas\u0131l s\u0131ralanmas\u0131 gerekti\u011fini belirler.
# SortModeEditor
VALUE_sort_names=Ada G\u00f6re
VALUE_sort_class=T\u00fcre G\u00f6re
VALUE_sort_folder_names=Ada G\u00f6re (\u00d6nce Paketler)
VALUE_sort_last_modified=De\u011fi\u015fiklik Zaman\u0131na G\u00f6re
VALUE_sort_size=Dosya Boyutuna G\u00f6re
# Names of paste types
PT_shadow=Ba\u011flant\u0131 O&lu\u015ftur
PT_instance=\u00d6ntan\u0131ml\u0131 \u00f6rnek
SerializeBean_Text=\u00d6rne\u011fi&n serile\u015ftirilece\u011fi dosya ismi.
SerializeBean_Title=\u00d6rnek Serile\u015ftirmesi
# new folder
CTL_NewFolderTitle=Yeni Klas\u00f6r Olu\u015ftur
# formatting of error message when creating a folder and a file of given name already exists there
# {0} name of the new folder being created
# {1} name of the folder the new folder is being created in
MSG_FMT_FileExists={0} dosyas\u0131 {1} klas\u00f6r\u00fcnde zaten mevcut.
# formatting of error message when creating a folder and a folder with specified name already exists there
# {0} name of the new folder being created
# {1} name of the folder the new folder is being created in
MSG_FMT_FolderExists={0} klas\u00f6r\u00fc {1} klas\u00f6r\u00fcnde zaten mevcut.
# when the object is larger than size expected to fit into memory
# {0} path to the file
# {1} name of the file
# {2} size in bytes
# {3} size in Kb
# {4} size in Mb
# {5} size in Gb
MSG_ObjectIsTooBig={1} dosyas\u0131 g\u00fcvenli bir \u015fekilde a\u00e7\u0131lamayacak kadar ({2,choice,0#{2}b|1024#{3} Kb|1100000#{4} Mb|1100000000#{5} Gb}) b\u00fcy\u00fck g\u00f6z\u00fck\u00fcyor. \nDosyan\u0131n a\u00e7\u0131lmas\u0131 IDE'yi kullan\u0131lamaz hale getirecek OutOfMemoryError hatas\u0131na neden olabilir. Ger\u00e7ekten onu a\u00e7mak istiyor musunuz?
# XMLDataObject
PROP_XmlLoader_Name=XML Yap\u0131land\u0131rma Dosyalar\u0131
PROP_XmlError=Hata (kurtar\u0131lamaz)
PROP_XmlFatalError=\u00d6L\u00dcMC\u00dcL HATA
###PROP_XmlMessage=#{0} \"{1}\" [{2}:{3},{4}]
#PROP_XmlMessage=#{0} \"{1}\" [{2}:{3}]
# ^^^ formatting of xml parser error message
# {0} level of error (PROP_Xml[Error|Warning|FatalError])
# {1} error message
# {2} system ID of xml document
# {3} line number
# {4} column number
# DataFolder
EXC_WrongName=Klas\u00f6r olu\u015fturulam\u0131yor; {0} ge\u00e7erli bir ad de\u011fil.
# {0} name of folder that can't be copied.
EXC_CannotCopyTheSame={0} kopyalanam\u0131yor: Hedef klas\u00f6r\u00fc kaynak klas\u00f6r ile ayn\u0131.
# {0} name of folder that can't be copied.
EXC_CannotCopySubfolder={0} kopyalanam\u0131yor: Hedef klas\u00f6r\u00fc kaynak klas\u00f6r\u00fcn\u00fcn alt klas\u00f6r\u00fc.
#Title of the new from template dialog
# {0} = object which will be created
CTL_TemplateTitle2=Yeni Sihirbaz - {0}
#Title of the new from template dialog
# Object is not known. Used when template chooser panel is shown.
CTL_TemplateTitle=Yeni Sihirbaz
LAB_TemplateChooserPanelName=\u015eablon Se\u00e7
LAB_SelectTemplateBorder=Bir \u015eablon &Se\u00e7
MSG_NoDescription=A\u00e7\u0131klama yok
MSG_InitDescription=A\u00e7\u0131klama haz\u0131rlan\u0131yor...
LAB_TemplateDescriptionBorder=\u015e&ablon A\u00e7\u0131klamas\u0131:
LAB_TargetLocationPanelName=Hedef Konumu
LAB_TargetLocationDescription=L\u00fctfen yeni olu\u015fturulmu\u015f nesne i\u00e7in bir klas\u00f6r se\u00e7in ya da klas\u00f6r ad\u0131n\u0131 a\u015fa\u011f\u0131ya girin:
EXC_folder_delete_failed=Kaynak klas\u00f6r\u00fc ta\u015f\u0131n\u0131rken silinemedi.
#{0} = display name of the filesystem
FMT_TemplateDefaultRootFolderName=<\u00fcst klas\u00f6r> [{0}]
FMT_DefaultNewObjectName=<\u00f6ntan\u0131ml\u0131 ad>
LBL_default_loader_display_name=Bilinmeyen Nesneler
LBL_instance_loader_display_name=Eylem \u00d6rnekleri
FMT_CannotCopyDo=Uyar\u0131: {0} nesnesi kopyalanam\u0131yor.
FMT_CannotMoveDo=Uyar\u0131: {0} nesnesi ta\u015f\u0131nam\u0131yor.
# InstanceDataObject
PROP_instance_class=S\u0131n\u0131f Ad\u0131
HINT_instance_class=Temsil edilen nesnenin Java s\u0131n\u0131f ad\u0131.
# {0} class name of bean to save
# {1} file to save the bean to
EXC_CannotSaveBean={0} bean'i kaydedilmesi ile ilgili problemler var.
FMT_brokenShadowName={0} (K\u0131r\u0131k Ba\u011flant\u0131)
HINT_brokenShadowOriginalName=K\u0131r\u0131k Ba\u011flant\u0131
PROP_brokenShadowOriginalName=K\u0131r\u0131k Ba\u011flant\u0131
# what does Broken Link Filesystem refer to? Broken link to the filesystem? pkeegan
PROP_brokenShadowFileSystem=Dosya sistemi ba\u011flant\u0131s\u0131 bozuk
HINT_brokenShadowFileSystem=Dosya sistemi ba\u011flant\u0131s\u0131 bozuk
LBL_BrokenSettings=<Bilinmeyen ayar>
# human readable names, not shown anywhere
LBL_DOcopy=Veri Nesnesi Kopyalama
LBL_DOcut=Veri Nesnesi Kesme
LAB_NewObjectPanelName=Yeni Nesne Ad\u0131
# DataLoader
# {0} - name of loader affected
EXC_missing_actions_in_loader={0} t\u00fcr\u00fcndeki nesneler i\u00e7in a\u00e7\u0131l\u0131r men\u00fc y\u00fcklenemiyor; \u00f6ntan\u0131ml\u0131 ayarlar kullan\u0131l\u0131yor.
MSG_renameError={0} nesnesi {1} olarak yeniden adland\u0131r\u0131lam\u0131yor.
MSG_NotValidName={0}'a bo\u015f bir ad verilemez.
ERR_NoFilesystem=Aktifle\u015ftirilmi\u015f dosya sistemi yok. En az salt-okunur ve gizli olmayan dosya sisteminiz oldu\u011fundan emin olun.
# TemplateWizardPanel2
MSG_fs_or_folder_does_not_exist=Hedef dosya sistemi ya da klas\u00f6r mevcut de\u011fil.
MSG_fs_is_readonly=Hedef dosya sistemi salt-okunur.
# {0} - name of the existing file
MSG_file_already_exist={0} dosyas\u0131 zaten mevcut..
# Messages for org.openide.actions in openide-loaders.jar
ACT_FileSystemAction=Dosya sistemi i\u015flemi
SaveAsTemplate=\u015eablon Olarak Kaydet...
Title_SaveAsTemplate=\u015eablon Olarak Kaydet
CTL_SaveAsTemplate=&Yeni \u015fablonun g\u00f6z\u00fckece\u011fi kategoriyi se\u00e7in:
SaveAll=T\u00fcm\u00fcn\u00fc K&aydet
HINT_SaveAll=T\u00fcm dosyalar\u0131 kaydet (E\u011fer Derlemede Kaydet \u00f6zelli\u011fi a\u00e7\u0131k ise dosyalar\u0131n\u0131z ayn\u0131 zamanda derlenip yap\u0131land\u0131r\u0131lacakt\u0131r)
# FileSystemRefreshAction
LAB_Refresh=Klas\u00f6r\u00fc Tazele
# NewTemplateAction
EXC_TemplateFailed=\u015eablondan nesne olu\u015fturulmas\u0131 ba\u015far\u0131s\u0131z oldu.
NewTemplateAction=T\u00fcm \u015eablonlar...
# Messages for org.openide.awt in openide-loaders.jar
# Messages for org.openide.text in openide-loaders.jar
# DataEditorSupport
# {0} = name of the data object
# {1} = file name with package
CTL_ObjectOpen={0} a\u00e7\u0131l\u0131yor ...
# {0} = name of the data object
MSG_SaveFile={0} dosyas\u0131 de\u011fi\u015ftirilmi\u015f. Kaydet?
# messages for editor support
# {0} = 0 if readonly, 1 if modified, 2 if modified and readonly!, 3 otherwise
# {1} name of the file
#LAB_EditorName={0,choice,0#{1} [r/o]|1#{1} *|2#{1} [r/o] *|3#{1}}
TIP_editor_modified=\ (de\u011fi\u015ftirilmi\u015f)
TIP_editor_ro=\ (salt-okunur)
# format to create default display name for a line
# {0} simple name of file
# {1} full name of file
# {2} line number
# DataEditorSupport
# Cases when modified source file was changed to [read-only]
MSG_FileReadOnlyClosing={0} dosyas\u0131 salt-okunur olarak de\u011fi\u015ftirildi! T\u00fcm de\u011fi\u015fiklikler kaybolacak.
MSG_FileReadOnlySaving={0} dosyas\u0131 salt-okunur olarak de\u011fi\u015ftirildi! Kaydedilemiyor.
MSG_FileReadOnlyChanging={0} dosyas\u0131 salt-okunur olarak de\u011fi\u015ftirildi!
MSG_BinaryFileQuestion=Bu dosya ikili veri i\u00e7eriyor gibi g\u00f6z\u00fck\u00fcyor. Metin edit\u00f6r\u00fcyle a\u00e7mak istedi\u011finizden emin misiniz?
MSG_BinaryFileWarning=\u0130kili Dosya Alg\u0131land\u0131
CTL_SaveAsAction=&Farkl\u0131 Kaydet...
MSG_SaveAsFailed={0} kaydedilirken baz\u0131 problemler olu\u015ftu\nSebep: {1}
LBL_SaveAsTitle=Farkl\u0131 Kaydet
MSG_CannotCreateTargetFolder=Hedef klas\u00f6r\u00fc olu\u015fturulam\u0131yor.
MSG_SaveAs_SameFileSelected=Please, select a different file name.
MSG_SaveAs_SameFileSelected_Title=Farkl\u0131 Kaydet
MSG_SaveAs_OverwriteQuestion=Are you sure you want to overwrite {0}?
MSG_SaveAs_OverwriteQuestion_Title=Farkl\u0131 Kaydet
MSG_EncodingProblem=The file cannot be safely opened with encoding {0}. Do you want to continue opening it?