blob: 0d4f024cbd89ec4a5880146ab0b2bc2bd7fa57c0 [file] [log] [blame]
# Package specific ResourceBundle properties file
AP2901_INPUT=WS-I(AP2901): The <wsdl:input> uses neither the WSDL MIME Binding as described in WSDL 1.1 Section 5 nor WSDL SOAP binding as described in WSDL 1.1 Section 3.
AP2901_OUTPUT=WS-I(AP2901): The <wsdl:output> uses neither the WSDL MIME Binding as described in WSDL 1.1 Section 5 nor WSDL SOAP binding as described in WSDL 1.1 Section 3.
AP2903_PART=WS-I(AP2903): The part attribute of the <mime:content> does not reference a <wsdl:part> element of a wsdl:message that is present in the respective wsdl:input or wsdl:output of the corresponding wsdl:operation of the corresponding wsdl:portType.
AP2903_PORTTYPE_NULL=WS-I(AP2903): There is no the corresponding wsdl:input in the wsdl:portType
AP2903_MESSAGE_NULL=WS-I(AP2903): The wsdl:input does not reference any wsdl:message.
AP2906=WS-I(AP2906): The non-root <mime:part> contains a <soap:header> element.
AP2906_SOAP12=WS-I(AP2906): The non-root <mime:part> contains a <soap12:header> element.
AP2909=WS-I(AP2909): Multiple <mime:content> child elements of a <mime:part> element should reference the same <wsdl:part>.
AP2910=WS-I(AP2910): The <mime:content> does not reference a wsdl:part that is defined using either the type attribute or the element attribute.
AP2911=WS-I(AP2911): The <mime:multipartRelated> should contain exactly one <mime:part> child element that contains a <soap:body> child element.
AP2911_SOAP12=WS-I(AP2911): The <mime:multipartRelated> should contain exactly one <mime:part> child element that contains a <soap12:body> child element.
AP2930=WS-I(AP2930): The <wsdl:fault> should not have mime:multipartRelated element as its child element
AP2940=WS-I(AP2940): The <wsdl:part> defined with the <ref:swaRef> schema type is not bound to a <soap:body>, or a <soap:header> in a MIME binding.
AP2940_SOAP12=WS-I(AP2940): The <wsdl:part> defined with the <ref:swaRef> schema type is not bound to a <soap12:body>, or a <soap12:header> in a MIME binding.
AP2941=WS-I(AP2941): The wsdl:binding should bind every wsdl:part of a wsdl:message in the wsdl:portType to which it refers to one of soapbind:body, soapbind:header, soapbind:fault , soapbind:headerfault, or mime:content.
AP2944=WS-I(AP2944): The value of the type attribute of the <mime:content> must be content type of "text/xml" since the part attribute refers to a global element declaration.