blob: c6592b7303e27edcbee77e7acdf28872d02f78ef [file] [log] [blame]
ActionRegistrationHinter.missing_org.openide.awt=You must add a dependency on org.openide.awt (7.27+) before using this fix.
# {0} - class or method return type
ActionRegistrationHinter.not_presenter=You cannot use @ActionRegistration on the eager action {0} unless it is assignable to ContextAwareAction, DynamicMenuContent, or some Presenter.* interface.
avoid_SystemFileSystem.icon32=Do not use SystemFileSystem.icon32
both_icon_and_iconBase=Using both SystemFileSystem.icon and iconBase attributes
both_locBundle_and_displayName=Using both SystemFileSystem.localizingBundle and displayName attributes
Hinter.description=Use of layer entry where annotation is available
Hinter.fix.description=Convert registration to Java annotation
# {0} - layer attribute
Hinter.missing_instance_class=Could not find Java source corresponding to {0}.
use_displayName=Use displayName instead
use_iconBase=Use iconBase instead
UseNbBundleMessages.description=Use @NbBundle.Messages in preference to plus NbBundle.getMessage(...).
UseNbBundleMessages.displayName=Use @NbBundle.Messages
UseNbBundleMessages.error_text=Use of external bundle key
# {0} - resource path
UseNbBundleMessages.no_such_bundle=Could not locate {0} in source path
# {0} - bundle key does not contain any key ''{0}''
UseNbBundleMessages.only_class_const=Use of NbBundle.getMessage without ThisClass.class syntax
UseNbBundleMessages.only_string_const=Use of NbBundle.getMessage with nonconstant key
UseNbBundleMessages.save_bundle=Save modifications to before using this hint
# {0} - top-level class name
UseNbBundleMessages.wrong_class_name=Expected argument to be {0}.class
using_icon=Using SystemFileSystem.icon
using_locBundle=Using SystemFileSystem.localizingBundle