blob: 802dd9c660e8746226d389bb012b0e7b601f2c46 [file] [log] [blame]
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Templates/Persistence/RelatedCMP=Entity Classes from Database
# the name of the wizard when used for J2EE 1.4 (as specified in j2ee/ejbcore)
Templates/J2EE/RelatedCMP=CMP Entity Beans from Database
# RelatedCMPWizard
LBL_DatabaseTables=Database Tables
LBL_EntityClasses=Entity Classes
LBL_MappingOptions=Mapping Options
LBL_EntityBeansLocation=Entity Beans Location
TXT_NoConfigFiles=Could not determine nor create a location for the configuration files.
TXT_EjbGeneration=Entity Beans Generation
TXT_EntityClassesGeneration=Entity Classes Generation
TXT_SavingSchema=Saving a persistent version of the database schema
TXT_ExtractingBeansAndRelationships=Extracting entity beans and relationships
TXT_ExtractingEntityClassesAndRelationships=Extracting entity classes and relationships
# DatabaseTablesPanel
LBL_Datasource=&Data Source\:
LBL_JDBCConnection=Database &Connection\:
LBL_DbSchema=Database &Schema
LBL_AvailableTables=Available &Tables\:
LBL_SelectedTables=S&elected Tables\:
LBL_AddAll=Add A&ll >>
LBL_Add=&Add >
LBL_Remove=< &Remove
LBL_RemoveAll=<< Re&move All
TXT_AddFieldsToInterface=&Add CMP and CMR Fields to the Local Interfaces
TXT_GenerateNamedQueryAnnotations=&Generate Named Query Annotations for Persistent Fields
TXT_GenerateJAXBAnnotations=Generate &JAXB Annotations
TXT_ToolTipJAXB=Useful when entity classes are supposed to represent parameters or return values for Jersey REST services or JAX-WS web service operations.
TXT_GenerateFinderMethods=&Generate Finder Methods for CMP Fields
# {0} = a source group name, like Source Packages or Configuration Files
# {1} = the relative path of the dbschema file
LBL_SchemaLocation={0}: {1}
LBL_IncludeRelatedTables=&Include Related Tables
TXT_IncludeRelatedTables=Include Related Tables
ERR_MissingServer=<html>The target server for the project is not set properly. Java Persistence features<br>are server-dependent and some wizards in the IDE might not behave as expected<br> if the target server is not specified.</html>
ERR_NeedProperSourceLevel=The Java source level must be at least 1.5 to create entity classes in this project.
ERR_SelectTableSource=Select the table source.
ERR_SelectTables=Select at least one table.
ERR_DatabaseError=Unable to connect to the database.
ERR_NoDriverClassName=The name of the driver class for the datasource is missing.
ERR_NoDriverError=Unable to find the driver {0}. Register this driver in the Databases tab.
ERR_CannotAddConnection=Unable to add the connection.
MSG_ViewSelected=You will likely need to specify Entity IDs for selected views (hint can be used).
ACSN_AvailableTables=Available tables
ACSD_AvailableTables=List of all available tables
ACSN_SelectedTables=Selected tables
ACSD_SelectedTables=List of selected tables
scanning-in-progress=Scanning in progress...
WRN_Server_Does_Not_Support_DS=This server does not support Data Sources. Please specify database connection instead.
# EntityClassesPanel
LBL_SpecifyEntityClassNames=Specify the names and the location of the entity classes.
LBL_SpecifyBeansLocation=Specify the location for entity beans.
LBL_ClassNames=&Class Names\:
LBL_CreatePersistenceUnit=Create Persistence &Unit
LBL_CreatePersistenceUnitTitle=Create Persistence Unit
ERR_NoPersistenceUnit=The project does not have a persistence unit. You need a persistence unit to persist entity classes.
ERR_InvalidPersistenceXml=The project has an invalid persistence.xml file ({0})
ERR_JavaTargetChooser_CantUseDefaultPackage=Provide a package name.
ERR_JavaTargetChooser_InvalidPackage=The package name is not valid.
ERR_JavaTargetChooser_SelectSourceGroup=Select a source group.
ERR_JavaTargetChooser_UnwritablePackage=The package directory is not writable.
ERR_NoJavaPersistenceAPI=A Java Persistence API library is needed. Add one to the Library Manager.
ERR_WrongSourceLevel = Source level 1.6 is recommended for JPA 2.0. The source level for this project is currently {0}.
ERR_UnsupportedJpaVersion = JPA{0} is not supported by the server, JPA 1.0 will be used.
# UpdateType
# DBSchemaFileList
LBL_Node_DocBase=Configuration Files
LBL_NoSchemas=<no database schemas in the project>
# Table
LBL_NewTable=new table
LBL_NewTableDescription=Selected table have no corresponding entities generated.
# Table
LBL_NoPrimaryKey=no primary key
LBL_NoPrimaryKeyDescription=There is no primary key in the table. Cannot create entity classes for tables without a primary key.
# {0} = the class name to which a table is already mapped
LBL_AlreadyMapped=class {0}
# {0} = the fully-qualified class name
LBL_AlreadyMappedDescription=Already mapped to {0}.
# TableUISupport
LBL_DatabaseTable=Database Table
LBL_GenerationType=Generation Type
LBL_JoinTable=join table
LBL_JoinTableDescription=This is a join table. Cannot create entity classes for join tables.
LBL_ReferencedTable=Referenced Table
# {0} = the table name
# {1} = the reason why the table is disabled
LBL_TableNameWithDisabledReason={0} ({1})
# LBL_TableList and LBL_TableListSep below are used to create a list of tables, like
# "TABLE1, TABLE2, TABLE3 and TABLE4". All tables except the last are separated by LBL_TableListSep.
# The resulting string (in this case "TABLE1, TABLE2, TABLE3") is used as the {0} part
# and the last table is used as the {1} part of LBL_TableList
# {0} = either a table name, or multiple table names separated by LBL_TableListSep
# {1} = a table name
LBL_TableList={0} and {1}
# note the space after the comma
# {0] = a list of tables
LBL_RelatedTableRefBy=Table referenced by {0}
# {0] = a list of tables
LBL_RelatedTableJoin=Join table of {0}
# SelectedTables
ERR_NoJavaIdentifier=The class name {0} is not a valid Java identifier.
ERR_ReservedQLKeyword=The class name {0} is a reserved Java Persistence QL keyword.
ERR_AlreadyExists=The file {0}.java already exists.
# DBSchemaManager
LBL_ClosingPreviousConnection=Closing the previous connection
LBL_RetrievingSchema=Retrieving the database schema
LBL_ReadingSchemaFile=Reading the database schema file
# {0} = the table name
LBL_RetrievingTable=Retrieving table {0}
# {0} = the view name
LBL_RetrievingView=Retrieving view {0}
# {0} = the table name
LBL_RetrievingTableKeys=Retrieving the keys for table {0}
# {0} = the table name
LBL_RetrievingViewKeys=Retrieving the keys for view {0}
# JavaPersistenceGenerator
# {0} = entity class name
TXT_GeneratingClass=Generating the {0} entity class
# {0} = entity class name
# {1} = exception message
ERR_GeneratingClass=Error while generating the {0} entity class: {1}
# {0} = entity class name
ERR_GeneratingClass_NoExceptionMessage=Unexpected error while generating the {0} entity class.
MSG_Already_Mapped={0} cannot be added because it is already mapped to the {1} entity class.\nYou must delete the {1} class before generating a new entity class.
MSG_Already_Mapped_UpdateAllowed={0} is already mapped to the {1} entity class.\nUpdate and recreate options are available for corresponding entity.
MSG_No_Primary_Key={0} cannot be added because it does not have a primary key.
# javadoc messages
# {0} = entity class name
MSG_Javadoc_Class=Entity class {0}\n
# {0} = field name
# {1} = entity class name
MSG_Javadoc_Setter=Sets the {0} of this {1} to the specified value.\n@param {0} the new {0}
MSG_Javadoc_Getter=Gets the {0} of this {1}.\n@return the {0}
# {0} = entity class name
MSG_Javadoc_Constructor=Creates a new instance of {0} with the specified values.\n
# {0} = field name
# {1} = entity class name
MSG_Javadoc_ConstructorParam=@param {0} the {0} of the {1}\n
# {0} = the class name
MSG_Javadoc_Equals=Determines whether another object is equal to this {0}. The result is \n<code>true</code> if and only if the argument is not null and is a {0} object that \nhas the same id field values as this object.\n@param object the reference object with which to compare\n@return <code>true</code> if this object is the same as the argument;\n<code>false</code> otherwise.
MSG_Javadoc_HashCode=Returns a hash code value for the object. This implementation computes \na hash code value based on the id fields in this object.\n@return a hash code value for this object.
MSG_Javadoc_ToString=Returns a string representation of the object. This implementation constructs \nthat representation based on the id fields.\n@return a string representation of the object.
# {0} = entity class name
# {0} = field name
# {1} = entity class name
# {0} = entity class name
# {1} = PK class name
MSG_Javadoc_PKClass=Primary Key class {0} for entity class {1}\n
MSG_Javadoc_EmbeddedId=EmbeddedId primary key field
LBL_TABLE_MAPPING_DESC=Specify the default mapping options.
LBL_FETCH=Association &Fetch:
LBL_TABLE_NAME=Fully &Qualified Database Table Names
LBL_REGENERATE_TABLES=Attributes for &Regenerating Tables
TXT_SelectedTables=Selected Tables
TXT_AvailableTables=Available Tables
LBL_Progress_Adding_Classpath=Adding J2EE apis to project classpath.
USG_PERSISTENCE_ENTITY_DB_CREATED={0} entity classes was generated from db.
MSG_LoadLibs=Processing libraries...
MSG_CreatePU=Creating persistence unit...
LBL_RecreateAction = Set All to Recreate
LBL_UpdateAction = Set All to Update
MappingOptionsPanel.relationshipColumnNamesCheckBox.text=&Use Column Names in Relationships
Generate\ JAXB\ Annotations=jCheckBox1
ERR_INVALID_PHONE=Invalid phone/fax format, should be as xxx-xxx-xxxx
#MSG_ANNOTATION_EMAIL_COMMENT=//if the field contains email address consider using this annotation to enforce field validation
#MSG_ANNOTATION_PHONE_COMMENT=//if the field contains phone or fax number consider using this annotation to enforce field validation
#MSG_ANNOTATION_COMMENT_DECIMAL=//if you know range of your decimal fields consider using these annotations to enforce field validation