blob: 07ab23d2878a9cf910e61c322b51a3d43705de30 [file] [log] [blame]
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OpenIDE-Module-Name=API-t\u00eb e Datasystems
OpenIDE-Module-Short-Description=NetBeans Open API p\u00ebr manipulimit objekteve t\u00eb t\u00eb dh\u00ebnave.
OpenIDE-Module-Long-Description=The Datasystems API is a layer atop the Filesystems API which recognizes and groups data objects and gives them particular semantics. Once a part of the general Open APIs, it is now split into an independent module.
HINT_DefaultDataObject=Skedar i panjohur
EXC_SharedAccess=Qasje e ndar\u00eb
EXC_ReorderFailed=Nuk mund ta ruaj renditjen e re.
# {0} - folder that cannot be deleted
EXC_CannotDelete2=Nuk mund t\u00eb fshin skedarin {0}.
# name for shadow of an object
# {0} real name of the shadow
# {1} real name of the original
# {2} full name of shadow file
# {3} full name of original file
# {4} display name of original node
FMT_shadowName={0} (\u2192)
# name for shadow of an object
# {0} real name of the shadow
# {1} real name of the original
# {2} full name of shadow file
# {3} full name of original file
FMT_shadowHint=Vjeg\u00ebzon te {3}
PROP_ShadowOriginalName=Emri origjinal
HINT_ShadowOriginalName=Emri i objektit q\u00eb kjo vjeg\u00ebz i referohet.
PROP_ShadowOriginalFileSystem=Emri origjinal i skedarsistemit
HINT_ShadowOriginalFileSystem=Emri i skedarsistemit t\u00eb objektit origjinal.
# DataNode
HINT_name=Emri i k\u00ebtij objekti.
HINT_template=N\u00ebse Sakt\u00eb, ky objekt \u00ebsht\u00eb nj\u00eb maket\u00eb (mund t\u00eb b\u00ebj instanca t\u00eb vet\u00ebs).
PROP_files=T\u00eb gjith\u00eb skedar\u00ebt
HINT_files=Nj\u00eb list\u00eb t\u00eb skedar\u00ebve t\u00eb paraqitura nga ky objekt.
PROP_size=Madh\u00ebsia e skedarit
HINT_size=Length of this file in bytes. (Only applies to the first file listed in All Files.)
PROP_lastModified=Koha e ndryshimit
HINT_lastModified=When this file was last modified. (Only applies to the first file listed in All Files.)
HINT_extension=Primary file extension.
ERROR_extension=Cannot change extension. File is modified.
# name of set with sorting options
PROP_sorting=Duke renditur
HINT_sorting=P\u00ebrcaktimet e renditjes si dhe renditja.
# folder sort mode property
PROP_sort=Modi i renditjes
HINT_sort=P\u00ebrcakton se si do t\u00eb renditen objektet n\u00eb pako.
# SortModeEditor
VALUE_sort_none=T\u00eb parenditur
VALUE_sort_names=Sipas emrit
VALUE_sort_class=Sipas llojit
VALUE_sort_folder_names=SIpas emrit (pakot s\u00eb pari)
VALUE_sort_last_modified=Sipas koh\u00ebs s\u00eb ndryshimit
VALUE_sort_size=Sipas madh\u00ebsis\u00eb s\u00eb skedarit
# Names of paste types
PT_shadow=Krijo &Vjeg\u00ebz
PT_instance=Instanca e r\u00ebn&domt\u00eb
SerializeBean_Text=&Emri i skedarit q\u00eb instanca do t\u00eb serializohet
SerializeBean_Title=Serializimi i instanc\u00ebs
# new folder
CTL_NewFolderTitle=Krijon dosje t\u00eb re
# formatting of error message when creating a folder and a file of given name already exists there
# {0} name of the new folder being created
# {1} name of the folder the new folder is being created in
MSG_FMT_FileExists=Skedari {0} tanim\u00eb ekziston n\u00eb dosjen {1}.
# formatting of error message when creating a folder and a folder with specified name already exists there
# {0} name of the new folder being created
# {1} name of the folder the new folder is being created in
MSG_FMT_FolderExists=Dosja {0} tanim\u00eb ekziston n\u00eb dosjen {1}.
# when the object is larger than size expected to fit into memory
# {0} path to the file
# {1} name of the file
# {2} size in bytes
# {3} size in Kb
# {4} size in Mb
# {5} size in Gb
MSG_ObjectIsTooBig=The file {1} seems to be too large ({2,choice,0#{2}b|1024#{3} Kb|1100000#{4} Mb|1100000000#{5} Gb}) to safely open. \nOpening the file could cause OutOfMemoryError, which would make the IDE unusable. Do you really want to open it?
# XMLDataObject
PROP_XmlLoader_Name=XML skedar\u00ebt e konfigurimit
PROP_XmlError=Gabim (i p\u00ebrmir\u00ebsuesh\u00ebm)
HINT_XMLDataObject=XML Skedar
###PROP_XmlMessage=#{0} \"{1}\" [{2}:{3},{4}]
#PROP_XmlMessage=#{0} \"{1}\" [{2}:{3}]
# ^^^ formatting of xml parser error message
# {0} level of error (PROP_Xml[Error|Warning|FatalError])
# {1} error message
# {2} system ID of xml document
# {3} line number
# {4} column number
# DataFolder
EXC_WrongName=Nuk mund t\u00eb krijoj skedar; {0} nuk \u00ebsht\u00eb em\u00ebr i vlefsh\u00ebm.
# {0} name of folder that can't be copied.
EXC_CannotCopyTheSame=Nuk mund t\u00eb kopjoj {0}: dosja e destinuar \u00ebsht\u00eb e nj\u00ebjt\u00eb me dosjen burimore.
# {0} name of folder that can't be copied.
EXC_CannotCopySubfolder=Nuk kopjoj {0}: dosja e destinuar \u00ebsht\u00eb nj\u00eb n\u00ebndosje e dosjes burimore.
#Title of the new from template dialog
# {0} = object which will be created
CTL_TemplateTitle2=Magjistar i ri - {0}
#Title of the new from template dialog
# Object is not known. Used when template chooser panel is shown.
CTL_TemplateTitle=Magjistar i ri
LAB_TemplateChooserPanelName=P\u00ebrzgjedh maket\u00ebn
LAB_SelectTemplateBorder=P\u00ebr&zgjedh nj\u00eb Maket\u00eb:
MSG_NoDescription=Pa p\u00ebrshkrim
MSG_InitDescription=Inicializimi i p\u00ebrshkrimit...
LAB_TemplateDescriptionBorder=P\u00ebrshkrimi i make&t\u00ebs:
LAB_TargetLocationPanelName=Vendi i destinuar
LAB_TargetLocationDescription=Ju lutem p\u00ebrzgjedh nj\u00eb dosje p\u00ebr objektet e krijuara s\u00eb fundmi ose shkruaje emrin e dosjes n\u00eb vijim:
EXC_folder_delete_failed=Nuk mund t\u00eb heq\u00eb dosjen gjat\u00eb zhvendosjes.
#{0} = display name of the filesystem
FMT_TemplateDefaultRootFolderName=<dosja n\u00eb krye> [{0}]
FMT_DefaultNewObjectName=<emri i r\u00ebndomt\u00eb>
LBL_default_loader_display_name=Objektet e panjohura
LBL_instance_loader_display_name=Instancat e aksionit
FMT_CannotCopyDo=V\u00ebrejtje: Objekti {0} nuk mund t\u00eb kopjohet.
FMT_CannotMoveDo=V\u00ebrejtje: Objekti {0} nuk mund t\u00eb zhvendoset.
# InstanceDataObject
PROP_instance_class=Emri i klas\u00ebs
HINT_instance_class=Emri i klas\u00ebs s\u00eb Java-s t\u00eb objektit duke u paraqitur.
# {0} class name of bean to save
# {1} file to save the bean to
EXC_CannotSaveBean=Ka probleme duke ruajtur {0} bean.
FMT_brokenShadowName={0} (Vjeg\u00ebz e thyer)
HINT_brokenShadowOriginalName=Vjeg\u00ebz e thyer
PROP_brokenShadowOriginalName=Vjeg\u00ebz e thyer
# what does Broken Link Filesystem refer to? Broken link to the filesystem? pkeegan
PROP_brokenShadowFileSystem=Vjeg\u00ebz e thyer e skedarsistemit
HINT_brokenShadowFileSystem=Vjeg\u00ebz e thyer e skedarsistemit
LBL_BrokenSettings=<P\u00ebrcaktim i panjohur>
# human readable names, not shown anywhere
LBL_DOcopy=M\u00ebnyr\u00eb kopjimi t\u00eb Data Object-\u00ebve
LBL_DOcut=M\u00ebnyr\u00eb prerjes s\u00eb Data Object-\u00ebve
LAB_NewObjectPanelName=Emri i ri i objektit
# DataLoader
# {0} - name of loader affected
EXC_missing_actions_in_loader=Menyja k\u00ebrcyese p\u00ebr objektin e lloji {0} nuk mund t\u00eb restaurohet; p\u00ebrdoren p\u00ebrcaktimet e r\u00ebndomta.
MSG_renameError=Objekti nuk mund t\u00eb riem\u00ebrtohet nga {0} n\u00eb {1}.
MSG_NotValidName=Nuk mund t\u00eb jep {0} te nj\u00eb em\u00ebr bosh.
ERR_NoFilesystem=No enabled filesystem. Make sure that you have at least one filesystem that is not read-only and is not hidden.
# TemplateWizardPanel2
MSG_fs_or_folder_does_not_exist=Skedarsistemi ose dosja e sh\u00ebnjuar nuk ekziston.
MSG_fs_is_readonly=Skedarsistemi i sh\u00ebnjuar \u00ebsht\u00eb vet\u00ebm-lexim.
# {0} - name of the existing file
MSG_file_already_exist=Skedari {0} tanim\u00eb ekziston.
# Messages for org.openide.actions in openide-loaders.jar
ACT_FileSystemAction=Aksion i skedarsistem
SaveAsTemplate=Ruaje si maket\u00eb...
Title_SaveAsTemplate=Ruaje si maket\u00eb
CTL_SaveAsTemplate=&Select the category in which the new template will appear:
SaveAll=Ruaj t\u00eb gjith&a
HINT_SaveAll=Save all files (if the Compile on Save feature is on, this will also compile/build your files)
# FileSystemRefreshAction
LAB_Refresh=Aktualizo dosjen
# NewTemplateAction
EXC_TemplateFailed=Krijimi i objektit nga maketa d\u00ebshtoi.
NewTemplateAction=T\u00eb gjitha maketat...
# Messages for org.openide.awt in openide-loaders.jar
# Messages for org.openide.text in openide-loaders.jar
# DataEditorSupport
# {0} = name of the data object
# {1} = file name with package
CTL_ObjectOpen=Hapja e {0} ...
# {0} = name of the data object
MSG_SaveFile=File {0} is modified. Save it ?
# messages for editor support
# {0} = 0 if readonly, 1 if modified, 2 if modified and readonly!, 3 otherwise
# {1} name of the file
#LAB_EditorName={0,choice,0#{1} [r/o]|1#{1} *|2#{1} [r/o] *|3#{1}}
# format to create default display name for a line
# {0} simple name of file
# {1} full name of file
# {2} line number
# DataEditorSupport
# Cases when modified source file was changed to [read-only]
MSG_FileReadOnlyClosing=File {0} was changed to read-only! All changes will be discarded.
MSG_FileReadOnlySaving=File {0} was changed to read-only! Can not save it.
MSG_FileReadOnlyChanging=File {0} was changed to read-only!
MSG_BinaryFileQuestion=This file appears to contain binary data. Are you sure you want to open it in the text editor?
MSG_BinaryFileWarning=U gjet skedar binarik
CTL_SaveAsAction=Ruaj &si...
MSG_SaveAsFailed=There were some problems while saving {0}\nCause: {1}
LBL_SaveAsTitle=Ruaj si
MSG_CannotCreateTargetFolder=Nuk mund ta krijoj dosjen sh\u00ebnjest\u00ebr
MSG_SaveAs_SameFileSelected=Select a different file name please.
MSG_SaveAs_SameFileSelected_Title=Ruaj si