blob: f8b4e5088859e7e0c7f2b34e956f1d708f43e588 [file] [log] [blame]
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OpenIDE-Module-Name=Sisteme de date (API)
OpenIDE-Module-Short-Description=Open API din NetBeans pentru manipularea obiectelor de date.
OpenIDE-Module-Long-Description=API-ul sisteme de date este un strat peste API-ul sistem de fi\u0219iere ce recunoa\u0219te grupurile de obiecte \u0219i le atribuie o anumit\u0103 semantic\u0103. Fost\u0103 parte a generalului Open API, este acum separat \u00eentr-un modul independent.
HINT_DefaultDataObject=Tip fI\u0219ier nerecunoscut
EXC_SharedAccess=Acces partajat
EXC_ReorderFailed=Nu se poate salva noua ordonare
# {0} - folder that cannot be deleted
EXC_CannotDelete2=Nu se poate \u0219terge fi\u0219ierul{0}.
# name for shadow of an object
# {0} real name of the shadow
# {1} real name of the original
# {2} full name of shadow file
# {3} full name of original file
# {4} display name of original node
FMT_shadowName={0} (\u2192)
# name for shadow of an object
# {0} real name of the shadow
# {1} real name of the original
# {2} full name of shadow file
# {3} full name of original file
FMT_shadowHint=Leg\u0103tur\u0103 la {3}
PROP_ShadowOriginalName=Nume original
HINT_ShadowOriginalName=Numele obiectului la care se refer\u0103 aceast\u0103 leg\u0103tur\u0103.
PROP_ShadowOriginalFileSystem=Numele ini\u021bial al sistemului de fi\u0219iere
HINT_ShadowOriginalFileSystem=Numele sistemului de fi\u0219iere al obiectului ini\u021bial.
# DataNode
HINT_name=Numele acestui obiect.
HINT_template=Dac\u0103 este Adev\u0103rat, acest obiect este un \u0219ablon (poate crea instan\u021be ale sale).
PROP_files=Toate fi\u0219ierele
HINT_files=O list\u0103 cu fi\u0219iere reprezentate de acest obiect
PROP_size=Dimensiune fi\u0219ier
HINT_size=M\u0103rimea fi\u0219ierului \u00een octe\u021bi. (Se aplic\u0103 doar primului fi\u0219ier afi\u0219at \u00een Toate fi\u0219ierele.)
PROP_lastModified=Timpul modific\u0103rii
HINT_lastModified=Momentul ultimei modific\u0103ri a acestui fi\u0219ier. (Se aplic\u0103 doar primului fi\u0219ier afi\u0219at \u00een Toate fi\u0219ierele.)
HINT_extension=Extensia fi\u0219ierului primar
ERROR_extension=Nu se poate modifica extensia Fi\u0219ierul este modificat.
# name of set with sorting options
HINT_sorting=Preferin\u021be de sortare \u0219i ordonare.
# folder sort mode property
PROP_sort=Mod de sortare
HINT_sort=Stabile\u0219te modul de sortare al obiectelor din pachet.
# SortModeEditor
VALUE_sort_names=Dup\u0103 nume
VALUE_sort_class=Dup\u0103 tip
VALUE_sort_folder_names=Dup\u0103 nume (pachetul mai \u00eent\u00e2i)
VALUE_sort_last_modified=Dup\u0103 timpul modific\u0103rii
VALUE_sort_size=Dup\u0103 dimensiunea fi\u0219ierelor
# Names of paste types
PT_shadow=Creaz\u0103 &leg\u0103tur\u0103
PT_instance=Instan\u021b\u0103 implicit\u0103
SerializeBean_Text=&Numele fi\u0219ierului \u00een care se serializeaz\u0103 instan\u021ba
SerializeBean_Title=Serializarea instan\u021bei
# new folder
CTL_NewFolderTitle=Creaz\u0103 dosar nou
# formatting of error message when creating a folder and a file of given name already exists there
# {0} name of the new folder being created
# {1} name of the folder the new folder is being created in
MSG_FMT_FileExists=Fi\u0219ierul {0} exist\u0103 deja \u00een dosarul {1}
# formatting of error message when creating a folder and a folder with specified name already exists there
# {0} name of the new folder being created
# {1} name of the folder the new folder is being created in
MSG_FMT_FolderExists=Dosarul {0} exist\u0103 deja \u00een dosarul {1}.
# when the object is larger than size expected to fit into memory
# {0} path to the file
# {1} name of the file
# {2} size in bytes
# {3} size in Kb
# {4} size in Mb
# {5} size in Gb
MSG_ObjectIsTooBig=Fi\u0219ierul {1} pare s\u0103 fie prea mare ({2,choice,0#{2}b|1024#{3} Kb|1100000#{4} Mb|1100000000#{5} Gb}) pentru a putea fi deschis \u00een siguran\u021b\u0103. \nDeschiderea fi\u0219ierului poate cauza OutOfMemoryError, care va face IDE-ul inutilizabil. Sigur dori\u021bi s\u0103-l deschide\u021bi?
# XMLDataObject
PROP_XmlLoader_Name=Fi\u0219iere XML de configurare
PROP_XmlError=Eroare (recuperabil\u0103)
PROP_XmlFatalError=EROARE FATAL\u0102
###PROP_XmlMessage=#{0} \"{1}\" [{2}:{3},{4}]
#PROP_XmlMessage=#{0} \"{1}\" [{2}:{3}]
# ^^^ formatting of xml parser error message
# {0} level of error (PROP_Xml[Error|Warning|FatalError])
# {1} error message
# {2} system ID of xml document
# {3} line number
# {4} column number
# DataFolder
EXC_WrongName=Nu se poate crea dosarul; {0} nu este un nume valid.
# {0} name of folder that can't be copied.
EXC_CannotCopyTheSame=Nu se poate copia {0}: Dosarul destina\u021bie este acela\u0219i ca dosarul surs\u0103.
# {0} name of folder that can't be copied.
EXC_CannotCopySubfolder=Nu se poate copia {0}: dosarul destina\u021bie este un sub-dosar al dosarului surs\u0103.
#Title of the new from template dialog
# {0} = object which will be created
CTL_TemplateTitle2=Asistent nou - {0}
#Title of the new from template dialog
# Object is not known. Used when template chooser panel is shown.
CTL_TemplateTitle=Asistent nou
LAB_TemplateChooserPanelName=Alegere \u0219ablon
LAB_SelectTemplateBorder=&Alege\u021bi un \u0219ablon:
MSG_NoDescription=F\u0103r\u0103 descriere
MSG_InitDescription=Se ini\u021bializeaz\u0103 descrierea...
LAB_TemplateDescriptionBorder=&Descrierea \u0219ablonului:
LAB_TargetLocationPanelName=Adres\u0103 \u021bint\u0103
LAB_TargetLocationDescription=Alege\u021bi un dosar pentru obiectul nou creat sau introduce\u021bi mai jos numele dosarului:
EXC_folder_delete_failed=Nu se poate \u00eendep\u0103rta dosarul surs\u0103 \u00een timp ce se mut\u0103.
#{0} = display name of the filesystem
FMT_TemplateDefaultRootFolderName=<primul dosar> [{0}]
FMT_DefaultNewObjectName=<nume implicit>
LBL_default_loader_display_name=Obiecte nerecunoscute
LBL_instance_loader_display_name=Insta\u021be ac\u021biuni
FMT_CannotCopyDo=Avertisment: Obiectul {0} nu poate fi copiat.
FMT_CannotMoveDo=Avertisment: Obiectul {0} nu poate fi mutat.
# InstanceDataObject
PROP_instance_class=Nume clas\u0103
HINT_instance_class=Numele clasei Java a obiectului reprezentat.
# {0} class name of bean to save
# {1} file to save the bean to
EXC_CannotSaveBean=S-au \u00eent\u00e2mpinat probleme la salvarea componentei {0}.
FMT_brokenShadowName={0} (Leg\u0103tur\u0103 \u00eentrerupt\u0103)
HINT_brokenShadowOriginalName=Leg\u0103tur\u0103 \u00eentrerupt\u0103
PROP_brokenShadowOriginalName=Leg\u0103tur\u0103 \u00eentrerupt\u0103
# what does Broken Link Filesystem refer to? Broken link to the filesystem? pkeegan
PROP_brokenShadowFileSystem=Sistem de fi\u0219iere cu leg\u0103turi \u00eentrerupte
HINT_brokenShadowFileSystem=Sistem de fi\u0219iere cu leg\u0103turi \u00eentrerupte
LBL_BrokenSettings=<Preferin\u021b\u0103 nerecunoscut\u0103>
# human readable names, not shown anywhere
LBL_DOcopy=Variant\u0103 copiere pentru obiecte de date
LBL_DOcut=Variant\u0103 t\u0103iere pentru obiecte de date
LAB_NewObjectPanelName=Nume nou obiect
# DataLoader
# {0} - name of loader affected
EXC_missing_actions_in_loader=Meniu contextual pentru tipul de obiecte {0} nu a putut fi restabilit; se folosesc preferin\u021bele implicite.
MSG_renameError=Acest obiect nu poate fi redenumit din {0} \u00een {1}.
MSG_NotValidName=Nu se poate atribui un nume gol pentru {0}.
ERR_NoFilesystem=Niciun sistem de fi\u0219ier activat. Asigura\u021bi-v\u0103 c\u0103 ave\u021bi cel pu\u021bin un sistem de fi\u0219iere care nu este ascuns sau protejat la scriere.
# TemplateWizardPanel2
MSG_fs_or_folder_does_not_exist=Sistemul de fi\u0219iere sau dosarul \u021bint\u0103 nu exist\u0103
MSG_fs_is_readonly=Sistemul de fi\u0219iere \u021bint\u0103 este protejat la scriere.
# {0} - name of the existing file
MSG_file_already_exist=Fi\u0219ierul {0} exist\u0103 deja.
# Messages for org.openide.actions in openide-loaders.jar
ACT_FileSystemAction=Ac\u021biuni sistem de fi\u0219iere
SaveAsTemplate=Salveaz\u0103 ca \u0219ablon...
Title_SaveAsTemplate=Salveaz\u0103 ca \u0219ablon
CTL_SaveAsTemplate=Alege\u021bi categoria \u00een care &s\u0103 apar\u0103 \u0219ablonul:
SaveAll=S&alveaz\u0103 tot
HINT_SaveAll=Salveaz\u0103 toate fi\u0219ierele (dac\u0103 este activat\u0103 op\u021biunea Compileaz\u0103 la salvare atunci aceast\u0103 op\u021biune va compila/construi toate fi\u0219ierele)
# FileSystemRefreshAction
LAB_Refresh=Re\u00eemprosp\u0103teaz\u0103 dosar
# NewTemplateAction
EXC_TemplateFailed=Crearea obiectelor din \u0219ablon a e\u0219uat.
NewTemplateAction=Toate \u0219abloanele...
# Messages for org.openide.awt in openide-loaders.jar
# Messages for org.openide.text in openide-loaders.jar
# DataEditorSupport
# {0} = name of the data object
# {1} = file name with package
CTL_ObjectOpen=Se deschide {0} ...
# {0} = name of the data object
MSG_SaveFile=Fi\u0219ierul {0} este modificat. Se salveaz\u0103?
# messages for editor support
# {0} = 0 if readonly, 1 if modified, 2 if modified and readonly!, 3 otherwise
# {1} name of the file
#LAB_EditorName={0,choice,0#{1} [r/o]|1#{1} *|2#{1} [r/o] *|3#{1}}
TIP_editor_modified=\ (modificat)
TIP_editor_ro=\ (protejat la scriere)
# format to create default display name for a line
# {0} simple name of file
# {1} full name of file
# {2} line number
# DataEditorSupport
# Cases when modified source file was changed to [read-only]
MSG_FileReadOnlyClosing=Fi\u0219ierul {0} a fost protejat la scriere! Toate modific\u0103rile au fost anulate.
MSG_FileReadOnlySaving=Fi\u0219ierul {0} a fost protejat la scriere! Nu se poate salva.
MSG_FileReadOnlyChanging=Fi\u0219ierul {0} a fost protejat la scriere!
MSG_BinaryFileQuestion=Acest fi\u0219ier pare s\u0103 con\u021bin\u0103 date binare. Sigur dori\u021bi s\u0103-l deschide\u021bi \u00een editorul de text?
MSG_BinaryFileWarning=S-a detectat un fi\u0219ier binar
CTL_SaveAsAction=Sal&veaz\u0103 ca...
MSG_SaveAsFailed=Au fost c\u00e2teva probleme la salvarea {0}\nCauz\u0103: {1}
LBL_SaveAsTitle=Salveaz\u0103 ca
MSG_CannotCreateTargetFolder=Nu se poate crea dosarul.
MSG_SaveAs_SameFileSelected=Alege\u021bi un alt nume de fi\u0219ier.
MSG_SaveAs_SameFileSelected_Title=Salveaz\u0103 ca
MSG_SaveAs_OverwriteQuestion=Sigur dori\u021bi s\u0103 suprascrie\u021bi {0}?
MSG_SaveAs_OverwriteQuestion_Title=Salveaz\u0103 ca
MSG_EncodingProblem=Fi\u0219ierul nu poate fi deschis corect cu codificarea {0}. Dori\u021bi s\u0103 continua\u021bi deschiderea sa?