blob: b1d101dcc489b83a04961dee13a4f9e66df2babd [file] [log] [blame]
LBL_CopyStackTrace=&Copiar Rastreamento de Pilha
LBL_NotificationDisplayer_detailsText=Abrir Janela de Resultados do Teste
# {0} - project
LBL_NotificationDisplayer_NoTestsExecuted_title=Nenhum teste executado para o projeto: {0}
# {0} - number of successful tests
# {1} - project
LBL_NotificationDisplayer_title=Testes ({0}) finalizados com sucesso para o projeto: {1}
LBL_RunningTests=Em execu\u00e7\u00e3o...
LBL_ViewDiff=&Exibir Diferen\u00e7a
# {0} - number of charachters in the ending of the tooltip of a test case/suite
MSG_CharsOmitted=...({0} caracteres omitidos)
# {0} - selected node's display name
MSG_file_from_node_failed=N\u00e3o foi poss\u00edvel localizar o arquivo do n\u00f3 selecionado: {0}.
MSG_MoreOutput=Algumas linhas n\u00e3o exibidas.
# {0} - source file
MSG_no_project=O arquivo de c\u00f3digo-fonte {0} n\u00e3o pertence a nenhum projeto.
MSG_NoOutput=Nenhuma sa\u00edda.
# {0} - the cause the test method did not pass
MSG_TestMethodAborted_HTML_cause=Abortado: {0}
# {0} - elapsed time in seconds
MSG_TestMethodAborted_HTML_time=Abortado ({0,number,0.0##} s)
# {0} - name of the test method
MSG_TestMethodError={0} - causou um ERRO
MSG_TestMethodError_HTML=causou um ERRO
# {0} - the cause the test method did not pass
MSG_TestMethodError_HTML_cause=causou um ERRO: {0}
# {0} - elapsed time in seconds
MSG_TestMethodError_HTML_time=causou um ERRO ({0,number,0.0##} s)
# {0} - name of the test method
# {1} - elapsed time in seconds
MSG_TestMethodError_time={0} - causou um ERRO ({1,number,0.0##} s)
# {0} - name of the test method
MSG_TestMethodFailed={0} - Falhou
# {0} - the cause the test method did not pass
MSG_TestMethodFailed_HTML_cause=Falhou: {0}
# {0} - elapsed time in seconds
MSG_TestMethodFailed_HTML_time=FALHOU ({0,number,0.0##} s)
# {0} - name of the test method
# {1} - elapsed time in seconds
MSG_TestMethodFailed_time={0} - FALHOU ({1,number,0.0##} s)
# {0} - the cause the test method did not pass
MSG_TestMethodIgnored_HTML_cause=Ignorado: {0}
# {0} - elapsed time in seconds
MSG_TestMethodIgnored_HTML_time=Ignorado ({0,number,0.0##} s)
# {0} - elapsed time in seconds
MSG_TestMethodPassed_HTML_time=aprovado ({0,number,0.0##} s)
# {0} - name of the test method
# {1} - elapsed time in seconds
MSG_TestMethodPassed_time={0} ({1,number,0.0##} s)
MSG_TestMethodPassedWithErrors_HTML=passou com erros
MSG_TestMethodPassedWithErrors_HTML_cause=passou com erros
# {0} - elapsed time in seconds
MSG_TestMethodPassedWithErrors_HTML_time=passou ({0,number,0.0##} s)
# {0} - name of the test method
MSG_TestMethodPending={0} - Pendente
# {0} - the cause the test method did not pass
MSG_TestMethodPending_HTML_cause=Pendente: {0}
# {0} - elapsed time in seconds
MSG_TestMethodPending_HTML_time=PENDENTE ({0,number,0.0##} s)
# {0} - name of the test method
# {1} - elapsed time in seconds
MSG_TestMethodPending_time={0} - PENDENTE ({1,number,0.0##} s)
# {0} - the cause the test method did not pass
MSG_TestMethodSkipped_HTML_cause=Ignorado: {0}
# {0} - elapsed time in seconds
MSG_TestMethodSkipped_HTML_time=IGNORADO ({0,number,0.0##} s)
# {0} - name of the test class
MSG_TestsuiteAborted={0} - Abortado
# {0} - name of the test class
MSG_TestsuiteFailed={0} - Falhou
MSG_TestsuiteNoname=Conjunto de testes
# {0} - name of the test class
MSG_TestsuitePassed={0} - Aprovado
# {0} - name of the test class
MSG_TestsuitePassedWithErrors={0} - Aprovado com Erros
MSG_TestsuitePassedWithErrors_HTML=passou com erros
# {0} - name of the test class
MSG_TestsuitePending={0} - Pendente
# {0} - name of the test class
MSG_TestsuiteRunning={0} - em execu\u00e7\u00e3o...
MSG_TestsuiteRunning_HTML=em execu\u00e7\u00e3o...
MSG_TestsuiteRunningNoname=Conjunto de testes em execu\u00e7\u00e3o...
# {0} - name of the test class
MSG_TestsuiteSkipped={0} - Ignorado
No_Test_Method_Found=Nenhum m\u00e9todo de teste encontrado
Null_Session_Error=A sess\u00e3o de teste informada era nula
Search_For_Test_Method=Procurando m\u00e9todo de teste