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TITLE_TEST_RESULTS=Resultados do Teste Python
ResultWindowOpenAction.MenuName=Resultados do &Teste Python
ACSN_TestResults=Resultados do Teste Python
ACSD_TestResults=Exibe informa\u00e7\u00f5es sobre testes que passaram e que falharam, bem como a sa\u00edda gerada por eles
ACSN_FilterButton=Filtro Ligado/Desligado
ACSN_RerunButton = Reexecutar
ACSN_ResultPanelTree=Informa\u00e7\u00f5es sobre testes aprovados e reprovados
ACSD_ResultPanelTree=Exibe informa\u00e7\u00f5es em uma estrutura em \u00e1rvore sobre os testes que passaram, falharam ou tiveram erros
ACSN_HorizontalScrollbar=Rolagem horizontal do painel de resultados
ACSN_OutputTextPane=Sa\u00edda do Teste
ACSD_OutputTextPane=Exibe a sa\u00edda e a sa\u00edda de erro gerado por m\u00e9todos de teste executados
MSG_PassedTestsInfo={0,choice,0#Nenhum teste|1#1 teste|1<{0,number,integer} testes} aprovado(s)
MSG_FailedTestsInfo={0,choice,1#1 teste|1<{0,number,integer} testes} falhou(ram)
MSG_PendingTestsInfo={0,choice,1#1 teste|1<{0,number,integer} testes} pendente(s)
MSG_ErrorTestsInfo={0,choice,1#1 teste|1<{0,number,integer} testes} causou (causaram) erro
MSG_TestsInfoNoTests=Nenhum teste foi executado.
# "All 58 tests passed."
MSG_TestsInfoAllOK={0,choice,1#O teste|2#Ambos os testes|2<Todos os testes {0,number,integer} } foi(foram) aprovado(s).
# The result summary can be a combination of passed, pending, failed and error
# causing tests. The keys below are for all combinations of these, the preferred
# order is passed, pending, failed, error.
# {0} .. name of the test class
MSG_TestsuiteNoname=Conjunto de testes
MSG_TestsuiteRunning={0} - em execu\u00e7\u00e3o...
MSG_TestsuiteRunningNoname=Conjunto de testes em execu\u00e7\u00e3o...
# FAILED word should be translated, English message example: "Some_test_suite - FAILED"
MSG_TestsuiteFailed={0} - FAILED
# PENDING word should be translated, English message example: "Some_test_suite - PENDING"
MSG_TestsuitePending={0} - PENDING
MSG_TestsuiteRunning_HTML=em execu\u00e7\u00e3o...
# FAILED word should be translated
# PENDING word should be translated
# {0} .. name of the test method
# FAILED word should be translated, English message example: "Some_test_method_name - FAILED"
MSG_TestMethodFailed={0} - FAILED
# PENDING word should be translated, English message example: "Some_test_method_name - PENDING"
MSG_TestMethodPending={0} - PENDING
MSG_TestMethodError={0} - causou um ERRO
# FAILED word should be translated, the meaning is that some test of method failed
# PENDING word should be translated, the meaning is that some test of method pending
MSG_TestMethodError_HTML=causou um ERRO
# {0} .. name of the test method, {1} .. elapsed time in seconds
MSG_TestMethodPassed_time={0} ({1,number,0.0##} s)
MSG_TestMethodFailed_time={0} - FALHOU ({1,number,0.0##} s)
MSG_TestMethodPending_time={0} - PENDENTE ({1,number,0.0##} s)
MSG_TestMethodError_time={0} - causou um ERRO ({1,number,0.0##} s)
MSG_TestMethodPassed_HTML_time=aprovado ({0,number,0.0##} s)
MSG_TestMethodFailed_HTML_time=FALHOU ({0,number,0.0##} s)
MSG_TestMethodPending_HTML_time=PENDENTE ({0,number,0.0##} s)
MSG_TestMethodError_HTML_time=causou um ERRO ({0,number,0.0##} s)
# FAILED word should be translated, English message example: "FAILED (Some_test_method)"
MSG_TestMethodFailed_HTML_cause=FAILED ({0})
# PENDING word should be translated, English message example: "PENDING (Some_test_method)"
MSG_TestMethodPending_HTML_cause=PENDING ({0})
MSG_TestMethodError_HTML_cause=causou um ERRO ({0})
# Elapsed time for a test suite
MSG_PassedNotDisplayed=As informa\u00e7\u00f5es sobre testes aprovados n\u00e3o s\u00e3o exibidas.
MSG_SomePassedNotDisplayed=As informa\u00e7\u00f5es sobre alguns testes aprovados n\u00e3o s\u00e3o exibidas.
MSG_StdOutput=Sa\u00edda Padr\u00e3o:
MSG_ErrOutput=Sa\u00edda de Erro:
MultiviewPanel.btnFilter.showAll.tooltip=Mostrar Todos os Resultados
MultiviewPanel.btnFilter.showFailures.tooltip=Mostrar Somente Falhas
LBL_RunningTests=Em execu\u00e7\u00e3o...
MSG_Error = {0}) Erro:
MSG_Failure = {0}) Falha:
MSG_NextFailure = Pr\u00f3xima Falha - Ctrl+Ponto
MSG_PreviousFailure = Falha Anterior - Ctrl+V\u00edrgula
# test results summary
MSG_TestSessionStarting = Executando {0}...
MSG_TestSessionFinished = Finalizado em {0,number,0.0##} segundos.
MSG_TestSessionFinishedSummary = {0} testes, {1} falhas, {2} erros
# actions for a test method node
LBL_RerunTest= E&xecutar Novamente
LBL_DebugTest= &Depurar
LBL_GoToSource = &Ir para C\u00f3digo-Fonte
# displayed in tooltip of a test case / suite when there is no output for it
MSG_NoOutput = Nenhuma sa\u00edda.