blob: f1cfd59f57b8fd8dd84f40bbf1cb9b392e050018 [file] [log] [blame]
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R.loading.local.registry=Loading local registry [{0}]
R.error.loading.local.registry.failed.title=Failed to load the local registry
R.error.loading.local.registry.failed.msg=The local registry ({0}) could not be loaded, or was loaded partially.\nThe installer can continue to work normally, but doing so may result in a corrupted global registry.\n\nChoose Yes to continue, No to exit the installer.
R.loading.bundled.registry=Loading bundled registry [{0}]
R.error.loading.bundled.registry.failed.title=Failed to load the bundled registry
R.error.loading.bundled.registry.failed.msg=The bundled registry ({0}) could not be loaded, or was loaded partially.\nThe installer can continue to work normally, but doing so may result in a corrupted global registry.\n\nChoose Yes to continue, No to exit the installer.
R.loading.remote.registry=Loading remote registry [{0}]
R.error.loading.remote.registry.failed.title=Failed to load the remote registry
R.error.loading.remote.registry.failed.msg=The remote registry ({0}) could not be loaded, or was loaded partially.\nThe installer can continue to work normally, but doing so may result in a corrupted global registry.\n\nChoose Yes to continue, No to exit the installer. delete the cached installation data local registry to {0} target component specified target component - {0}/{1}\nwas not found in the registry. The installer\n can continue as if the target component was not specified.\nClick Yes to continue, No to exit the installer.
R.error.validation.title=Validation Problem
R.error.validation.msg=It seems that the installation of {0} is corrupted.\nThe validation procedure issued the following warning:\n\n{1}\n\nWould you like to mark this product as not installed and continue?\nIf you click No the installer will exit.\n\nNote that these products that depend on {2} will also be disabled:\n{3}
R.error.matching.requirement=No components matching the requirement: {0} requires {1}
R.error.cyclic.dependency=Cyclic dependency: {0}, {1} registry properties
R.loading.component=Loading component: uid={0}, version={1}
R.error.loading.components=Could not load components
R.error.registry.finalization=Could not finalize registry
R.error.registry.document.loading=Could not load registry document create local product cache directory {0} product cache directory exists and is a file : {0} read local product cache directory {0} - not enough permissions
R.error.cannot.write.cache=Cannot write to local product cache directory {0} - not enough permissions
R.error.cannot.create.registry=Cannot create local registry registry {0} is a directory read local registry {0} - not enough permissions
R.error.cannot.write.registry=Cannot write local registry {0} - not enough permissions
R.error.cannot.parse.platform=Cannot parse platform from "{0}"
R.error.cannot.load.registry=Cannot load registry current parser - {0} - does not support schemas.
R.error.unknown.dependency=Unknown dependency type {0}