blob: 2a37480e96b4db280e82816a5183abcdc9a9634a [file] [log] [blame]
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## Resource bundle for package org.netbeans.modules.profiler.actions
#Mon May 03 18:59:38 CEST 2004
AdvancedOption_DisplayName=Configuraci\u00f3ns do analizador de Beans de entidade
AdvancedOption_Tooltip=Personalizar as configuraci\u00f3ns da an\u00e1lise
AntActions_FileTestNotFoundMsg=A proba para o ficheiro non existe.
AntActions_FailedDetermineJavaPlatformMsg=Produciuse un fallo ao determinar a versi\u00f3n da plataforma Java\: {0}
AntActions_FailedDetermineProjectBuildScriptMsg=Non \u00e9 pos\u00edbel determinar o script de construci\u00f3n para o proxecto {0}
AntActions_IncorrectJavaSpecVersionDialogMsg=The specification version of project Java Platform is greater than specification version of the\nplatform that will be used for profiling. You may experience problems unless you set the compiler\nparameter to generate bytecode compatible with the platform that will be used.\n\nQuere continuar coas configuraci\u00f3ns actuais?
AntActions_UnsupportedProjectTypeMsg=Profiling this project type is not supported.
AntActions_InvalidJavaplatformMsg=Failed to determine overridden platform\: {0}
CompareSnapshotsAction_ActionName=&Comparar capturas de memoria...
CompareSnapshotsAction_ActionDescr=Calcula a diferencia entre d\u00faas capturas de memoria compar\u00e1beis
CompareSnapshotsAction_SelectDialogCaption=Seleccionar captura para comparar
CompareSnapshotsAction_OpenChooserCaption=Abrir captura
CompareSnapshotsAction_OpenChooserFilter=Ficheiro de captura do analizador (*.{0})
CompareSnapshotsAction_NoComparableSnapshotsFoundMsg=<Non se atoparon capturas compar\u00e1beis>
CompareSnapshotsAction_ComparingSameSnapshotsMsg=Non \u00e9 pos\u00edbel comparar a captura consigo mesma.
CompareSnapshotsAction_DifferentSnapshotTypeMsg=As capturas deben ser do mesmo tipo.
CompareSnapshotsAction_DifferentSnapshotsTypeMsg=As capturas deben ser do mesmo tipo.
CompareSnapshotsAction_OnlyMemorySnapshotsMsg=S\u00f3 poden compararse as capturas de memoria!
CompareSnapshotsAction_DifferentObjectsCountMsg=Track every N object allocations value doesn't match!
CompareSnapshotsAction_DifferentObjectsCountsMsg=Track every N object allocations values don't match!
CompareSnapshotsAction_InvalidFileMsg=Ficheiro de captura incorrecto
CompareSnapshotsAction_InvalidFilesMsg=Ficheiro(s) de captura incorrecto(s)
CompareSnapshotsAction_EnterFileMsg=Introducir ficheiro de captura
CompareSnapshotsAction_SelectSnapshotString=<html><b><nobr>Seleccionar captura para comparar\:</nobr></b></html>
CompareSnapshotsAction_SelectSnapshotsString=Especificar as capturas que quere comparar
CompareSnapshotsAction_FromProjectRadioText=From &project\:
CompareSnapshotsAction_OnlyComparableListedString=Nota\: s\u00f3 se listan as capturas compar\u00e1beis
CompareSnapshotsAction_FromFileRadioText=Desde o &ficheiro\:
CompareSnapshotsAction_BrowseButtonAccessDescr=Seleccionar ficheiro de captura
CompareSnapshotsAction_Snapshot1String=Captura &1\:
CompareSnapshotsAction_Snapshot2String=Captura &2\:
CompareSnapshotsAction_SnapshotAccessDescr=Ficheiro de captura seleccionado
CompareSnapshotsAction_SnapshotsListAccessDescr=Lista de capturas compar\u00e1beis no proxecto actual
FindNextAction_ActionName=Atopar seguinte
FindNextAction_ActionDescr=Atopar a seguinte ocorrencia (F3)
FindPreviousAction_ActionName=Atopar anterior
FindPreviousAction_ActionDescr=Atopar a ocorrencia anterior (MAI\u00daS+F3)
GetCmdLineArgumentsAction_TargetJvmInactiveMsg=A MVJ de destino est\u00e1 inactiva
GetCmdLineArgumentsAction_JvmArgumentsString=Argumentos da MVJ\:
GetCmdLineArgumentsAction_MainClassAndArgsString=Clase principal (JAR) e os seus argumentos\:
HeapDumpAction_ActionName=O&bter envorcado do mont\u00f3n (heap)
HeapDumpAction_RequiredJdkMsg=O aplicativo analizado debe executarse no JDK 1.6, 1.7 ou 1.5.0_12 para capturar un envorcado do mont\u00f3n (heap)
HeapDumpAction_RemoteUnsupportedMsg=Non se admite a captura dun envorcado do mont\u00f3n nunha m\u00e1quina remota.
HeapDumpAction_WrongDestinationMsg=Fallou o envorcado do mont\u00f3n (heap), non \u00e9 pos\u00edbel resolver o ficheiro de destino.
HeapDumpAction_SavedDialogCaption=Gardouse o envorcado do mont\u00f3n (heap)
HeapDumpAction_SavedDialogText=<html>O mont\u00f3n (heap) gardouse correctamente nun ficheiro.</b><br>Do you want to open it in HeapWalker?</html>
HeapDumpAction_DumpingFailedMsg=Taking heap dump failed. Consulte o ficheiro de rexistro do NetBeans para m\u00e1is detalles.
HeapDumpAction_DestinationDialogCaption=Choose Heap Dump Destination
HeapDumpAction_LocationProjectString=Proxecto analizado
HeapDumpAction_LocationGlobalString=Default storage for Global Attach
HeapDumpAction_DirectoryDialogCaption=Escoller cartafol
HeapDumpAction_DestinationLabelText=<html><b><nobr>Choose heap dump destination:</nobr></b></html>
HeapDumpAction_DefaultLocationRadioText=Localizaci\u00f3n predefinida
HeapDumpAction_CustomLocationRadioText=Personalizar cartafol\:
JavaPlatformSelector_UseSelPlatformChckBoxName=Sempre usa a plataforma seleccionada para a an\u00e1lise
JavaPlatformSelector_NoSupportedPlatformMsg=Ningunha das plataformas Jafa instaladas pode usarse para a an\u00e1lise.\nO analizador de NetBeans require JDK 5.0 Update 4 ou posterior.\n\nPlease install a suitable Java Platform and run calibration again.
JavaPlatformSelector_SelectPlatformCalibrateMsg=Seleccionar plataforma Java para calibrar\:
JavaPlatformSelector_SelectPlatformCalibrateDialogCaption=Seleccionar plataforma Java para calibrar
JavaPlatformSelector_SelectPlatformProfileMsg=Seleccionar plataforma Java para usar\:
JavaPlatformSelector_SelectPlatformProfileDialogCaption=Seleccionar plataforma Java para a an\u00e1lise
JavaPlatformSelector_CannotUsePlatform=The Java Platform this project runs on cannot be used for profiling.
JavaPlatformSelector_ListAccessName=Lista de plataformas Java dispo\u00f1\u00edbeis para a an\u00e1lise
LoadSnapshotAction_ActionName=Car&gar captura...
LoadSnapshotAction_ActionDescr=Cargar captura de resultados do analizador desde o disco
LoadSnapshotAction_OpenSnapshotDialogCaption=Abrir ficheiro de captura
LoadSnapshotAction_ProfilerSnapshotFileFilter=Ficheiros de captura do analizador (*.{0})
LoadSnapshotAction_OpenSnapshotHeapdumpDialogCaption=Abrir captura ou envorcado do mont\u00f3n (heap)
LoadSnapshotAction_ProfilerSnapshotHeapdumpFileFilter=Ficheiros de captura do analizador ou de envorcado do mot\u00f3n (*.{0} | *.{1})
LoadSnapshotAction_No_Snapshot_Selected=Non \u00e9 un ficheiro de captura .nps
# {0} - # of selected projects (0 if disabled), or -1 if main project
# {1} - project name, if exactly one project
LBL_ProfileMainProjectAction=&Profile {0,choice,-1#Main Project|0#Project|1#Project ({1})|1<{0} Projects}...
HINT_ProfileMainProjectAction=Profile (Main) Project
LBL_AttachMainProjectAction=&Anexar analizador...
HINT_AttachMainProjectAction=Anexar analizador...
LBL_AttachProjectAction=Attach Profiler Using Project {0,choice,0#|1#"{1}"|1<}
LBL_ProfileAction_40=Analizar ficheiro...
HINT_ProfileAction_40=Analizar ficheiro...
LBL_ProfileSingleAction40=Pro&file {0,choice,0#File|1#"{1}"|1<File}
LBL_ProfileSingleAction40_General=Analizar ficheiro
LBL_ProfileSingleActionPopup=Analizar ficheiro
# new
LBL_EnableProfilingPopup=Activar an\u00e1lise
# end
LBL_ProfileTestAction=Profile {0,choice,0#&Test for File|1#&Test for "{1}"|1<&Test for Files}
LBL_ProfileTestAction_General=Analizar probar para o ficheiro
LBL_ProfileProjectAction40=Profile &Project {0,choice,0#|1#"{1}"|1<}
LBL_ProfileProjectAction40_General=Perfil do proxecto
LBL_AttachAction=Anexar analizador...
HINT_AttachAction=Anexar analizador...
HINT_DetachAction=Detach from the Profiled Application
LBL_ModifyProfilingAction=&Modificar a sesi\u00f3n de depurado...
HINT_ModifyProfilingAction=Modificar a sesi\u00f3n de depurado...
LBL_RerunAction=Executar de &novo a sesi\u00f3n do perfilador
HINT_RerunAction=Executar de novo a \u00faltima sesi\u00f3n do perfilador
LBL_ResetResultsAction=R&einiciar resultados recollidos
HINT_ResetResultsAction=Reiniciar o b\u00fafer de resultados recolidos
LBL_RunGCAction=Executar &GC
HINT_RunGCAction=Executar o recolector de lixo no aplicativo de perfilado
LBL_StopAction=&Deter sesi\u00f3n de perfilado
HINT_StopAction=Deter (Rematar) o aplicativo de perfilado
LBL_ShowTelemetryViewAction=Telemetr\u00eda da M&V
HINT_ShowTelemetryViewAction=Mostrar a vista de telemetr\u00eda da MV
LBL_AttachWizardAction=Anexar asistente...
HINT_AttachWizardAction=Anexar asistente...
LBL_ShowLiveResultsWindowAction=Resultados en v&ivo
HINT_ShowLiveResultsWindowAction=Mostrar xanela de resultados en vivo
LBL_TakeSnapshotAction=&Tomar unha captura dos resultados recollidos
HINT_TakeSnapshotAction=Tomar unha captura dos resultados recollidos
LBL_ControlPanelAction=Panel de &control do perfilador
HINT_ControlPanelAction=Mostrar o panel de control do perfilador
LBL_AddRootMethodAction=Engadir como un m\u00e9todo ra\u00edz do perfilador...
HINT_AddRootMethodAction=Engadir como un m\u00e9todo ra\u00edz do perfilador...
LBL_SelectRootMethodsAction=Engadir como un m\u00e9todos ra\u00edz do perfilador...
HINT_SelectRootMethodsAction=Engadir como un m\u00e9todos ra\u00edz do perfilador...
LBL_GetCmdLineArgumentsAction=&Ver argumentos da li\u00f1a de ordes
HINT_GetCmdLineArgumentsAction=Ver argumentos da li\u00f1a de ordes
LBL_RunCalibrationAction=&Executar calibraci\u00f3n do perfilador
HINT_RunCalibrationAction=Executar calibraci\u00f3n do perfilador
LBL_InternalStatsAction=&Mostrar intervalo estat\u00edsticas
HINT_InternalStatsAction=&Mostrar intervalo estat\u00edsticas
LBL_TelemetryOverviewAction=Previsualizaci\u00f3n da tel&emetr\u00eda
HINT_TelemetryOverviewAction=Previsualizaci\u00f3n da telemetr\u00eda
MSG_NotAvailableNow=Non est\u00e1 dispo\u00f1\u00edbel agora mesmo: {0}
LBL_UnintegrateProfilerAction=&Unintegrate Profiler from {0,choice,0#Project|1#\"{1}\"|1<Projects}
Menu/Profile/ProfileOther=Perfilar &outro
Menu/Profile/Advanced=Ordes avanza&das
Menu/Profile/Help/profiler-website.url=Sitio &web do proxecto do perfilador
Menu/Profile/Help/nb-log-file.url=Ficheiro de re&xistro de NetBeans
Actions/Profile/profiler-website.url=Sitio web do proxecto do perfilador
CAPTION_JVMandMainClassCommandLineArguments=Argumentos da li\u00f1a de ordes da clase principal e JVM
CAPTION_InternalStatisticsInstrHotswap=Estat\u00edsticas internas de instrumentaci\u00f3n e operaci\u00f3ns de intercambio en quente
MSG_NoMainMethod=Cannot start profiling.\nA clase seleccionada non cont\u00e9n un m\u00e9todo "main".
MSG_CannotFindHelp=Non \u00e9 pos\u00edbel atopar a axuda do profiler
MSG_CannotFindHelpFile=Non \u00e9 pos\u00edbel atopar o ficheiro de axuda do profiler\:\n{0}
MSG_ReRunOnProfile=Profiling session is currently in progress.\nQuere deter a sesi\u00f3n actual e comezar de novo?
MSG_ReRunOnAttach=Profiling session is currently in progress\nDo you want to detach from the target application and rerun the last profiling session?
MSG_CalibrationOnProfile=Profiling session is currently in progress.\nQuere deter a sesi\u00f3n actual e levar a cabo a calibraci\u00f3n?
MSG_CalibrationOnAttach=Profiling session is currently in progress\nDo you want to detach from the target application and perform the calibration?
MSG_CalibrationFailed=Fallou a calibraci\u00f3n.\nPlease check your setup and run the calibration again.
MSG_CannotFindWhatsNew=Non \u00e9 pos\u00edbel atopar o ficheiro Que \u00e9 novo\:\n{0}
MSG_CannotAddAbstractNativeCodeFragment=Cannot add code fragment from an abstract or native method.
MSG_CannotAddAbstractNativeProfilingRoot=Cannot add abstract or native method as profiling roots.
MSG_NoClassToProfile=Non hai clase a perfilar
MSG_NoMethodFoundAtPosition=Non se encontrou o m\u00e9todo na posici\u00f3n actual.
ProfilingSupport_StopStartProfileSessionMessage=Profiling session is currently in progress.\nQuere deter a sesi\u00f3n actual e iniciar unha nova?
ProfilingSupport_StopStartAttachSessionMessage=Profiling session is currently in progress\nDo you want to detach from the target application and start a new profiling session?
ProfilingSupport_FailedLoadSettingsMsg=Failed to load attach settings\: {0}
SelectRootMethodsAction_NoClassFoundMsg=Non se puido seleccionar o m\u00e9todo ra\u00edz. Non se encontrou a clase na localizaci\u00f3n actual.
ShowThreadsViewAction_ActionDescr=Mostrar vista de f\u00edos
StopAction_DoYouWantToTerminateMsg=Do you want to terminate the profiled application upon detach?
MSG_ProblemSelectingRootMethods=Non se puido obter a lista de m\u00e9todos para o elemento seleccionado. This can happen for items placed in directory other than project sources directory (typically /src and /web). If so, please select appropriate item in project sources directory.
MSG_ProblemAddingRootMethod=Cannot add selected method as a root method. This can happen for items placed in directory other than project sources directory (typically /src and /web). If so, please select appropriate item in project sources directory.
MSG_ProblemAddingCodeFragment=Cannot add selected method as a code fragment. This can happen for items placed in directory other than project sources directory (typically /src and /web). If so, please select appropriate item in project sources directory.
MSG_StartingProfiler=Starting Profiler
MSG_CollectingCategories=Collecting categories. Agarde.
AntActions_LazyEnablementFailure=<html><b>Unable to start profiling.</b><br><br>Please, make sure the project type is supported</p><p>and/or the selected file can be executed.
AntActions_LazyEnablementProgressMessage=Validating profiler action
SelfSamplerAction_ActionNameStart=Iniciar o IDe de mostreado
SelfSamplerAction_ActionDescription=Obter\u00e1 unha captura baseada no envorcado do f\u00edo
SelfSamplerAction_ThreadName=Mostreador propio do IDE