blob: f55ce9ccf71f53bbcca1ceb51eaadf163fc30ff2 [file] [log] [blame]
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OpenIDE-Module-Name=Analizador de Java (JFluid)
ProfilerClient_CannotOpenServerTempFileMsg=Non \u00e9 pos\u00edbel abrir o ficheiro de comunicaci\u00f3n temporal creado no lado do servidor.\nNome\: {0}
ProfilerClient_PerformingInstrumentationString=Realizando instrumentaci\u00f3n, agarde...
ProfilerClient_InvalidCodeRegionMsg=Especificouse unha localizaci\u00f3n incorrecta para a instrumentaci\u00f3n do c\u00f3digo de rexi\u00f3n.\nNon \u00e9 pos\u00edbel realizar a instrumentaci\u00f3n.
ProfilerClient_ClassNotFoundMsg=Non foi pos\u00edbel atopar a clase {0} no classpath.\nNon \u00e9 pos\u00edbel realizar a instrumentaci\u00f3n.
ProfilerClient_OutOfMemoryMsg=Recoll\u00e9ronse demasiados datos - o analizador quedouse sen memoria.\nCollected profiling data has been deleted and profiling resumed.\nNo futuro, para evitar este erro, incremente o valor de -Xmx\n no ficheiro etc/netbeans.conf na instalaci\u00f3n do NetBeans\nou dimin\u00faa a cantidade de detalles das configuraci\u00f3ns da an\u00e1lise.
ProfilerClient_IncorrectAgentVersionMsg=Aviso\: O axente do analizador ao que se est\u00e1 conectando \u00e9 unha versi\u00f3n diferente ca deste analizador.\nPode atopar erros e un comportamento inesperado.
ProfilerClient_ErrorGettingCalibrationDataMsg=Produciuse un erro ao recuperar os datos gardados da calibraci\u00f3n para a MVJ de destino\:\n{0}
ProfilerClient_MustCalibrateFirstMsg=Since you did not run the Profiler on this machine or target JVM before,\ndeleted the saved calibration data, or this data is corrupt, profiling will STOP now.\n\nYou have to run the calibration command for your target JVM\nbefore running the Profiler with it again.\nThe obtained calibration data will be saved and re-used\non subsequent runs, so you will not see this message anymore.\n\nPara realizar a calibraci\u00f3n, invoque a orde\n\"An\u00e1lise | Ordes avanzadas | Executar a calibraci\u00f3n do analizador\".\n\n
# HTML-formatted
ProfilerClient_MustCalibrateFirstShortMsg=<html><b>Faltan datos da calibraci\u00f3n.</b><br><br>Non \u00e9 pos\u00edbel que se inicie a an\u00e1lise neste JDK. Realice<br>primeiro a calibraci\u00f3n do analizador e inicie a an\u00e1lise de novo.</html>
ProfilerClient_InstrumentationLimitReachedMsg=The limit of 64K instrumented methods has been reached\nThe profiler cannot instrument any more methods,\nso some of your code will run not instrumented and not profiled.\n\nTo avoid this problem, consider switching to the\n\"Part of the Application\" profiling mode.
ProfilerClient_CorruptedTargetCalibrationDataMsg=Problema cos datos gardados da calibraci\u00f3n na m\u00e1quina de destino\:\n{0}
ProfilerClient_ConnectVmMsg=Conectando \u00e1 MV destino...
ProfilerClient_TargetJvmErrorMsg=A MVJ de destino terminou inesperadamente ou non responde.\nWhen tried to send a message to it, got an IOException\:\n{0}
ProfilerClient_UnsupportedJvmMsg=Since the application you are trying to profile runs on {0} VM not supported by the Profiler, profiling will STOP now.\n\nPlease use 1.5.0 VM (Update 4 and higher) or 1.6.0 VM starting from build 26.
TargetAppRunner_ClasspathSettingsIgnoredMsg=The value of '-classpath' specified through 'Profile/Edit Settings' menu will be ignored.\nYou should specify the class path through 'File/Set class path' menu.
TargetAppRunner_ErrorStartingJvmMsg=When starting target JVM, with command: {0}, caught an exception\: {1}
TargetAppRunner_CalibrationSummaryShortMsg=A calibraci\u00f3n realizouse correctamente.\nPrema mostrar detalles para ver os resultados da calibraci\u00f3n.\n\nWarning\: If your computer uses dynamic CPU frequency switching,\nplease disable it and rerun calibration as changing the CPU frequency\nduring profiling would produce inaccurate results.
TargetAppRunner_CalibrationSummaryDetailsMsg=Alg\u00fans dos datos da calibraci\u00f3n recollidos son\:\n\n
TargetAppRunner_FailedEstablishConnMsg=Fallou ao estabelecer a conexi\u00f3n do s\u00f3cket coa MVJ de destino.
TargetAppRunner_UnexpectedProblemStartingAppMsg=Produciuse un problema inesperado ao tentar iniciar o aplicativo destino\:\n
TargetAppRunner_JvmTerminatedNotRespondString=A MV de destino terminou ou non responde
TargetAppRunner_InternalProblemString=Problema interno
TargetAppRunner_FailedStartAppCauseMsg=Produciuse un fallo ao iniciar o aplicativo de destino. Causa\:\n{0}
TargetAppRunner_CalibrationResultsMsg=Approximate time in one methodEntry()/methodExit() call pair\:\nWhen getting absolute timestamp only\: {0} microseconds\nWhen getting thread CPU timestamp only\: {1} microseconds\nWhen getting both timestamps\: {2} microseconds\n\nApproximate time in one methodEntry()/methodExit() call pair\nin sampled instrumentation mode\: {3} microseconds\n
TargetAppRunner_CalibrationErrorMsg=Erro na transferencia de datos durante a calibraci\u00f3n da instrumentaci\u00f3n.
TargetAppRunner_InternalStatisticsOnlyMsg=This is internal statistics that should be used ONLY to estimate the efficiency\nof CPU profiling implementation. It is NOT for end-user results measurements.\n\n
TargetAppRunner_InstrMethodsCountMsg=Instrumented/hotswapped total of {0} methods
TargetAppRunner_ClassLoadFirstInvCountMsg=Issued {0} class load events, {1} first method invocation events
TargetAppRunner_NonEmptyImgCountMsg=Issued {0} non-empty InstrumentMethodGroup responses
TargetAppRunner_EmptyImgCountMsg=Issued {0} empty InstrumentMethodGroup responses
TargetAppRunner_SingleImgCountMsg=Issued {0} single method InstrumentMethodGroup responses
TargetAppRunner_AvgMethodTimeMsg=Average time per method group hotswapping/instrumentation operation\: {0} ms.
TargetAppRunner_MinMethodTimeMsg=Minimum time per method group hotswapping/instrumentation operation\: {0} ms.
TargetAppRunner_MaxMethodTimeMsg=Maximum time per method group hotswapping/instrumentation operation\: {0} ms.
TargetAppRunner_TotalRunTimeMsg=Tempo total de execuci\u00f3n\: {0} ms.
TargetAppRunner_InjInstrTimeMsg=Tempo gastado no c\u00f3digo de instrumentaci\u00f3n inxectado para o f\u00edo mostrado\: {0} ms ({1} %)
TargetAppRunner_TotalInstrHotSwapTimeMsg=Tempo total gastado na instrumentaci\u00f3n/substituci\u00f3n en quente(hotswapping) no servidor\: {0} ms ({1} %)
TargetAppRunner_ByteCodeCommTimeMsg=Time spent in bytecode analysis/rewriting and wire communication in client\: {0} ms ({1} %)
TargetAppRunner_ClientByteCodeTimeMsg=Tempo gastado na an\u00e1lise/reescritura do bytecode no cliente\: {0} ms
TargetAppRunner_ClientDiskProcessTimeMsg=Tempo gastado no disco de E/S e no procesamento dos resultados no cliente\: {0} ms ({1} %)
TargetAppRunner_ClientResultsProcessTimeMsg=Tempo gastado no procesamento dos resultados no cliente\: {0} ms.
TargetAppRunner_PerformingCalibrationMsg=Realizando calibraci\u00f3n, agarde...