blob: 7e9222ab0f55d66190d0add939ec487d4cecfb98 [file] [log] [blame]
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CTL_Breakpoint_Customizer_Title=Propiedades do punto de interrupci\u00f3n
ACSD_Breakpoint_Customizer_Dialog=Personaliza as propiedaes de este punto de corte
CTL_Line_Breakpoint=Li\u00f1a {0}:{1}
CTL_Thread_Started_Breakpoint=Iniciouse o f\u00edo
CTL_Thread_Death_Breakpoint=Thread death
CTL_Thread_Breakpoint=Thread start / death
CTL_Field_Access_Breakpoint=Campo {0}.{1} acceso
CTL_Field_Modification_Breakpoint=Campo {0}.{1} modificaci\u00f3n
CTL_Field_Access_or_Modification_Breakpoint=Campo {0}.{1} access or modification
CTL_Method_Breakpoint=M\u00e9todo {0}.{1}
CTL_All_Methods_Breakpoint=M\u00e9todos {0}
CTL_Class_Loaded_Breakpoint=Cargar a clase {0}
CTL_Class_Unloaded_Breakpoint=Descargar a clase {0}
CTL_Class_Breakpoint=Class {0} load / unload
CTL_Exception_Catched_Breakpoint=Exception {0} caught
CTL_Exception_Uncatched_Breakpoint=Exception {0} uncaught
CTL_Exception_Breakpoint=Exception {0}
CTL_APPEND_BP_Invalid_with_reason=[Incorrecto, raz\u00f3n: {0}]
CTL_WatchAction_AddNew = Novo vixiante...
CTL_WatchAction_DeleteAll = Eliminar todos
CTL_WatchAction_Delete = Borrar
CTL_WatchAction_Customize = Editar
CTL_Edit_Watch_Dialog_Title=Editar - {0}
CTL_New_Watch_Dialog_Title=Novo vixiante
CTL_Variable_DisplayAs_Popup = Mostrar como
CTL_Variable_DisplayAs_Decimal = Decimal
CTL_Variable_DisplayAs_Hexadecimal = Hexadecimal
CTL_Variable_DisplayAs_Octal = Octal
CTL_Variable_DisplayAs_Binary = Binario
CTL_Variable_DisplayAs_Character = Car\u00e1cter
CTL_Variable_DisplayAs_Time = Hora
CTL_Session_Resume_Threads = \u00c1mbito
CTL_Session_Resume_All_Threads = Depurar todos os f\u00edos
CTL_Session_Resume_Current_Thread = Depurar o f\u00edo actual
CTL_Session_Popup_Language = &Linguaxe
CTL_Breakpoint_Customize_Label = Propiedades
#ThreadsTableModel - old Threads view
CTL_Thread_Status_OnMonitor = On Monitor
CTL_Thread_Status_NotStarted = Sen iniciar
CTL_Thread_Status_Running = Executando
CTL_Thread_Status_Sleeping = Durmindo
CTL_Thread_Status_Unknown = Desco\u00f1ecido
CTL_Thread_Status_Waiting = En espera
CTL_Thread_Status_Zombie = Zombie
MSG_Callstack_NoInformation = sen informaci\u00f3n
NoCurrentThread=No call stack to display because there is no current thread.
ThreadIsRunning=The current thread is running - no call stack is available.
MSG_NoSourceInfo=No source information is available.
MSG_Session_State_Disconnected = Desconectado
MSG_Session_State_Running = Executando
MSG_Session_State_Starting = Iniciando
MSG_Session_State_Stopped = Detido
CTL_CallstackModel_Column_Name_Name = Nome
CTL_CallstackModel_Column_Name_Desc = Nome do marco do stack
CTL_CallStackFrame=Call Stack Frame: {0}
CTL_RunType=Executar tipo: {0}
LBL_change_package_type=&Ver paquete como
CTL_ClassesModel_Column_Name_Name = &Nome
CTL_ClassesModel_Column_Name_Desc = Nome da clase ou paquete
CTL_ClassesModel_Column_Name_AppClassLoader = Cargador da clase aplicativo
CTL_ClassesModel_Column_Name_ClassLoader = Cargador da clase {0}
CTL_ClassesModel_Column_Name_SystemClassLoader = System Class Loader
CTL_ClassesModel_Column_Name_Package = Paquete {0}
CTL_ClassesModel_Column_Name_Class = Clase {0}
CTL_ClassesModel_Column_Name_Interface = Interface {0}
CTL_ClassesModel_Column_Name_LoadedBy = cargado por {0}
CTL_MonitorModel_Column_ContendedMonitor = Waiting for Monitor: {0} ({1})
CTL_MonitorModel_Column_OwnedMonitors = Owned Monitors
CTL_MonitorModel_Column_Monitor = Owned Monitor: {0} ({1})
CTL_SourcesModel_Column_Name_Name=Ra\u00ed&z do c\u00f3digo fonte
CTL_SourcesModel_Column_Name_Desc=Orixe do c\u00f3digo fonte
CTL_SourcesModel_Action_AddFilter = Engadir filtro de exclusi\u00f3n de clase
CTL_SourcesModel_NewFilter_Filter_Label = &Filtro de exclusi\u00f3n de clase:
CTL_SourcesModel_NewFilter_Title = Di\u00e1logo para engadir un filtro de exclusi\u00f3n de clase
CTL_SourcesModel_Action_Delete = Borrar
CTL_SourcesModel_Name_DoNotStopIn = Non deter en:
CTL_SourcesModel_Action_AddSrc = Engadir ra\u00edz fonte
CTL_SourcesModel_AddSrc_Chooser_Filter_Description = Source Roots
CTL_SourcesModel_AddSrc_Btn = Engadir
CTL_SourcesModel_MoveUpSrc = Mover cara a arriba
CTL_SourcesModel_MoveDownSrc = Mover cara a abaixo
CTL_SourcesModel_ResetOrderSrc = Reset Order
CTL_ThreadsModel_Suspended_Thread_Desc = F\u00edo suspendido polo depurador
CTL_ThreadsModel_Resumed_Thread_Desc = Running thread
CTL_ThreadsModel_Thread_State_Desc = Estado na MV: {0}
CTL_ThreadsModel_Column_Name_Name = Nome
CTL_ThreadsModel_Column_Name_Desc = Displays all threads for current session
CTL_ThreadsModel_State_Unknown = Desco\u00f1ecido
CTL_ThreadsModel_State_Monitor = Waiting on synchronized block
CTL_ThreadsModel_State_ConcreteMonitor = Waiting on synchronized block ({0})
CTL_ThreadsModel_State_NotStarted = Sen iniciar
CTL_ThreadsModel_State_Running = Executando
CTL_ThreadsModel_State_Sleeping = Durmindo
CTL_ThreadsModel_State_Waiting = En espera
CTL_ThreadsModel_State_WaitingOn = Waiting on {0}
CTL_ThreadsModel_State_Zombie = Zombie
CTL_WatchesModel_Column_Name_Name = Nome
CTL_WatchesModel_Empty_Watch_Hint = Insira o novo reloxo
#Watches View
CTL_WatchesView_Column_Name_Name = &Nome
CTL_WatchesView_Column_Name_Desc = Name of watch
#CTL_WatchesView_Column_ToString_Name = to&String()
CTL_WatchesView_Column_ToString_Desc = Displays value of toString() call
CTL_WatchesView_Column_Type_Name = &Tipo
CTL_WatchesView_Column_Type_Desc = Tipo de resultado
CTL_WatchesView_Column_Value_Name = &Valor
CTL_WatchesView_Column_Value_Desc = Value of watch expression
CTL_LocalsView_Column_Name_Name = &Nome
CTL_LocalsView_Column_Name_Desc = Nome de variable
CTL_ThreadAction_MakeCurrent_Label = Facer a actual
CTL_ThreadAction_GoToSource_Label = Ir \u00e1 fonte
CTL_ThreadAction_Suspend_Label = Suspender
CTL_ThreadAction_Resume_Label = Continuar
CTL_CallstackAction_MakeCurrent_Label = Facer a actual
CTL_CallstackAction_PopToHere_Label = Pop To Here
CTL_CallstackAction_Copy2CLBD_Label = Copiar pila
# Debugging
CTL_Debugging_Column_Name_Desc=Session threads with call stacks
CTL_Debugging_Column_Suspend_Desc=Estado da suspensi\u00f3n
CTL_Thread_State_Unknown = ''{0}''
CTL_Thread_State_Monitor = ''{0}'' waiting on monitor
CTL_Thread_State_Monitor_At = ''{0}'' waiting on monitor at ''{1}''
CTL_Thread_State_NotStarted = ''{0}'' not started yet
CTL_Thread_State_Running = ''{0}'' running
CTL_Thread_State_Running_At = ''{0}'' running at ''{1}''
CTL_Thread_State_Suspended = ''{0}'' suspended
CTL_Thread_State_Suspended_At = ''{0}'' suspended at ''{1}''
CTL_Thread_State_Sleeping = ''{0}'' sleeping
CTL_Thread_State_Sleeping_At = ''{0}'' sleeping at ''{1}''
CTL_Thread_State_Waiting = ''{0}'' waiting
CTL_Thread_State_Waiting_At = ''{0}'' waiting at ''{1}''
CTL_Thread_State_Zombie = ''{0}'' died
CTL_Thread_At_LineBreakpoint = ''{0}'' at line breakpoint {1} : {2}
CTL_Thread_At_MethodBreakpoint = ''{0}'' at method breakpoint {1}.{2}
CTL_Thread_At_MethodBreakpointSig = ''{0}'' at method breakpoint {1}.{2} {3}
CTL_Thread_At_ExceptionBreakpoint = ''{0}'' at exception breakpoint {1}
CTL_Thread_At_FieldBreakpoint = ''{0}'' at field breakpoint {1}.{2}
CTL_Thread_At_ThreadBreakpoint = ''{0}'' at thread breakpoint
CTL_Thread_At_ClassBreakpoint = ''{0}'' at class breakpoint {1}
CTL_Thread_At_Breakpoint = ''{0}'' at {1}
CTL_Thread_Invoking_Method = ''{0}'' evaluating method...
CTL_Frame_Loading=Loading frame description...
MSG_VariablesFilter_StaticNode = Est\u00e1tico
MSG_VariablesFilter_InheritedNode = Herdado
CTL_LocalsModel_Column_Name_Desc = Locals Root
CTL_LocalsModel_Column_Name_Name = Nome
CTL_LocalsModel_Column_Name_SubArray = [{0} - {1}]
CTL_LocalsModel_Column_Descr_SubArray = Array elements from {0} to {1}.
NoCurrentThreadVar=No variables to display because there is no current thread.
CTL_No_Info=Variable information is not available, source compiled without -g option.
CTL_No_Info_descr=Variable information is not available (assure that the code is compiled with -g option).
TTP_NewWatch=Write or paste a new watch expression.
MSG_VariablesFilter_StaticNode_descr = O contexto est\u00e1tico
MSG_VariablesFilter_Class_descr = The current class object
MSG_VariablesFilter_Return_descr = O valor de retorno do m\u00e9todo ''{0}''.
beforeOperation=Before call to ''{0}()''
beforeOperation_descr=The program is suspended right before the call to ''{0}()'' method.
afterOperation=After return from ''{0}()''
afterOperation_descr=The program is suspended right after return from ''{0}()'' method.
lastOperationsNode = Return values history
MSG_LastOperations_descr = The values of sub-expressions stepped over by expression step.
operationArgumentsNode = Argumentos
operationArgumentsNode_descr = Arguments that are passed to ''{0}'' method.
NativeMethod = No arguments available for native methods
NativeMethod_descr = It is not possible to retrieve arguments for native methods.
noDebugInfoWarning = Variable information not available, source compiled without -g option
noDebugInfoWarning_descr = Variable information not available, source compiled without -g option
# When the information is not available
CTL_GoToSource=Ir \u00e1 fonte
# Hidden Call Stack Frames Filter
LBL_HIDDEN_FRAMES=Hidden Source Calls
TLT_HIDDEN_FRAMES=Calls from sources not used for debugging
#Evaluator History Filter
CTL_EvaluatorHistoryNode=Evaluator History Node
CTL_EvaluatorHistoryItem=Evaluator History Item
CTL_PasteExprFromHistoryToEvaluator=Paste To Evaluator
# VariablesFormatterFilter
MSG_LoopInTypeFormattingIntroErrorMessage = Loop in variable formatters detected.\nThe variable formatters are applied recursively, applicable formatter is applied to every formatted value. Details of the recursion are below:
MSG_LoopInTypeFormatting = Loop in variable formatters of names {0} detected.