blob: fd0601556fd8d10ea548fb8622ed8321b48f70a1 [file] [log] [blame]
SvnOptions.toolTip=Opci\u00f3ns de Subversion
CTL_Repository_Location=Especifique a localizaci\u00f3n do repositorio Subversion.
ACSD_BrowseFolder = Perm\u00edtelle examinar o execut\u00e1bel de SVN
ACSD_ManageConnections = Perm\u00edtelle xestionar a configuraci\u00f3n de conexi\u00f3n de Subversion
ACSD_ManageLabels = Perm\u00edtelle xestionar as etiquetas de estado de Subversion
CTL_ManageConnections = Xestor da configuraci\u00f3n de conexi\u00f3n
MSG_ManageConnections.initializing = Loading Connection Settings...
CTL_ManageLabels = Xestor de etiquetas
Browse_title=Examinar o execut\u00e1bel do SVN
SvnOptionsPanel.connectionsSettingsPanel.TabConstraints.tabTitle=Configuraci\u00f3ns da conexi\u00f3n
ACSD_SvnOptionsPanel.browseButton.text=Perm\u00edtelle examinar o execut\u00e1bel de SVN
SvnOptionsPanel.jLabel1.text=&Path to the SVN executable File\:, C:\\Ficheiros do programa\\Subversion\\bin)
SvnOptionsPanel.jLabel5.unix.text=(p. ex., /usr/local/bin)
ACSN_SvnOptionsPanel.executablePathTextField.text=Cami\u00f1o ao ficheiro execut\u00e1bel
ACSD_SvnOptionsPanel.executablePathTextField.text=Especifique o cami\u00f1o ao ficheiro execut\u00e1bel
SvnOptionsPanel.manageLabelsButton.text=&Definir {folder}...
ACSN_SvnOptionsPanel.manageLabelsButton.text=Definir vari\u00e1bel cartafol
ACSD_SvnOptionsPanel.manageLabelsButton.text=Perm\u00edtelle definir o formato da etiqueta de anotaci\u00f3n para un repositorio espec\u00edfico
SvnOptionsPanel.manageConnSettingsButton.text=&Xestor da configuraci\u00f3n da conexi\u00f3n
ACSN_SvnOptionsPanel.manageConnSettingsButton.text=Xestor da configuraci\u00f3n de conexi\u00f3n
ACSD_SvnOptionsPanel.manageConnSettingsButton.text=Perm\u00edtelle especificar a configuraci\u00f3n para todos os URL recentemente usados
SvnOptionsPanel.connectionsSettings=Configuraci\u00f3ns da conexi\u00f3n
AnnotationSettingsPanel.annotationTextField.toolTipText=<html>'{'{0}'}' stands for Revision<br>'{'{1}'}' stands for Status<br>'{'{2}'}' stands for Branch or Tag Name<br>'{'{3}'}' stands for svn:mime_type Property<br></html>
AnnotationSettingsPanel.upButton.text=Mo&ver cara a arriba
AnnotationSettingsPanel.downButton.text=Mover cara a a&baixo
AnnotationSettingsPanel.resetButton.text=&Restablecer os valores predeterminados
ACSN_Reset=&Restabelecer os valores predeterminados
ACSD_Reset=&Restabelecer os valores predeterminados
ACSD_Add=Engadir unha nova etiqueta de definici\u00f3n
ACSN_AddWizard=Engadir co asistente
ACSD_AddWizard=Usar o asistente para engadir unha nova definici\u00f3n de etiqueta
ACSN_LablesTable=Definici\u00f3ns de etiquetas
ACSD_LablesTable=Expresi\u00f3ns definindo a etiqueta para o cartafol do repositorio\u00f3n Url RegExp do repositorio{folder} vari\u00e1bel
AnnotationSettings.label.revision = stands for Revision
AnnotationSettings.label.status = stands for Status
AnnotationSettings.label.mime_type = stands for the svn:mime_type Property
AnnotationSettings.label.folder = stands for Branch or Tag Name
AnnotationSettings.edit.title = Edit the URL Pattern Regular Expression = Add a new URL Pattern Regular Expression
AnnotationHelpPanel.jLabel1.text=<html>Use the Annotation Format table to setup annotation of specific Repository Folders containing Branches or Tags<br> <tt><dl> <dt><b>URL Pattern <tt> - a Regular Expression to match a Repository Folder<br><br></tt> \t<dd>e. g. .*/(branches|tags)/(.+?)/.* will match any URL containing a folder named 'branches' or 'tags' <br><br> <dt>Annotation <tt> - specifies how a file from a specific Repository Folder should be annotated.<br> The value may be plain text mixed with references to a group from the RegExp in URL Pattern<br><br></tt> \t<dd>e. g. mybranch \\2 gives a label consisting from the string "mybranch" and<br> a substring matching with the second group in URL Pattern </dd></dt> </tt></dl> <br> An URL Pattern .*/(branches|tags)/(.+?)/.* and an Annotation mybranch - \\2 will then cause that all files from <br> the URL http\:// will be Labeled with "mybranch - MyProject_branch1" </html>
AnnotationHelpPanel.jTextArea1.text= \n Use the Annotation Format table to setup annotation of specific Repository Folders containing Branches or Tags.\n\n URL Pattern - a Regular Expression to match a Repository Folder\n\n e. g. ".*/(branches|tags)/(.+?)/.*" will match any URL containing a folder named 'branches' or 'tags'\n\n\n Annotation - specifies how to annotade files from a specific Repository Folders. The value may be plain text \n mixed with references to a group from the expression in URL Pattern\n\n e. g. "mybranch \\2" - gives a label consisting from the string "mybranch" and the value from the \n second group in URL Pattern \n
AnnotationSettingsPanel.warningLabel.text=Wrong Regular Expression: {0}
AnnotationSettings.labelVariables.title=Seleccionar variables
AnnotationSettings.labelVariables.acsd=Perm\u00edtelle seleccionar unha vari\u00e1bel
MSG_MissingFolderVariable=Engadir {folder} vari\u00e1bel no formato da etiqueta de estado para activar esta caixa de di\u00e1logo.
SvnOptionsPanel.annotationTextField.text=[{status}; {folder}]
ACSN_SvnOptionsPanel.annotationTextField.text=Formato de etiqueta de estado
ACSD_SvnOptionsPanel.annotationTextField.text=Define valores que se deber\u00edan mostrarse nas etiquetas de estado da versi\u00f3n
AnnotationSettingsPanel.wizardButton.text=Engadir co &asistente
SvnOptionsPanel.addButton.text=Engadir &Vari\u00e1bel...
ACSN_SvnOptionsPanel.addButton.text=Engadir Vari\u00e1bel
ACSD_SvnOptionsPanel.addButton.text=Perm\u00edtelle engadir unha nova vari\u00e1bel ao formato da etiqueta de estado.
AnnotationSettingsPanel.tableLabel.text=Repository Folder (Branch/Tag) Name\:
SvnOptionsPanel.jLabel3.text=Configuraci\u00f3ns da conexi\u00f3n
SvnOptionsPanel.jLabel4.text=Etiquetas de estado de Subversion
SvnOptionsPanel.jLabel6.text=<html>Utilice este bot\u00f3n para xestionar a configuraci\u00f3n da conexi\u00f3n para todos os URL usados con anterioridade</html>
SvnOptionsPanel.jLabel7.text=<html>Para definir o contido da vari\u00e1bel cartafol (Ramificaci\u00f3n/Nome de etiqueta) presione:</html>
SvnOptionsPanel.jLabel6.AccessibleContext.accessibleDescription=Perm\u00edtelle xestionar a configuraci\u00f3n de conexi\u00f3n da conexi\u00f3n
SvnOptionsPanel.jLabel6.AccessibleContext.accessibleName=Xestionar conexi\u00f3n
SvnOptionsPanel.jLabel7.AccessibleContext.accessibleName=Definir vari\u00e1bel cartafol
SvnOptionsPanel.jLabel7.AccessibleContext.accessibleDescription=Perm\u00edtelle definir a vari\u00e1bel cartafol
SvnOptionsPanel.cbOpenOutputWindow.text=Abrir automaticamente as lapelas da &Xanela de sa\u00edda
ACSD_SvnOptionsPanel.cbOpenOutput.text=As ordes do Subversion rexistran a s\u00faa sa\u00edda nas lapelas da xanela de sa\u00edda que son abertas no momento que se precisan.
SvnOptionsPanel.excludeNewFiles.toolTipText=Newly created files will have to be manually included in commit
SvnOptionsPanel.excludeNewFiles.text=Apply "&Exclude From Commit" On New Files Automatically
FileChooser.SvnExecutables.desc=Execut\u00e1beis do SVN
SvnOptionsPanel.prefixRepositoryPath.text=Prefix &Repository Location with Repository Url
SvnOptionsPanel.prefixRepositoryPath.toolTipText=Displayed values in Repository Location column in several views will be prefixed with the URL of a repository