blob: a4bfcfe740652543834e684e4f4b221db3e055ce [file] [log] [blame]
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MSG_Unsupported_Version = NetBeans Subversion support requires Subversion executable!\n\nInstall Subversion 1.5 (http\:// or later,\nadd it to PATH,\nand test by running 'svn --version' from command line, please.\n
MSG_Progress_Finished= finalizado
MSG_Progress_Canceled= cancelado
MSG_Progress_Terminating=Rematando a conexi\u00f3n ao repositorio de Subversion.
MSG_Error_ConnectionParameters=Correct the password, username and proxy settings for the URL\:
MSG_Error_AuthFailed=Fallou a autenticaci\u00f3n
MSG_Error_CouldNotConnect=Non foi pos\u00edbel conectar \u00f3 URL
CTL_Action_Retry=Tentar de novo
CTL_Error_CertFailed=Fallou a verificaci\u00f3n do certificado do servidor
CTL_Cert_AcceptPermanently=Aceptar permanentemente
CTL_Cert_AcceptTemp=Aceptar temporalmente
MSG_CertFailureNotYetValid =- O certificado a\u00ednda non \u00e9 correcto\n
MSG_CertFailureHasExpired =- Caducou o certificado\n
MSG_CertFailureWrongHostname =- The certificate hostname does not match\n
MSG_CertFailureNotTrusted =- O certificado non foi emitido por unha autoridade fi\u00e1bel. Use the fingerprint to validate the certificate manually!\n
MSG_BadCertificate =Hostname\: {0}\nCertificate information:\n- Subject\: {1}\n- Valid\: from {2} until {3}\n- Issuer\: {4}\n- Fingerprint\: \n- SHA1\: {5} \n- MD5\: {6} \n
MSG_Error405 = This could have the following meaning(s)\:\n- the folder specified in the repository URL does not exist on the host\n- your proxy does not allow the svn command you have invoked
MSG_Error_OutOfDate = The SVN command returned with an error which indicates that some files in your working copy are out of date.\nExecute actualizar e intente introducir a orde de novo.
MSG_Error_OldClient = \nWe strongly recommend to either install a newer Subversion client or downgrade your working copy.\nCalquera cambio local poder\u00eda danar a copia de traballo e algunhas operaci\u00f3ns sobre ficheiros como copiar renomear ou eliminar sen\u00f3n funcionase correctamente.
MSG_ErrorFileNotFoundInRevision = Non se encontrou o ficheiro en Revisi\u00f3n {0}
MSG_SubversionCommandError = A orde do SVN devolveu o seguinte erro:
MSG_CommandFailed_Title = A orde do SVN fallou
MSG_InvalidKeyException = Illegal key size or default parameters.\n\nThis could have the following meaning(s)\:\nThe key retrieved from the server can't be accepted without the Unlimited Strength Jurisdiction Policy Files for your Java version from SUN
CTL_Action_OK = Aceptar
CTL_ActionCanceled_Title = Acci\u00f3n cancelada
MSG_ActionCanceledByUser = Acci\u00f3n cancelada polo usuario
CTL_CommandReport_OK = Aceptar
LBL_Queued = {0} (na cola)
MissingClientPanel.textPane.text=<html><body> 1. Download and Install Subversion 1.5 or later (<a href=""></a>).<br>2. Engadilo ao cami\u00f1o (PATH).<br>Test the installation by running 'svn --version' from a command line<br>3. Reiniciar o IDE.<br><p>If you have already installed the Subversion client, specify the Path to the executable File:</p></body></html>
MissingSvnClientPanel.jLabel1.text=Cami\u00f1o do execut\u00e1bel do SVN\:
MissingClientPanel.browseButton.text=Examinar..., C:\\Ficheiros do programa\\Subversion\\bin)
MissingSvnClientPanel.jLabel1.unix.text=(p. ex., /usr/local/bin)
MissingSvnClientPanel.jLabel2.text_1=O soporte de Subversion para NetBeans precisa o cliente de Subversion!
MissingSvnClientPanel.cliRadioButton.text=&Instalar cliente de li\u00f1a de ordes de Subversion
MissingSvnClientPanel.bundledRadioButton.text=Consiga os ficheiros binarios &compilados para Windows dende o Centro de Actualizaci\u00f3ns (Recomendado)
DownloadPanel.acceptCheckBox.text=Acepto os termos do contrato de licenza
DownloadPanel.jLabel1.text=Acordo de licenza
DownloadPanel.jTextArea1.text=Lea todos os seguintes acordos de licenza paseni\u00f1amente.\n\nPara continuar coa instalaci\u00f3n, debe aceptar todas as licenzas asociadas aos engadidos.
LBL_DownloadJavahl=Descargar o cliente de Subversion
MSG_LookingForJavahl=Buscando o cliente de Subversion empaquetado...
MSG_AlreadyBeamedDown=Parece que os Java Bindings de Subversion xa est\u00e1n instalados!
MSG_JavahlNotFound=Non se encontraron os Java Bindings de Subversion!
MSG_NeedsRestart=O instalador do IDE de NetBeans instalou con \u00e9xito os ficheiros binarios compilados de Subversion de Windows. Debe reiniciar o IDE para completar a instalaci\u00f3n do engadido.
LBL_NeedRestartTitle=Reiniciar o IDE de NetBeans
CTL_Action_Restart = Reiniciar
MissingClientPanel.jCheckBox1.AccessibleContext.accessibleDescription=Sets if the plugin will be installed into shared directories
MissingClientPanel.forceGlobalCheckBox.text=&Forzar a instalaci\u00f3n nos directorios compartidos
MissingClientPanel.textPane.AccessibleContext.accessibleDescription=Descargar subversion
MissingClientPanel.downloadRadioButton.AccessibleContext.accessibleDescription=Elixa de onde descargar os ficheiros binarios de Subversion compilados para Windows dende UC (Recomendado)
MissingClientPanel.downloadRadioButton.AccessibleContext.accessibleName=Svn compilado
MissingClientPanel.cliRadioButton.AccessibleContext.accessibleName=Instalar SVN
MissingClientPanel.cliRadioButton.AccessibleContext.accessibleDescription=Escolla para instalar o cliente por li\u00f1a de ordes de Subversion 1.5
MissingClientPanel.AccessibleContext.accessibleName=Produciuse un fallo na orde do SVN
MissingClientPanel.AccessibleContext.accessibleDescription=Produciuse un fallo na orde do SVN
MissingClientPanel.lblBinariesAvailableTip.text=(dispo\u00f1\u00edbel soamente para plataformas de 32-bits)
MSG_MissingClient_UC_Unavailable=Bundled javahl subversion client could not be installed because Update center is currently unavailable.\nTente de novo m\u00e1is tarde.
LBL_MissingClient_UC_Unavailable=Centro de Actualizaci\u00f3ns non dispo\u00f1\u00edbel.
MSG_Error_RelocateWrongUUID=Probablemente estea intentando relocalizar un repositorio incorrecto. Your working copy has been created from a different one.\nComprobar o URL de novo.\n\nYou may also checkout the target repository and create a new working copy.
MSG_MissingClient_InvalidOperation=Selected module cannot be installed.\nPlease report.
LBL_MissingClient_InvalidOperation=Fallou a instalaci\u00f3n
MSG_MissingClient_RestartNeeded=Restart is needed to complete the installation.\nPlease restart the IDE.
LBL_MissingClient_RestartNeeded=Restart needed