blob: d78a7c1d040a64d1cd752fb978123f9f9dd199aa [file] [log] [blame]
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#Output window name
LBL_Output_Window=Explorador da base de datos.
# Booleans
proceduresAreCallable = Os procedementos poden chamarse
tablesAreSelectable = As t\u00e1boas son seleccion\u00e1beis
readOnly = S\u00f3 ler
localFiles = Ficheiros locais
localFilePerTable = Ficheiros locais por t\u00e1boa
mixedCaseIdentifiers = Identificadores usando mai\u00fasculas e min\u00fasculas
mixedCaseQuotedIdentifiers = Identificadores entre comillas usando mai\u00fasculas e min\u00fasculas
alterTableWithAddColumn = Modificar a t\u00e1boa engadindo unha columna
alterTableWithDropColumn = Modificar a t\u00e1boa borrando unha columna
columnAliasing = Alias de columnas
nullPlusNonNullIsNull = Null mais null \u00e9 null
convert = Converter
tableCorrelationNames = Nomes de correlacion das t\u00e1boas
differentTableCorrelationNames = Os nomes de correlaci\u00f3n das t\u00e1boas son diferentes
expressionsInOrderBy = Expresi\u00f3ns ordeadas por
orderByUnrelated = Non relacionadas ordenadas por
groupBy = Admite GROUP BY
groupByUnrelated = Unrelated group by support
groupByBeyondSelect = Group by beyond select
likeEscapeClause = Como a cl\u00e1usula de escape
multipleResultSets = Conxunts de resultados m\u00faltiples
multipleTransactions = Traduci\u00f3ns m\u00faltiples
nonNullableColumns = Columnas non nulas
minimumSQLGrammar = Gram\u00e1tica SQL m\u00ednima
coreSQLGrammar = Gram\u00e1tica SQL principal
extendedSQLGrammar = Gram\u00e1tica SQL estendida
ANSI92EntryLevelSQL = SQL de nivel de entrada ANSI 92
ANSI92IntermediateSQL = SQL de nivel intermedio ANSI 92
ANSI92FullSQL = SQL de nivel integral ANSI 92
IntegrityEnhancementFacility = Funci\u00f3n de mellorar a integridade
outerJoins = Uni\u00f3ns externas
fullOuterJoins = Uni\u00f3ns externas completas
limitedOuterJoins = Uni\u00f3ns externas limitadas
catalogAtStart = Comezar co cat\u00e1logo
schemasInDataManipulation = Esquemas en DML
schemasInProcedureCalls = Esquemas en chamadas a procedementos
schemasInTableDefinitions = Esquemas en t\u00e1boas definidas
schemasInIndexDefinitions = Esquemas nas chamadas de \u00edndice
schemasInPrivilegeDefinitions = Esquemas nas chamadas privilexiadas
catalogsInDataManipulation = Cat\u00e1logos en DML
catalogsInProcedureCalls = Cat\u00e1logos nas chamadas de procedementos
catalogsInTableDefinitions = Cat\u00e1logos na t\u00e1boa de definici\u00f3ns
catalogsInIndexDefinitions = Cat\u00e1logos de definici\u00f3ns \u00edndices
catalogsInPrivilegeDefinitions = Cat\u00e1logos nas definici\u00f3ns privilexiadas
positionedDelete = Eliminar posici\u00f3n
positionedUpdate = Actualizar posici\u00f3n
selectForUpdate = Seleccionar actualizaci\u00f3n
storedProcedures = Compatibilidade para procedementos almacenados
subqueriesInComparisons = Subconsultas nas comparaci\u00f3ns
subqueriesInExists = Subconsultas nos exists
subqueriesInIns = Subconsultas nos inserts
subqueriesInQuantifieds = Subconsultas nos cuantificadores
correlatedSubqueries = Subconsultas correlacionadas
union = Soporte de uni\u00f3n
unionAll = Soporte de toda la uni\u00f3n
openCursorsAcrossCommit = Open cursors across commit
openCursorsAcrossRollback = Open cursors across rollback
openStatementsAcrossCommit = Open statements across commit
openStatementsAcrossRollback = Open statements across rollback
maxRowSizeIncludeBlobs = Max rowsize includes BLOBs
transactions = Soporte de transaci\u00f3n
dataDefinitionAndDataManipulationTransactions = DDL e DML en transaci\u00f3ns
dataManipulationTransactionsOnly = S\u00f3 DML
dataDefinitionCausesTransactionCommit = Actualizar causas DDL
dataDefinitionIgnoredInTransactions = DLLs ignoradas nas transici\u00f3ns
batchUpdates = Actualizaci\u00f3ns por lotes
# Integer properties
nullSort = Clasificaci\u00f3n nula
identifierStore = Almacenar identificador
quotedIdentifierStore = Almacenar identificador citado
maxBinaryLiteralLength = Max binary literal search
maxCharLiteralLength = Max character literal search
maxColumnNameLength = Max column name search
maxColumnsInGroupBy = Columnas m\u00e1ximas polas que ordenar
maxColumnsInIndex = Columnas m\u00e1ximas no \u00edndice
maxColumnsInOrderBy = Columnas m\u00e1ximas ordenadas por
maxColumnsInSelect = Columnas m\u00e1ximas seleccionadas
maxColumnsInTable = Columnas m\u00e1ximas na t\u00e1boa
maxConnections = Conexi\u00f3ns m\u00e1ximas
maxCursorNameLength = Lonxitude m\u00e1xima do nome do cursor
maxIndexLength = M\u00e1xima lonxitude do \u00edndice
maxSchemaNameLength = M\u00e1xima lonxitude do nome do esquema
maxProcedureNameLength = Lonxitude m\u00e1xima do nome do procedemento
maxCatalogNameLength = M\u00e1xima lonxitude do nome do cat\u00e1logo
maxRowSize = Tama\u00f1o m\u00e1ximo da columna
maxStatementLength = Lonxitude m\u00e1xima da instruci\u00f3n
maxStatements =
maxTableNameLength = Lonxitude m\u00e1xima do nome da t\u00e1boa
maxTablesInSelect = T\u00e1boas m\u00e1ximas seleccionadas
maxUserNameLength = M\u00e1xima lonxitude do nome do usuario
defaultTransactionIsolation = Transaci\u00f3n m\u00e1xima de illamento
# String properties
databaseProductName = Nome do produto da base de datos
databaseProductVersion = Versi\u00f3n do produto da base de datos
driverName = Nome do controlador
driverVersion = Versi\u00f3n do controlador
driverMajorVersion = Controlador da versi\u00f3n principal
driverMinorVersion = Controlador da versi\u00f3n menor
identifierQuoteString = Identificador da cadea citada
SQLKeywords = Palabras chave de SQL
numericFunctions = Funci\u00f3n num\u00e9ricas
stringFunctions = Cadea de funci\u00f3ns
systemFunctions = Sistema de funci\u00f3ns
timeDateFunctions = Data e hora das funci\u00f3ns
searchStringEscape = Escapar da cadea de busca
extraNameCharacters = Caracteres adicionais do nome
schemaTerm = Termo do esquema
procedureTerm = Termo do procedemento
catalogTerm = Termo do cat\u00e1logo
catalogSeparator = Separador do cat\u00e1logo
Yes = Si
No = Non
NotSet = Non estabelecido
# Queries
PROP_proceduresQuery = Consulta de procedementos
PROP_procedureColumnsQuery = Consulta dos procedementos das columnas
PROP_schemasQuery = Consulta do esquema
PROP_catalogsQuery = Consulta dos cat\u00e1logos
PROP_tablesQuery = Consultas das t\u00e1boas
PROP_tableTypesQuery = Consulta dos tipos de campo
PROP_columnsQuery = Consulta de columnas
PROP_columnPrivilegesQuery = Consulta da columna de privilexios
PROP_tablePrivilegesQuery = Consulta da t\u00e1boa de privilexios
PROP_bestRowIdentifierQuery = Consulta do mellor identificador de fila
PROP_versionColumnsQuery = Consulta da versi\u00f3n das columnas
PROP_primaryKeysQuery = Consulta das chaves primarias
PROP_importedKeysQuery = Consulta das chaves importadas
PROP_exportedKeysQuery = Consulta das chaves exportadas
PROP_crossReferenceQuery = Consulta a trav\u00e9s da referencia
PROP_typeInfoQuery = Introducir informaci\u00f3n da consulta
PROP_indexInfoQuery = Consulta da informaci\u00f3n do \u00edndice
PROP_UDTsQuery = User-defined types query
# [PENDING] misspelling in key name...pls. check
PROP_capitializeUsername = P\u00f3r en mai\u00fasculas o nome de usuario
EXC_UnableToOpenStream = Impos\u00edbel abrir o fluxo {0}
EXC_CommandNotSupported = command {0} is not supported by system
EXC_AdaptorInterface=adaptor should implement DatabaseAdaptor interface
EXC_AdaptorUnspecClass=unspecified adaptor class
EXC_ConnOpen=conexi\u00f3n aberta
EXC_ConnNot=non se especificou a conexi\u00f3n
EXC_ConnUnableClose=non \u00e9 pos\u00edbel pechar a conexi\u00f3n
EXC_UnableFindOrInitCommand=non \u00e9 pos\u00edbel atopar ou inicializar a clase {0} para a orde {1} ({2})
EXC_Expected=expected {0}, found: {1}
EXC_UnexpectedKey=unexpected key, found: {0}
EXC_ExpectedObject=expected object, found: {0}
EXC_Unknown=nome de obxecto desco\u00f1ecido
EXC_NoFormatSpec=non se especificou ning\u00fan formato
EXC_UnableLocateObject=unable to locate binded object {0}
EXC_UnableLocateType=unable to locate type {0} in: {1}
EXC_UnableToFormat=Unable to format command:
EXC_UnableToExecute=Unable to execute command:
EXC_UnableToBind=unable bind type {0}, table: {1}
EXC_NoConnection=non hai ningunha conexi\u00f3n dispo\u00f1\u00edbel
EXC_NoDBMetadata=Non hai ning\u00fan metadato da base de datos dispo\u00f1\u00edbel