blob: fdaabf3bbf687c76688a26736c3bf9967e70ade7 [file] [log] [blame]
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OpenIDE-Module-Name=Editor de Groovy
OpenIDE-Module-Short-Description=Compatibilidade para edici\u00f3n de ficheiros Groovy
OpenIDE-Module-Long-Description=Compatibilidade para edici\u00f3n de ficheiros Groovy
Services/MIMEResolver/GroovyMimeResolver.xml=Ficheiros de Groovy
text/x-groovy-string-double=Cadeas entre v\u00edrgulas de Groovy
text/x-groovy-string-single=Cadeas de Groovy
text/x-groovy-comment=Comentarios de Groovy
groovy-reflow-paragraph=Reformatar par\u00e1grafo
editor-popup-groovy-reflow-paragraph=Reformatar par\u00e1grafo
NoRename=Non \u00e9 pos\u00edbel renomear o s\u00edmbolo; s\u00f3 se permiten os par\u00e1metros, vari\u00e1beis locais e din\u00e1micas
NoRenameWithErrors=Non \u00e9 pos\u00edbel renomear cando a fonte cont\u00e9n erros
UnexpectedError=Erro de sintaxe, {0} inesperado
UnsafeIdentifierName=So os caracteres a-z, A-Z, os d\u00edxitos e a barra baixa son nomes seguros en Groovy
## TEMPORARY -- this should be removed soon
# because the colors should be added dynamically from the infrastructure
GSF_CLASS=Vari\u00e1bel de clase
GSF_REGEXP_LITERAL=Expresi\u00f3n regular
GSF_LINE_COMMENT=Li\u00f1a de comentario
GSF_ANY_KEYWORD=Palabra chave
GSF_WHITESPACE=Espazo en branco
GSF_FLOAT_LITERAL=N\u00famero de coma flotante
STRING_INVALID=Cadea incorrecta
GSF_GLOBAL=Vari\u00e1bel global
GSF_TODO=Elemento Todo
GSF_BLOCK_COMMENT=Bloque de comentario
QUOTED_STRING_LITERAL=Cadea entre v\u00edrgulas
STRING_ESCAPE=Cadea de escape
GSF_CHAR_LITERAL=Car\u00e1cter literal
COMMENT_TEXT=Texto do comentario
COMMENT_TODO=Texto do comentario TODO
COMMENT_RDOC=Etiqueta de comentario RDoc
COMMENT_HTMLTAG=Etiqueta de comentario HTML
COMMENT_LINK=Ligaz\u00f3n do comentario
COMMENT_BOLD=Comentario en negra
COMMENT_ITALIC=Comentario en cursiva
GSF_TYPESYMBOL=Tipo de s\u00edmbolo
REGEXP_TEXT=Expresi\u00f3n regular
REGEXP_META=Metacaracter da expresi\u00f3n regular
REGEXP_INVALID=Expresi\u00f3n regular incorrecta
#"Semantic" highlighting:
mod-unused=Elemento non usado
mod-abstract=Elemento abstracto
mod-local-variable=Vari\u00e1bel local
mod-deprecated=Elemento obsoleto
mod-static=Membro est\u00e1tico
mod-private=Membro privado
mod-package-private=Membro privado do paquete
mod-protected=Membro protexido
mod-public=Membro p\u00fablico
mod-type-parameter-declaration=Par\u00e1metro de tipo
mod-type-parameter-use=Empregar par\u00e1metro de tipo
mod-undefined=Elemento non definido
mark-occurrences=Marcar ocorrencias
#ct_jc=import Java class
#ct_do=do { |e| \u2026 }
#ct_module=module end
#ct_begin=begin rescue end
#ct_if=if \u2026 | end
#ct_ife=if \u2026 | else \u2026 | end
#ct_doc==begin/=end documentation
# TextMate snippets:
#ct_hash=Add # => Marker
#ct_colon=Hash Pair :key => "value"
#ct_Comp=include Comparable \u2026
#ct_Dir=Dir.glob("\u2026") { |file| \u2026 }
#ct_Enum=include Enumerable \u2026
#ct_File=File.foreach ("\u2026") { |line| \u2026 }
#ct_Forw-=extend Forwardable { |hash, key| hash[key] = \u2026 }
#ct_Md=Marshal.dump(\u2026, file)
#ct_Ml=Marshal.load(obj) \u2026 )
#ct_Yd-=YAML.dump(\u2026, file)
#ct_all=all? { |e| \u2026 }
#ct_am=alias_method \u2026
#ct_any=any? { |e| \u2026 }
#ct_app=application_code { \u2026 }
#ct_asnr=assert_nothing_raised(\u2026) { \u2026 }
#ct_asnt=assert_nothing_thrown { \u2026 }
#ct_asr=assert_raise(\u2026) { \u2026 }
#ct_ast=assert_throws(\u2026) { \u2026 }
#ct_bm-=Benchmark.bmbm do \u2026 end
#ct_case=case \u2026 | end
#ct_cl=classify { |e| \u2026 }
#ct_cla=ClassName = Struct \u2026 do \u2026 end
#ct_col=collect { |e| \u2026 }
#ct_dop=do \u2026 end
#ct_def=def \u2026 | end
#ct_defd=def_delegator \u2026
#ct_defds=def_delegators \u2026
#ct_defmm=def method_missing \u2026 end
#ct_defs=def self \u2026 end
#ct_deft=def test_ \u2026 end
#ct_deli=delete_if { |e| \u2026 }
#ct_det=detect { |e| \u2026 }
#ct_ea=each { |e| \u2026 }
#ct_eab=each_byte { |byte| \u2026 }
#ct_eac-=each_char { |chr| \u2026 }
#ct_eai=each_index { |i| \u2026 }
#ct_eak=each_key { |key| \u2026 }
#ct_eal=each_line { |line| \u2026 }
#ct_eap=each_pair { |name, val| \u2026 }
#ct_eas-=each_slice(\u2026) { |group| \u2026 }
#ct_eav=each_value { |val| \u2026 }
#ct_eawi=each_with_index { |e, i| \u2026 }
#ct_elsif=elsif \u2026
#ct_fin=find { |e| \u2026 }
#ct_fina=find_all { |e| \u2026 }
#ct_gre=grep(/pattern/) { |match| \u2026 }
#ct_loo=loop { \u2026 }
#ct_map=map { |e| \u2026 }
#ct_mapwi-=map_with_index { |e, i| \u2026 }
#ct_max=max { |a, b| \u2026 }
#ct_min=min { |a, b| \u2026 }
#ct_mod=module \u2026 ClassMethods \u2026 end
#ct_par=partition { |e| \u2026 }
#ct_patfh=path_from_here( \u2026 )
#ct_r=attr_reader \u2026
#ct_rej=reject { |e| \u2026 }\u2026) { \u2026 }
#ct_req=require "\u2026"
#ct_reve=reverse_each { |e| \u2026 }
#ct_rw=attr_accessor \u2026
#ct_sca=scan(/\u2026/) { |match| \u2026 }
#ct_sel=select { |e| \u2026 }
#ct_sor=sort { |a, b| \u2026 }
#ct_sorb=sort_by { |e| \u2026 }
#ct_tc=class \u2026 < Test::Unit::TestCase \u2026 end
#ct_ts=require "tc_\u2026" \u2026
#ct_uni=unix_filter { \u2026 }
#ct_unless=unless \u2026 | end
#ct_until=until \u2026 end
#ct_w=attr_writer \u2026
#ct_when=when \u2026 |
#ct_while=while \u2026 end
#ct_zip=zip(enums) { |row| \u2026 }
# TextMate snippets
#ct_flash=flash[\u2026 | ]
#ct_mccc=Create Several Columns
#ct_mcol=Add Column
#ct_mtab=Create Table
#ct_ra=render (action)
#ct_ral=render (action, layout)
#ct_rcea=render_component (action)
#ct_rcec=render_component (controller)
#ct_rceca=render_component (controller, action)
#ct_rea=redirect_to (action)
#ct_reai=redirect_to (action, id)
#ct_rec=redirect_to (controller)
#ct_reca=redirect_to (controller, action)
#ct_recai=redirect_to (controller, action, id)
#ct_rf=render (file)
#ct_rfu=render (file, use_full_path)
#ct_ri=render (inline)
#ct_ril=render (inline, locals)
#ct_rit=render (inline, type)
#ct_rl=render (layout)
#ct_rn=render (nothing)
#ct_rns=render (nothing, status)
#ct_rp=render (partial)
#ct_rpc=render (partial, collection)
#ct_rpl=render (partial, locals)
#ct_rpo=render (partial, object)
#ct_rps=render (partial, status)
#ct_rt=render (text)
#ct_rtl=render (text, layout)
#ct_rtlt=render (text, layout => true)
#ct_rts=render (text, status)
#ct_vaif=validates_associated if
#ct_vcif=validates_confirmation_of if
#ct_veif=validates_exclusion_of if
#ct_verify=verify \u2026 render
#ct_vpif=validates_presence_of if
#ct_vuif=validates_uniqueness_of if
#ct_lia=link_to (action)
#ct_liai=link_to (action, id)
#ct_lic=link_to (controller)
#ct_lica=link_to (controller, action)
#ct_licai=link_to (controller, action, id)
DynamicMethod=Este m\u00e9todo \u00e9 xerado dinamicamente por Rails, e buscar\u00e1 coincidencias no seu modelo para a columna dada. Tam\u00e9n pode buscar por combinaci\u00f3ns de columnas que concatenan outras con <code>_and_</code>.
NoCommentFound=Non se encontraron comentarios
FileDeleted=Non \u00e9 pos\u00edbel encontrar o ficheiro. Quiz\u00e1is fora eliminado dende fora do IDE?\nVostede pode forzar unha actualizaci\u00f3n do \u00edndice eliminando o cartafol\n var/cache/gsf-index no seu cartafol de usuario.
OnlyRenameLocalVars=S\u00f3 renomeamos as vari\u00e1beis neste momento