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# Sample ResourceBundle properties file
Templates/WebServices=Servizos web
Templates/WebServices/RestServicesFromEntities=Servizos web RESTfull desde as clases de entidades
Templates/WebServices/RestServicesFromPatterns=Servizos web RESTful desde patr\u00f3ns
Templates/WebServices/RestServicesFromDatabase=Servizos web RESTful desde bases de datos
Templates/WebServices/RestClientStubs=Cliente JavaScript RESTful
Templates/Persistence/RestServicesFromEntities=Servizos web RESTfull desde as clases de entidades
Templates/Persistence/RestServicesFromDatabase=Servizos web RESTful desde a base de datos
LBL_WinTitle_SelectClass=Clase seleccionada
LBL_SelectRepresentationClass=&Seleccionar clase de representaci\u00f3n do recurso:
LBL_Package=Pa&quete do recurso\:
LBL_WizardTitle_FromEntity=Servizos web RESTfull desde as clases de entidade
LBL_RestResourcesAndClasses=Clases xeradas
LBL_Select_Pattern=Seleccionar patr\u00f3n
LBL_Specify_Resource_Class=Especifique as clases de recursos
LBL_EntityClasses=Clases de entidade
LBL_Add=&Engadir >
LBL_Remove=< E&liminar
LBL_AddAll=Engadir t&odas >>
LBL_RemoveAll=<< Eliminar tod&as
LBL_AvailableEntities=Clases de &entidade dispo\u00f1\u00edbeis\:
LBL_SelectedEntities=Clases d&e entidade seleccionadas\:
ERR_NoPersistenceUnit=Todav\u00eda non hai unha unidade de persistencia no proxecto. Precisa dunha unidade de persistencia para persistir as clases de entidades.
MSG_EntitySelectionPanel_NotWebProject=<html>Ning\u00fan proxecto web.</html>
MSG_EntitySelectionPanel_NoSWDP=<html><body>O servidor de destino non ten a biblioteca REST requirida. Saia deste asistente, desc\u00e1rgueo e inst\u00e1leo desde</body></html>
MSG_EntitySelectionPanel_NoEntities=<html>Non se atoparon as clases de entidade. Saia deste asistente e engada as clases de entidade a este proxecto.</html>
MSG_EntitySelectionPanel_NoPersistenceUnit=<html>Current project has no persistence unit. Use o asistente Nova unidade de persistencia para crear unha.</html>
LBL_RestSevicicesFromEntitiesProgress=Xerando servizos web RESTful desde as clases de entidade...
LBL_ClientStubsProgress=Generating Client Stubs From RESTful Web Services...
LBL_RestServicesFromPatternsProgress=Xerando servizos web RESTful desde patr\u00f3ns...
MSG_EntitySelectionPanel_InvalidEntityClasses=Algunhas clases de entidade seleccionadas non son correctas
MSG_EntitySelectionPanel_NoneSelected=Seleccionar polo menos unha clase de entidade
DESC_Container_Pattern=<html>Create a pair of RESTful resource classes consisting of an item resource class and its container resource class using Java API for RESTful Web Service (JSR-311). Item resources can be created and added to the container resource using the POST method on the container resource class. Note that the URI for the newly created item resource is determined by the container resource.<p>On the next page you will be specifying class name, URI, and representation type of the item and container resources.</p></html>
DESC_Singleton_Pattern=<html>Create a RESTful root resource class with GET and PUT methods using Java API for RESTful Web Service (JSR-311). This pattern is useful for creating a simple HelloWorld service and wrapper services for invoking WSDL-based web services.<p> On the next page you will be specifying class name, URI, and representation type of the resource.</p></html>
DESC_Client_Control_Pattern=<html>Create a pair of RESTful resource classes consisting of an item resource class and its container resource class using Java API for RESTful Web Service (JSR-311). This pattern is a slight variation of the Container-Item pattern. The difference is that there is no POST method on the container resource class for creating item resources. Instead, item resources are created using the PUT method on the item resource class. The reason this is called Client-Controlled Container-Item pattern is because the URI for the item resource is determined by the client and not the container resource.<p>On the next page you will specify class name, URI, and representation type of the resource.</p></html>
LBL_ResourceName=&Nome do recurso\:
LBL_ClassName=Nome da &clase\:
LBL_UirTemplate=Modelo de &URI\:
LBL_MimeType=Tipo &MIME\:
LBL_RepresentationClass=Clase da &representaci\u00f3n\:
LBL_ContainerClass=N&ome da clase do contedor\:
LBL_ContainerUriTemplate=Cami\u00f1o do contedor\:
LBL_SelectPattern=Seleccionar un patr\u00f3n de dese\u00f1o do servizo web RESTful\:
LBL_ContainerItem=Elemento do &contedor
LBL_GenericResource=Recurso de con&trol do cliente
LBL_SelectDesignPattern=Seleccionar un patr\u00f3n de dese\u00f1o do servizo web RESTful\:
LBL_ContainerRepresentationClass=Cl&ase de representaci\u00f3n do contedor\:
MSG_ClassName=Nome da &clase\:
HINT_BrowseFolder=Browse folder to store the stubs.
HINT_BrowseWadl=Examinar o ficheiro WADL de destino.
LBL_AddProject=Eng&adir proxecto...
HINT_CustomizerProjectReferences_AddProject=Add project to search the webservices.
HINT_CustomizerProjectReferences_RemoveProject=Remove added project.
LBL_ProjectsToGenerateStubFor=Projects to &Generate Stubs for\:
LBL_WADLToGenerateStubFor=Specify a &WADL file to Generate Stubs for\:
HINT_WADLToGenerateStubFor=Localizaci\u00f3n do ficheiro WADL de destino.
LBL_OverwriteExisting=&Overwrite Existing Stubs
LBL_SelectFolder=Select &Folder\:
LBL_BrowseFolders=Examinar cartafoles
LBL_BrowseFiles=Explorar ficheiros
LBL_SelectRestServiceProjects=Seleccionar os proxectos que conte\u00f1an servizos web RESTful
LBL_ProjectChooserTitle=Seleccionar proxecto
LBL_WadlChooserTitle=Seleccionar ficheiro WADL
MSG_NoProjects=Add at least one project with RESTful web services to generate client stubs for.
MSG_NoWadlFile=Please select or specify a wadl file to generate client stubs for.
MSG_NoValidWadlFile=Please select or specify a valid wadl file to generate client stubs for.
MSG_VALID=O ficheiro WADL \u00e9 correcto.
MSG_INVALID=O ficheiro WADL \u00e9 incorrecto.
MSG_APP_MISSING=<application> falta o elemento no ficheiro wadl.
MSG_RESOURCES_MISSING=<resources> falta o elemento no ficheiro wadl.
MSG_BASE_URL_NULL=base attribute missing in element <resources> in the wadl file.
MSG_EMPTY_RESOURCES=No <resource> elements in the wadl file.
MSG_ProjectsWithoutREST=Alg\u00fans dos proxectos seleccionados non conte\u00f1en servizos web RESTful
LBL_ResourceDir=&Converter Package\:
MSG_GeneratedClassNames=For example, for the entity class Customer, the code generator would create\:\n CustomerResource for entity resource,\n CustomersResource for container resource,\n CustomerConverter for entity converter,\n CustomersConverter for container converter and\n CustomerRefConverter for reference converter.
LBL_SingletonResource=Recurso de ra\u00edz &simple
LBL_ClientControl=Clien&t-Controlled Container-Item
ACSD_Singleton=Patr\u00f3n do recurso de ra\u00edz simple
ACSD_ContainerResource=Container-item resource pattern
ACSD_ClientControlled=Client controlled resource pattern
DESC_PatternDescription=Descrici\u00f3n para cada patr\u00f3n seleccionado.
LBL_PatternDescription=Descrici\u00f3n do patr\u00f3n
DESC_ResourceName=O nome do recursos usarase para derivar o nome das clases xeradas.
ResourceName=Nome do recurso
DESC_ClassName=Nome para a clase do recurso.
ClassName=Nome da clase do recurso
DESC_ContainerClassName=Nome da clase contedor
ContainerClassName=Nome da clase contedor
DESC_ProjectName=Name of project the resource classes are created in.
DESC_Location=Source root location to create artifacts in
DESC_ResourcePackage=Nome do paquete das clases do recurso
ResourcePackage=Paquete do recurso
DESC_Uri=URI template to identity instance of the item resource
UriTemplate=Item Resource Path
ItemUriTemplate=Item Resource Path
DESC_MimeType=Tipo MIME da representaci\u00f3n do recurso
MimeType=Tipo MIME
DESC_RepresentationClass=Class for item resource representation
RepresentationClass=Clase da representaci\u00f3n
DESC_SelectClass=Select a resource representation class for item resource.
SelectItemResourceRepresentation=Select Item Resource Representation
ItemResourceRepresentationClass=Item Resource Representation Class
DESC_ContainerRepresentationClass=Container resource representation class
ContainerResourceRepresentationClass=Container Resource Representation Class
DESC_SelectContainerRepresentationClass=Select container resource representation
SelectContainerRepresentationClass=Select Container Representation Class
DESC_Project=Name of project to create artifacts in.
DESC_SelectRepresenationClass=Seleccionar a clase de representaci\u00f3n para o recurso.
SelectRepresentationClass=Seleccionar clase de representaci\u00f3n
UirTemplate=Modelo de URI\:
DESC_Folder=Folder to create artifacts in
DESC_BrowseFolder=Examinar para seleccionar o cartafol de destino
DESC_ProjectList=List of projects containing resources that you want to generate stubs for.
ProjectList=Lista do proxecto
DESC_AddProject=Add a project with RESTful web services to generate client stubs for.
AddProject=Engadir proxecto
DESC_RemoveProject=Remove project from list of projects to generate client stub for
RemoveProject=Eliminar proxecto
DESC_OverwriteExisting=Whether or not to overwrite existing client stubs.
OverwriteExistingStubs=Overwrite Existing Stubs
DESC_AvailableEntityClasses=All entity classes in the current project are available for generating RESTful web services
AvailableEntityClasses=Clases de entidade dispo\u00f1\u00edbeis
DESC_SelectedList=Lista das clases de entidade seleccionadas para xerar os servizos web RESTful para
SelectedEntityClasses=Clases de entidade seleccionadas
DESC_SelectedEntityClasses=Clases de entidade seleccionadas para a xeraci\u00f3n dos servizos web RESTful
DESC_AddEntityClass=Add highlighted entity class to selection list for generation of RESTful web services
AddEntityClass=Engadir clase de entidade
DESC_RemoveEntityClass=Remove entity class from selection list.
RemoveEntityClass=Eliminar clase de entidade
DESC_AddAllEntityClasses=Seleccionar todas as clases de entidade para xerar os servizos web RESTful
AddAllEntityClasses=Engadir todas as clases de entidade
DESC_RemoveAllEntityClasses=Limpar a lista de entidade seleccionada
RemoveAllEntityClasses=Eliminar todas as clases de entidade
SelectedEntityList=Lista de entidade seleccionada
DESC_AddRemovePanel=Panel for 'add' or 'remove' buttons
AddOrRemoveEntityClasses=Engadir ou eliminar clases de entidade
DESC_Preview=Previsualizaci\u00f3n dos nomes das clases xeradas
PreviewGeneratedClassNames=Previsualizar os nomes das clases xeradas
DESC_ConverterPackage=Package name for representation converter classes
ConverterPackage=Converter Package
MSG_InvalidResourceName=Nome de recurso incorrecto
MSG_ClassNameEqualsContainerClassName=O nome da clase contedor debe diferir do nome da clase do recurso
MSG_InvalidResourceClassName=Nome da clase do recurso incorrecto
MSG_InvalidContainerResourceClassName=Nome da clase do recurso contedor incorrecto
MSG_InvalidPackageName=Nome do paquete incorrecto
MSG_InvalidResourcePackageName=Nome do paquete do recurso incorrecto
MSG_InvalidConverterPackageName=Invalid converter package name
MSG_EmptyUriTemplate=O cami\u00f1o no pode estar baleiro
MSG_IncorrectUriTemplate=O cami\u00f1o debe conter unha lista de identificadores java \u00fanicos rodeados por chaves, ou literais de cadea, separados por barras.
MSG_EmptyContainerUriTemplate=O cami\u00f1o do contedor non pode estar baleiro.
MSG_ExistingClass=Xa existe a clase
MSG_NoJavaSourceRoots=Current project has no java source roots
DESC_ContainerUriTemplate=Cami\u00f1o para o recurso do contedor
MSG_NotSupportedProjectType=O asistente non \u00e9 compat\u00edbel para este tipo do proxecto.