blob: 84d3b5867fd41f79078470f8d357c2602cfffd3b [file] [log] [blame]
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MON_All_transactions_2=Todo os rexistros
# "Cookie" is a technical term from the HTTP specification
# "Session" is a technical term from the Servlet specification
MON_Browser_cookie=Usar as cookies de sesi\u00f3n do navegador para os reintentos
MON_Client_Server=Cliente e servidor
MON_Could_not_5=Non foi pos\u00edbel crear o compo\u00f1ente GUI do Monitor de HTTP
MON_Current_Transactions_7=Rexistros actuais
MON_Delete_all_9=Borrar todos os rexistros
MON_Delete_current_10=Borrar o rexistro actual
MON_Delete_saved_11=Borrar os rexistros gardados
MON_HTTP_Transaction_13=Monitor do servidor &HTTP
MON_Order_transactions_14=Ordenar os rexistros alfabeticamente
MON_Order_transactions_15=Ordenar os rexistros por marca de tempo (ascendente)
MON_Order_transactions_16=Ordenar os rexistros por marca de tempo (descendente)
MON_Reload_all_17=Recargar todos os rexistros
# "Request" means HTTP request
MON_Save_action_21=Fallou a acci\u00f3n de gardar
MON_Saved_cookie=Use the recorded session cookie for replays
MON_Saved_Transactions_22=Rexistros gardados
# "Context" is a technical term from the Servlet specification
# "Engine" means the servlet engine (the servlet runtime in the web server)
MON_Show_time_25=Mostrar/ocultar marca de tempo
MON_Transaction_data_26=Mostra os rexistros do Monitor HTTP
MON_Transactions_27=Rexistros do Monitor HTTP
MON_info_title=Mensaxe do Monitor HTTP
MON_Title=Monitor do servidor HTTP
MON_Window_Tooltip=Monitor do servidor HTTP
# All Records context menu
MON_Reload_all=Recargar todos os rexistros
MON_Sort_by=Ordenar por
MON_Show_timestamp=Mostrar marca de tempo
MON_Sort_desc=Marca de tempo (descendente)
MON_Sort_asc=Marca de tempo (ascendente)
ACS_MON_monitorName=HTTP Server-Side Monitor
ACS_MON_monitorDesc=The HTTP Monitor records and replays HTTP requests.
ACS_MON_Transaction_dataName=Details of the HTTP Monitor data record
ACS_MON_Transaction_dataDesc=These HTTP Monitor tabs show details of the selected data record.
ACS_MON_treeName=Rexistros de datos do monitor HTTP
ACS_MON_treeDesc=A tree view of HTTP Monitor data records
ACS_MON_Replay_tabsName=Categories of editable request data
ACS_MON_Replay_tabsDesc=Each tab represents a category of request data that can be edited prior to replaying the request.
ACS_MON_RequestTable_19A11yName=T\u00e1boa de petici\u00f3ns
ACS_MON_RequestTable_19A11yDesc=T\u00e1boa de datos de petici\u00f3ns
ACS_MON_SessionTable_24A11yName=T\u00e1boa de sesi\u00f3ns
ACS_MON_SessionTable_24A11yDesc=T\u00e1boa de datos de sesi\u00f3ns
ACS_MON_ClientTable_3A11yName=T\u00e1boa de clientes
ACS_MON_ClientTable_3A11yDesc=T\u00e1boa de datos de clientes
ACS_SortButtonUnsortedA11yDesc=Sen ordenar
ACS_SortButtonSortAZA11yDesc=Ordenados A-Z.
ACS_SortButtonSortZAA11yDesc=Ordenados A-Z.
# Request table
MON_Request_URI=Request URI
MON_Resource=Accessed resource
# "Method" is a technical term from the HTTP specification
# "Query string" is a technical term from the HTML or Servlet specification
MON_Querystring=Cadea da consulta
MON_Querystring_Header=Cadea da consu&lta
MON_No_querystring=There was no query string
ACS_MON_QuerystringA11yDesc=Cadea da consulta
ACS_MON_QuerystringTableA11yName=Query String Table
ACS_MON_QuerystringTableA11yDesc=Query string table.
MON_Query_parameters=Par\u00e1metros da consu&lta
# "Request" is a technical term from the HTTP specification
# "Post" refers to the "POST" method of the HTTP specification
MON_Posted_data=&Posted data
MON_Upload_File=File to upload
MON_No_posted_data=No data was posted with the request
MON_Unparameterized=Data sent with this request was not parameterized
MON_Unparameterized_bad=This request seems to contain nonparameterized data. For the JSP or servlet to be able to process such data, the request should have the HTTP header "Content-type" set to match the actual data format (for instance "text/plain"). If the JSP or servlet should have received parameterized data, make sure the syntax of the input is correct.
ACS_MON_Query_parametersA11yDesc=Par\u00e1metros da consulta
ACS_MON_Posted_dataA11yDesc=Posted data
ACS_MON_ParametersTableA11yDesc=T\u00e1boa de par\u00e1metros
ACS_MON_Posted_dataTableA11yName=Posted Data
ACS_MON_Posted_dataTableA11yDesc=Posted data table.
MON_Upload_File_Not_Supported=Uploading files for PUT requests not supported for replay.
MON_Warning_param=Problem with data from the ServletInputstream
# "Protocol" is a technical term, in this case from the W3C URI specification
MON_Remote_Host=Nome do equipo do cliente
MON_Remote_Address=Enderezo IP do cliente
# "Referer" is a technical term form the HTTP specification
# "Scheme" is a technical term form the HTTP specification
MON_Status=HTTP exit status (as set by servlet)
MON_No_data=No data was posted
MON_Path_info=Path info
MON_Request_att_after=Request attributes &after the request
MON_Request_att_before=Request attributes &before the request
ACS_MON_Request_att_afterA11yDesc=Request attributes after the request
ACS_MON_Request_att_afterTableA11yName=Request Attributes After the Request
ACS_MON_Request_att_afterTableA11yDesc=Request attributes after the request
ACS_MON_Request_att_beforeA11yDesc=Request attributes before the request
ACS_MON_Request_att_beforeTableA11yName=Request Attributes Before the Request
ACS_MON_Request_att_beforeTableA11yDesc=Request attributes before the request
# Client Table
MON_Software=Software used
MON_Encodings=Aceptouse a codificaci\u00f3n
MON_Fileformats=Acept\u00e1ronse os formatos do ficheiro
MON_Charsets=Acept\u00e1ronse os conxuntos de caracteres
# Cookies
MON_Incoming_cookie=Cook&ies de entrada
MON_Outgoing_cookie=C&ookies de sa\u00edda
MON_No_incoming=Sen cookies de entrada
MON_No_outgoing=Sen cookies de sa\u00edda
ACS_MON_Incoming_cookieA11yDesc=Cookies de entrada
ACS_MON_Incoming_cookieTableA11yName=T\u00e1boa de cookies de entrada
ACS_MON_Incoming_cookieTableA11yDesc=T\u00e1boa de cookies de entrada.
ACS_MON_Outgoing_cookieA11yDesc=Cookies de sa\u00edda
ACS_MON_Outgoing_cookieTableA11yName=T\u00e1boa de cookies de sa\u00edda
ACS_MON_Outgoing_cookieTableA11yDesc=T\u00e1boa de cookies de sa\u00edda.
# The following paragraph provides labels for attributes of cookies.
# See "Cookie" in the HTTP specification for details on what the
# attributes stand for.
# "Path" is similar to file path. See "Cookie" in the HTTP specification
# "Domain" is a DNS domain name. See "Cookie" in the HTTP specification
MON_Max_age=Max age
MON_Max_age_20=Max age (seconds)
# In this label, session refers to the period between the HTML browser
# was started and exited.
MON_this_session=Caduca ao remate desta sesi\u00f3n do navegador
# Session
MON_Session_invalidated=Destru\u00eduse a sesi\u00f3n durante esta petici\u00f3n
MON_Session_created=Creouse a sesi\u00f3n como resultado desta petici\u00f3n
MON_Session_existed=A sesi\u00f3n exist\u00eda antes desta petici\u00f3n
MON_Session_properties=Propiedades da s&esi\u00f3n
# "Session attribute" is a technical term from the Servlet specification
MON_Session_att_after=Atributos da sesi\u00f3n &antes da petici\u00f3n
MON_Session_att_before=Atri&butos da sesi\u00f3ns despois da petici\u00f3n
ACS_MON_Session_propertiesA11yDesc=Propiedades da sesi\u00f3n.
ACS_MON_Session_propertiesTableA11yName=Propiedades da sesi\u00f3n
ACS_MON_Session_propertiesTableA11yDesc=Propiedades da sesi\u00f3n.
ACS_MON_Session_att_afterA11yDesc=Atributos da sesi\u00f3n antes da petici\u00f3n
ACS_MON_Session_att_afterTableA11yName=Atributos da sesi\u00f3n antes da petici\u00f3n
ACS_MON_Session_att_afterTableA11yDesc=Atributos da sesi\u00f3n antes da petici\u00f3n
ACS_MON_Session_att_beforeA11yDesc=Atributos da sesi\u00f3n despois da petici\u00f3n
ACS_MON_Session_att_beforeTableA11yName=Atributos da sesi\u00f3n despois da petici\u00f3n
ACS_MON_Session_att_beforeTableA11yDesc=Atributos da sesi\u00f3n despois da petici\u00f3n
MON_Session_no_att_before=Atributos da sesi\u00f3n despois da petici\u00f3n: ning\u00fan
MON_Session_no_att_after=Atributos da sesi\u00f3n antes da petici\u00f3n: ning\u00fan
MON_No_session=Non exist\u00eda ningunha sesi\u00f3n ou creouse
MON_Session_ID=ID da sesi\u00f3n
MON_Last_accessed=Last accessed
MON_Max_inactive=Max inactive interval
MON_Max_inactive_before=Max inactive interval (before request)
MON_Max_inactive_after=Max inactive interval (after request)
# Servlet
MON_No_servlet=This request was not handled by a servlet
MON_Not_recorded=Servlet data cannot be recorded on this server
# "Servlet context" is a technical term from the Servlet specificaton
MON_Servlet_context=Contexto de s&ervlet
MON_Context_name=Nome do contexto
MON_Relative_path=Cami\u00f1o relativo
MON_Absolute_path=Cami\u00f1o absoluto ao contexto
MON_Translated_path=Cami\u00f1o traducido
ACS_MON_Servlet_contextA11yDesc=Contexto do servlet
ACS_MON_Servlet_contextTableA11yName=T\u00e1boa de contexto do servlet
ACS_MON_Servlet_contextTableA11yDesc=T\u00e1boa de contexto do servlet.
ACS_MON_Servlet_engineTableA11yName=T\u00e1boa do servidor
ACS_MON_Servlet_engineTableA11yDesc=t\u00e1boa do servidor.
MON_Java_version=Versi\u00f3n de Java
MON_Server_name=Nome de equipo
MON_Server_port=N\u00famero do porto do servizo HTTP
#"Init parameter" is a technical term from the Servlet specification
MON_Init_parameters=Par\u00e1metros de &Init
MON_No_init=Ning\u00fan par\u00e1metro para Init
ACS_MON_Init_parametersA11yDesc=Par\u00e1metros de Init.
ACS_MON_Init_parametersTableA11yName=T\u00e1boa de par\u00e1metros de Init
ACS_MON_Init_parametersTableA11yDesc=T\u00e1boa de par\u00e1metros de Init.
# "Context attribute" is a technical term from the Servlet Specification
MON_Context_att=Atributos de &contexto
ACS_MON_Context_att_A11yDesc=Atributos de contexto
ACS_MON_Context_att_TableA11yName=Atributos de contexto
ACS_MON_Context_att_TableA11yDesc=Atributos de contexto
# Misc
MON_ParamValue=Ver valor
MON_DisplayValue=Ver este atributo
MON_EditAttribute=Editar este atributo
ACS_MON_ParamValueA11yDesc=Ver valor
ACS_MON_ParamValueTextAreaA11yName=Ver valor
ACS_MON_ParamValueTextAreaA11yDesc=Ver valor
# Headers
# "Header" is a technical term from the HTTP specification
# Used on the data display
MON_HTTP_Headers=Cabeceiras &HTTP
# Used in the replay dialog, which has a "Help" button
MON_HTTP_Headers_2=Cabeceiras H&TTP
MON_No_headers=No HTTP headers were recorded
ACS_MON_HTTP_HeadersA11yDesc=Cabeceiras HTTP
ACS_MON_HTTP_HeadersTableA11yName=Cabeceiras HTTP
ACS_MON_HTTP_HeadersTableA11yDesc=Cabeceiras HTTP.
ACS_MON_CookiesA11yDesc=Cabeceiras HTTP
ACS_MON_CookiesTableA11yName=Cabeceiras HTTP
ACS_MON_CookiesTableA11yDesc=Cabeceiras HTTP.
# Edit & Replay dialog
MON_Exec_server=Servidor de execuci\u00f3n
MON_Exec_server_Header=Servidor de &execuci\u00f3n
#{0} hostname
MON_Exec_server_no_host=O servidor {0} \u00e9 inalcanz\u00e1bel.
#{0} hostname
MON_Exec_server_wrong=O servidor {0} \u00e9 inalcanz\u00e1bel. Verificar que o nome de equipo \u00e9 correcto.
#{0} hostname
#{1} port number
MON_Exec_server_start=O servidor de execuci\u00f3n {0} non est\u00e1 dispo\u00f1\u00edbel. Iniciar o servidor e tentar de novo.
ACS_MON_Exec_serverA11yDesc=Servidor de execuci\u00f3n
ACS_MON_Exec_serverTableA11yName=Servidor de execuci\u00f3n
ACS_MON_Exec_serverTableA11yDesc=T\u00e1boa do servidor de execuci\u00f3n.
MON_EditReplay=Edit and Replay...
MON_EditReplay_panel=Edit and Replay
MON_Edit_param=Editar par\u00e1metro
MON_Delete_param=&Borrar par\u00e1metros
MON_New_param=Eng&adir par\u00e1metro
MON_Bad_param=Introducir un nome
MON_Bad_param_msg=O par\u00e1metro debe ter un nome
ACS_MON_New_paramA11yDesc=Engadir par\u00e1metro.
ACS_MON_Delete_paramA11yDesc=Borrar par\u00e1metros.
MON_Edit_cookie=Editar cookie
MON_Delete_cookie=&Borrar cookie
MON_New_cookie=Eng&adir cookie
MON_Bad_cookie=Introducir un nome e un valor
ACS_MON_New_cookieA11yDesc=Engadir cookie.
ACS_MON_Delete_cookieA11yDesc=Borrar cookies.
MON_Edit_header=Editar cabeceira
MON_Delete_header=&Borrar cabeceiras
MON_New_header=Eng&adir cabeceira
MON_Bad_header=Introducir un nome e un valor
ACS_MON_New_headerA11yDesc=Engadir cabeceira.
ACS_MON_Delete_headerA11yDesc=Borrar cabeceiras.
MON_Edit_server=Editar propiedade do servidor
MON_Edit_request=Editar propiedade da petici\u00f3n
MON_Edit_value=Editar valor
MON_Invalid_input=Entrada incorrecta
MON_Bad_server=Introducir un nome de equipo e porto correcto
MON_Bad_hostname=Introducir un nome de equipo ou enderezo IP correcto
MON_Confirm_Delete_Headers=Confirmar o borrado das seguintes cabeceiras:
MON_Confirm_Delete_Params=Confirmar o borrado dos seguintes par\u00e1metros:
MON_Confirm_Delete_Cookies=Confirmar o borrado das seguintes cookies:
MON_Confirmation_Required=Requ\u00edrese confirmaci\u00f3n
MON_Send=En&viar petici\u00f3n HTTP
ACS_MON_SendA11yDesc=Enviar petici\u00f3n HTTP
#{0} exception
MON_Replay.ConnectionWarning=Got ConnectException attempting to replay request {0} . Be sure your web module is running on a server and, if necessary, replay the request on the correct server using Edit and Replay.
#{0} exception
MON_Replay.IOExceptionWarning=Got IOException attempting to replay request\n {0}
#{0} exception
MON_Replay.OtherExceptionWarning=Got Exception attempting to replay request\n {0}
MON_WarningMsgTitle=Aviso do monitor
MON_Bad_input=Could not parse monitor record
MON_Write_bad=IOException when writing monitor record
MON_No_document=No document had been set for this node
# Param Editor
MSG_no_name=Nome requirido
MSG_no_value=Nome requirido
MSG_no_jsession=<html>Non \u00e9 pos\u00edbel que o monitor HTTP cambie a cookie de sesi\u00f3n (jsessionid). O navegador xestionar a cookie de sesi\u00f3n.</html>
MON_Input_required=Entrada incorrecta
# No server dialog
MON_NoServer=The HTTP monitor requires that an implementation of the internal HTTP server is available and running in order to receive data from the execution web server.
MON_CantReplay=The HTTP monitor requires that an implementation of the internal HTTP server is available and running in order to replay requests.
MON_NoServerTitle=Internal HTTP server not running
ACS_ParamEditorA11yDesc={0} para {1}
ACS_MON_RequestMethod=Seleccionar o m\u00e9todo de petici\u00f3n
ACS_MON_Replay_panel=Panel with editable request data
MSG_NoMonitorData=Non \u00e9 pos\u00edbel obter os datos do monitor.
LBL_Delete_Progress_Monitor=Monitor HTTP
MSG_Delete_Progress_Monitor=Eliminando as petici\u00f3ns HTTP gravadas
MSG_Delete_Progress_Monitor_note=Nota: Sexa paciente, pode levarlle un tempo...