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# Sample ResourceBundle properties file
# EjbJar Customizer main parent panel
#TITLE_SunEjbJar=GlassFish Configuration (sun-ejb-jar.xml, sun-cmp-mapping.xml)
#ACSN_SunEjbJar=Sun Ejb Jar and Sun Cmp Mappings Configuraton
#ACSD_SunEjbJar=Customizer panel for sun-ejb-jar and sun-cmp-mappings global configuration.
#LBL_SunEjbJar=GlassFish Configuration (sun-ejb-jar.xml, sun-cmp-mapping.xml)
LBL_MessageDestination=Destino da mensaxe
MessageDestination_Acsbl_Name=Destino da mensaxe
MessageDestination_Acsbl_Desc=Destino da mensaxe
LBL_WebserviceDescription=Descrici\u00f3n do servizo web
WebserviceDescription_Acsbl_Name=Descrici\u00f3n do servizo web
WebserviceDescription_Acsbl_Desc=Descrici\u00f3n do servizo web
LBL_Message_Destination_Name=Nome do destino da mensaxe
LBL_Webservice_Description_Name=Nome da descrici\u00f3n do servizo web
LBL_Wsdl_Publish_Location=Wsdl Publish Location
LBL_Unique_ID=ID \u00fanico:
LBL_Jndi_Name=Nome JNDI
LBL_Message_Destination_Name_1=Nome do destino da mensaxe:
LBL_Jndi_Name_1=Nome JNDI:
LBL_Webservice_Description_Name_1=Nome da descrici\u00f3n do servizo web:
LBL_Wsdl_Publish_Location_1=Localizaci\u00f3n p\u00fablica wsdl:
LBL_Pm_Identifier_1=Identificador de Pm:
LBL_Pm_Version_1=Versi\u00f3n de Pm:
LBL_Pm_Config_1=Configuraci\u00f3n de Pm:
LBL_Pm_Class_Generator_1=Xerador da clase Pm:
LBL_Pm_Mapping_Factory_1=Pm Mapping Factory:
LBL_PmDescriptor=Descritor de Pm
PmDescriptor_Acsbl_Name=Descritor de Pm
PmDescriptor_Acsbl_Desc=Descritor de Pm
LBL_Pm_Identifier=Identificador de Pm
LBL_Pm_Version=Versi\u00f3n de Pm
LBL_Pm_Config=Configuraci\u00f3n de Pm
LBL_Pm_Class_Generator=Xerador da clase Pm
LBL_Pm_Mapping_Factory=Pm Mapping Factory
LBL_Pm_In_Use=Pm en uso:
LBL_Default_Resource_Principal=Principal recurso predefinido
LBL_Create_Table_At_Deploy=Create Table At Deploy
LBL_Database_Vendor_Name=Nome do vendedor da base de datos
LBL_CmpProperty=Propiedade Cmp
CmpProperty_Acsbl_Name=Propiedade Cmp
CmpProperty_Acsbl_Desc=Propiedade Cmp
LBL_SchemaGeneratorProperty=Propiedade do xerador de esquema
SchemaGeneratorProperty_Acsbl_Name=Propiedade do xerador de esquema
SchemaGeneratorProperty_Acsbl_Desc=Propiedade do xerador de esquema
LBL_Drop_Table_At_Undeploy=Drop Table At Undeploy
LBL_Pass_By_Reference=Paso por referencia
LBL_Establish_Trust_In_Target=Estabelecer confianza no destino
LBL_Establish_Trust_In_Client=Estabelecer confianza no destino
LBL_Auth_Method=M\u00e9todo de autenticaci\u00f3n
LBL_Caller_Propagation=Caller Propagation
LBL_IorSecurityConfig=Configuraci\u00f3n de seguranza Ior
IorSecurityConfig_Acsbl_Name=Configuraci\u00f3n de seguranza Ior
IorSecurityConfig_Acsbl_Desc=Configuraci\u00f3n de seguranza Ior
LBL_WebserviceEndpoint=Webservice Endpoint
WebserviceEndpoint_Acsbl_Name=Webservice Endpoint
WebserviceEndpoint_Acsbl_Desc=Webservice Endpoint
LBL_Port_Component_Name=Nome do compo\u00f1ente do porto
LBL_Endpoint_Address_Uri=Endpoint Address Uri
LBL_Login_Config=Login Config Needed
LBL_Transport_Guarantee=Garant\u00eda do transporte
LBL_Port_Component_Name_1=Nome do compo\u00f1ente do porto
LBL_Endpoint_Address_Uri_1=Endpoint Address Uri:
LBL_Login_Config_1=Configurar inicio de sesi\u00f3n:
LBL_Transport_Guarantee_1=Garant\u00eda de transporte :
LBL_Auth_Method_1=M\u00e9todo de autenticaci\u00f3n:
LBL_Steady_Pool_Size=Steady Pool Size
LBL_Resize_Quantity=Resize Quantity
LBL_Max_Pool_Size=Max Pool Size
LBL_Pool_Idle_Timeout_In_Seconds=Pool Idle Timeout In Seconds
LBL_BeanPool=Bean Pool
BeanPool_Acsbl_Name=Bean Pool
BeanPool_Acsbl_Desc=Bean Pool
LBL_BeanCache=Bean Cache
BeanCache_Acsbl_Name=Bean Cache
BeanCache_Acsbl_Desc=Bean Cache
LBL_Max_Cache_Size=Tama\u00f1o da cach\u00e9 m\u00e1xima
LBL_Is_Cache_Overflow_Allowed=Is Cache Overflow Allowed
LBL_Cache_Idle_Timeout_In_Seconds=Cache Idle Timeout In Seconds
LBL_Removal_Timeout_In_Seconds=Removal Timeout In Seconds
LBL_Victim_Selection_Policy=Victim Selection Policy
LBL_Is_Read_Only_Bean=\u00c9 un Bean de s\u00f3 lectura
LBL_Refresh_Period_In_Seconds=Per\u00edodo de refresco en segundos
LBL_Commit_Option=Commit Option
LBL_Activation_Config_Property=Activation Config Property
Activation_Config_Property_Acsbl_Name=Activation Config Property
Activation_Config_Property_Acsbl_Desc=Activation Config Property
LBL_Jms_Durable_Subscription_Name=Jms Durable Subscription Name
LBL_Jms_Max_Messages_Load=Jms Max Messages Load
LBL_Mdb_Connection_Factory=Mdb Connection Factory
Mdb_Connection_Factory_Acsbl_Name=Mdb Connection Factory
Mdb_Connection_Factory_Acsbl_Desc=Mdb Connection Factory
LBL_Activation_Config_Description=Activation Config Description
LBL_Activation_Config_Property_Name=Activation Config Property Name
LBL_Activation_Config_Property_Value=Activation Config Property Value
LBL_One_One_Finders=EJB1.1 Finder Queries
One_One_Finders_Acsbl_Name=EJB1.1 Finder Queries
One_One_Finders_Acsbl_Desc=EJB1.1 Finder Queries
LBL_Cmp_Mapping=Cmp Mapping
Cmp_Mapping_Acsbl_Name=Cmp Mapping
Cmp_Mapping_Acsbl_Desc=Cmp Mapping
LBL_Mapping_Properties=Propiedades de asignaci\u00f3n
LBL_Method_Name=Nome de m\u00e9todo
LBL_Method_Name_1=Nome de m\u00e9todo:
LBL_Query_Params=Par\u00e1metros da consulta
LBL_Query_Params_1=Par\u00e1metros da consulta
LBL_Query_Filter=Filtro da consulta
LBL_Query_Filter_1=Filtro da consulta:
LBL_Query_Variables=Vari\u00e1beis da consulta
LBL_Query_Variables_1=Vari\u00e1beis da consulta:
LBL_Query_Ordering=Query Ordering
LBL_Query_Ordering_1=Query Ordering:
LBL_Create_Table_At_Deploy_1=Create Table At Deploy:
LBL_Drop_Table_At_Undeploy_1=Drop Table At Undeploy:
LBL_Database_Vendor_Name_1=Nome do vendedor da base de datos:
LBL_Pass_By_Reference_1=Paso por referencia:
LBL_Establish_Trust_In_Target_1=Establish Trust In Target:
LBL_Establish_Trust_In_Client_1=Establish Trust In Client:
LBL_Caller_Propagation_1=Caller Propagation:
LBL_Steady_Pool_Size_1=Steady Pool Size:
LBL_Resize_Quantity_1=Resize Quantity:
LBL_Max_Pool_Size_1=Max Pool Size:
LBL_Pool_Idle_Timeout_In_Seconds_1=Pool Idle Timeout In Seconds:
LBL_Max_Cache_Size_1=Max Cache Size:
LBL_Is_Cache_Overflow_Allowed_1=Is Cache Overflow Allowed:
LBL_Cache_Idle_Timeout_In_Seconds_1=Cache Idle Timeout In Seconds:
LBL_Removal_Timeout_In_Seconds_1=Removal Timeout In Seconds:
LBL_Victim_Selection_Policy_1=Victim Selection Policy:
LBL_Is_Read_Only_Bean_1=\u00c9 un Bean de s\u00f3 lectura:
LBL_Refresh_Period_In_Seconds_1=Actualizar per\u00edodo en segundos:
LBL_Commit_Option_1=Commit Option:
LBL_Mapping_Properties_1=Propiedades de asignaci\u00f3n:
LBL_Jms_Durable_Subscription_Name_1=Jms Durable Subscription Name:
LBL_Jms_Max_Messages_Load_1=Jms Max Messages Load:
LBL_Activation_Config_Description_1=Activation Config Description:
Ejb_Module_Name_Tool_Tip=Nome dun m\u00f3dulo EJB.
Ejb_Module_Name_Acsbl_Desc=Nome dun m\u00f3dulo EJB.
Unique_ID_Acsbl_Desc=System unique object id. Automatically generated and updated at deployment/redeployment.
Unique_ID_Tool_Tip=System unique object id. Automatically generated and updated at deployment/redeployment.
Cmp_Resource_Jndi_Name_Tool_Tip=Identifies either the persistence-manager-factory-resource or the jdbc-resource as defined in the server configuration.
Cmp_Resource_Jndi_Name_Acsbl_Desc=Identifies either the persistence-manager-factory-resource or the jdbc-resource as defined in the server configuration.
Jndi_Name_Acsbl_Name=Nome JNDI
Create_Table_At_Deploy_Tool_Tip=Specifies whether automatic creation of tables for the CMP beans is done at module deployment.
Create_Table_At_Deploy_Acsbl_Desc=Specifies whether automatic creation of tables for the CMP beans is done at module deployment.
Create_Table_At_Deploy_Acsbl_Name=Create Table at Deploy.
Drop_Table_At_Undeploy_Tool_Tip=Specifies whether automatic dropping of tables for the CMP beans is done at module undeployment.
Drop_Table_At_Undeploy_Acsbl_Desc=Specifies whether automatic dropping of tables for the CMP beans is done at module undeployment.
Drop_Table_At_Undeploy_Acsbl_Name=Drop Table at Deploy.
Database_Vendor_Name_Tool_Tip=Especifica o nome do vendedor da base de datos para os ficheiros ddl xerados no m\u00f3dulo de despregue.
Database_Vendor_Name_Acsbl_Desc=Especifica o nome do vendedor da base de datos para os ficheiros ddl xerados no m\u00f3dulo de despregue.
Database_Vendor_Name_Acsbl_Name=Nome do vendedor da base de datos.
Dflt_Res_Prncpl_Name_Tool_Tip=Nome que se usar\u00e1 cando non se especifique un ao acceder ao recurso.
Dflt_Res_Prncpl_Name_Acsbl_Desc=Nome que se usar\u00e1 cando non se especifique un ao acceder ao recurso.
Dflt_Res_Prncpl_Password_Tool_Tip=Contrasinal que se usar\u00e1 cando non se especifique un ao acceder ao recurso.
Dflt_Res_Prncpl_Password_Acsbl_Desc=Contrasinal que se usar\u00e1 cando non se especifique un ao acceder ao recurso.
Pm_In_Use_Tool_Tip=Especifica a implementaci\u00f3n CMP a usar.
Pm_In_Use_Acsbl_Desc=Especifica a implementaci\u00f3n CMP a usar.
Pm_In_Use_Acsbl_Name=Pm en uso
Message_Destination_Name_Tool_Tip=Name of a logical message destination.
Message_Destination_Name_Acsbl_Desc=Name of a logical message destination.
Message_Destination_Name_Acsbl_Name=Nome do destino da mensaxe
Msg_Dstn_Jndi_Name_Tool_Tip=Nome Jndi do destino da mensaxe.
Msg_Dstn_Jndi_Name_Acsbl_Desc=Nome Jndi do destino da mensaxe.
Webservice_Description_Name_Tool_Tip=Nome \u00fanico dun servizo web cun m\u00f3dulo.
Webservice_Description_Name_Acsbl_Desc=Nome \u00fanico dun servizo web cun m\u00f3dulo.
Webservice_Description_Name_Acsbl_Name=Nome da descrici\u00f3n do servizo web
Wsdl_Publish_Location_Tool_Tip=Directory on local file system where the final wsdl and any dependent files should be stored.
Wsdl_Publish_Location_Acsbl_Desc=Directory on local file system where the final wsdl and any dependent files should be stored.
Wsdl_Publish_Location_Acsbl_Name=Wsdl Publish Location
Pm_Identifier_Tool_Tip=Identifica o vendedor que fornece a implementaci\u00f3n CMP.
Pm_Identifier_Acsbl_Desc=Identifica o vendedor que fornece a implementaci\u00f3n CMP.
Pm_Identifier_Acsbl_Name=Identificador de Pm
Pm_Version_Tool_Tip=Identifica a versi\u00f3n da implementaci\u00f3n CMP do vendedor.
Pm_Version_Acsbl_Name=Versi\u00f3n de P
Pm_Version_Acsbl_Desc=Identifica a versi\u00f3n da implementaci\u00f3n CMP do vendedor.
Pm_Config_Tool_Tip=Specifies vendor specific config file to be used.
Pm_Config_Acsbl_Desc=Specifies vendor specific config file to be used.
Pm_Config_Acsbl_Name=Configuraci\u00f3n de Pm
Pm_Class_Generator_Tool_Tip=Specifies vendor specific class generator to be used at the module deploymant time.
Pm_Class_Generator_Acsbl_Desc=Specifies vendor specific class generator to be used at the module deploymant time.
Pm_Class_Generator_Acsbl_Name=Xerador da clase de Pm
Pm_Mapping_Factory_Tool_Tip=Specifies vendor specific mapping factory.
Pm_Mapping_Factory_Acsbl_Desc=Specifies vendor specific mapping factory.
Pm_Mapping_Factory_Acsbl_Name=Pm Mapping Factory
Property_Name_Tool_Tip=Nome dunha propiedade.
Property_Name_Acsbl_Desc=Nome dunha propiedade.
Property_Value_Tool_Tip=Valor dunha propiedade.
Property_Value_Acsbl_Desc=Valor dunha propiedade.
Ejb_Name_Tool_Tip=Nome dun EJB.
Ejb_Name_Acsbl_Desc=Nome dun EJB.
Ejb_Jndi_Name_Tool_Tip=Jndi Name of an Ejb/Message Destination.
Ejb_Jndi_Name_Acsbl_Desc=Jndi Name of an Ejb/Message Destination.
Pass_By_Reference_Tool_Tip=Flag to override default Pass By Value semantics.
Pass_By_Reference_Acsbl_Desc=Flag to override default Pass By Value semantics.
Pass_By_Reference_Acsbl_Name=Paso por referencia
Integrity_Tool_Tip=Indicates if the server (target) supports integrity protected messages.
Integrity_Acsbl_Desc=Indicates if the server (target) supports integrity protected messages.
Establish_Trust_In_Target_Tool_Tip=Indicates if the target is capable of authenticating to a client.
Establish_Trust_In_Target_Acsbl_Desc=Indicates if the target is capable of authenticating to a client.
Establish_Trust_In_Target_Acsbl_Name=Estabelecer confianza no destino
Confidentiality_Tool_Tip=Indicates if the server (target) supports privacy protected messages.
Confidentiality_Acsbl_Desc=Indicates if the server (target) supports privacy protected messages.
Establish_Trust_In_Client_Tool_Tip=Indicates if the target is capable of authenticating a client.
Establish_Trust_In_Client_Acsbl_Desc=Indicates if the target is capable of authenticating a client.
Establish_Trust_In_Client_Acsbl_Name=Establish Trust In Client
Required_Tool_Tip=Especifica se o m\u00e9todo de autenticaci\u00f3n especificado se require para a autenticaci\u00f3n do cliente.
Required_Acsbl_Desc=Especifica se o m\u00e9todo de autenticaci\u00f3n especificado se require para a autenticaci\u00f3n do cliente.
Auth_Method_Tool_Tip=Describe o m\u00e9todo de autenticaci\u00f3n.
Auth_Method_Acsbl_Desc=Describe o m\u00e9todo de autenticaci\u00f3n.
Auth_Method_Acsbl_Name=M\u00e9todo de autenticaci\u00f3n
Realm_Tool_Tip=Describe o dominio no que o usuario \u00e9 autenticado.
Realm_Acsbl_Desc=Describe o dominio no que o usuario \u00e9 autenticado.
Caller_Propagation_Tool_Tip=Indicates if the target will accept propagated caller identities.
Caller_Propagation_Acsbl_Desc=Indicates if the target will accept propagated caller identities.
Caller_Propagation_Acsbl_Name=Caller Propagation
Port_Component_Name_Tool_Tip=Unique name of a port component within a module.
Port_Component_Name_Acsbl_Desc=Unique name of a port component within a module.
Port_Component_Name_Acsbl_Name=Nome do compo\u00f1ente do porto
Endpoint_Address_Uri_Tool_Tip=Relative path combined with web server root to form fully qualified endpoint address for a web service endpoint.
Endpoint_Address_Uri_Acsbl_Desc=Relative path combined with web server root to form fully qualified endpoint address for a web service endpoint.
Endpoint_Address_Uri_Acsbl_Name=Endpoint Address Uri
Transport_Guarantee_Tool_Tip=Especifica o nivel de seguranza requirido por un aplicativo para as comunicaci\u00f3ns do cliente.
Transport_Guarantee_Acsbl_Desc=Especifica o nivel de seguranza requirido por un aplicativo para as comunicaci\u00f3ns do cliente.
Transport_Guarantee_Acsbl_Name=Garant\u00eda do transporte
Webservice_Desc_Auth_Method_Tool_Tip=Optional authentication method in case of an Ejb Webservice endpoint.
Webservice_Desc_Auth_Method_Acsbl_Desc=Optional authentication method in case of an Ejb Webservice endpoint.
Steady_Pool_Size_Tool_Tip=Specifies the initial and minimum number of beans that must be maintained in the pool.
Steady_Pool_Size_Acsbl_Desc=Specifies the initial and minimum number of beans that must be maintained in the pool.
Steady_Pool_Size_Acsbl_Name=Steady Pool Size
Bean_Pool_Resize_Quantity_Tool_Tip=Specifies number of beans to be created or deleted when the pool is being serviced by the server.
Bean_Pool_Resize_Quantity_Acsbl_Desc=Specifies number of beans to be created or deleted when the pool is being serviced by the server.
Resize_Quantity_Acsbl_Name=Resize Quantity
Max_Pool_Size_Tool_Tip=Specifies maximum pool size.
Max_Pool_Size_Acsbl_Desc=Specifies maximum pool size.
Max_Pool_Size_Acsbl_Name=Max Pool Size
Pool_Idle_Timeout_In_Seconds_Tool_Tip=Specifies maximum time that a bean is allowed to be idle in the pool before passivating it to the backup store.
Pool_Idle_Timeout_In_Seconds_Acsbl_Desc=Specifies maximum time that a bean is allowed to be idle in the pool before passivating it to the backup store.
Pool_Idle_Timeout_In_Seconds_Acsbl_Name=Pool Idle Timeout In Seconds
Is_Read_Only_Bean_Tool_Tip=Flags whether the bean is read-only or not.
Is_Read_Only_Bean_Acsbl_Desc=Flags whether the bean is read-only or not.
Is_Read_Only_Bean_Acsbl_Name=\u00c9 un Bean de s\u00f3 lectura
Refresh_Period_In_Seconds_Tool_Tip=Specifies the rate at which the read-only-bean must be refreshed from the data source.
Refresh_Period_In_Seconds_Acsbl_Desc=Specifies the rate at which the read-only-bean must be refreshed from the data source.
Refresh_Period_In_Seconds_Acsbl_Name=Per\u00edodo da referencia en segundos
Commit_Option_Tool_Tip=Specifies type of commit; whether B or C.
Commit_Option_Acsbl_Desc=Specifies type of commit; whether B or C.
Commit_Option_Acsbl_Name=Commit Option
Max_Cache_Size_Tool_Tip=N\u00famero m\u00e1ximo de Beans na cach\u00e9.
Max_Cache_Size_Acsbl_Desc=N\u00famero m\u00e1ximo de Beans na cach\u00e9.
Max_Cache_Size_Acsbl_Name=Tama\u00f1o da cach\u00e9 m\u00e1xima
Bean_Cache_Resize_Quantity_Tool_Tip=N\u00famero de Beans que se crear\u00e1n ou borrar\u00e1n cando a cach\u00e9 sexa servida polo servidor.
Bean_Cache_Resize_Quantity_Acsbl_Desc=N\u00famero de Beans que se crear\u00e1n ou borrar\u00e1n cando a cach\u00e9 sexa servida polo servidor.
Is_Cache_Overflow_Allowed_Tool_Tip=Indicates if the Cache size is a hard limit or not.
Is_Cache_Overflow_Allowed_Acsbl_Desc=Indicates if the Cache size is a hard limit or not.
Is_Cache_Overflow_Allowed_Acsbl_Name=Is Cache Overflow Allowed
Cache_Idle_Timeout_In_Seconds_Tool_Tip=Specifies maximum time that a bean is allowed to be idle in the Cache before passivating to the backup store.
Cache_Idle_Timeout_In_Seconds_Acsbl_Desc=Specifies maximum time that a bean is allowed to be idle in the Cache before passivating to the backup store.
Cache_Idle_Timeout_In_Seconds_Acsbl_Name=Cache Idle Timeout In Seconds
Removal_Timeout_In_Seconds_Tool_Tip=The amount of time that the bean remains passivated before getting removed from the backup store.
Removal_Timeout_In_Seconds_Acsbl_Desc=The amount of time that the bean remains passivated before getting removed from the backup store.
Removal_Timeout_In_Seconds_Acsbl_Name=Removal Timeout In Seconds
Victim_Selection_Policy_Tool_Tip=Especifica o algoritmo a usar para escoller v\u00edtimas.
Victim_Selection_Policy_Acsbl_Desc=Especifica o algoritmo a usar para escoller v\u00edtimas.
Victim_Selection_Policy_Acsbl_Name=Victim Selection Policy
Mapping_Properties_Tool_Tip=Specifies location of the persistence vendor specific O/R mapping file.
Mapping_Properties_Acsbl_Desc=Specifies location of the persistence vendor specific O/R mapping file.
Mapping_Properties_Acsbl_Name=Propiedades de asignaci\u00f3n
Method_Name_Tool_Tip=Finder Method Name used in case of CMP 1.1.
Method_Name_Acsbl_Desc=Finder Method Name used in case of CMP 1.1.
Method_Name_Acsbl_Name=Nome de m\u00e9todo
Query_Params_Tool_Tip=Query parameters for CMP 1.1 finder.
Query_Params_Acsbl_Desc=Query parameters for CMP 1.1 finder.
Query_Params_Acsbl_Name=Par\u00e1metros da consulta
Query_Filter_Tool_Tip=Query filter for CMP 1.1 finder.
Query_Filter_Acsbl_Desc=Query filter for CMP 1.1 finder.
Query_Filter_Acsbl_Name=Filtro da consulta
Query_Variables_Tool_Tip=Vari\u00e1beis na expresi\u00f3n de consulta para CMP 1.1
Query_Variables_Acsbl_Desc=Vari\u00e1beis na expresi\u00f3n de consulta para CMP 1.1
Query_Variables_Acsbl_Name=Vari\u00e1beis da consulta
Query_Ordering_Tool_Tip=Ordering specification for CMP 1.1 finder.
Query_Ordering_Acsbl_Desc=Ordering specification for CMP 1.1 finder.
Query_Ordering_Acsbl_Name=Query Ordering
Jms_Max_Messages_Load_Tool_Tip=Maximum number of messages to load into a JMS session at one time for a message-driven bean to serve.
Jms_Max_Messages_Load_Acsbl_Desc=Maximum number of messages to load into a JMS session at one time for a message-driven bean to serve.
Jms_Max_Messages_Load_Acsbl_Name=Jms Max Messages Load
Activation_Config_Description_Tool_Tip=Runtime configuration properties of the message-driven bean in its operation environment.
Activation_Config_Description_Acsbl_Desc=Runtime configuration properties of the message-driven bean in its operation environment.
Activation_Config_Description_Acsbl_Name=Activation Config Description
Mdb_Conn_Fctry_Jndi_Name_Tool_Tip=Jndi Name of the Connection factory associated with a message-driven bean.
Mdb_Conn_Fctry_Jndi_Name_Acsbl_Desc=Jndi Name of the Connection factory associated with a message-driven bean.
Jms_Durable_Subscription_Name_Acsbl_Desc=Name of a durable subscription associated with a message-driven bean's destination.
Jms_Durable_Subscription_Name_Tool_Tip=Name of a durable subscription associated with a message-driven bean's destination.
Jms_Durable_Subscription_Name_Acsbl_Name=Jms Durable Subscription Name
LBL_Default_Res_Prncpl_Name_1=Nome principal do recurso predefinido:
LBL_Default_Res_Prncpl_Password_1=Contrasinal principal do recurso predefinido:
Dflt_Res_Prncpl_Name_Acsbl_Name=Nome principal do recurso predefinido
Dflt_Res_Prncpl_Password_Acsbl_Name=Contrasinal principal do recurso predefinido
LBL_Cmp_Resource=Recurso Cmp
LBL_Transport_Config=Configuraci\u00f3n de transporte
LBL_As_Context=As Context
LBL_Sas_Context=Sas Context
LBL_Mdb_Resource_Adapter=Adaptador do recurso Mdb
LBL_Resource_Adapter_Mid_1=Resource Adapter Mid:
LBL_Resource_Adapter_Mid=Resource Adapter Mid
Resource_Adapter_Mid_Tool_Tip=Module ID of the resource adapter that is responsible for delivering messages to the message-driven bean.
Resource_Adapter_Mid_Acsbl_Name=Resource Adapter Mid
Resource_Adapter_Mid_Acsbl_Desc=Module ID of the resource adapter that is responsible for delivering messages to the message-driven bean.
LBL_Ejb_Name=Nome EJB
LBL_Method_Interface=Interface do m\u00e9todo
LBL_Ejb_Name_1=Nome do EJB:
LBL_Method_Interface_1=Interface do m\u00e9todo:
Ejb_Name_Acsbl_Name=Nome EJB
Method_Interface_Acsbl_Name=Interface do m\u00e9todo
Method_Interface_Acsbl_Desc=Tipo da interface do m\u00e9todo
LBL_Flush_At_End_Of_Method=Flush At End Of Mehtod
LBL_Interface_1=Interface :
LBL_Security=Message Security Config
LBL_Security_1=Message Security Config:
Security_Acsbl_Name=M\u00e9todo de autenticaci\u00f3n
Webservice_Desc_Security_Acsbl_Desc=Optional authentication method in case of an Ejb Webservice endpoint.
Msg_Sec_Bndg_Acsbl_Name=Message Security Binding
Msg_Sec_Bndg_Acsbl_Desc=Edit Message Security Binding
Msg_Sec_Bndg_Tool_Tip=Configure Message SEcurity Bindings
LBL_Msg_Sec_Bndg_1=Edit Message Security Binding
Msg_Sec_Bndg=Message Security Binding
LBL_Availability_Enabled=Dispo\u00f1ibilidade activada
LBL_Availability_Enabled_1=Dispo\u00f1ibilidade activada:
Availability_Enabled_Tool_Tip=Flags whether the bean is highly available or not.
Availability_Enabled_Acsbl_Desc=Flags whether the bean is highly available.
Availability_Enabled_Acsbl_Name=Dispo\u00f1ibilidade activada
Flush_Method_Acsbl_Desc=Lista dos m\u00e9todos. Selected methods would be allowed to be flushed at the completion of the method.
Interface_Tool_Tip=Selecciona a interface para listar os seus m\u00e9todos na t\u00e1boa de abaixo.
Method_Tool_Tip=Select method to flush at its completion.
Checkpoint_Method_Acsbl_Desc=Lista dos m\u00e9todos. Selected methods would be checkpointed at its completion.
LBL_Checkpoint_At_End_Of_Method=Checkpoint At End Of Method
LBL_Prefetch_Disabled=Prefetch Disabled
Prefetch_Disabled_Acsbl_Name=Prefetch Disabled
Prefetch_Disabled_Acsbl_Desc=Prefetch Disabled
Prefetched_Method_Acsbl_Name=Finder Method
Prefetched_Method_Acsbl_Desc=Finder Method List
Prefetched_Method_Tool_Tip=Select the Finder method to disable relationship prefetching.
Finder_Method=Finder Method
Disable_Prefetching=Disable Prefetching.
Method_Header_Tool_Tip=Methods to Checkpoint.
Checkpoint_Header_Tool_Tip=Checkpoint the selected Method on its completion.
Desc_Header_Tool_Tip=Descrici\u00f3n opcional.
Flush_Method_Header_Tool_Tip=Methods to Flush.
Flush_Header_Tool_Tip=Flush the selected Method on its completion.
# PM Destinations panel
ACSN_PmDescriptorsTab=Descritores PM
ACSD_PmDescriptorsTab=Configuraci\u00f3n do descritor de PM para este aplicativo web
LBL_PmIdentifier=Identificador de PM
ACSN_PmIdentifier=Identificador de PM
ACSD_PmIdentifier=Introduza aqu\u00ed o identificador do xestor de persistencia.
LBL_PmVersion=Versi\u00f3n PM
ACSN_PmVersion=Versi\u00f3n PM
ACSD_PmVersion=Introduza aqu\u00ed a versi\u00f3n do xestor de persistencia.
LBL_PmConfig=Configuraci\u00f3n PM
ACSN_PmConfig=Configuraci\u00f3n PM
ACSD_PmConfig=Introduza aqu\u00ed a configuraci\u00f3n do xestor de persistencia.
LBL_PmClassGenerator=Xerador da clase PM
ACSN_PmClassGenerator=Xerador da clase PM
ACSD_PmClassGenerator=Introduza aqu\u00ed o xerador da clase do xestor de persistencia.
LBL_PmMappingFactory=PM Mapping Factory
ACSN_PmMappingFactory=PM Mapping Factory
ACSD_PmMappingFactory=Enter the persistence manager mapping factory here.
TITLE_PmDescriptors=Descritores PM
HEADING_PmDescriptors=Descritores PM
ACSN_TABLE_PmDescriptors=Descritores PM
ACSD_TABLE_PmDescriptors=Table of currently defined persistence manager implementations.
ACSN_POPUP_PmDescriptors=Descritores PM
ACSD_POPUP_PmDescriptors=Use this panel to enter references to new persistence manager implementations.
# Message Destination panel
ACSD_EjbJarMessagesTab=Destinos da mensaxe neste m\u00f3dulo EJB.
LBL_MessageDestinationName=Nome do destino da mensaxe
ACSN_MessageDestinationName=Nome do destino da mensaxe
ACSD_MessageDestinationName=Introduza aqu\u00ed o nome do destino da mensaxe.
ACSD_JNDIName=Introduza aqu\u00ed o nome JNDI para este destino da mensaxe.
TITLE_MessageDestination=Destino da mensaxe
HEADING_MessageDestination=Destinos da mensaxe
ACSN_TABLE_MessageDestination=Destinos da mensaxe
ACSD_TABLE_MessageDestination=T\u00e1boa dos destinos da mensaxe definidos actualmente.
ACSN_POPUP_MessageDestination=Destino da mensaxe
ACSD_POPUP_MessageDestination=Usar este panel para introducir os novos destinos da mensaxe.
# Cmp Resource panel
ACSN_EjbJarCmpResourceTab=Recurso CMP
ACSD_EjbJarCmpResourceTab=Configuraci\u00f3n do recurso CMP para este m\u00f3dulo EJB.
TITLE_CmpProperties=Propiedade CMP
HEADING_CmpProperties=Propiedades CMP
ACSN_TABLE_CmpProperties=Propiedades CMP
ACSD_TABLE_CmpProperties=T\u00e1boa de propiedades CMP definidas actualmente.
ACSN_POPUP_CmpProperties=Propiedade CMP
ACSD_POPUP_CmpProperties=Usa este panel para introducir novas propiedades CMP.
TITLE_SchemaGeneratorProperties=Propiedade do xerador de esquema
HEADING_SchemaGeneratorProperties=Propiedades do xerador de esquema
ACSN_TABLE_SchemaGeneratorProperties=Propiedades do xerador de esquema
ACSD_TABLE_SchemaGeneratorProperties=T\u00e1boa de propiedades do xerador de esquema definidas actualmente.
ACSN_POPUP_SchemaGeneratorProperties=Propiedade do xerador de esquema.
ACSD_POPUP_SchemaGeneratorProperties=Usa este panel para introducir novas propiedades do xerador de esquema.