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MIXED_HANDLING=Conteneur mixte
MSG_DOM_1=G\u00e9n\u00e9ration du scanner DOM...
MSG_DOM_ERR_1=Impossible de continuer. DTD is not well formed! Check it first and then try again.
MSG_DOM_ERR_2=Impossible de continuer. I/O problem occured.
PROP_rootElementNameTitle=Choisir le nom de l'\u00e9l\u00e9ment racine
PROP_rootElementName=\u00c9l\u00e9ment racine\u00a0
MSG_file_err_1=Nom de classe Java valide requis. des fichiers de sortie
SAXGeneratorCustomizer.interfaceLabel.text=Handler &Interface\:
SAXGeneratorCustomizer.implementationLabel.text=Handler Imp&lementation\:
SAXGeneratorCustomizer.stubLabel.text=Generated &Parser\:
SAXGeneratorCustomizer.parsletLabel.text=In&terface du convertisseur de donn\u00e9es\u00a0:
SAXGeneratorFilePanel.parsletImplLabel.text=Impl\u00e9mentation du &convertisseur de donn\u00e9es\u00a0
PROP_save_it=Enregi&strer les liaisons personnalis\u00e9es
ACSD_SAXGeneratorFilePanel=Specify the names of the generated files. To save your customizations to the handler code generation for this DTD file, select the checkbox below. The bindings will be reloaded each time you run the wizard on this DTD file.
DESC_saxw_files=Specify the names of the generated files. To save your customizations to the handler code generation for this DTD file, select the checkbox below. The bindings will be reloaded each time you run the wizard on this DTD file.
## a11y - SAXGeneratorFilePanel
ACSD_saveCheckBox=Enregistrer les param\u00e8tres DTD pour la prochaine session de l'assistant.
ACSN_saveCheckBox=Enregistrer les param\u00e8tres
SAXGeneratorMethodPanel.table.column1=\u00c9l\u00e9ment (QName)
SAXGeneratorMethodPanel.table.column2=Type de gestionnaire
SAXGeneratorMethodPanel.table.column3=M\u00e9thode du gestionnaire
MSG_method_err_1=L'\u00e9l\u00e9ment de l'identificateur Java doit \u00eatre valide. d'\u00e9l\u00e9ment
DESC_saxw_methods=Customize your document handler interface here. For each element, specify a handler type in the Handler Type column and specify the name of the handler method in the Handler Method column. To exclude an element from the handler interface, set its Handler Type to Ignore.
## a11y - SAXGeneratorMethodPanel
ACSD_table=Le tableaucontient une d\u00e9claration d'\u00e9l\u00e9ment DTD pour le mappage de la m\u00e9thode de gestion.
ACSN_table=Mappages d'\u00e9l\u00e9ment
ACSD_SAXGeneratorMethodPanel=Customize your document handler interface here. For each element, specify a handler type in the Handler Type column and specify the name of the handler method in the Handler Method column. To exclude an element from the handler interface, set its Handler Type to Ignore.
SAXGeneratorParsletPanel.table.column1=\u00c9l\u00e9ment (QName)
SAXGeneratorParsletPanel.table.column2=M\u00e9thode du convertisseur
SAXGeneratorParsletPanel.table.column3=Type de retour
MSG_parslet_err_1=Le type de retour Java doit \u00eatre valide.
MSG_parslet_err_2=Le nom de la m\u00e9thode Java doit \u00eatre valide. de donn\u00e9es (facultatif)
DESC_saxw_convertors=Configure your data convertor interface here (optional). Specify the name for each element's data convertor method in the Convertor Method column. If you don't want to generate a convertor method for an element, leave its Convertor Method set to [none].\nSpecify the method's return type in the Return Type column. If you select one of the IDE's preloaded return types, the conversion logic is generated for you.
## a11y - SAXGeneratorParsletPanel
ACSN_ParsletsTable=Convertisseurs de donn\u00e9es
ACSD_ParsletsTable=Le tableau contient une d\u00e9claration d'\u00e9l\u00e9ment DTD pour le mappage de la m\u00e9thode du convertisseur.
ACSD_SAXGeneratorParsletPanel=Configure your data convertor interface here (optional). Specify the name for each element's data convertor method in the Convertor Method column. If you don't want to generate a convertor method for an element, leave its Convertor Method set to [none].\nSpecify the method's return type in the Return Type column. If you select one of the IDE's preloaded return types, the conversion logic is generated for you.
SAXGeneratorSupport.title=Assistant du gestionnaire de documents SAX
SAXGeneratorVersionPanel.step=Versions d'API
SAXGeneratorMethodPanel.step=Mappages d'\u00e9l\u00e9ment
SAXGeneratorParsletPanel.step=Convertisseurs de donn\u00e9es
SAXGeneratorFilePanel.step=Fichiers de sortie
SAXGeneratorSupport.subtitle={1} - {0}
MSG_sax_progress_1=Pr\u00e9paration du g\u00e9n\u00e9rateur du gestionnaire SAX...
MSG_sax_progress_1_5=G\u00e9n\u00e9ration du gestionnaire SAX...
MSG_sax_progress_2=\u00c9criture des fichiers du gestionnaire SAX g\u00e9n\u00e9r\u00e9s...
MSG_sax_progress_3=Ouverture des fichiers du gestionnaire SAX g\u00e9n\u00e9r\u00e9s dans l'\u00e9diteur...
# {0} holds non-localized exception text
MSG_wizard_fail=Code generation failed. ({0})
MSG_invalid_dtd=The DTD is not in good shape. Aborting generation.
MSG_sax_progress_done=G\u00e9n\u00e9ration du gestionnaire d'analyseur SAX termin\u00e9e.
## d'API
SAXGeneratorVersionPanel.jaxpLabel.text=Version de JAXP\u00a0
SAXGeneratorCustomizer.versionLabel.text=Version de l'analyseur SAX\u00a0
SAXGeneratorVersionPanel.propagateSAXCheckBox.text=\ Propagate SAX Events to Generated Handler
DESC_saxw_versions=Specify the versions of JAXP and of the SAX parser you want to use. If you want to include all of the original SAX parser events in the handler interface, select the checkbox below.
# a11y - SAXGeneratorVersionPanel
ACSD_SAXGeneratorVersionPanel=Specify the versions of JAXP and of the SAX parser you want to use. If you want to include all of the original SAX parser events in the handler interface, select the checkbox below.
ACSD_propagateSAXCheckBox=R\u00e9percuter les \u00e9v\u00e9nements SAX d'origine
# ---