blob: b977caf03676df9b165cefe0598f81bd836e3c52 [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright 1997-2010 Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
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# Other names may be trademarks of their respective owners.
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# Development and Distribution License("CDDL") (collectively, the
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# License. You can obtain a copy of the License at
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# specific language governing permissions and limitations under the
# License. When distributing the software, include this License Header
# Notice in each file and include the License file at
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# particular file as subject to the "Classpath" exception as provided
# by Oracle in the GPL Version 2 section of the License file that
# accompanied this code. If applicable, add the following below the
# License Header, with the fields enclosed by brackets [] replaced by
# your own identifying information:
# "Portions Copyrighted [year] [name of copyright owner]"
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# The Original Software is NetBeans. The Initial Developer of the Original
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# {0} - file system display name
NAME_JavaFastOpenAction=Go to Cl&ass...
scanning-in-progress=Analyse en cours...
show_javadoc=Afficher Javadoc
cannot_find_javadoc=Javadoc not found. Use the Library Manager to specify Javadoc for classpath items and the Java Platform Manager to specify Javadoc for JDKs.
array_length_field_javadoc=Longueur de tableau.
class_constant_javadoc=Constante java.lang.Class.
generate-goto-popup=Aller \u00e0
goto-source=Aller \u00e0 la source
goto_source_open_source_not_formatted=Aller \u00e0 la source
goto_source_package_not_found=Package {0} introuvable.
goto_source_source_not_found=Le fichier source de {0} est introuvable.
LAB_JavaIndentEngine=Moteur d'indentation Java
HINT_JavaIndentEngine=Moteur d'indentation des fichiers Java.
PROP_indentEngine_javaFormatNewlineBeforeBrace=Ajouter une ligne avant l'accolade
HINT_indentEngine_javaFormatNewlineBeforeBrace=Si la valeur est True, des accolades sont ajout\u00e9es \u00e0 la ligne suivante.
PROP_indentEngine_javaFormatSpaceBeforeParenthesis=Ajouter un espace avant la parenth\u00e8se
HINT_indentEngine_javaFormatSpaceBeforeParenthesis=Si la valeur est True, un espace est ajout\u00e9 avant la parenth\u00e8se ouvrante.
PROP_indentEngine_javaFormatLeadingStarInComment=Ajouter un ast\u00e9risque dans le commentaire
HINT_indentEngine_javaFormatLeadingStarInComment=Si la valeur est True, un ast\u00e9risque est ajout\u00e9 aux lignes commen\u00e7ant dans les commentaires.
PROP_indentEngine_javaFormatStatementContinuationIndent=Indentation de suite d'instruction
HINT_indentEngine_javaFormatStatementContinuationIndent=D\u00e9place la deuxi\u00e8me ligne et les lignes suivantes dans une instruction multiligne.
HINT_javadoc_browser_back_button=Aller \u00e0 la page pr\u00e9c\u00e9dente
HINT_javadoc_browser_forward_button=Aller \u00e0 la page suivante
HINT_javadoc_browser_show_web_button=Afficher Javadoc dans le navigateur Web externe
HINT_javadoc_browser_goto_source_button=Ouvrir la source dans l'\u00e9diteur
javadoc_content_not_found=<font color=\"#7c0000\">Javadoc not found.</font> Either Javadoc documentation for this item does not exist or you have not added specified Javadoc in the Java Platform Manager or the Library Manager.
select-element-next=S\u00e9lectionner l'\u00e9l\u00e9ment suivant
select-element-previous=S\u00e9lectionner l'\u00e9l\u00e9ment pr\u00e9c\u00e9dent
previous-camel-case-position=Point d'insertion vers la position pr\u00e9c\u00e9dente (CamelCase)
next-camel-case-position=Point d'insertion vers la position suivante (CamelCase)
select-previous-camel-case-position=\u00c9tendre la s\u00e9lection vers la position pr\u00e9c\u00e9dente (CamelCase)
select-next-camel-case-position=\u00c9tendre la s\u00e9lection vers la position suivante (CamelCase)
delete-previous-camel-case-position=D\u00e9truire jusqu'\u00e0 la position pr\u00e9c\u00e9dente (CamelCase)
delete-next-camel-case-position=D\u00e9truire jusqu'\u00e0 la position suivante (CamelCase)
abbrev-debug-line=Nom de fichier et num\u00e9ro de ligne du d\u00e9bogage
opening-element=Ouverture de {0}...
NJFI_CLASS_ALREADY_IMPORTED=Class \"{0}\" is already imported.
NJFI_PACKAGE_ALREADY_IMPORTED=Package \"{0}\" is already imported.
java-desc-goto-help=Go to Javadoc
popup-expand-all-javadoc-folds=D\u00e9velopper tout J&avadoc
popup-collapse-all-javadoc-folds=R\u00e9duire tout &Javadoc
popup-expand-all-code-block-folds=D\u00e9velopper tout le c&ode Java
popup-collapse-all-code-block-folds=R\u00e9duire tout le code Ja&va
expand-all-javadoc-folds=D\u00e9velopper tout Javadoc
collapse-all-javadoc-folds=R\u00e9duire tout Javadoc
expand-all-code-block-folds=D\u00e9velopper tout le code Java
collapse-all-code-block-folds=R\u00e9duire tout le code Java
goto-super-implementation=Aller \u00e0 la super impl\u00e9mentation
goto-super-implementation-trimmed=Aller \u00e0 la super impl\u00e9mentation
#Messages for JavaFixAllImports
FixingImports_Lbl=R\u00e9paration des \u00e9l\u00e9ments import\u00e9s...
NoImportsToFix_Lbl=Tous les types utilis\u00e9s ont d\u00e9j\u00e0 \u00e9t\u00e9 import\u00e9s.
AllImportsWereFixed_Lbl=Les \u00e9l\u00e9ments import\u00e9s ont \u00e9t\u00e9 r\u00e9par\u00e9s.
NoImportsFound_Lbl=Aucun \u00e9l\u00e9ment import\u00e9 n'a \u00e9t\u00e9 trouv\u00e9 pour les types suivants\u00a0:
SourceContainsSyntaxErrors_Lbl=Impossible de r\u00e9parer les \u00e9l\u00e9ments import\u00e9s dans une source contenant des erreurs de syntaxe.
fix-imports=R\u00e9paration des \u00e9l\u00e9ments import\u00e9s
fix-imports-trimmed=R\u00e9paration des \u00e9l\u00e9ments import\u00e9s
desc-fix-imports=R\u00e9paration des \u00e9l\u00e9ments import\u00e9s
popup-fix-imports=R\u00e9paration des \u00e9l\u00e9ments import\u00e9s
fix-imports-main-menu-source-item=Fix Imp&orts...
FixDuplicateImports_dlgTitle=R\u00e9paration des \u00e9l\u00e9ments import\u00e9s
FixImportsProgressTitle_Lbl=R\u00e9paration des \u00e9l\u00e9ments import\u00e9s
FixImportsProgressLabel_Lbl=Recherche des types non r\u00e9solus...
#Messages for FixDuplicateImportStmts
FixDupImportStmts_IntroLbl=<html>The following class names were found in more than one package. Select the fully qualified name to use in the import statement:</html>
FixDupImportStmts_TblCol1Hdr=Nom de la classe
FixDupImportStmts_TblCol2Hdr=Nom complet
FixDupImportStmts_Combo_ACSD=Choisir un nom complet ad\u00e9quat
FixDupImportStmts_Combo_Name_ACSD=Noms complets
#Message(s) for JavaHyperlinkProvider:
#{0} - element to open:
cannot-open-element=Cannot open element \"{0}\".
JCP-no-parameters=Aucun param\u00e8tre
JCP-imported-items=Imported Items;
JCP-instance-members=Instance Members;
JCT-scanning-in-progress=On ne peut pas initialiser les mod\u00e8les de code lorsque l'analyse est en cours...
#go-to support (Go to Declaration, Go to Source, hyperlink)
# 0=go to declaration
# 1=go to source
# 2=go to javadoc
WARN_CannotGoToGeneric=Cannot perform {0,choice,0#Go to Declaration|1#Go to Source|2#Show Javadoc} here
#{0}: the name of the element
WARN_CannotGoTo=Cannot open {0} (missing source?)
LBL_GoToDeclaration=Aller \u00e0 la d\u00e9claration
LBL_GoToSource=Aller \u00e0 la source
LBL_GoToJavadoc=Go to Javadoc
LBL_Long=Performing {0}, please wait.
JavaCodeTemplateFilter_action_name=Java Code Template Filter
#TP_OverriddenTooltipSugg={1}<br><br>{0,choice,0#Ctrl-Alt-Click Navigates to Overriding Classes|1#Ctrl-Alt-Click Navigates to Overriding Methods}
#TP_GoToOverriddenTooltipSugg={0,choice,0#Classes Overriding:|1#Methods Overriding:}<br>{1}