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# message shown when something wrong with guarded blocks
MSG_ERR_GuardesBlocks=The form seems to be corrupted. The GUI builder\nis not able to find the sections with the generated code.\nThe special comments that denote the start and the end\nof these sections were removed or modified.\n\nThe form will be opened in read-only mode.\n\nSee\nfor additional information.
MSG_ERR_GuardesBlocksTitle=Error while parsing form java source file
# display names of the buttons switching between form designer and java editor
# display name of the Form Settings in Options
CTL_FormSettings=Compilateur d'interface graphique
# name provided from the top-level component, which does not have a variable name to return
# display name of the Form Loader
PROP_FormLoader_Name=Objets de formulaire
# display name of Non-Visual Components Node
CTL_NonVisualComponents=Autres composants
# formatting of the form multiview title
#FMT_FormTitleWithContainerName={0} [{1}]
MSG_NonEditableTemplate=Template {0} is not editable.
# Control Panel -> Form Objects Property Names
PROP_LISTENER_GENERATION_STYLE=Style de g\u00e9n\u00e9ration du listener
HINT_LISTENER_GENERATION_STYLE=Style de code de g\u00e9n\u00e9ration des listeners d'\u00e9v\u00e9nements
PROP_LAYOUT_CODE_TARGET=Layout Generation Style
HINT_LAYOUT_CODE_TARGET=The type of code generated for advanced layout features (requiring Java 6 or a special library).
PROP_AUTO_RESOURCE=Automatic Resource Management
HINT_AUTO_RESOURCE_GLOBAL=The automatic internationalization mode for newly created forms.
HINT_AUTO_RESOURCE_LOCAL=Select Internationalization to generate String property values in a resource bundle. Select All Resources to generate string, icon, color, and font values in a resource bundle. Select Resources + Injection to generate runtime resource injection code for resources instead of property setters. Select Off to have all property values generated directly in the Java file.
PROP_AUTO_I18N=Automatic Internationalization
HINT_AUTO_I18N=If turned on, all string properties in the form are automatically internationalized. If turned off, all automatically internationalized properties are changed back to hard-coded strings.
HINT_AUTO_SET_COMPONENT_NAME=If selected, the 'name' property of all components is set to the variable name automatically
HINT_SELECTION_BORDER_COLOR=Couleur de la bordure signalant que les composants sont s\u00e9lectionn\u00e9s.
HINT_GUIDING_LINE_COLOR=Couleur de la ligne de guidage.
PROP_VARIABLES_MODIFIER=Modificateur de variables
HINT_VARIABLES_MODIFIER=Modificateur d'acc\u00e8s des variables g\u00e9n\u00e9r\u00e9es pour les composants sur le formulaire.
HINT_FOLD_GENERATED_CODE=Si cette option est s\u00e9lectionn\u00e9e, le code g\u00e9n\u00e9r\u00e9 est pli\u00e9.
HINT_LAYOUT_COMPONENT_HORIZONTAL_SIZE=Dimension horizontale recommand\u00e9e du composant dans la disposition.
HINT_LAYOUT_COMPONENT_VERTICAL_SIZE=Dimension verticale recommand\u00e9e du composant dans la disposition.
PROP_LAYOUT_COMPONENT_HORIZONTAL_RESIZABLE=Redimensionnable dans le sens horizontal
HINT_LAYOUT_COMPONENT_HORIZONTAL_RESIZABLE=D\u00e9termine si le composant peut \u00eatre redimensionn\u00e9 dans le sens horizontal.
PROP_LAYOUT_COMPONENT_VERTICAL_RESIZABLE=Redimensionnable dans le sens vertical
HINT_LAYOUT_COMPONENT_VERTICAL_RESIZABLE=D\u00e9termine si le composant peut \u00eatre redimensionn\u00e9 dans le sens vertical.
HINT_ASSISTANT_SHOWN=If selected, the assistant is shown in the designer.
PROP_GENERATE_FQN=Generate Full Classnames
HINT_GENERATE_FQN=If selected then fully qualified names of classes are generated.
# form toolbar
CTL_SelectionButtonHint=Mode de s\u00e9lection
CTL_ConnectionButtonHint=Mode de connexion
CTL_BeansButtonHint=Mode d'ajout
CTL_PaletteButton_MenuItem=Afficher le bouton Ajouter
ACSD_SelectionMode=If selected, the Form Editor is in \"Selection Mode\" - you may select components on the form.
ACSD_ConnectionMode=If selected, the Form Editor is in \"Connection Mode\" - you may connect components with a wizard.
ACSD_AddMode=If selected, the Form Editor is in \"Add Mode\" - you may add the selected bean to the form.
# HandleLayer
ACSN_HandleLayer=Concepteur de formulaire visuel
ACSD_HandleLayer=Servez-vous de l'Inspecteur de composant pour une navigation par clavier uniquement
# displayed text of not set value (for "write only" properties)
CTL_ValueNotSet=<Non d\u00e9fini(e)>
# value type displayed as tooltip in property sheet for properties without description
# {0} = property value type name
# value type displayed as tooltip in property sheet for properties having some description
# {0} = property value type name
# {1} = the original short description of the property
HINT_PropertyTypeWithDescription=({0}) {1}
# RADComponent PropertySets
CTL_PropertiesTabHint=Common properties of the JavaBeans component
CTL_Properties2Tab=Autres propri\u00e9t\u00e9s
CTL_Properties2TabHint=Other properties of the JavaBeans component
CTL_BindingTabHint0=Preferred binding properties
CTL_BindingTabHint1=Properties that fire property changes.
CTL_BindingTabHint2=These properties don't fire property changes and therefore will not work in read/write bindings.
CTL_EventsTabHint=\u00c9v\u00e9nements de JavaBean
CTL_SyntheticTab=G\u00e9n\u00e9ration de code
CTL_SyntheticTabHint=Properties that control the Java code generated for the JavaBeans component
CTL_LayoutTabHint=Propri\u00e9t\u00e9s d\u00e9finissant les contraintes en mati\u00e8re de disposition
CTL_SetAction=Set Action...
# property set for root form's node
CTL_ResourceTab=Resources and Internationalization
CTL_ResourceTabHint=Properties that control automatic resource and internationalization management of the form
# Accessibility support
CTL_AccessibilityTabHint=Propri\u00e9t\u00e9s du contexte accessible du composant
PROP_AccessibleName=Nom du contexte accessible
PROP_AccessibleDescription=Description du contexte accessible
PROP_AccessibleParent=Parent du contexte accessible
MSG_CyclicAccessibleContext=the labelFor property can not be set to component itself
# names of PasteType for copy/paste and cut/paste operations
# hint for ButtonGroupProperty
HINT_ButtonGroup=Groupe auquel ce bouton appartient
ERR_COMPONENT_NAME_ALREADY_IN_USE=Deux composants appartenant au m\u00eame formulaire ne peuvent pas poss\u00e9der le m\u00eame nom.
ERR_INVALID_COMPONENT_NAME=Le nom du composant doit \u00eatre un nom de variable Java valide.
# user entered value that passed through Property Editor, but failed in setter method of the property
MSG_ERR_WRITING_TO_PROPERTY=Failed to write the value to the property \"{0}\".
# formatting of a status line text shown during the opening of the form
# {0} = name of the form data object
FMT_PreparingForm=Preparing form to open: {0}
FMT_OpeningForm=Loading form: {0}
LBL_FormLoading=Chargement en cours...
# error notifications shown when some errors/warnings occur during form loading
FMT_ERR_PersistenceManagerInstantiation=Cannot instantiate persistence manager:\n {0}
# title of the loading errors dialog
CTL_FormLoadingErrors=Errors Occured While Loading Form
# warning message when a form was loaded with errors (not all data loaded)
MSG_FormLoadedWithErrors=Errors occurred in loading the form data. It is not recommended to use\nthis form now in editable mode - data that could not be loaded would be lost after saving the form.\nPlease go through the reported errors, try to fix them if possible, and open the form again.\nIf you choose to open the form as View Only you may see which beans are missing.
CTL_ViewOnly=Afficher seulement
CTL_AllowEditing=Autoriser l'\u00e9dition
CTL_LB_InvalidComponent=non valide
# title of the warning message above
CTL_FormLoadedWithErrors=Avertissement\u00a0: formulaire charg\u00e9 avec des erreurs
# message when there's no PersistenceManager registered for loading forms
MSG_ERR_NoPersistenceManager=Internal error: there is no persistence manager registered.\nThe form cannot be opened.
# message when no registered PersistenceManager is capable of loading the form
MSG_ERR_NotRecognizedForm=The form file format is not recognized.\nThe form cannot be opened.
# message when some errors occurred in accessing the form file
MSG_ERR_LoadingErrors=Some errors occurred when trying to load the form file.\nThe form cannot be opened.
# message when the form file contains invalid XML
MSG_ERR_InvalidXML=The form file does not contain valid XML.\nThe form cannot be opened.
# message when the form file does not contain expected main element
# do not translate "Form"
MSG_ERR_MissingMainElement=Invalid format: main \"Form\" element not found in the form file.\nThe form cannot be opened.
# formatting of message when the for is of unsupported version
# {0} = version number
FMT_ERR_UnsupportedVersion=Unsupported form file version: {0}.\nThe form cannot be opened.
# formatting of warning message printed to console when a substitute form type is used
# {0} name of the opening form
# {1} name of the class used as the fallback form type alternative
# {2} name of the class that could not be used
FMT_FormTypeWarning=[WARNING] Opening form {0} as {1}.\n\ Could not use the declared superclass: {2}
# formatting of warning message printed to console when form type in form file
# is not compatible with superclass declared in the java file
# {0} name of the opening form
FMT_IncompatibleFormTypeWarning=[WARNING] Form {0} has an incompatible superclass declared in its Java file.
# formatting of message when the form cannot be based on given class
# {0} = the invalid base class name
FMT_ERR_InvalidBaseClass=Cannot determine form type ({0}).\nPlease make sure the class is a JavaBeans component.\nThe form cannot be opened.
# message when the base class of the form cannot be determined
MSG_ERR_CannotDetermineBaseClass=Cannot determine the form type (the base class of the form cannot be loaded).\nThe form cannot be opened.
# message when there's a class name of component missing
MSG_ERR_MissingClass=Invalid format: missing class name.\nThe component cannot be loaded.
# formatting of message when a component class cannot be loaded
# {0} = name of the class that cannot be loaded
FMT_ERR_CannotLoadClass=Cannot load component class {0}.\nThe component cannot be loaded.
# formatting of message when an unknow element is found in form file
# {0} = name of the unknown element
FMT_ERR_UnknownElement=Un \u00e9l\u00e9ment de composant inconnu a \u00e9t\u00e9 trouv\u00e9\u00a0: {0}
# formatting of message when a component instance cannot be created
# {0} = name of the class which cannot be instantiated
FMT_ERR_CannotCreateInstance=Cannot create instance of {0}.\nThe component cannot be loaded.
# message when initialization of visual layout of loaded container failed
MSG_ERR_LayoutInitFailed=Failed to initialize layout of this container.
# message when no layout support found for a container
MSG_ERR_NoLayoutSupportFound=No layout support was found.\nLayout information for this container cannot be loaded.
# message when there's a property name missing in form file
MSG_ERR_MissingPropertyName=Invalid format: missing property {0} attribute.\nThe property cannot be loaded.
# message when a specified property is unknown
MSG_ERR_UnknownProperty=Cette propri\u00e9t\u00e9 n'existe pas dans le composant.
# formatting of message when a property type class cannot be loaded
# {0} = name of the class that cannot be loaded
FMT_ERR_CannotLoadClass2=Cannot load property type class {0}.\nThe property cannot be loaded.
# message when the stored property type is not compatible with the property
MSG_ERR_IncompatiblePropertyType=Invalid format: the stored property type is incompatible.\nThe property cannot be loaded.
# message when there's a property type missing in form file
MSG_ERR_MissingPropertyType=Invalid format: missing property type attribute.\nThe property cannot be loaded.
# formatting of message when a property editor class cannot be loaded
# {0} = name of the class that cannot be loaded
FMT_ERR_CannotLoadClass3=Cannot load property editor class {0}.\nThe property cannot be loaded.
# formatting of message when a property editor instance cannot be created
# {0} = name of the class which cannot be instantiated
FMT_ERR_CannotCreateInstance2=Cannot create instance of property editor {0}.\nThe property cannot be loaded.
# formatting of message when a string cannot be decoded as a primitive value
# {0} = decoded string
# {1) = target primitive type
FMT_ERR_CannotDecodePrimitive=Cannot decode \"{0}\" as {1}.\nThe property cannot be loaded.
# message when some error in reading property value occurs
MSG_ERR_CannotReadPropertyValue=Impossible de lire la valeur de propri\u00e9t\u00e9.
# message when a property value is missing in the form file
MSG_ERR_MissingPropertyValue=Format non valide\u00a0: valeur de propri\u00e9t\u00e9 manquante
# message when a loaded value cannot be set to property
MSG_ERR_CannotSetLoadedValue=Impossible d'appliquer la valeur charg\u00e9e \u00e0 la propri\u00e9t\u00e9.
# formatting of message when trying to save to read only form file
# {0} = name of the form file
FMT_ERR_SaveToReadOnly=Erreur interne\u00a0: vous avez essay\u00e9 de sauvegarder dans un fichier en lecture seule {0}.
# formatting of message when the form file for saving could not be locked
# {0} = name of the form file
FMT_ERR_CannotLockFormFile=Erreur interne\u00a0: impossible de verrouiller le fichier {0}.
# formatting of message when could not write the form file
# {0} = name of the form file
FMT_ERR_CannotWrtiteToFile=Impossible d''\u00e9crire dans le fichier {0}
# formatting of message when a value cannot be got from property to be saved
# {0} = name of the property
FMT_ERR_CannotGetPropertyValue=Cannot get the value of the \"{0}\" property.\nThe property cannot be saved.
# formatting of message when a property value cannot be saved
# {0} = name of the property
FMT_ERR_CannotSaveProperty=Cannot save the value of the \"{0}\" property.
# formatting of message when a property value cannot be saved
# {0} = class name of property editor
FMT_ERR_CannotSaveProperty2=Cannot save property value using the {0} property editor.
# formatting of message when a property value cannot be saved
# {0} = value type class name
FMT_ERR_CannotSaveProperty3=Impossible d''enregistrer la valeur de propri\u00e9t\u00e9 du type {0}.
# formats for description labels of various loading errors
FMT_ERR_LoadingComponent=Erreur lors du chargement du composant\u00a0:\n{0}
FMT_ERR_LoadingComponentProperty=Erreur lors du chargement de la propri\u00e9t\u00e9 du composant\u00a0:\n{0}
FMT_ERR_LoadingLayout=Erreur lors du chargement de la disposition\u00a0:\n{0}
FMT_ERR_LoadingLayoutProperty=Erreur lors du chargement de la propri\u00e9t\u00e9 de disposition du conteneur\u00a0:\n{0}
FMT_ERR_LoadingLayoutConstraints=Erreur lors du chargement des contraintes de disposition\u00a0:\n{0}
FMT_ERR_LoadingLayoutConstraintsProperty=Erreur lors du chargement de la propri\u00e9t\u00e9 de contrainte de disposition\u00a0:\n{0}
# string used for layout when building a location description of location in
# the tree, e.g. [JFrame]->container1->[layout]->property1
# string used for layout when building a location description of location in
# the tree, e.g. [JFrame]->component1->[layout constraints]->property1
CTL_PathLayoutConstraints=[contraintes de disposition]
# string used as chain link when building a location description in the tree,
# e.g. [JFrame]->container1->component1
# formatting of Error message when a layout initialization fails
# {0} = layout class name
FMT_ERR_LayoutInit=Failed to initialize layout {0}.\nThe layout cannot be set.
# formatting of error message when no LayoutSupport is found for layout
# {0} = layout class name
FMT_ERR_LayoutNotFound=No support class found for layout {0}.\nThe layout cannot be set.
# message when initialization of visual layout of loaded container failed
MSG_ERR_LayoutInitFailed2=Initialization of the container layout support failed.\nJust limited basic support will be used.
# message shows restriction of usage of Borders
MSG_BorderNotApplicable=Cannot apply border. Borders can be used only with Swing JComponent subclasses.
# message shows restriction of usage of In-place text editing
MSG_ComponentNotShown=In-place text editing is available only for the shown components.
# formatting of error message when class of component added to form from palette
# cannot be loaded
# {0} = name of the class that cannot be loaded
# {1} = expected source of the component
FMT_ERR_CannotLoadClass4=Cannot load component class {0} from {1}.\nThe class must be compiled and must be on the classpath of the project to which this form belongs.
# component instantiation error message
MSG_ERR_CannotInstantiate=The component cannot be instantiated. Please make sure it is a JavaBeans component.
# component instantiation error during copying
MSG_ERR_CannotCopyInstance=L'instance bean du composant ne peut pas \u00eatre copi\u00e9e.
# message when trying to add (or copy) form class object to the same form
MSG_ERR_CannotAddForm=A form cannot be added to itself.
# Component Inspector Title
ACS_ComponentTree=Arborescence du composant
HINT_ComponentInspector=Inspecteur de composant
# formatting of component node display name
# {0} = name of the component (typically variable name)
# {1} = short name of component class (without package)
FMT_ComponentNodeName={0} [{1}]
# formatting of component node display name for a component without a name
# {0} = short name of component class (without package)
# formatting of form root node display name
# {0} = name of the form (class name)
FMT_FormNodeName=Formulaire {0}
# formatting of a message that is displayed in the status line during setting layout
# {0} = class name of the layout
# {1} = displayName of the container to set the layout on
#FMT_MSG_SetLayout=Set {0} on {1}.
# formatting of a message that is displayed in the status line during setting layout
# when the layout cannot be set
# {0} = displayName of the container it is not possible to set the layout on
#FMT_MSG_CannotSetLayout=Cannot set layout on {0}.
# formatting of a message that is displayed in the status line during setting border
# {0} = class name of the border
# {1} = displayName of the component to set the border on
#FMT_MSG_SetBorder=Set {0} on {1}.
# formatting of a message that is displayed in the status line during setting border
# {0} = displayName of the component, the border cannot be set on
#FMT_MSG_CannotSetBorder=Cannot set border on {0}.
# formatting of a message that is displayed in the status line during adding
# a new component to a container
# {1} = short class name (without package) of the component to add
# {2} = display name of the container to add the component to
#FMT_MSG_AddComponent=Add {0} to {1}.
# formatting of a message that is displayed in the status line during adding
# a new component to "Other Components"
# {0} = short class name (without package) of the component to add
#FMT_MSG_AddToOthers=Add {0} to Other Components.
FMT_MSG_AddingComponent=Ajout de {0}
# form designer resizing
# {0} = current designer width
# {1} = current designer height
FMT_HINT_DesignerResizing=[{0}, {1}] Pour changer la taille du concepteur, faites glisser la bordure ou double-cliquez dessus.
FMT_HINT_DesignerSize=[{0}, {1}]
CTL_SetDesignerSize_Title=D\u00e9finir la taille du concepteur de formulaire
CTL_SetDesignerSize_Label=&Nouvelle taille (largeur, hauteur)\u00a0:
# Events
MSG_CannotAttach=Cannot attach to the event handler.\n\tThe event handler is already used for an event of another type.
MSG_CannotRename=Cannot rename to an existing event handler.\n\tTo reattach, first remove the current handler and then attach to the existing one.
# The string event property value name when no event handler is attached to the event
FMT_MSG_HandlersFor=Gestionnaires pour {0}
FMT_MSG_InvalidJavaIdentifier={0} n''est pas un identificateur Java.
FMT_MSG_EmptyString=Cha\u00eene vide
# Code Generation
# A code generated into a new event handler method
# PARTIAL do not translate TODO
#MSG_EventHandlerBody=// TODO add your handling code here:\n
CTL_LISTENER_ANONYMOUS_CLASSES=Classes internes anonymes
CTL_LAYOUT_CODE_JDK6=Standard Java 6 code
CTL_LAYOUT_CODE_LIBRARY=Swing Layout Extensions Library
CTL_AUTO_INJECTION=All Resources + Injection
PROP_FORM_BUNDLE=Properties Bundle File
HINT_FORM_BUNDLE=Resource name of the properties bundle (default file without extension)
HINT_DESIGN_LOCALE=Specific localization used or modified in the designer
# Comments generated around generated variables declarations
#MSG_VariablesBegin=// Variables declaration - do not modify
#MSG_VariablesEnd=// End of variables declaration
#MSG_EventDispatchCodeComment=// Code for dispatching events from components to event handlers.\n
#MSG_GeneratedCode=Generated Code
#MSG_WrongLocalVariableSettingComment=\n// WARNING: Variable {0} should not be declared as local in initComponents() as long as \n // Forms property '''Listener Generation Style''' is set to '''Main Class''' or '''One Inner Class'''.\n // Check the values set in the components' '''Use Local Variable''' and \n // Forms '''Local Variables''' and '''Listener Generation Style''' properties.\n
VALUE_codeGen_generate=G\u00e9n\u00e9rer le code
MSG_JC_BeanClass=Classe de bean
MSG_JC_BeanClassDesc=Classe de bean pour ce composant.
MSG_JC_VariableName=Nom de variable
MSG_JC_VariableDesc=Nom de la variable globale g\u00e9n\u00e9r\u00e9e pour ce composant.
MSG_JC_TypeParameters=Param\u00e8tres de type
MSG_JC_TypeParametersDesc=Type parameters string (if the type of this variable uses generics).
MSG_JC_VariableModifiers=Modificateurs de variable
MSG_JC_VariableModifiersDesc=Modificateurs de la variable g\u00e9n\u00e9r\u00e9e pour ce composant.
MSG_JC_CodeGeneration=G\u00e9n\u00e9ration de code
MSG_JC_CodeGenerationDesc=Type de g\u00e9n\u00e9ration de code pour ce composant.
MSG_JC_PreCreationCode=Code de pr\u00e9cr\u00e9ation
MSG_JC_PreCreationCodeDesc=Code inclus avant la cr\u00e9ation de ce composant.
MSG_JC_PostCreationCode=Code de postcr\u00e9ation
MSG_JC_PostCreationCodeDesc=Code inclus apr\u00e8s la cr\u00e9ation de ce composant.
MSG_JC_PreInitCode=Code de pr\u00e9initialisation
MSG_JC_PreInitCodeDesc=Code included before standard bean properties of this component are set.
MSG_JC_PostInitCode=Code de postinitialisation
MSG_JC_PostInitCodeDesc=Code included after all standard bean properties of this component are set.
MSG_JC_PostListenersCode=Post-Listeners Code
MSG_JC_PostListenersCodeDesc=Code included after all bean properties are set and listeners registered.
MSG_JC_PreAddCode=Pre-Adding Code
MSG_JC_PreAddCodeDesc=Code included before this component is added to the parent container.
MSG_JC_PostAddCode=Post-Adding Code
MSG_JC_PostAddCodeDesc=Code included after this component is added to the parent container.
MSG_JC_PrePopulationCode=Pre-Population Code
MSG_JC_PrePopulationCodeDesc=Code included before sub-components are added to this container.
MSG_JC_PostPopulationCode=Post-Population Code
MSG_JC_PostPopulationCodeDesc=Code included after sub-components are added to this container.
MSG_JC_AfterAllSetCode=After-All-Set Code
MSG_JC_AfterAllSetCodeDesc=Code included after the component is completely set up.
MSG_JC_PreDeclaration=Pre-Declaration Code
MSG_JC_PreDeclarationDesc=Code included before declaration of the variable.
MSG_JC_PostDeclaration=Post-Declaration Code
MSG_JC_PostDeclarationDesc=Code included after declaration of the variable.
MSG_JC_SerializeTo=S\u00e9rialiser vers
MSG_JC_SerializeToDesc=Fichier dans lequel ce composant est s\u00e9rialis\u00e9.
MSG_JC_CustomCreationCode=Code de cr\u00e9ation personnalis\u00e9
MSG_JC_CustomCreationCodeDesc=Custom code for creation (instantiation) of this component.
MSG_JC_UseLocalVar=Utiliser la variable locale
MSG_JC_UseLocalVarDesc=Si la valeur est True, la variable est d\u00e9clar\u00e9e comme locale dans initComponents().
HINT_VARIABLES_LOCAL=Si cette option est s\u00e9lectionn\u00e9e, les variables des composants sont g\u00e9n\u00e9r\u00e9es en tant que variables locales dans initComponents().
PROP_VARIABLES_LOCAL=Variables locales
HINT_GENERATE_MNEMONICS=You can define mnemonics of labels and buttons by using the '&' character inside the text property instead of setting the text and mnemonics properties separately. This allows precise mnemonics definition and easy internationalization. However, this feature requires the org.openide.awt.Mnemonics class, so you should turn it on only if you develop forms to be run within NetBeans IDE.
HINT_GENERATE_MNEMONICS2=Si la valeur est True, la propri\u00e9t\u00e9 du texte des boutons et des \u00e9tiquettes est g\u00e9n\u00e9r\u00e9e \u00e0 l'aide de org.openide.awt.Mnemonics
PROP_GENERATE_MNEMONICS=G\u00e9n\u00e9rer le code des mn\u00e9moniques
# ParametersPicker, PropertyPicker, MethodPicker
# {0} = required type (short class name)
CTL_FMT_CW_SelectMethod=Choisir une m\u00e9thode ({0})
# {0} = required type (short class name)
CTL_FMT_CW_SelectProperty=Choisir une propri\u00e9t\u00e9 ({0})
CTL_CW_NotSet=<non d\u00e9fini>
CTL_CW_GetParametersFrom=Obtenir le param\u00e8tre depuis\u00a0:
CTL_CW_NoProperty=<Aucune propri\u00e9t\u00e9 s\u00e9lectionn\u00e9e>
CTL_CW_Method=Me&thod Call:
CTL_CW_MethodCall=Appel de la m\u00e9thode
CTL_CW_NoMethod=<Aucune m\u00e9thode s\u00e9lectionn\u00e9e>
CTL_CW_UserCode=U&ser Code:
CTL_CW_SelectBean=<Choisir un bean>
#ParametersPicker - nothing was entered
ERR_NothingEntered=Aucune valeur valide n'a \u00e9t\u00e9 saisie.
# RADConnectionPropertyEditor - display name
CTL_FormConnection_DisplayName=Value from existing component
CTL_CustomCode_DisplayName=Custom code
ACSN_CustomCode_EditorPane=Custom code editor pane
# text displayed when connection is not valid (e.g. component removed)
CTL_CONNECTION_INVALID=<Connexion non valide>
# Formatting of display value for connection to property
# {0} = name of the component to obtain the property from
# {1} = name of the property
# Formatting of display value for connection to bean
# {0} = name of the component to obtain the property from
# Formatting of display value for connection to property
# {0} = name of the component to call the method on
# {1} = name of the method
# Formatting of display value for connection to value
# {0} = the value string
FMT_VALUE_CONN=<Valeur\u00a0: {0}>
# display value for connection to custom code
CTL_CODE_CONN=<Code utilisateur>
# property value of array type is displayed as Array of ...<br>
CTL_ArrayOf=Tableau de
# default names of adding MenuItems during menu editing.
CTL_DefaultComponent=<par d\u00e9faut>
CTL_InvalidReference=<R\u00e9f\u00e9rence non valide>
CTL_ComponentChooserEditor_DisplayName=Component chooser
CTL_ButtonGroupPropertyEditor_DisplayName=Button group chooser
CTL_AccessibleParentEditor_DisplayName=Accessible Parent Editor
CTL_EE_RENAME_CAPTION=Renommer le gestionnaire
CTL_EE_RENAME_LABEL=&Nouveau nom du gestionnaire\u00a0:
CTL_EE_NOT_IDENTIFIER=Le nom du gestionnaire n'est pas un identificateur Java valide.
CTL_EE_ALREADY_EXIST=Un gestionnaire d'\u00e9v\u00e9nements de ce nom est d\u00e9j\u00e0 inclus.
CTL_EE_ADD_CAPTION=Ajouter le gestionnaire
CTL_EE_ADD_LABEL=&Nouveau nom du gestionnaire\u00a0:
MSG_FormSizePolicy=Strat\u00e9gie pour la taille du formulaire
HINT_FormSizePolicy=D\u00e9finit la strat\u00e9gie pr\u00e9vue pour la g\u00e9n\u00e9ration du code de redimensionnement.
MSG_FormSize=Taille du formulaire
HINT_FormSize=D\u00e9finit la taille initiale du formulaire.
MSG_FormPosition=Position du formulaire
HINT_FormPosition=D\u00e9finit la position du formulaire \u00e0 l'\u00e9cran.
MSG_GeneratePosition=G\u00e9n\u00e9rer la position
HINT_GeneratePosition=Si la valeur est True, un code est g\u00e9n\u00e9r\u00e9 pour d\u00e9finir l'emplacement du formulaire comme indiqu\u00e9 par la propri\u00e9t\u00e9 Position du formulaire.
MSG_GenerateSize=G\u00e9n\u00e9rer la taille
HINT_GenerateSize=Si la valeur est True, un code est g\u00e9n\u00e9r\u00e9 pour d\u00e9finir la taille du formulaire comme indiqu\u00e9 par la propri\u00e9t\u00e9 Taille du formulaire.
MSG_GenerateCenter=G\u00e9n\u00e9rer au centre
HINT_GenerateCenter=Si la valeur est True, un code est g\u00e9n\u00e9r\u00e9 pour placer le formulaire au centre de l'\u00e9cran.
MSG_DesignerSize=Taille du concepteur
HINT_DesignerSize=Taille de la zone de conception du formulaire active.
# names of property values for Size Policy property
VALUE_sizepolicy_pack=G\u00e9n\u00e9rer le pack()
VALUE_sizepolicy_full=G\u00e9n\u00e9rer le code de redimensionnement
VALUE_sizepolicy_none=Pas de code de redimensionnement
#Layout Size Property Editor
VALUE_SizeNotExplicitelyDefined=Par d\u00e9faut
#Form Custom Editor
CTL_PropertyEditorDoesNot=La personnalisation de cette propri\u00e9t\u00e9 n'est pas prise en charge.
CTL_DefaultEditor_DisplayName=Default editor
# {0} = description of selected custom editor
ACSD_FormCustomEditor=Editing property {0}
# Selecting editing mode for the property
# {0} = component name (name of the variable)
# {1} = name of the property being set
# Example:
# Set jButton1's text property using:
FMT_EditingModeLabel1=<html>Set <b>{0}</b>''s <b>{1}</b> property using:
# simplified version - if the edited property is not a bean property
# {0} = name of the property being set
FMT_EditingModeLabel2=<html>Set <b>{0}</b> property using:
EditingMode_Hint=Choose the manner for specifying the property value
# Tooltips of aligning buttons in form designer
CTL_AlignAction_l=Align left in column
CTL_AlignAction_r=Align right in column
CTL_AlignAction_u=Align top in row
CTL_AlignAction_d=Align bottom in row
CTL_AlignAction_ch=Centrer horizontalement
CTL_AlignAction_cv=Centrer verticalement
CTL_ResizeButton_h=Changer le redimensionnement horizontal
CTL_ResizeButton_v=Changer le redimensionnement vertical
# MetaComponentCreator
ChangeVariableNameAction=Changer le nom de la variable...
NAME_CustomizeTableAction=Table Contents ...
KW_FormOptions=GUI Builder,Swing Component Options,GUI Internationalization,Form Options
Form_Editor=Compilateur d'interface graphique
Form_Editor_Tooltip=Options du g\u00e9n\u00e9rateur d'interface graphique
Fold=F&old Generated Code
Assistant=&Show Assistant
Default_Modifier=<par d\u00e9faut>
Anonymous=Classes internes anonymes
InnerClass=Une classe interne
MainClass=Classe principale
Generate_Components=G\u00e9n\u00e9rer les composants comme\u00a0:
Generate_Components_Hint=D\u00e9termine si les champs ou les variables locales doivent \u00eatre g\u00e9n\u00e9r\u00e9s pour les composants.
Generate_Locals=&Local Variables in initComponents() Method
Generate_Fields=&Fields in the Form Class
Variable_Modifier=&Variables Modifier:
Layout_Style=La&yout Generation Style:
Component_Names=Set Component &Names:
Listener_Style=Listener &Generation Style:
Code_Generation=G\u00e9n\u00e9ration de code
Auto_I18n=&Automatic Internationalization:
Selection_Border_Color=Selection &Border Color:
Guiding_Line_Color=Guiding Line &Color:
Generate_FQN=Generate Fully &Qualified Names of Classes
MSG_Paiting_Exception=The following exception has been thrown during painting of the form. Use the Inspector window to fix or remove the problematic component.
TITLE_Choose_Bean=Choisissez un Bean
MSG_Choose_Bean=Class name:
MSG_DefaultPackageBean=Components from the default package cannot be used outside of the default package.
# code customization
# subst messages used as comments in editor in code customizer window
CustomCode-SubstSub=Code of sub-components - not shown here
CustomCode-SubstLayout=Layout setup code - not shown here
CustomCode-SubstSubAndLayout=Code of sub-components and layout - not shown here
CustomCode-SubstAdding=Code adding the component to the parent container - not shown here
CustomCode-SubstNoValue=property value not set
# used with CTL_GuardCombo_Default in a combo box
CustomCode-Creation=custom creation
CustomCode-Creation_Hint=Custom creation (instantiation) code is used for this component
CustomCode-Property=custom property
CustomCode-Property_Hint=Custom code is used for the value of this property
# parameter {0} is name of the property setter; the result is e.g. pre-setText
CustomCode-PreProperty_Hint=Code included before setting the property value
CustomCode-PostProperty_Hint=Code included after setting the property value
# Code Customizer dialog
TITLE_CodeCustomizer=Code Customizer
CustomCodeView.accessibleDescription=A dialog for editing a custom (user) code for selected components
CTL_RenameTitle=Rename Component
CTL_RenameLabel=Nouveau nom
CTL_ApplyChangesLabel=In order to rename the component, the changes in the code need to be applied first.\nVoulez - vous continuer?
CTL_ApplyChangesTitle=Apply Changes
CustomCodeView.renameButton.toolTipText=Rename the component's variable
CustomCodeView.componentCombo.toolTipText=Select component to customize the code for
CustomCodeView.initCodeLabel.text=&Initialization code
CustomCodeView.declarationCodeLabel.text=Variable &declaration code
CTL_GuardCombo_Default=default code
CTL_GuardCombo_Default_Hint=Default code is generated. You can switch to custom code using this combo box.
CTL_AccessCombo_package_private=<par d\u00e9faut>
MSG_BindingCustomizer_Bind=<html>Bind property <b>{1}</b> ({2}) to:
MSG_BindingCustomizer_Source=Binding &Source\:
MSG_BindingCustomizer_Expression=Binding &Expression\:
MSG_BindingCustomizer_DisplayExpression=&Display Expression\:
MSG_BindingCustomizer_Binding=Bind {0}.{1}
MSG_BindingCustomizer_None=<not bound>
MSG_Binding_SelectSubbindings=Choose source attributes you would like to appear in the table as columns.
MSG_BindingCustomizer_SelectAll=Tout s\u00e9lectionner
MSG_BindingCustomizer_DeselectAll=Deselect All
MSG_BindingCustomizer_Up=Vers le haut
MSG_BindingCustomizer_Down=Vers le bas
MSG_BindingCustomizer_UpdateProperties=<html><b>Update Properties
MSG_BindingCustomizer_Update=Specify how the target and source are updated
MSG_BindingCustomizer_UpdateMode=Update &Mode\:
MSG_BindingCustomizer_UpdateMode1=Always sync (read/write)
MSG_BindingCustomizer_UpdateMode2=Only read from source (read-only)
MSG_BindingCustomizer_UpdateMode3=Read from source once (read once)
MSG_BindingCustomizer_UpdateWhen=Update Source &When\:
MSG_BindingCustomizer_UpdateWhen1=Enter is pressed or focus is lost
MSG_BindingCustomizer_UpdateWhen2=Focus leaves
MSG_BindingCustomizer_UpdateWhen3=While typing
MSG_BindingCustomizer_IgnoreAdjusting=Ignore Adjusting
MSG_BindingCustomizer_SpecialValues=<html><b>Alternate Values
MSG_BindingCustomizer_DisplayValues=Use these values if the binding source value is null or incomplete
MSG_BindingCustomizer_NullValue=N&ull Source Value\:
MSG_BindingCustomizer_IncompletePathValue=Un&readable Source Value\:
MSG_BindingCustomizer_Conversion=<html><b>Type Conversion
MSG_BindingCustomizer_ValidationTxt=Validate changes using:
MSG_BindingCustomizer_ConversionTxt=Convert from the source to target using:
MSG_BindingCustomizer_ImportData=&Import Data to Form...
MSG_BindingCustomizer_NullExpression=<use the binding source>
MSG_BindingCustomizer_NullDisplayExpression=<use element.toString()>
MSG_BindingCustomizer_Please_Wait=Veuillez patienter
MSG_Binding_NullProperty=Null Value
MSG_Binding_IncompletePathProperty=Incomplete Path Value
MSG_ListSelector_Available_ACSN=Available Items
MSG_ListSelector_Selected_ACSN=Selected Items
MSG_ListSelector_Up=Vers le ha&ut
# Form Connection custom property editor
ConnectionCustomEditor.jLabel1.text=Get Value From\:
ConnectionCustomEditor.methodRadio.text=&Method Call\:
CodeCustomEditor.codeLabel=Property Code:
# dialog asking about format version upgrade
TITLE_FormatUpgrade=GUI Form Format Upgrade
MSG_UpgradeQuestion=This GUI form comes from a previous version of the NetBeans IDE, but now needs to be upgraded to use the latest format version. After the upgrade you will need NetBeans IDE 6.5 (or newer) to open the form - it will no longer open in the older IDE versions.\n\nDo you want to continue to upgrade the form, or cancel (undo) the last change?
CTL_UpgradeOption=Mise \u00e0 niveau
# Refactoring elements in preview
CTL_RefactoringUpdate1=Update GUI form
CTL_RefactoringUpdate2=Regenerate GUI code in guarded blocks
# Null item display name for EnumEditor combobox
# Options export
Form.Options.Export.displayName=Compilateur d'interface graphique