blob: c7547aa561b667e5a7e3d99e9e81b3c8f184846a [file] [log] [blame]
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CTL_SettingsFile=Soubory nastaven\u00ed
# {0} - the path
EXC_FIND_4_INVALID=Soubor {0} ji\u017e z\u0159ejm\u011b nen\u00ed platn\u00fd!
EXC_NO_LONGER_VALID=Zkop\u00edrovan\u00fd soubor {0} u\u017e nen\u00ed platn\u00fd!
# {0} - File name
LBL_Copying=Kop\u00edruji {0}
# {0} - Deleted file or folder
LBL_Deleting=Ma\u017eu {0}
# {0} - File name
LBL_Moving=P\u0159esunuji {0}
OpenIDE-Module-Name=Datasystems API
OpenIDE-Module-Short-Description=NetBeans API pro manipulaci s datov\u00fdmi objekty.
OpenIDE-Module-Long-Description=The Datasystems API je vrstva nad Filesystems API, kter\u00e1 rozpozn\u00e1v\u00e1 a sdru\u017euje datov\u00e9 objekty a p\u0159i\u0159azuje jim konkr\u00e9tn\u00ed v\u00fdznam. D\u0159\u00edve sou\u010d\u00e1st\u00ed hlavn\u00edch Open API, nyn\u00ed je rozd\u011blena do nez\u00e1visl\u00fdch modul\u016f.
HINT_DefaultDataObject=Nerozpoznan\u00fd soubor
EXC_SharedAccess=Sd\u00edlen\u00fd p\u0159\u00edstup
EXC_ReorderFailed=Nemohu ulo\u017eit nov\u00e9 t\u0159\u00edd\u011bn\u00ed.
# {0} - folder that cannot be deleted
EXC_CannotDelete2=Nemohu smazat soubor {0}.
# name for shadow of an object
# {0} real name of the shadow
# {1} real name of the original
# {2} full name of shadow file
# {3} full name of original file
# {4} display name of original node
FMT_shadowName={0} (\u2192)
# name for shadow of an object
# {0} real name of the shadow
# {1} real name of the original
# {2} full name of shadow file
# {3} full name of original file
FMT_shadowHint=Odkaz na {3}
PROP_ShadowOriginalName=P\u016fvodn\u00ed jm\u00e9no
HINT_ShadowOriginalName=Jm\u00e9no objektu, na kter\u00fd ukazuje teno odkaz
PROP_ShadowOriginalFileSystem=Jm\u00e9no p\u016fvodn\u00edho souborov\u00e9ho syst\u00e9mu
HINT_ShadowOriginalFileSystem=Jm\u00e9no souborov\u00e9ho syst\u00e9mu p\u016fvodn\u00edho objektu.
# DataNode
HINT_name=Jm\u00e9no tohoto objektu.
HINT_template=Tento soubor je vzor(template - m\u016f\u017ee instanciovat sebe sama) pokud za\u0161krtnuto
PROP_files=V\u0161echny soubory
HINT_files=Seznam soubor\u016f reprezentovan\u00fdch t\u00edmto objektem.
PROP_size=Velikost souboru
HINT_size=Velikost tohot souboru v bytech. (Bude aplikov\u00e1no pouze na prvn\u00ed soubor ze v\u0161ech soubor\u016f.)
PROP_lastModified=\u010cas zm\u011bny
HINT_lastModified=kdy byl tento soubor zm\u011bn\u011bn. (Bude aplikov\u00e1no pouze na prvn\u00ed soubor ze v\u0161ech soubor\u016f.)
HINT_extension=P\u0159\u00edpona prim\u00e1rn\u00edho souboru.
ERROR_extension=Nemohu zm\u011bnit koncovku. Soubor je zm\u011bn\u011bn.
# name of set with sorting options
HINT_sorting=Nastaven\u00ed t\u0159\u00edd\u011bn\u00ed a uspo\u0159\u00e1d\u00e1n\u00ed.
# folder sort mode property
PROP_sort=M\u00f3d t\u0159\u00edd\u011bn\u00ed
HINT_sort=Ur\u010duje jak budou objekty v bal\u00ed\u010dku t\u0159\u00edd\u011bny.
# SortModeEditor
VALUE_sort_names=Podle jm\u00e9na
VALUE_sort_class=Podle t\u0159\u00eddy
VALUE_sort_folder_names=Podle jm\u00e9na (bal\u00ed\u010dky prvn\u00ed)
VALUE_sort_last_modified=Podle \u010dasu zm\u011bny
VALUE_sort_size=Podle velikosti souboru
VALUE_sort_extensions=Podle koncovky
# Names of paste types
PT_shadow=Vytvo\u0159it odkaz
PT_instance=&Implicitn\u00ed instance
SerializeBean_Text=&Jm\u00e9no souboru do kter\u00e9ho serializovat instanci
SerializeBean_Title=Serializace instance
# new folder
CTL_NewFolderTitle=Vytvo\u0159it nov\u00fd adres\u00e1\u0159
# formatting of error message when creating a folder and a file of given name already exists there
# {0} name of the new folder being created
# {1} name of the folder the new folder is being created in
MSG_FMT_FileExists=Soubor {0} ji\u017e existuje v adres\u00e1\u0159i {1}.
# formatting of error message when creating a folder and a folder with specified name already exists there
# {0} name of the new folder being created
# {1} name of the folder the new folder is being created in
MSG_FMT_FolderExists=Soubor {0} ji\u017e existuje v adres\u00e1\u0159i {1}.
# when the object is larger than size expected to fit into memory
# {0} path to the file
# {1} name of the file
# {2} size in bytes
# {3} size in Kb
# {4} size in Mb
# {5} size in Gb
MSG_ObjectIsTooBig=Soubor {1} se zd\u00e1 b\u00fdt pro bezpe\u010dn\u00e9 otev\u0159en\u00ed p\u0159\u00edli\u0161 velk\u00fd ({2,choice,0#{2}b|1024#{3} Kb|1100000#{4} Mb|1100000000#{5} Gb}) . \nOtev\u0159en\u00ed souboru m\u016f\u017ee zp\u016fsobit OutOfMemoryError, kter\u00e9 by znemo\u017enil pou\u017eit\u00ed IDE. Opravdu ho chcete otev\u0159\u00edt?
# XMLDataObject
PROP_XmlLoader_Name=XML konfigura\u010dn\u00ed soubory
PROP_XmlError=Chyba (lze se z n\u00ed zotavit)
PROP_XmlFatalError=Fat\u00e1ln\u00ed chyba
###PROP_XmlMessage=#{0} \\"{1}\\" [{2}:{3},{4}]
# ^^^ formatting of xml parser error message
# {0} level of error (PROP_Xml[Error|Warning|FatalError])
# {1} error message
# {2} system ID of xml document
# {3} line number
# {4} column number
# DataFolder
EXC_WrongName=Nemohu vytvo\u0159it adres\u00e1\u0159; {0} nen\u00ed platn\u00e9 jm\u00e9no.
# {0} name of folder that can't be copied.
EXC_CannotCopyTheSame=Nemohu kop\u00edrovat {0}: C\u00edlov\u00e1 slo\u017eka je shodn\u00e1 jako zdrojov\u00e1.
# {0} name of folder that can't be copied.
EXC_CannotCopySubfolder=Nemohu kop\u00edrovat {0}: c\u00edlov\u00e1 slo\u017eka je podslo\u017ekou zdrojov\u00e9 slo\u017eky.
#Title of the new from template dialog
# {0} = object which will be created
CTL_TemplateTitle2=Nov\u00fd pr\u016fvodce - {0}
#Title of the new from template dialog
# Object is not known. Used when template chooser panel is shown.
CTL_TemplateTitle=Nov\u00fd pr\u016fvodce
LAB_TemplateChooserPanelName=Vyberte vzor
LAB_SelectTemplateBorder=&Vyberte vzor:
MSG_NoDescription=\u017d\u00e1dn\u00fd popis
MSG_InitDescription=Inicializuji popis...
LAB_TemplateDescriptionBorder=&Popis vzoru:
LAB_TargetLocationPanelName=C\u00edlov\u00e9 um\u00edst\u011bn\u00ed
LAB_TargetLocationDescription=Vyberte pros\u00edm slo\u017eku pro nov\u011b vytvo\u0159en\u00fd objekt, nebo n\u00ed\u017ee napi\u0161te jm\u00e9no adres\u00e1\u0159e:
EXC_folder_delete_failed=Nelze smazat zdrojovou slo\u017eku b\u011bhem p\u0159esunov\u00e1n\u00ed.
#{0} = display name of the filesystem
FMT_TemplateDefaultRootFolderName=<ko\u0159enov\u00e1 slo\u017eka> [{0}]
FMT_DefaultNewObjectName=<implicitn\u00ed jm\u00e9no>
LBL_default_loader_display_name=Nerozpoznan\u00e9 objekty
LBL_instance_loader_display_name=Instance akc\u00ed
FMT_CannotCopyDo=Varov\u00e1n\u00ed: Objekt {0} nelze kop\u00edrovat.
FMT_CannotMoveDo=Varov\u00e1n\u00ed: Objekt {0} nelze p\u0159esunout.
# InstanceDataObject
PROP_instance_class=Jm\u00e9no t\u0159\u00eddy
HINT_instance_class=Jm\u00e9no t\u0159\u00eddy(Java class) objektu je reprezentov\u00e1no.
# {0} class name of bean to save
# {1} file to save the bean to
EXC_CannotSaveBean=Vyskytly se probl\u00e9my s ukl\u00e1d\u00e1n\u00edm {0} bean.
FMT_brokenShadowName={0} (Neplatn\u00fd odkaz)
HINT_brokenShadowOriginalName=Neplatn\u00fd odkaz
PROP_brokenShadowOriginalName=Neplatn\u00fd odkaz
# what does Broken Link Filesystem refer to? Broken link to the filesystem? pkeegan
PROP_brokenShadowFileSystem=Neplatn\u00fd odkaz syst\u00e9mu soubor\u016f
HINT_brokenShadowFileSystem=Neplatn\u00fd odkaz syst\u00e9mu soubor\u016f
LBL_BrokenSettings=<neur\u010den\u00e9 nastaven\u00ed>
# human readable names, not shown anywhere
LBL_DOcopy=Datov\u00fd objekt kop\u00edruje flavor
LBL_DOcut=Datov\u00fd objekt vyj\u00edm\u00e1 flavor
LAB_NewObjectPanelName=Nov\u00e9 jm\u00e9no objektu
# DataLoader
# {0} - name of loader affected
EXC_missing_actions_in_loader=Vyskakovac\u00ed menu pro objekty typu {0} nemohlo b\u00fdt obnoveno; pou\u017e\u00edv\u00e1n\u00ed standardn\u00edch nastaven\u00ed.
MSG_renameError=Tento objekt nem\u016f\u017ee b\u00fdt p\u0159ejmenov\u00e1n z {0} na {1}.
MSG_NotValidName={0} nelze p\u0159i\u0159adit pr\u00e1zdn\u00e9 jm\u00e9no.
ERR_NoFilesystem=\u017d\u00e1dn\u00fd syst\u00e9m soubor\u016f nen\u00ed povolen. Ujist\u011bte se, \u017ee m\u00e1te alespo\u0148 jeden syst\u00e9m soubor\u016f, kter\u00fd nen\u00ed "pouze pro \u010dten\u00ed" a nen\u00ed skryt\u00fd.
# TemplateWizardPanel2
MSG_fs_or_folder_does_not_exist=C\u00edlov\u00fd syst\u00e9m soubor\u016f nebo slo\u017eka neexistuje.
MSG_fs_is_readonly=C\u00edlov\u00fd syst\u00e9m soubor\u016f je pouze pro \u010dten\u00ed.
# {0} - name of the existing file
MSG_file_already_exist=Soubor {0} ji\u017e existuje
# Messages for org.openide.actions in openide-loaders.jar
ACT_FileSystemAction=Akce syst\u00e9mu soubor\u016f
SaveAsTemplate=Ulo\u017e jako \u0161ablonu...
Title_SaveAsTemplate=Ulo\u017e jako \u0161ablonu
CTL_SaveAsTemplate=&vybran\u00e1 kategorie, ve kter\u00e9m se objev\u00ed nov\u00e1 \u0161ablona:
SaveAll=Ul&o\u017eit v\u0161e
HINT_SaveAll=Ulo\u017eit v\u0161echny soubory (pokud je Kompilov\u00e1n\u00ed Ukl\u00e1d\u00e1n\u00ed zapnuto, soubory budou tak\u00e9 kompilov\u00e1ny/vytvo\u0159eny)
# FileSystemRefreshAction
LAB_Refresh=Obnovit slo\u017eku
# NewTemplateAction
EXC_TemplateFailed=Vytvo\u0159en\u00ed objektu z \u0161ablony selhalo.
NewTemplateAction=V\u0161echny \u0161ablony...
# Messages for org.openide.awt in openide-loaders.jar
# Messages for org.openide.text in openide-loaders.jar
# DataEditorSupport
# {0} = name of the data object
# {1} = file name with package
CTL_ObjectOpen=Otev\u00edr\u00e1n\u00ed {0} ...
# {0} = name of the data object
MSG_SaveFile=Soubor {0} je zm\u011bn\u011bn. Ulo\u017eit?
# messages for editor support
# {0} = 0 if readonly, 1 if modified, 2 if modified and readonly!, 3 otherwise
# {1} name of the file
TIP_editor_modified=\ (upraven\u00fd)
TIP_editor_ro=\ (nep\u0159episovateln\u00fd)
# format to create default display name for a line
# {0} simple name of file
# {1} full name of file
# {2} line number
# DataEditorSupport
# Cases when modified source file was changed to [read-only]
MSG_FileReadOnlyClosing=Soubor {0} byl zm\u011bn\u011bn\u00fd na nep\u0159episovateln\u00fd! V\u0161echny zm\u011bny budou ztraceny
MSG_FileReadOnlySaving=Soubor {0} byl zm\u011bn\u011bn\u00fd na nep\u0159episovateln\u00fd! Nelze ulo\u017eit.
MSG_FileReadOnlyChanging=Soubor {0} byl zm\u011bn\u011bn\u00fd na nep\u0159episovateln\u00fd!
MSG_BinaryFileQuestion=Tento soubor obsahuje bin\u00e1rn\u00ed data. Jste si jist\u00fd, \u017ee chcete otv\u00edrat v textov\u00e9m editoru?
MSG_BinaryFileWarning=Nalezen Bin\u00e1rn\u00ed Soubor
CTL_SaveAsAction=Ulo\u017e&it Jako...
MSG_SaveAsFailed=Vyskytly se probl\u00e9my p\u0159i ukl\u00e1d\u00e1n\u00ed {0}\nP\u0159\u00ed\u010dina: {1}
LBL_SaveAsTitle=Ulo\u017eit jako
MSG_CannotCreateTargetFolder=Nelze vytvo\u0159it soupisku c\u00edl\u016f.
MSG_SaveAs_SameFileSelected=Pros\u00edm vyberte jin\u00fd n\u00e1zev souboru.
MSG_SaveAs_SameFileSelected_Title=Ulo\u017eit jako
MSG_SaveAs_OverwriteQuestion=Jste si jisti p\u0159eps\u00e1n\u00edm {0}?
MSG_SaveAs_OverwriteQuestion_Title=Ulo\u017eit jako
MSG_EncodingProblem=Soubor {1} nelze bezpe\u010dn\u011b otev\u0159\u00edt s {0} k\u00f3dov\u00e1n\u00edm. Chcete v otev\u00edr\u00e1n\u00ed pokra\u010dovat?
# {0} - file to lock
MSG_MarkModified=Zamyk\u00e1m {0}
# {0} - file to lock
MSG_MarkModifiedCancel=Zamknut\u00ed {0} bylo zru\u0161eno