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# manifest
OpenIDE-Module-Name=File System API
OpenIDE-Module-Short-Description=Virtu\u00e1ln\u00ed syst\u00e9m soubor\u016f API.
OpenIDE-Module-Long-Description=Dovoluje p\u0159\u00edstup k obl\u00edben\u00fdch zdroj\u016fm soubor\u016f sv\u00fdm zp\u016fsobem nez\u00e1visl\u00fdch na aktu\u00e1ln\u00edch souborech OS. Podpora ozn\u00e1men\u00ed zm\u011bn na disku.
# {0} = system name of the filesystem
LAB_FileSystemInvalid=Slab\u00e9 {0}
# {0} = system name of the filesystem
# {0} = name of the file
# LAB_FileInvalid={0}
# {0} = file to the root
EXC_RootNotExist=Ko\u0159en {0} nebyl nalezen.
# {0} - filesystem
EXC_CannotDeleteRoot=Nemohu smazat ko\u0159en souborov\u00e9ho syst\u00e9mu {0}.
# {0} = name of FS
EXC_CannotRenameRoot=Nemohu p\u0159ejmenovat ko\u0159en souborov\u00e9ho syst\u00e9mu {0}.
# {0} - folder that cannot be deleted
# {1} - filesystem
EXC_CannotDelete=Nemohu smazat soubor {0} v {1}.
# {0} - target folder
# {1} - the folder to operate on
EXC_OperateChild=Nelze prov\u00e9st operaci, proto\u017ee {0} je d\u00edt\u011b {1}.
# {0} - target folder
# {1} - the folder to operate on
EXC_CopyChild=Nelze kop\u00edrovat, proto\u017ee {0} je d\u00edt\u011b {1}.
# {0} - target folder
# {1} - the folder to operate on
EXC_MoveChild=Nelze kop\u00edrovat, proto\u017ee {0} je d\u00edt\u011b {1}.
# {0} - folder that cannot be deleted
# {1} - filesystem
# {2} - one file that is in the folder
# EXC_CannotDeleteNotEmpty=Cannot delete folder {0} in {1}. Folder is not empty (file {2} exists in the folder).
# {0} = original name of the file
# {1} = name of FS
# EXC_BadName=File {0} in {1} cannot be renamed to name without extension.
# {0} = original name of the file
# {1} = name of FS
# {2} = new name of the file (with extension)
# {3} = does the new file exists
# {4} = result of rename
EXC_CannotRename=Nemohu p\u0159ejmenovat soubor {0} v {1} na {2}. Nov\u00fd existuj\u00edc\u00ed soubor: {3}. P\u0159ejmenuj v\u00fdsledek: {4}.
# Simpler version of the above message
# {0} name of file we rename from
# {1} name of the filesystem we are on
# {2} name of file we rename to
EXC_CannotRenameFromTo=Nelze p\u0159ejmenovat soubor {0} na {2} v {1}
# {0} = display name of the filesystem
EXC_FSisRO=Souborov\u00fd syst\u00e9m {0} je pouze pro \u010dten\u00ed.
# {0} = name of the file
# {1} = filesystem
EXC_FisRO=Soubor {0} v {1} je pr\u00e1v\u011b pou\u017e\u00edv\u00e1n.
# {0} = name of the file
# {1} = name of "not folder"
# {2} = filesystem
EXC_FoNotFolder=Nelze vytvo\u0159it soubor {0} proto\u017ee {1} v syst\u00e9mu soubor\u016f {2} nen\u00ed slo\u017eka.
# {0} = name of the folder
EXC_SlashNotAllowed=Lom\u00edtko ve jm\u00e9nu slo\u017eky "{0}" nen\u00ed povolen\u00e9.
# {0} = name of file to create
# {1} = filesystem
# {2} = full system name of the file
EXC_FolderAlreadyExist=Slo\u017eka {0} ji\u017e existuje v {1} ({2}).
# {0} = name of file to create
# {1} = filesystem
# {2} = full system name of the file
EXC_CannotCreateF=Nelze vytvo\u0159it slo\u017eku {0} v {1} ({2}).
# {0} = name of the file to create folder in
# {1} = name of the filesystem
# {2} = name of the file to create
# {3} = extension of the file to create
# EXC_CannotCreateFinData=Cannot create {2}.{3} in file {0} on filesystem {1}.
# {0} = name of file to create
# {1} = filesystem
# {2} = full system name of the file
EXC_DataAlreadyExist=Soubor {0} ji\u017e existuje v {1} ({2}).
# {0} = name of the folder to create in
# {1} = filesystem
# {2} = name of the file to create
# {3} = extension of the file to create
EXC_CannotCreateD=Nelze vytvo\u0159it soubor {2}.{3} ve slo\u017ece {0} v syst\u00e9mu soubor\u016f {1}.
# {0} = instance of tested lock
# {1} = name of the file
# {2} = filesystem
# {3} = instance of current lock
EXC_InvalidLock=Neplatn\u00fd p\u0159\u00edkaz [{0}] pro soubor {1} v {2} s nyn\u011bj\u0161\u00edm uzav\u00edr\u00e1n\u00edm [{3}].
# When getOutputStream ().close () is called and we cannot delete the original file
# {0} name of file that we cannot delete
# EXC_CannotDeleteOriginal=Cannot delete old version of file {0}.
#FileAttributes locale
EXC_Cannot_modify=Nelze upravit filesystem.attributes soubor:
# Application error
# {0} = folder name
# {1} = name of file
EXC_ApplicationCreateError=Soubor {1} nelze nal\u00e9zt ve slo\u017ece {0}.
# {0} - unused
# {1} - unused
# {2} - file path
EXC_CannotLock={2} je jen pro \u010dten\u00ed
# {0} - entry path
# {1} - ZIP file path
EXC_CannotLock_JAR={0} je jen pro \u010dten\u00ed jeliko\u017e je v {1}.
# {0} = name of zip file
EXC_FileNotExists=Soubor {0} neexistuje.
# {0} = name of zip file
EXC_CanntRead=Nelze \u010d\u00edst soubor {0}.
# {0} = name of zip file
EXC_NotValidFile=Chyba v souboru {0}.
# {0} - exception text
# {1} - name of zip file
EXC_NotValidJarFile2=Chyba v souboru JAR {1}: {0}
#JAR_NotValidJarFileSystem=Invalid JAR.
JAR_UnknownJar=Chybn\u00fd JAR
#JAR_JarFileSystem=Jar FS
#JAR_FileName=File name
CTL_MultiFileSystem=V\u00edce-Syst\u00e9m\u016f soubor\u016f
EXC_FileOutsideModified=Soubor {0} nenalezen. Nezn\u00e1m\u00e1 aplikace mohla p\u0159esunout soubor, nebo ho p\u0159ejmenovat.
XML_NotValidXMLFileSystem=Slab\u00e9 XMP Syst\u00e9mu soubor\u016f.
EXC_DefAttrReadErr=Nelze p\u0159e\u010d\u00edst Defaultn\u00edAtributy.
EXC_UnreachableCode=Vnit\u0159n\u00ed chyba: nedosa\u017eiteln\u00fd k\u00f3d.
EXC_FolderCopy=Kop\u00edrov\u00e1n\u00ed slo\u017eek nen\u00ed podporov\u00e1no.
XML_RootInvalid=Prvek syst\u00e9mu soubor\u016f mus\u00ed b\u00fdt ko\u0159en.
XML_MisssingAttr=Atribut "jm\u00e9no" chyb\u00ed
XML_InaccurateParam=Nep\u0159esn\u00e9 mno\u017estv\u00ed parametr\u016f
XML_UnknownElement=Nezn\u00e1m\u00fd prvek.
XML_DuplElement=Zkop\u00edrovan\u00e9 objekty soubor\u016f:
# FileUtil
# {0} - relative file path
# {1} - filesystem display name
LBL_file_in_filesystem={0} v {1}
# Logging
MSG_CACHED_INPUT_STREAM=Otev\u00edr\u00e1n\u00ed proudu pro {0}