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# ResourceBundle properties file
# {0} tag name
# {1} namespace
THRW_UNRECOGNIZED_START_ELEMENT=Found unrecognized start element <{0}>, namespace={1}
# {0} tag name
# {1} namespace
THRW_UNRECOGNIZED_END_ELEMENT=Found unrecognized end element </{0}>, namespace={1}
# {0} uri
# {1} localName
# {2} containing element
ILLEGAL_ELEMENT_ENCOUNTERED=Illegal element <{1}> from namespace "{0}" encountered inside of element <{2}>
# {0} attribute name
THRW_MISSING_REQUIRED_ATTRIBUTE=Required XML attribute {0} is not set
# {0} reason
# {1} location
THRW_IMPORT_PROBLEM=Unable to import document ({0}): {1}
MUST_SPECIFY_PARENT_PROJECT_ELEM=Parent Project Element must be specified in order for imports to function correctly
MUST_SPECIFY_URI_RESOLVER_FACTORY=URI Resolver Factory must be specified in order for imports to function correctly
# {0} operation name
VAL_FAULT_NOT_ALLOWED_IN_OPERATION=An one-way or notification operation cannot throw faults. The operation "{0}" does
# {0} operation name
FIX_FAULT_NOT_ALLOWED_IN_OPERATION=Please remove the faults in the operation "{0}"
# {0} operation input, {1} operation
VAL_MESSAGE_NOT_FOUND_IN_OPERATION_INPUT=The message "{0}" defined in the input of the operation "{1}" could not be found
FIX_MESSAGE_NOT_FOUND_IN_OPERATION_INPUT=Please correct the message type name or declare a message type "{0}" as defined in the input of the operation "{1}"
# {0} operation output
VAL_MESSAGE_NOT_FOUND_IN_OPERATION_OUTPUT=The message "{0}" defined in the output of the operation "{1}" could not be found
FIX_MESSAGE_NOT_FOUND_IN_OPERATION_OUTPUT=Please correct the message type name or declare a message type "{0}" as defined in the output of the operation "{1}"
# {0} message name, {1} fault name {2} operation name
VAL_MESSAGE_NOT_FOUND_IN_OPERATION_FAULT=The message "{0}" defined in the fault "{1}" of the operation "{2}" cannot be found
# {0} fault name {1} operation name
FIX_MESSAGE_NOT_FOUND_IN_OPERATION_FAULT=Please correct the message type name or declare a message type as defined in the fault "{0}" of the operation "{1}"
# {0} part
VAL_SCHEMA_DEFINED_NOT_FOUND=The schema defined in the part "{0}" could not be found
FIX_SCHEMA_DEFINED_NOT_FOUND=Please correct the type/element name or define a type/element as defined in the part "{0}"
# {0} part
VAL_NO_SCHEMA_DEFINED=There is no schema defined/referenced in the part "{0}"
FIX_NO_SCHEMA_DEFINED=Please add a schema definition/reference in the part "{0}"
# partnerLinkType portType does not exist in wsdl file
VAL_NO_PARTNERLINKTYPE_PORTTYPE_DEFINED_IN_WSDL = The portType "{0}" defined in partnerLinkType does not exist in wsdl file.
#/**WSDLMessage has zero parts so it is valid as per wsdl schema but we need a warning*/
VAL_WARNING_WSDL_MESSAGE_DOES_NOT_HAVE_ANY_PARTS_DEFINED = Message "{0}" does not have any child part elements defined.
FIX_WARNING_WSDL_MESSAGE_DOES_NOT_HAVE_ANY_PARTS_DEFINED = Messages typically have at least one part defined.
#/** part does not have element or type attribute */
VAL_NO_ELEMENT_OR_TYPE_ATTRIBUTE_DEFINED_IN_MESSAGE_PART = Message part "{0}" does not have element or type attribute specified.
FIX_NO_ELEMENT_OR_TYPE_ATTRIBUTE_DEFINED_IN_MESSAGE_PART = Specify either element or type attribute.
#/** part has both element or type attribute */
VAL_BOTH_ELEMENT_OR_TYPE_ATTRIBUTE_DEFINED_IN_MESSAGE_PART = Message part "{0}" has both element or type attribute specified.
FIX_BOTH_ELEMENT_OR_TYPE_ATTRIBUTE_DEFINED_IN_MESSAGE_PART = Specify either element or type attribute not both.
#/**part has element attribute but the referenced element object cannot be located*/
VAL_ELEMENT_ATTRIBUTE_DEFINED_IN_MESSAGE_PART_IS_NOT_VALID = In part "{0}", attribute element''s value "{1}" is not a valid xml schema element available in this wsdl file.
FIX_ELEMENT_ATTRIBUTE_DEFINED_IN_MESSAGE_PART_IS_NOT_VALID = Specify a valid schema element value for element attribute.
#/**part has type attribute but the referenced type object cannot be located*/
VAL_TYPE_ATTRIBUTE_DEFINED_IN_MESSAGE_PART_IS_NOT_VALID = In part "{0}", attribute type''s value "{1}" is not a valid xml schema type available in this wsdl file.
FIX_TYPE_ATTRIBUTE_DEFINED_IN_MESSAGE_PART_IS_NOT_VALID = Specify a valid schema type value for type attribute.
#Binding has wrong or missing PortType
VAL_MISSING_PORTTYPE_IN_BINDING = Missing a valid portType in binding "{0}". "{1}" is not a valid portType.
FIX_MISSING_PORTTYPE_IN_BINDING = Specify a valid portType in this binding.
#Service Port has wrong or missing Binding
VAL_MISSING_BINDING_IN_SERVICE_PORT = Missing a valid binding in service port "{0}". "{1}" is not a valid binding.
FIX_MISSING_BINDING_IN_SERVICE_PORT = Specify a valid binding in this service port.
#Import does not have imported document object
VAL_MISSING_IMPORTED_DOCUMENT = Missing imported document reference in import with location "{1}" and namespace "{0}".
FIX_MISSING_IMPORTED_DOCUMENT = Check if import location is correct.
#PortType operation input name should be unique across all operation inputs in a port type*/
VAL_DUPLICATE_OPRATION_INPUT_NAME_IN_PORTTYPE = Operation input name "{0}" should be unique across all operation input in portType "{1}".
FIX_DUPLICATE_OPRATION_INPUT_NAME_IN_PORTTYPE = Specify an unique operation input name for this portType operation.
#PortType operation output name should be unique across all operation outputs in a port type*/
VAL_DUPLICATE_OPRATION_OUTPUT_NAME_IN_PORTTYPE = Operation output name "{0}" should be unique across all operation output in portType "{1}".
FIX_DUPLICATE_OPRATION_OUTPUT_NAME_IN_PORTTYPE = Specify an unique operation output name for this portType operation.
#operation fault name should be unique across all operation faults*/
VAL_DUPLICATE_OPRATION_FAULT_NAME = Operation fault name "{0}" should be unique across all faults defined in operation "{1}".
FIX_DUPLICATE_OPRATION_FAULT_NAME = Specify an unique operation fault name.
#binding operation name does not match name of portType operations*/
VAL_OPERATION_DOES_NOT_EXIST_IN_PORT_TYPE = Binding operation "{0}" in binding "{1}" should match one of operation name in portType "{2}".
FIX_OPERATION_DOES_NOT_EXIST_IN_PORT_TYPE = Specify binding operation name which matches one of operation names in portType "{0}".
#binding operation input does not match portType operation input
VAL_OPERATION_DOES_NOT_MATCH_INPUT_IN_PORT_TYPE = Input in binding operation "{0}" in binding "{1}" should match input in the corresponding operation in portType "{2}".
FIX_OPERATION_DOES_NOT_MATCH_INPUT_IN_PORT_TYPE = Ensure that the input (if any) in portType operation "{0}" has a matching counterpart in the corresponding binding operation.
#binding operation input name does not match portType operation input name
VAL_OPERATION_DOES_NOT_MATCH_INPUT_NAME_IN_PORT_TYPE = Input name attribute in binding operation "{0}" in binding "{1}" should match input name attribute in the corresponding operation in portType "{2}".
FIX_OPERATION_DOES_NOT_MATCH_INPUT_NAME_IN_PORT_TYPE = Ensure that the input name in portType operation "{0}" is the same as the name in the corresponding binding operation.
#binding operation output does not match portType operation output
VAL_OPERATION_DOES_NOT_MATCH_OUTPUT_IN_PORT_TYPE = Output in binding operation "{0}" in binding "{1}" should match output in the corresponding operation in portType "{2}".
FIX_OPERATION_DOES_NOT_MATCH_OUTPUT_IN_PORT_TYPE = Ensure that the output (if any) in portType operation "{0}" has a matching counterpart in the corresponding binding operation.
#binding operation output name does not match portType operation output name
VAL_OPERATION_DOES_NOT_MATCH_OUTPUT_NAME_IN_PORT_TYPE = Output name attribute in binding operation "{0}" in binding "{1}" should match output name attribute in the corresponding operation in portType "{2}".
FIX_OPERATION_DOES_NOT_MATCH_OUTPUT_NAME_IN_PORT_TYPE = Ensure that the output name in portType operation "{0}" is the same as the name in the corresponding binding operation.
#binding operation faults does not match portType operation faults
VAL_OPERATION_DOES_NOT_MATCH_FAULTS_IN_PORT_TYPE = Faults in binding operation "{0}" in binding "{1}" should match faults in the corresponding operation in portType "{2}".
FIX_OPERATION_DOES_NOT_MATCH_FAULTS_IN_PORT_TYPE = Ensure that the faults in portType operation "{0}" has matching counterparts in the corresponding binding operation.
#Schema Imports and Inline schema validation
VAL_SCHEMA_MODEL_NOT_WELL_FORMED = L'esquema no \u00e9s v\u00e0lid o b\u00e9 no \u00e9s assolible.
FIX_ERROR_WSDL_DEFINITIONS_NO_TARGETNAMESPACE=Specify a targetNamespace attribute in element definitions. It is recommended to have a targetNamespace so that this wsdl document can be referenced.
VAL_ERROR_WSDL_DEFINITIONS_NO_TARGETNAMESPACE=targetNamespace in definitions is either not defined or is blank.
#Schema imports
VAL_SCHEMA_TARGETNAMESPACE_DOES_NOT_EXIST=Target namespace is not present in the inline schema
FIX_SCHEMA_TARGETNAMESPACE_DOES_NOT_EXIST=Specify a Target namespace in the inline schema
VAL_IMPORT_SCHEMA_TARGETNAMESPACE_DOES_NOT_EXIST=Target namespace attribute is not present in the imported schema at location={0}
VAL_MULTIPLE_TYPES_IN_DEFINITION= Multiple <types> section found in wsdl document.
FIX_MULTIPLE_TYPES_IN_DEFINITION= At most one <types> section can be specified in wsdl document.
VAL_PARMETER_ORDER_CHECK_PART_EXISTENCE = Part "{0}" specified in parameterOrder of operation "{1}" does not exists in either input or output message of the operation.
FIX_PARMETER_ORDER_CHECK_PART_EXISTENCE = Specify part name separated by space in parameterOrder, which are available in input message or output message or both.
VAL_PARMETER_ORDER_CHECK_AT_MOST_ONE_OUTPUT_MESSAGE_PART_MISSING = At most one part from output message of operation "{0}" can be omitted from parameterOrder attribute value.
FIX_PARMETER_ORDER_CHECK_AT_MOST_ONE_OUTPUT_MESSAGE_PART_MISSING = In parameterOrder attribute value, either specify all parts of output message or at most omit only one part of output message.
VAL_BINDINGOP_IMPLEMENTS_SAME_OPERATION_IN_PORT_TYPE= Duplicate binding operation "{0}". One of the reasons may be that the operations are not properly overloaded.
FIX_BINDINGOP_IMPLEMENTS_SAME_OPERATION_IN_PORT_TYPE= Specifying unique operations names, or providing non-unique input/output names of the port type's operation, and that of the binding operations.
VAL_INVALID_OVERLOADED_OPERATION_IN_PORTTYPE= L''operaci\u00f3 sebrecarregada "{0}" pot tenir signatures diferents.
FIX_INVALID_OVERLOADED_OPERATION_IN_PORTTYPE= Either the operation name should be made different or unique input/output names should be provided.