blob: 72127cc52214e5ef0561735067d927bd2b93a2c1 [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright 1997-2010 Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
# Oracle and Java are registered trademarks of Oracle and/or its affiliates.
# Other names may be trademarks of their respective owners.
# The contents of this file are subject to the terms of either the GNU
# General Public License Version 2 only ("GPL") or the Common
# Development and Distribution License("CDDL") (collectively, the
# "License"). You may not use this file except in compliance with the
# License. You can obtain a copy of the License at
# or nbbuild/licenses/CDDL-GPL-2-CP. See the License for the
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# License. When distributing the software, include this License Header
# Notice in each file and include the License file at
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#System file system
Templates/Project/Web=Java Web
Templates/Project/Web/emptyWeb.xml=Aplicaci\u00f3 Web
Templates/Project/Web/importWeb.xml=Aplicaci\u00f3 Web amb fonts existents
LBL_WizardStepsCount={0} de {1}
LAB_ConfigureSourceRoots=Existing Sources and Libraries
LBL_IW_LocationSrcDesc=<html>Select the folder that contains all the sources for the web application.</html>
# A11Y Panels
ACS_NWP1_NamePanel_A11YDesc=Panell amb el nom i la localitzaci\u00f3 del projecte
ACS_IW_SourcesPanel_A11YDesc=Panell per afegir fonts existents
ACS_NWP2_Frameworks_A11YDesc=Supported Frameworks Panel
LBL_NWP2_Select_Frameworks=Seleccioneu els frameworks que voleu utilitzar en la vostra aplicaci\u00f3 web.
LBL_NWP2_ConfigureFramework=Configuraci\u00f3 - {0}
ACS_LBL_NWP2_FrameworksTable_A11YDesc=Choose frameworks from the list.
TXT_NewWebApp=Aplicaci\u00f3 Web
MSG_WebPagesMandatory=El quadre de text de P\u00e0gines web \u00e9s obligatori.
MSG_WebPagesFolderDoesNotExist=No existeix la carpeta de p\u00e0gines web.
MSG_JavaSourcesMandatory=Java Sources field is mandatory.
MSG_JavaSourcesFolderDoesNotExist=La carpeta dels fonts Java no existeix.
MSG_LibrariesFolderDoesNotExist=Libraries folder does not exist.
MSG_WebPagesFolderOverlapsProjectFolder=La carpeta de p\u00e0gines web \u00e9s solapa amb la carpeta del projecte.
MSG_WebInfCorrupted=WEB-INF directory can not be found in {0}.
MSG_WebInfMandatory=WEB-INF Content folder is mandatory.
MSG_WebInfFolderDoesNotExist=WEB-INF Content folder does not exist.
MSG_FileNotFound=<html>The web application's deployment descriptor (WEB-INF/web.xml) does not exist. You must create it, otherwise you cannot run the web application.</html>
#New project wizard - steps
LBL_NWP1_ProjectTitleName=Nom i localitzaci\u00f3
LBL_NWP1_ProjectServer=Servidor i prefer\u00e8ncies
#Import wizard - steps
TXT_WebExtSources=Projecte Web amb fonts existents
LBL_IW_Step1=Nom i localitzaci\u00f3
LBL_IW_Step2=Existing Sources and Libraries
#Import wizard - locations within the web application
LBL_IW_ImportLocationsTitle=Existing Sources and Libraries
LBL_IW_LocationDesc_Label=<html>Especifiqueu les carpetes existents que continguin les p\u00e0gines web, les biblioteques, els paquets de fonts, i els paquets de proves JUnit.</html>
LBL_IW_WebPagesLocation_Label=Carpeta p\u00e0gines web:
LBL_IW_JavaSourcesLocation_Label=*Fonts de Java:
LBL_IW_LibrariesLocation_Label=Carpeta biblioteques:
LBL_IW_Required_Label=* Camps obligatoris
LBL_IW_SelectWebPagesLocation=Localitzaci\u00f3 de les p\u00e0gines web
LBL_IW_SelectJavaSourcesLocation=Localitzaci\u00f3 dels fonts Java
LBL_IW_SelectLibrariesLocation=Localitzaci\u00f3 de les biblioteques
LBL_IW_WebPagesLocationDesc=Directori que cont\u00e9 els fitxers HTML, JSPs, aix\u00ed com els fitxers est\u00e0tics
LBL_IW_JavaSourcesLocationDesc=Directory which contains java sources classpath root (contains .java, .properties, etc.)
LBL_IW_LibrariesLocationDesc=Libraries needed for the web application classpath
ACS_LBL_IW_WebPagesLocation_A11YDesc=Directori que cont\u00e9 els fitxers HTML, JSPs, aix\u00ed com els fitxers est\u00e0tics
ACS_LBL_IW_JavaSourcesLocation_A11YDesc=Directori que cont\u00e9 el classpath arrel dels fonts de Java (cont\u00e9 .java, .properties, etc\u00e8tera)
ACS_LBL_IW_LibrariesLocation_A11YDesc=Libraries needed for the web application classpath
ACS_LBL_IW_WebPagesLocationBrowse_A11YDesc=Bot\u00f3 de navegaci\u00f3 de p\u00e0gines web
ACS_LBL_IW_JavaSourcesLocationBrowse_A11YDesc=Bot\u00f3 per a la navegaci\u00f3 per els fonts de Java
ACS_LBL_IW_LibrariesLocationBrowse_A11YDesc=Bot\u00f3 per a la navegaci\u00f3 per les biblioteques
ACS_LBL_IW_LocationDescription_A11YDesc=Descripci\u00f3 de la localitzaci\u00f3
LBL_WebPagesLocation_J2EESpecLevel_Label=Versi\u00f3 Java EE\:
MSG_WebXmlCorrupted=Web module deployment descriptor corrupted
#delete existing class files
MSG_FoundClassFiles=The specified Java sources folder contains compiled class files (*.class). \nBecause the IDE generates compiled class files in the "build" folder, it is recommended that you delete the existing compiled class files. \nVoleu eliminar ara els fitxers de les classes?
MSG_FoundClassFiles_Title=Nou projecte Web amb fonts existents
# multiple src roots
CTL_AddFolder=Afegir carpeta...
LBL_ProjectNameAndLocationLabel=Especifiqueu un nom i una localitzaci\u00f3 per al nou projecte.
CTL_AddSourceRoot=Browse Sources Packages Folder
CTL_AddTestRoot=Navegar a la carpeta dels paquets de proves
CTL_SourceRoots=Sources Package Folders:
AD_SourceRoots=No disponible
CTL_TestRoots=Carpetes amb paquets per les proves:
AD_TestRoots=No disponible
AD_AddSourceFolder=No disponible
AD_RemoveSourceFolder=No disponible
AD_AddTestFolder=No disponible
AD_RemoveTestFolder=No disponible
AN_PanelSourceFolders=No disponible
AD_PanelSourceFolders=No disponible
TXT_RootOwnedByProject={0} (propietat de {1})
ACS_LBL_NWP1_SourceStructureComboBox_A11YDesc=Files and folders layout of the web module.
ACSD_WebPagesFolder=Proporcioneu un cam\u00ed a la carpeta arrel de la web
ACSD_WebInf=Provide path to the web inf folder
ACSD_LibrariesFolder=Provide libraries folder
ACSD_BrowseWebPageFolder=Cliqueu per a navegar a l'arrel de la web
ACSD_BrowseWebInf=Click to browse for the web inf folder
ACSD_BrowseLibrariesFolder=Click to browse for the libraries folder
ACSD_FolderList=Llistat de carpetes
# NewWebProjectWizardIterator progress bar
LBL_NewWebProjectWizardIterator_WizardProgress_CreatingProject=<html>Creant nou projecte</html>
LBL_NewWebProjectWizardIterator_WizardProgress_PreparingToOpen=<html>Prepare new project to be open</html>
LBL_NewWebProjectWizardIterator_WizardProgress_AddingFrameworks=<html>Adding selected frameworks</html>
LBL_DeploymentDescriptorFolder_Label=Contingut de WEB-INF\:
# UI logging of creating new web application
# {0} server id
# {1} server instance id
# {2} JavaEE version
# {3} source level
# {4} source structure
# {5} the first choosed framework
# {6} the second choosed framework
# {7} ....
UI_WEB_PROJECT_CREATE=Nova aplicaci\u00f3 web creada [servidor: {0}, Versi\u00f3 de JavaEE: {2}, nivell de codi: {3}, estructura de codi: {4}]
# Usage Logging
# {0} server name
# {1} JavaEE version
# {2} source level
# {3} source structure
# {4} list of used frameworks
USG_PROJECT_CREATE_WEB=Nova aplicaci\u00f3 web creada [servidor: {0}, Versi\u00f3 de JavaEE: {1}, nivell de codi: {3}, estructura de codi: {4}]
MSG_IllegalProjectFolder=La carpeta del projecte ha de estar ubicada fora de les carpetes que continguin paquets.
MSG_IllegalSources=La carpeta dels paquets de fonts {0} no existeix.
MSG_IllegalTests=La carpeta dels paquets per les proves {0} no existeix.
LBL_IW_DragAndDrop=<html>You can drag&amp;drop both source and test packages from one list to the other.
ACSN_jLabel3=No disponible
ACSD_jLabel3=No disponible
ACSN_PanelSourceFolders=No disponible
ACSD_PanelSourceFolders=No disponible