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<!DOCTYPE html>
<title>HTML for Java APIs</title>
<meta charset="UTF-8">
<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0">
<style type="text/css">
table.field td {
padding: 4px;
width: 18px;
height: 18px;
font-size: 1.5em;
border: 1px solid black;
table.field td.UNKNOWN {
background-color: #D6E4E1;
cursor: pointer;
table.field td.EXPLOSION {
background-color: #A31E39;
table.field td.DISCOVERED {
background-color: #9DB2B1;
Use Java to write application logic; Use HTML5 to render the UI;
{@link Animate an HTML page from Java}
(see <a target="_blank" href="">Duke being rotated</a> by CSS);
Use {@link REST} or
<a href="net/java/html/json/doc-files/websockets.html">WebSockets</a>;
interact with <a href="net/java/html/js/package-summary.html">JavaScript</a>;
Get the best of both worlds!
The goal of these APIs is to use full featured Java runtime
(like real <a href="">HotSpot VM</a>),
but still rely on a very lightweight rendering technology
(so it can potentially fit
<a href="">Bck2Brwsr</a> and definitely
to various types of phones). What can be more lightweight
(from a browser perspective) than
<a href="">HTML</a>!?
By default we use {@link JavaFX's WebView}
component to display the <a href="">HTML</a>.
We eliminate the need to manipulate the DOM directly,
there is a special {@link Java to Knockout.js binding}.
As a result the <a href="">HTML uses Knockout.js syntax</a>,
yet the application code can be written in Java.
<h3>What's Been Improved in Version 1.2.2?</h3>
One can control {@link HTTP request headers}
when connecting to server using the {@link}
annotation. It is possible to have
{@link writable computed properties}.
There is an easy way to enable <a target="_blank" href="">Firebug</a> in
the JavaFX based Web View -
just run with <code>-Dfirebug.lite=true</code> as
<a target="_blank" href="">this video</a>
Bugfix of issues <a target="_blank" href=''>250503</a>,
<a target="_blank" href=''>252987</a>.
<h3>What's New in Version 1.1?</h3>
The content of a {@link context}
can be selected by registering implementations under specific
{@link org.netbeans.html.context.spi.Contexts.Id technology identifiers}
and requesting them during
{@link org.netbeans.html.context.spi.Contexts#newBuilder(java.lang.Object...) construction}
of the context. <code>org.netbeans.html:ko4j</code> module's implementation
offers <b>ko4j</b>, <b>xhr</b> and <b>websocket</b> identifiers
for its registered services
(e.g. {@link org.netbeans.html.json.spi.Technology},
{@link org.netbeans.html.json.spi.Transfer} and
{@link org.netbeans.html.json.spi.WSTransfer}).
module registers its
{@link org.netbeans.html.json.spi.Transfer Java based JSON} and
{@link org.netbeans.html.json.spi.WSTransfer WebSocket} implementations
under the name <b>tyrus</b>.
A particular DOM subtree
that a <a target="_blank" href="">knockout.js</a> model gets
applied to can be selected by using
Models.applyBindings(m, id)} with an id of an HTML element.
There is new {@link} attribute
which controls behavior of the generated <code>applyBindings</code> method.
If <em>specified and non-empty</em>, then the generated method
will call {@link,java.lang.String)}
with <code>this</code> and the provided {@link target id}.
If <em>specified, but left empty</em>, then the generated method
calls {@link}.
<em>If unspecified</em>, the method will <b>not</b> be generated at all
(a change with respect to older versions). However one can
still use {@link}
or {@link,java.lang.String)}
to perform the association of any model with the page element.
Memory model when using Knockout bindings has been improved
(required additions of two new methods:
{@link org.netbeans.html.json.spi.PropertyBinding#weak()} and
{@link org.netbeans.html.json.spi.FunctionBinding#weak()}) and
now the Java {@link models} can garbage collect,
when no longer used. Library writers that use
{@link} annotation can also
control garbage collection behavior of method arguments by
setting {@link keepAlive=false}
<h3>What's New in Version 1.0?</h3>
{@link Array properties} are now
mutable from the <a href="">knockout.js</a>
point of view (required {@link org.netbeans.html.json.spi.Proto.Type#replaceValue one SPI change}).
The page lookup mechanism can use {@link locale}
to load localized a page with appropriate suffix.
All SPI were moved under the NetBeans namespace - e.g.
{@link org.netbeans.html.boot.spi},
{@link org.netbeans.html.context.spi},
{@link org.netbeans.html.json.spi},
{@link org.netbeans.html.sound.spi}, and also
{@link org.netbeans.html.json.tck}. Methods annotated
with {@link} annotation and
without fallback Java code now throw {@link java.lang.IllegalStateException}
with a message suggesting to switch to proper
{@link browser context} to
prevent endless debugging when one forgets to do so.
What's new in older versions? Click the
<a href="#" onclick="return showHistoric(true)">link</a>
to view even more
<a href="#" onclick="return showHistoric(true)">historic changes</a> below:
<a name="historic.changes"></a>
<div id="historic.changes">
function showHistoric(show) {
var e = document.getElementById("historic.changes");
if (show) {"block";
} else {"none";
return false;
<h3>What's New in Version 0.9?</h3>
System can run in {@link Felix OSGi container} (originally only Equinox).
{@link Derived properties}
now deeply check changes in other {@link model
classes} they depend on and recompute their values accordingly.
<a target="_blank" href="">Knockout.js</a> library has been updated
to version 3.2.0.
<h3>What's New in 0.8.x Versions?</h3>
Setters or array properties on classes generated by {@link}
annotation can be accessed from any thread. {@link org.netbeans.html.sound.spi.AudioEnvironment}
can be registered into {@link}. There is
a {@link, java.lang.Class,, java.util.Collection) method}
to parse a JSON array and convert it into
{@link model classes}.
Improved behavior of <code>enum</code> values in
{@link knockout bindings}.
Few bugfixes for better portability.
New API for {@link headless execution}
on top of <em>Nashorn</em> - does not run <em>knockout for Java</em>
fully yet
(reported as <a href="">JDK-8046013</a>),
however even in current state it is quite
{@link useful for testing}
{@link Java/JavaScript interactions}.
{@link} has been extended
with new helper methods to make it easier to use HTML+Java
API in existing JavaFX applications.
The annotation processor is made
more robust with respect to errors in callback syntax of
{@link} body parameter.
Javadoc of {@link} method
has been improved based on a failure of its usability study.
There can be additional parameters to methods annotated by
{@link} that allows one to
pass state when a JSON call is made and use it when it finishes.
The mechanism of discovery of sibling HTML page has been
extended to work on systems that don't support
{@link java.lang.Class#getProtectionDomain}.
The first argument of method annotated by
{@link} annotation has to
be the associated {@link model class}.
{@link} annotation now accepts
{@link java.util.List} of data values as second argument
(previously required an array).
<h3>What's New in 0.7.x Versions?</h3>
{@link} annotation has new attribute
{@link} which allows
asynchronous execution. Libraries using
{@link} are urged to use this
new attribute as much as possible, as it can speed up execution
in certain environments.
Use {@link} in
multi-threaded environment to execute your code on the browser thread.
See example
{@link using Java timer}.
<h3>Interesting Entry Points</h3>
<p>Learn how to {@link animate an HTML page from Java}
without referencing single HTML element from the Java code.
<p>Use {@link JSON} to communicate
with REST based server API.
<p>Use <a href="net/java/html/json/doc-files/websockets.html">WebSockets</a>
and JSON.
<p>Call JavaScript methods from Java and vice versa, via
<a href="net/java/html/js/package-summary.html">JavaScriptBody</a>.
<h3>Getting Started</h3>
There are <a href="">many ways</a>
to start developing
<a href="">Html for Java</a> application.
However to be sure one chooses the most recent setup, it is recommended
to switch to good old command line and use a
<a href="">Maven archetype</a>
associated with every version of this project. Make sure at least
<em>JDK7</em> is your installed Java and type:
$ mvn archetype:generate \
-DarchetypeGroupId=org.apidesign.html \
-DarchetypeArtifactId=knockout4j-archetype \
-DarchetypeVersion=0.8 <em># or newer version, if available</em>
Answer few questions (for example choose myfirstbrwsrpage as artifactId)
and then you can:
$ cd myfirstbrwsrpage
$ mvn process-classes exec:java
In a few seconds (or minutes if
<a href="">Maven</a>
decides to download the whole Internet of dependencies) you should
see a sample Hello World application rendered in a
<a href="">JavaFX</a>
web view component (that of course requires your JDK to come
with <a href="">JavaFX</a>;
<a href="">JDK7
and JDK8 from Oracle</a> contain everything that is needed).
The generated application is built around one
Java source (uses the {@link} annotation to
auto-generate another <code></code> class during compilation)
and one HTML file (uses the <a href="">Knockout</a>
syntax to <code>data-bind</code> the HTML elements to the
generated <code>Data</code> model):
$ ls src/main/java/**/
$ ls src/main/webapp/pages/index.html
That is all you need to get started. Play with the sources,
modify them and enjoy
<a href="">Html for Java</a>!
<h2>IDE Support</h2>
This API is part of <a target="_blank"
href=""></a> project and as such
it works naturally with the <a target="_blank"
href="">NetBeans IDE</a>.
On the other hand, the API is using nothing NetBeans specific,
it builds on standard Java6 APIs and as such it shall work fine
in any IDE.
A lot of work is done by
<a href="">
annotation processors</a>
that generate various boiler plate code during compilation. This
is a standard part of Java since JDK6, but for example Eclipse
is known not to deal with processors well and developers using
it need to be careful. IntelliJ users hasn't reported any issues
and of course, NetBeans IDE support for
<a href="">processors</a>
is outstanding.
When using {@link} annotation, it is
useful to do a bit of post processing of classes. There is a
<a href="">Maven</a>
plugin for that.
NetBeans IDE will invoke it when doing a build. Other IDEs may
need some hint to do so.
Anyway: If one does not see all (generated) sources or is getting
{@link java.lang.LinkageError}s when executing the application,
switch to command line and do clean build
from there:
<pre>$ mvn clean install</pre>
If that succeeds, your IDE of choice will hopefully
pick the generated sources up and present the result of the build
properly. If not,
<a href="">download NetBeans</a>,
you will be pleasantly
surprised - for example with our excellent
<a href="net/java/html/js/package-summary.html#debugging">Java/JavaScript
debugging</a> support.
<a name="deploy">
<h2>Deploy Your Application</h2>
It is not goal of this documentation to list all possible ways
to package and deploy applications which use this API. However it is
important for new comers to see the benefits of using the
<a href="">HTML for Java</a> API and as such
let's list at least few bundling options, known to work at the time of writing
this documentation.
First of all, this is a <em>client technology</em>. You write client applications
with it which may, but need not connect to a server. You don't need
Tomcat or WebLogic to deploy
<a href="">HTML for Java</a> applications.
<img src='resources/javafx_logo.jpg' width="64"
height="64" align="left"/>
The sample project generated by
<code>org.apidesign.html knockout4j-archetype</code> is configured
to use <a href="">JavaFX</a>
as the rendering technology. This setup is primarily suitable for
development - it needs no special packaging, starts quickly and
allows you to use classical HotSpot VM debuggers. A final
artifact from the build is also a ZIP file which you can use
and distribute to your users. Good for desktop applications.
<img src='resources/netbeans_logo.jpg' width="64"
height="64" align="right"/>
<img src='resources/eclipse_logo.png' width="64"
height="64" align="right"/>
All the <a href="">HTML for Java</a> libraries
are packaged as <a href="">OSGi</a>
bundles and as such they can easily be run in NetBeans as well as
in Eclipse. As a result one can use
<a href="">OSGi</a>
and have a common module system for both platforms. In addition to that
one can render using
HTML and have a common UI in both platforms. In such case
your application would be packaged as a set of
<a href="">OSGi</a> bundles.
<a href="">more</a>...
<img src='resources/chrome_logo.png' width="64"
height="64" align="left"/>
<img src='resources/safari_logo.png' width="64"
height="64" align="left"/>
<img src='resources/ie_logo.png' width="64"
height="64" align="left"/>
<img src='resources/firefox_logo.png' width="64"
height="64" align="left"/>
There is more and more attempts to execute Java bytecode
in a browser, without any special Java plugin installed.
The <a href="">HTML for Java</a> is
carefully designed to produce lightweight, well performing
applications even on such restricted environments. It uses
no reflection calls and that allows to statically pre-compile
the applications into JavaScript. One of such environments
is called <a href="">Bck2Brwsr</a>,
another <a href="">TeaVM</a>. Both support the
{@link} annotation. Read
<a href="">more</a> or play
a minesweeper game packaged for your browser
(of course <a target="_blank"
written</a> in Java):
<script type="text/html" id="field">
<table class="field">
<!-- ko foreach: rows -->
<!-- ko foreach: columns -->
<td data-bind="css: style, click: $parents[1].click" >
<div data-bind='html: html'></div>
<!-- /ko -->
<!-- /ko -->
<div data-bind="template: { name : 'field', if: fieldShowing }"></div>
<!-- boot bck2brwsr -->
<script type="text/javascript" src="resources/teavm.js"></script>
var vm = new VM();
<img src='resources/ios_logo.jpg' width="64"
height="64" align="right"/>
<img src='resources/android_logo.jpg' width="64"
height="64" align="right"/>
Now when we have seen that the
<a href="">HTML for Java</a> applications
can run on any modern browser, we can ask whether they can also
fit into a phone!? Yes, they can and especially to phones
that can execute Java code already! Just by changing your
packaging you can create an APK file and deploy it to your
Android phone.
Read <a target="_blank" href="">more</a>...
In case you'd like your application to reach out to second biggest
group of smartphone users, don't despair: It
seems the set of devices that can execute
<a href="">HTML for Java</a> applications
has been extended to <em>iPads</em> and <em>iPhones</em>. Get the
<a target="_blank" href="">details here</a>
and deploy everywhere!
Convinced it makes sense to use
<a href="">HTML for Java</a>
APIs for writing applications that are
<em>written once, displayed anywhere</em>? Or do you have an
environment which is not supported? In such case you can bring
<a href="">HTML for Java</a>
to your environment yourself. Just implement your own
{@link org.netbeans.html.boot.spi.Fn.Presenter}!
<h2>Other Resources</h2>
<img src="net/java/html/json/doc-files/DukeHTML.png" width="256" height="184" alt="Duke and HTML5. Together at last!" align="right"/>
The javadoc for latest and previous versions is also available
<li>Current <a target="_blank" href="">development</a> version
<li>Version <a target="_blank" href="">1.1</a>
<li>Version <a target="_blank" href="">1.0</a>
<li>Version <a target="_blank" href="">0.9</a>
and historic ones (<a target="_blank" href="">0.8.3</a>,
<a target="_blank" href="">0.8.2</a>,
<a target="_blank" href="">0.8.1</a>,
<a target="_blank" href="">0.8</a>, and
<a target="_blank" href="">0.7.5</a>)