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<!DOCTYPE html>
<title>HTML for Java APIs</title>
<meta charset="UTF-8">
<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0">
The <em>HTML/Java API</em> is an alternative to Swing and JavaFX for creating
applications with a graphical user interface. It's major strengths is the
intelligent combination of existing technologies.
With HTML/Java, the proven model used on servers for many years, has been ported to the client.
Java is used for developing business and view logic, while
HTML5, CSS and JavaScript are used to render the UI.
Get the best of both worlds by combining the industry stability of
<b>Java</b> and richness of <b>JavaScript</b> ecosystem when it comes
to UI and rendering frameworks.
The motivation for this project is the inability of Swing and JavaFX
to keep up with the rapid development of browser based technologies, and the
<a href="">uncertain future of Swing and JavaFX</a>.
The logical solution is to simply use these technologies from Java instead of trying to build a whole own alternative stack.
With Java/HTML we created a better and more powerful alternative, which is still small and easy to maintain.
<h3>Model View ViewModel Pattern</h3>
<p> For this Java/HTML makes use of the
<a href="">Model View ViewModel (MVVM)</a>
pattern to separate
the view from the logic of the application. This approach is different
from Swing or JavaFX, as the Java code doesn't require any references to the widgets
that are displayed in the view. The Java code instead exposes {@link properties}
for the View to bind to, and {@link functions} that can be called in response to user
interactions. This keeps the {@link Java API} small and simple to learn.</p>
<h3>Supported Platforms</h3>
<p>This architecture also makes it easy to port the technology to different platforms. Porting of HTML/Java is as easy as implementing
{@link org.netbeans.html.boot.spi.Fn.Presenter}
interface and successfully passing the
{@link org.netbeans.html.json.tck test compatibility kit}.
Various ports of this rendering pipeline were built including support for
pure <a target="_blank" href="">"webkit desktop rendring</a>
<a target="_blank" href="">Android WebView</a>
and <a target="_blank" href="">iOS WebView</a>
developed by <a target="_blank" href="">DukeScript project</a>.
This technology has also been adopted by some Java bytecode to JavaScript
transpilers - for example <a target="_blank" href="">TeaVM</a>
or <a target="_blank" href="">Bck2Brwsr VM</a> -
as such you can also run the same Java application in a <b>pluginless browser</b>.
<h3>Getting started</h3>
The easiest way to get started is following the
<a target="_blank" href="">getting started</a>
tutorial. If you prefer commandline you can also use the <a href="" target="_blank">Maven Archetypes</a>.
Just type:
$ mvn archetype:generate \
-DarchetypeGroupId=com.dukescript.archetype \
-DarchetypeArtifactId=knockout4j-archetype \ -DartifactId=test -Dversion=1.0-SNAPSHOT
-DarchetypeVersion=0.30 \ <em># or newer version, if available</em>
and then you can:
$ cd test
$ mvn install
$ mvn -f client/pom.xml process-classes exec:exec
<h3>More Information</h3>
<p>We tried to make our API Docs as useful as possible, so they contain
lots of valuable information. So this should be your first stop when looking for information:
Current <a target="_blank" href="">development</a> version
<p>The <a href="" target="_blank">DukeScript project</a> contains a lot of information for Java/HTML developers.
There's a <a href="" target="_blank">Blog</a> with the latest news and tips and tricks
how to get the most out of these APIs and also an extensive <a href="" target="_blank"> getting started guide</a>
explaining all the concepts and walking you through code examples. For advanced users there's an in depth tutorial on the <a href="" target="_blank">
Knockout For Java</a> API with many examples and tipps and tricks.
<h3>Try it</h3>
<p>And finally, if you want to see this API in action, look no further, here's
<a target="_blank" href="">an example</a>
application running with the <a href="" target="_blank">Bck2Brwsr VM</a> directly in your browser.</p>
<script type="text/html" id="field">
<style type="text/css">
table.field td {
padding: 4px;
width: 18px;
height: 18px;
font-size: 1.5em;
border: 1px solid black;
table.field td.UNKNOWN {
background-color: #D6E4E1;
cursor: pointer;
table.field td.EXPLOSION {
background-color: #A31E39;
table.field td.DISCOVERED {
background-color: #9DB2B1;
<table class="field">
<!-- ko foreach: rows -->
<!-- ko foreach: columns -->
<td data-bind="css: style, click: $parents[1].click" >
<div data-bind='html: html'></div>
<!-- /ko -->
<!-- /ko -->
<div id="minesweeper" style="align: center">
<div data-bind="template: { name : 'field', if: fieldShowing }"></div>
<!-- boot bck2brwsr -->
<script src="resources/teavm.js" type="text/javascript"></script>
var vm = new VM();
<h3>New in version 1.8.1</h3>
This is a bugfix release focused on improving
{@link org.netbeans.html.presenters.spi.ProtoPresenter}
when running in
{@linkplain org.netbeans.html.presenters.spi.ProtoPresenterBuilder#loadJavaScript(org.netbeans.html.presenters.spi.ProtoPresenterBuilder.Evaluator, boolean) asynchronous mode}.
<a target="_blank" href="">PR #48</a>
changes the
<a href="" target="_blank">Knockout For Java</a>
binding to use JavaScript {@code Promise} to properly order initialization
of many {@link} classes in a highly
asynchronous environment. As a result the underlying JavaScript
engine has to (since version 1.8.1) provide support for {@code Promise} or
<a href="" target="_blank">
emulate it</a> somehow.
<h3>New in version 1.8</h3>
Asynchronous calls to Java - since <a target="_blank" href="">PR #44</a>
the {@link} annotation supports new
{@link wait4java=false}
attribute. That allows one make an asynchronous call to Java.
More information in the updated
{@link Java/JavaScript interactions} page.
Support for reactive programming simplified with
{@link} as provided by
<a target="_blank" href="">PR-43</a>.
<h3>New in version 1.7.3</h3>
Giving proper OSGi name to
<code>org.netbeans.html.presenters.browser</code> and
<code>org.netbeans.html.presenters.webkit</code> modules -
<a target="_blank" href="">PR #40</a>.
Configure {@link org.netbeans.html.presenters.browser.Browser.Config#browser(java.util.function.Consumer) browser presenter}
to handle opening of a {@code URI} programmatically -
<a target="_blank" href="">PR #42</a>.
<h3>New in version 1.7.2</h3>
Code completions for callbacks from JavaScript to Java -
<a target="_blank" href="">PR #36</a>.
Support for ecj -
<a target="_blank" href="">PR #37</a>.
Robustness of {@link org.netbeans.html.presenters.spi.ProtoPresenter} improved -
<a target="_blank" href="">PR #38</a>.
<h3>New in version 1.7.1</h3>
Bugfix release to address robustness and security issues.
<h3>New in version 1.7</h3>
New modules are provided since
<a target="_blank" href="">PR #23</a>:
{@link org.netbeans.html.presenters.render render}
- a way to start a browser - using native GTK (on Linux and Mac OS X), AWT or CLI
{@link org.netbeans.html.presenters.spi.ProtoPresenterBuilder}
- core implementation of a presenter that
handles connection between JavaScript VM and Java VM via a textual protocol
{@link org.netbeans.html.presenters.browser browser}
- uses of {@link org.netbeans.html.presenters.spi.ProtoPresenterBuilder}
to start a local server and let a browser connect to it
{@link org.netbeans.html.presenters.webkit webkit}
- native presenter for Linux and Mac OS X that uses WebKit via JNA
<h3>What's new in older versions?</h3>
Click the
<a href="#" onclick="return showHistoric()">link</a>
to view even more
<a href="#" onclick="return showHistoric()">historic changes</a>...
<a name="historic.changes"></a>
<div id="historic.changes">
(function() {
var visible;
function showHistoric(show) {
var e = document.getElementById("historic.changes");
if (show === undefined) {
show = !visible;
if (show) {"block";
} else {"none";
visible = show;
return false;
this.showHistoric = showHistoric;
<h3>New in version 1.6.1</h3>
One model instance can be used in two views
(<a target="_blank" href="">PR #14</a>).
GC related behavior has been improved
(<a target="_blank" href="">PR #19</a>).
Safe and {@link sanitized builder} to
create {@link javax.script.ScriptEngine}-based execution environment
(<a target="_blank" href="">PR #15</a>).
Switching to
<a target="_blank" href="">knockout.js</a>
version 3.5.0
(<a target="_blank" href="">PR #20</a>).
<h3>New in version 1.6</h3>
Compiles on JDK11 while using
<a target="_blank" href="">Open JavaFX</a> 11
when necessary.
{@link Computed properties} can
depend on other computed properties -
<a target="_blank" href="">PR #3</a>.
{@link} annotation has been
made repeatable -
<a target="_blank" href="">PR #4</a>.
<code>@Model</code> annotation processor bugfix
<a target="_blank" href="">#621</a>.
<h3>New in version 1.5.1</h3>
The project has been donated to <a target="_blank" href="">Apache Foundation</a>
and the code is now hosted in the
<a target="_blank" href="">repository</a>
along other Apache incubating projects. Contribute to the project by forking its
<a target="_blank" href="">GitHub repository</a>.
Using <a target="_blank" href="">Android JSON</a>
parsing library as it is Apache licensed -
bug <a target="_blank" href="">#89</a>.
It is acceptable to read properties of a model when
{@link computing a property}.
Regular subclassing of {@link org.netbeans.html.json.spi.Proto.Type} is
Bugfix <a target="_blank" href="">#99</a>
- better garbage collector related behavior of <b>ko4j</b> instances thanks
to introduction of {@link org.netbeans.html.json.spi.Technology.ToJavaScript}.
Mentioning <a target="_blank" href="">knockout.js</a>
license in the <b>ko4j</b> artifact - bug
<a target="_blank" href="">#98</a>.
Simplifying dependencies of {@link org.netbeans.html.json.tck} - bug
<a target="_blank" href="">#111</a>
<!-- following ones were added in version 1.5 -->
Bug fix for <a target="_blank" href="">
multiple observers</a> on a single model object.
Better <a target="_blank" href="">
GC behavior</a> specified in TCK and used in Knockout for Java implementation.
Removing dependency on Java collection classes implementations.
Adding {@link} factory method to
a create simple list implementation.
Simplifying {@link org.netbeans.html.json.tck.KnockoutTCK} to avoid
usage of {@link}, etc.
<h3>New features in version 1.4</h3>
Both values <code>null</code> and <code>undefined</code> are
<a href="net/java/html/js/package-summary.html#undefined">treated as null</a>.
Better behavior under <a target="_blank" href="">
multi-threaded load</a>.
Integration with <a href="net/java/html/boot/truffle/package-summary.html">Truffle</a>.
<a target="_blank" href=""/>
Workaround for garbage collector behavior of modern JavaFX WebView
implementations (JDK8 u112 and newer).
JavaFX Presenter can
<a target="_blank" href=""/>
show popup</a> window.
Development has switched to
<a target="_blank" href=""/>
Git repository</a> thanks to
<a target="_blank" href=""/>
conversion by Emilian Bold</a>.
Better support for obfuscation of knockout module
(bug <a target="_blank" href=""/>
<h3>Improvements in version 1.3</h3>
{@link Model classes} can have
{@link per-instance private data}.
{@link Model classes} can generate
builder-like construction methods if builder
{@link prefix} is specified.
{@link} can be <code>false</code>
to define a non-mutable (almost constant) property. That
in case of <em>Knockout</em> bindings means: the property is
represented by a plain value rather than an observable in the JavaScript
object. The <em>JavaFX</em> presenter can be executed in headless mode -
just specify <code>-Dfxpresenter.headless=true</code> when launching
its virtual machine and no window will be shown. This is particularly
useful for testing. Configure your <em>surefire</em> or <em>failsafe</em>
plugins like: <pre>
OSGi headers are now <a target="_blank" href="">
enterprise OSGi ready</a>.
Switched to <a target="_blank" href="">minified version 3.4.0</a>
of <a target="_blank" href="">knockout.js</a>.
Better support for <a target="_blank" href="">
recursive @Model definitions</a>.
New module <code>org.netbeans.html:xhr4j</code> provides implementation
of {@link org.netbeans.html.json.spi.Transfer} with
{@link org.netbeans.html.context.spi.Contexts.Id technology identifier}
<b>xhr4j</b> - this module can be used to
<a target="_blank" href=''>workaround limitations
of CORS</a> by handling the {@link}
connections in Java.
<h3>What's Been Improved in Version 1.2.3?</h3>
One can control {@link HTTP request headers}
when connecting to server using the {@link}
annotation. It is possible to have
{@link writable computed properties}.
There is an easy way to enable <a target="_blank" href="">Firebug</a> in
the JavaFX based Web View -
just run with <code>-Dfirebug.lite=true</code> as
<a target="_blank" href="">this video</a>
Bugfix of issues <a target="_blank" href=''>250503</a>,
<a target="_blank" href=''>252987</a>.
<h3>What's New in Version 1.1?</h3>
The content of a {@link context}
can be selected by registering implementations under specific
{@link org.netbeans.html.context.spi.Contexts.Id technology identifiers}
and requesting them during
{@link org.netbeans.html.context.spi.Contexts#newBuilder(java.lang.Object...) construction}
of the context. <code>org.netbeans.html:ko4j</code> module's implementation
offers <b>ko4j</b>, <b>xhr</b> and <b>websocket</b> identifiers
for its registered services
(e.g. {@link org.netbeans.html.json.spi.Technology},
{@link org.netbeans.html.json.spi.Transfer} and
{@link org.netbeans.html.json.spi.WSTransfer}).
module registers its
{@link org.netbeans.html.json.spi.Transfer Java based JSON} and
{@link org.netbeans.html.json.spi.WSTransfer WebSocket} implementations
under the name <b>tyrus</b>.
A particular DOM subtree
that a <a target="_blank" href="">knockout.js</a> model gets
applied to can be selected by using
Models.applyBindings(m, id)} with an id of an HTML element.
There is new {@link} attribute
which controls behavior of the generated <code>applyBindings</code> method.
If <em>specified and non-empty</em>, then the generated method
will call {@link,java.lang.String)}
with <code>this</code> and the provided {@link target id}.
If <em>specified, but left empty</em>, then the generated method
calls {@link}.
<em>If unspecified</em>, the method will <b>not</b> be generated at all
(a change with respect to older versions). However one can
still use {@link}
or {@link,java.lang.String)}
to perform the association of any model with the page element.
Memory model when using Knockout bindings has been improved
(required additions of two new methods:
{@link org.netbeans.html.json.spi.PropertyBinding#weak()} and
{@link org.netbeans.html.json.spi.FunctionBinding#weak()}) and
now the Java {@link models} can garbage collect,
when no longer used. Library writers that use
{@link} annotation can also
control garbage collection behavior of method arguments by
setting {@link keepAlive=false}
<h3>What's New in Version 1.0?</h3>
{@link Array properties} are now
mutable from the <a href="">knockout.js</a>
point of view (required {@link org.netbeans.html.json.spi.Proto.Type#replaceValue one SPI change}).
The page lookup mechanism can use {@link locale}
to load localized a page with appropriate suffix.
All SPI were moved under the NetBeans namespace - e.g.
{@link org.netbeans.html.boot.spi},
{@link org.netbeans.html.context.spi},
{@link org.netbeans.html.json.spi},
{@link org.netbeans.html.sound.spi}, and also
{@link org.netbeans.html.json.tck}. Methods annotated
with {@link} annotation and
without fallback Java code now throw {@link java.lang.IllegalStateException}
with a message suggesting to switch to proper
{@link browser context} to
prevent endless debugging when one forgets to do so.
<h3>What's New in Version 0.9?</h3>
System can run in {@link Felix OSGi container} (originally only Equinox).
{@link Derived properties}
now deeply check changes in other {@link model
classes} they depend on and recompute their values accordingly.
<a target="_blank" href="">Knockout.js</a> library has been updated
to version 3.2.0.
<h3>What's New in 0.8.x Versions?</h3>
Setters or array properties on classes generated by {@link}
annotation can be accessed from any thread. {@link org.netbeans.html.sound.spi.AudioEnvironment}
can be registered into {@link}. There is
a {@link, java.lang.Class,, java.util.Collection) method}
to parse a JSON array and convert it into
{@link model classes}.
Improved behavior of <code>enum</code> values in
{@link knockout bindings}.
Few bugfixes for better portability.
New API for {@link headless execution}
on top of <em>Nashorn</em> - does not run <em>knockout for Java</em>
fully yet
(reported as <a href="">JDK-8046013</a>),
however even in current state it is quite
{@link useful for testing}
{@link Java/JavaScript interactions}.
{@link} has been extended
with new helper methods to make it easier to use HTML+Java
API in existing JavaFX applications.
The annotation processor is made
more robust with respect to errors in callback syntax of
{@link} body parameter.
Javadoc of {@link} method
has been improved based on a failure of its usability study.
There can be additional parameters to methods annotated by
{@link} that allows one to
pass state when a JSON call is made and use it when it finishes.
The mechanism of discovery of sibling HTML page has been
extended to work on systems that don't support
{@link java.lang.Class#getProtectionDomain}.
The first argument of method annotated by
{@link} annotation has to
be the associated {@link model class}.
{@link} annotation now accepts
{@link java.util.List} of data values as second argument
(previously required an array).
<h3>What's New in 0.7.x Versions?</h3>
{@link} annotation has new attribute
{@link} which allows
asynchronous execution. Libraries using
{@link} are urged to use this
new attribute as much as possible, as it can speed up execution
in certain environments.
Use {@link} in
multi-threaded environment to execute your code on the browser thread.
See example
{@link using Java timer}.
<h2>Other Resources</h2>
<img src="net/java/html/json/doc-files/DukeHTML.png" width="256" height="184" alt="Duke and HTML5. Together at last!" align="right"/>
The javadoc for latest and previous versions is also available
<li>Current <a target="_blank" href="">development</a> version
<li>Version <a target="_blank" href="">1.7.1</a>
<li>Version <a target="_blank" href="">1.7</a>
<li>Historic versions