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* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
* software distributed under the License is distributed on an
* KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
* specific language governing permissions and limitations
* under the License.
import java.lang.annotation.ElementType;
import java.lang.annotation.Retention;
import java.lang.annotation.RetentionPolicy;
import java.lang.annotation.Target;
import java.util.List;
/** Defines a model class that represents a single
* <a target="_blank" href="">JSON</a>-like object
* named {@link #className()}. The generated class contains
* getters and setters for properties defined via {@link #properties()} and
* getters for other, derived properties defined by annotating methods
* of this class by {@link ComputedProperty}. Each property
* can be of primitive type, an {@link Enum enum type} or (in order to create
* nested <a target="_blank" href="">JSON</a> structure)
* of another {@link Model class generated by @Model} annotation. Each property
* can either represent a single value or be an array of its values.
* <p>
* The {@link #className() generated class}'s <code>toString</code> method
* converts the state of the object into
* <a target="_blank" href="">JSON</a> format. One can
* use {@link Models#parse(, java.lang.Class,}
* method to read the JSON text stored in a file or other stream back into the Java model.
* One can also use {@link OnReceive @OnReceive} annotation to read the model
* asynchronously from a {@link URL}.
* <p>
* An example where one defines class <code>Person</code> with four
* properties (<code>firstName</code>, <code>lastName</code>, array of <code>addresses</code> and
* <code>fullName</code>) follows:
* <pre>
* {@link Model @Model}(className="Person", properties={
* {@link Property @Property}(name = "firstName", type=String.<b>class</b>),
* {@link Property @Property}(name = "lastName", type=String.<b>class</b>)
* {@link Property @Property}(name = "addresses", type=Address.<b>class</b>, array = <b>true</b>)
* })
* <b>static class</b> PersonModel {
* {@link ComputedProperty @ComputedProperty}
* <b>static</b> String fullName(String firstName, String lastName) {
* <b>return</b> firstName + " " + lastName;
* }
* {@link ComputedProperty @ComputedProperty}
* <b>static</b> String mainAddress({@link List List&lt;Address&gt;} addresses) {
* <b>for</b> (Address a : addresses) {
* <b>return</b> a.getStreet() + " " + a.getTown();
* }
* <b>return</b> "No address";
* }
* {@link Model @Model}(className="Address", properties={
* {@link Property @Property}(name = "street", type=String.<b>class</b>),
* {@link Property @Property}(name = "town", type=String.<b>class</b>)
* })
* <b>static class</b> AddressModel {
* }
* }
* </pre>
* The generated model class has a default constructor, and also <em>quick
* instantiation</em> constructor that accepts all non-array properties
* (in the order used in the {@link #properties()} attribute) and vararg list
* for the first array property (if any). One can thus use following code
* to create an instance of the Person and Address classes:
* <pre>
* Person p = <b>new</b> Person("Jaroslav", "Tulach",
* <b>new</b> Address("Markoušovice", "Úpice"),
* <b>new</b> Address("V Parku", "Praha")
* );
* // p.toString() then returns equivalent of following <a target="_blank" href="">JSON</a> object
* {
* "firstName" : "Jaroslav",
* "lastName" : "Tulach",
* "addresses" : [
* { "street" : "Markoušovice", "town" : "Úpice" },
* { "street" : "V Parku", "town" : "Praha" },
* ]
* }
* </pre>
* <p>
* In case you are using <a target="_blank" href="">Knockout technology</a>
* for Java then you can associate such model object with surrounding HTML page by
* calling: <code>p.applyBindings();</code> (in case you specify {@link #targetId()}.
* The page can then use regular
* <a target="_blank" href="">Knockout</a> bindings to reference your
* model and create dynamic connection between your model in Java and
* live DOM structure in the browser:
* </p>
* <pre>
* Name: &lt;span data-bind="text: fullName"&gt;
* &lt;div data-bind="foreach: addresses"&gt;
* Lives in &lt;span data-bind="text: town"/&gt;
* &lt;/div&gt;
* </pre>
* <h3>Access Raw <a target="_blank" href="">Knockout</a> Observables</h3>
* One can obtain <em>raw</em> JavaScript object representing the
* instance of {@link Model model class} (with appropriate
* <a target="_blank" href="">Knockout</a> <b>observable</b> properties)
* by calling {@link Models#toRaw(java.lang.Object) Models.toRaw(p)}. For
* example here is a way to obtain the value of <code>fullName</code> property
* (inefficient as it switches between Java and JavaScript back and forth,
* but functional and instructive) via a JavaScript call:
* <pre>
* {@link @JavaScriptBody}(args = "raw", javacall = true, body =
* "return raw.fullName();" // yes, the <a target="_blank" href="">Knockout</a> property is a function
* )
* static native String jsFullName(Object raw);
* // and later
* Person p = ...;
* String fullName = jsFullName({@link Models#toRaw(java.lang.Object) Models.toRaw(p)});
* </pre>
* The above shows how to read a value from <a target="_blank" href="">Knockout</a>
* observable. There is a way to change the value too:
* One can pass a parameter to the property-function and then
* it acts like a setter (of course not in the case of read only <code>fullName</code> property,
* but for <code>firstName</code> or <code>lastName</code> the setter is
* available). Everything mentioned in this paragraph applies only when
* <a target="_blank" href="">Knockout</a> technology is active
* other technologies may behave differently.
* <h4>Copy to Plain JSON</h4>
* There is a way to pass a value of a Java {@link Model model class} instance
* by copy and convert
* the {@link Model the whole object} into plain
* <a target="_blank" href="">JSON</a>. Just
* print it as a string and parse it in JavaScript:
* <pre>
* {@link @JavaScriptBody}(args = { "txt" }, body =
* "return JSON.parse(txt);"
* )
* private static native Object parseJSON(String txt);
* public static Object toPlainJSON(Object model) {
* return parseJSON(model.toString());
* }
* </pre>
* The newly returned instance is a one time copy of the original model and is no longer
* connected to it. The copy based behavior is independent on any
* particular technology and should work
* in <a target="_blank" href="">Knockout</a> as well as other
* technology implementations.
* <h4>References</h4>
* Visit an <a target="_blank" href="">on-line demo</a>
* to see a histogram driven by the {@link Model} annotation or try
* a little <a target="_blank" href="">math test</a>.
* @author Jaroslav Tulach
public @interface Model {
/** Name of the model class.
* @return valid Java identifier to use as a name of the model class
String className();
/** List of properties in the model.
* @return array of property definitions
Property[] properties();
/** The id of an element to bind this model too. If this
* property is specified an <code>applyBindings</code> method
* in the model class is going to be generated which later calls
* {@link Models#applyBindings(java.lang.Object, java.lang.String)}
* with appropriate <code>targetId</code>. If the <code>targetId</code>
* is specified as empty string, <code>null</code> value is passed
* to {@link Models#applyBindings(java.lang.Object, java.lang.String)} method.
* If the <code>targetId</code> is not specified at all, no public
* <code>applyBindings</code> method is generated at all (a change compared
* to previous versions of this API).
* @return an empty string (means apply globally), or ID of a (usually DOM)
* element to apply this model after calling its generated
* <code>applyBindings()</code> method to
* @since 1.1
String targetId() default "";
/** Controls whether builder-like setters shall be generated. Once this
* attribute is set, all {@link #properties()} will get a builder like
* setter (takes value of the property and returns <code>this</code>
* so invocations can be chained). When this attribute is specified,
* the non-default constructor isn't generated at all.
* <p>
* Specifying <code>builder="assign"</code>
* and having {@link #properties() properties} <code>name</code> and
* <code>age</code> will generate method: <pre>
* <b>public</b> MyModel assignName(String name) { ... }
* <b>public</b> MyModel assignAge(int age) { ... }
* </pre>
* These methods can then be chained as <pre>
* MyModel m = <b>new</b> MyModel().assignName("name").assignAge(3);
* </pre>
* The <code>builder</code> attribute can be set to empty string <code>""</code> -
* then it is possible that some property names clash with Java keywords.
* It's responsibility of the user to specify valid builder prefix,
* so the generated methods are compilable.
* @return the prefix to put before {@link Property property} names when
* generating their builder methods
* @since 1.3
String builder() default "";
/** Controls keeping of per-instance private state. Sometimes
* the class generated by the {@link Model @Model annotation} needs to
* keep non-public, or non-JSON like state. One can achieve that by
* specifying <code>instance=true</code> when using the annotation. Then
* the generated class gets a pointer to the instance of the annotated
* class (there needs to be default constructor) and all the {@link ModelOperation @ModelOperation},
* {@link Function @Function}, {@link OnPropertyChange @OnPropertyChange}
* and {@link OnReceive @OnReceive} methods may be non-static. The
* instance of the implementation class isn't accessible directly, just
* through calls to above defined (non-static) methods. Example:
* <pre>
* {@link Model @Model}(className="Data", instance=<b>true</b>, properties={
* {@link Property @Property}(name="message", type=String.<b>class</b>)
* })
* <b>final class</b> DataPrivate {
* <b>private int</b> count;
* {@link ModelOperation @ModelOperation} <b>void</b> increment(Data model) {
* count++;
* }
* {@link ModelOperation @ModelOperation} <b>void</b> hello(Data model) {
* model.setMessage("Hello " + count + " times!");
* }
* }
* Data data = <b>new</b> Data();
* data.increment();
* data.increment();
* data.increment();
* data.hello();
* <b>assert</b> data.getMessage().equals("Hello 3 times!");
* </pre>
* <p>
* The methods annotated by {@link ComputedProperty} need to remain static, as
* they are supposed to be <em>pure</em> functions (e.g. depend only on their parameters)
* and shouldn't use any internal state.
* </p>
* <p><b>How do I initialize private values?</b>
* The implementation class (the one annotated by {@link Model @Model} annotation)
* needs to have accessible default constructor. That constructor is used to
* create the instance. Obviously such constructor does not have
* any parameters, so no initialization is possible.
* </p>
* <p>
* Later one can, however, call any {@link ModelOperation @ModelOperation}
* method and pass in additional configuration parameters. In the above
* example it should be possible add
* </p>
* <pre>
* {@link ModelOperation @ModelOperation} <b>void</b> init(Data model, int count) {
* <b>this</b>.count = count;
* }
* </pre><p>
* and then one can initialize the model using the <code>init</code> as:
* </p>
* <pre>
* Data data = <b>new</b> Data();
* data.init(2);
* data.increment();
* data.hello();
* <b>assert</b> data.getMessage().equals("Hello 3 times!");
* </pre><p>
* Why there has to be default constructor? Because instances of
* classes generated by {@link Model @Model annotation} may be constructed
* by the system as
* {@link Models#fromRaw(, java.lang.Class, java.lang.Object) wrappers around existing JavaScript objects}
* - then
* there is nobody to provide additional parameters at construction time.
* </p>
* <p><b>How do I read private values?</b>
* The methods annotated by {@link ModelOperation} must return <code>void</code>
* (as they can run asynchronously) and as such they aren't suitable for
* returning values back to the caller. In case something like that is
* needed, one can use the approach of the <code>hello</code> method - e.g.
* set value of some {@link Property property} that has a getter:
* </p>
* <pre>
* data.hello();
* <b>assert</b> data.getMessage().equals("Hello 3 times!");
* </pre><p>
* Or one can use actor-like callbacks. Define callback interface and
* use it in a {@link ModelOperation @ModelOperation} method:
* </p>
* <pre>
* <b>public interface</b> ReadCount {
* <b>public void</b> notifyCount(int count);
* }
* {@link ModelOperation @ModelOperation} <b>void</b> readCount(Data model, ReadCount callback) {
* callback.readCount(<b>this</b>.count);
* }
* Data data = <b>new</b> Data();
* data.init(2);
* data.increment();
* data.readCount(count -&gt; System.out.println("count should be 3: " + count));
* </pre><p>
* The provided lambda-function callback may be invoked immediately
* or asynchronously as documentation for {@link ModelOperation}
* annotation describes.
* </p>
* @return <code>true</code> if the model class should keep pointer to
* instance of the implementation class
* @since 1.3
boolean instance() default false;