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package org.apidesign.html.json.spi;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.List;
import org.netbeans.html.json.impl.Bindings;
import org.netbeans.html.json.impl.JSON;
import org.netbeans.html.json.impl.JSONList;
import org.netbeans.html.json.impl.RcvrJSON;
import org.netbeans.html.json.impl.RcvrJSON.MsgEvnt;
/** Object associated with one instance of a model generated by the
* {@link Model} annotation. Contains methods the generated class can
* use to communicate with behind the scene associated {@link Technology}.
* Each {@link Proto} object is associated with <a href="">
* singletonizer</a>-like interface {@link Type} which provides the
* associated {@link Technology} the necessary information about the
* generated {@link Model} class.
* @author Jaroslav Tulach <>
* @since 0.7
public final class Proto {
private final Object obj;
private final Type type;
private final context;
private boolean locked;
private org.netbeans.html.json.impl.Bindings ko;
Proto(Object obj, Type type, BrwsrCtx context) {
this.obj = obj;
this.type = type;
this.context = context;
/** Browser context this proto object and its associated model
* are operating-in.
* @return the associated context
public BrwsrCtx getContext() {
return context;
/** Before doing modification of the model properties, the
* generated code enters write lock by calling this method.
* @throws IllegalStateException if already locked
public void acquireLock() throws IllegalStateException {
if (locked) throw new IllegalStateException();
locked = true;
/** Verifies the model is not locked otherwise throws an exception.
* @throws IllegalStateException if the model is locked
public void verifyUnlocked() throws IllegalStateException {
if (locked) throw new IllegalStateException();
/** When modifications are over, the model is switched into
* unlocked state by calling this method.
public void releaseLock() {
locked = false;
/** Whenever model changes a property. It should notify the
* associated technology by calling this method.
*@param propName name of the changed property
public void valueHasMutated(String propName) {
if (ko != null) {
/** Initializes the associated model in the current {@link #getContext() context}.
* In case of <em>knockout.js</em> technology, applies given bindings
* of the current model to the <em>body</em> element of the page.
public void applyBindings() {
/** Invokes the provided runnable in the {@link #getContext() context}
* of the browser. If the caller is already on the right thread, the
* <code></code> is invoked immediately and synchronously.
* Otherwise the method returns immediately and the <code>run()</code>
* method is performed later
* @param run the action to execute
public void runInBrowser(Runnable run) {
JSON.runInBrowser(context, run);
/** Initializes the provided collection with a content of the <code>array</code>.
* The initialization can only be done soon after the the collection
* is created, otherwise an exception is throw
* @param to the collection to initialize (assumed to be empty)
* @param array the array to add to the collection
* @throws IllegalStateException if the system has already been initialized
public void initTo(Collection<?> to, Object array) {
if (ko != null) {
throw new IllegalStateException();
if (to instanceof JSONList) {
} else {
JSONList.init(to, array);
/** Takes an object representing JSON result and extract some of its
* properties. It is assumed that the <code>props</code> and
* <code>values</code> arrays have the same length.
* @param json the JSON object (actual type depends on the associated
* {@link Technology})
* @param props list of properties to extract
* @param values array that will be filled with extracted values
public void extract(Object json, String[] props, Object[] values) {
JSON.extract(context, json, props, values);
/** Converts raw JSON <code>data</code> into a Java {@link Model} class.
* @param <T> type of the model class
* @param modelClass the type of the class to create
* @param data the raw JSON data
* @return newly created instance of the model class
public <T> T read(Class<T> modelClass, Object data) {
return, modelClass, data);
/** Initializes asynchronous JSON connection to specified URL. The
* method returns immediately and later does callback later.
* @param index the callback index to be used when a reply is received
* to call {@link Type#onMessage(java.lang.Object, int, int, java.lang.Object)}.
* @param urlBefore the part of the URL before JSON-P callback parameter
* @param urlAfter the rest of the URL or <code>null</code> if no JSON-P is used
* @param method method to use for connection to the server
* @param data string, number or a {@link Model} generated class to send to
* the server when doing a query
public void loadJSON(final int index,
String urlBefore, String urlAfter, String method,
final Object data
) {
class Rcvr extends RcvrJSON {
protected void onMessage(MsgEvnt msg) {
type.onMessage(obj, index, 1, msg.getValues());
protected void onError(MsgEvnt msg) {
type.onMessage(obj, index, 2, msg.getException());
JSON.loadJSON(context, new Rcvr(), urlBefore, urlAfter, method, data);
/** Opens new WebSocket connection to the specified URL.
* @param index the index to use later during callbacks to
* {@link Type#onMessage(java.lang.Object, int, int, java.lang.Object)}
* @param url the <code>ws://</code> or <code>wss://</code> URL to connect to
* @param data data to send to server (usually <code>null</code>)
* @return returns a non-null object representing the socket
* which can be used when calling {@link #wsSend(java.lang.Object, java.lang.String, java.lang.Object) }
public Object wsOpen(final int index, String url, Object data) {
class WSrcvr extends RcvrJSON {
protected void onError(MsgEvnt msg) {
type.onMessage(obj, index, 2, msg.getException());
protected void onMessage(MsgEvnt msg) {
type.onMessage(obj, index, 1, msg.getValues());
protected void onClose(MsgEvnt msg) {
type.onMessage(obj, index, 3, null);
protected void onOpen(MsgEvnt msg) {
type.onMessage(obj, index, 0, null);
return JSON.openWS(context, new WSrcvr(), url, data);
/** Sends a message to existing socket.
* @param webSocket the socket to send message to
* @param url the <code>ws://</code> or <code>wss://</code> URL to connect to,
* preferably the same as the one used when the socket was
* {@link #wsOpen(int, java.lang.String, java.lang.Object) opened}
* @param data the data to send or <code>null</code> if the socket is
* supposed to be closed
public void wsSend(Object webSocket, String url, Object data) {
((JSON.WS)webSocket).send(context, url, data);
/** Converts raw data (one of its properties) to string representation.
* @param data the object
* @param propName the name of object property or <code>null</code>
* if the whole object should be converted
* @return the string representation of the object or its property
public String toString(Object data, String propName) {
return JSON.toString(context, data, propName);
/** Converts raw data (one of its properties) to a number representation.
* @param data the object
* @param propName the name of object property or <code>null</code>
* if the whole object should be converted
* @return the number representation of the object or its property
public Number toNumber(Object data, String propName) {
return JSON.toNumber(context, data, propName);
/** Converts raw JSON data into a {@link Model} class representation.
* @param <T> type of the model to create
* @param type class of the model to create
* @param data raw JSON data (depends on associated {@link Technology})
* @return new instances of the model class filled with values from the
* <code>data</code> object
public <T> T toModel(Class<T> type, Object data) {
return JSON.toModel(context, type, data, null);
/** Creates new JSON like observable list.
* @param <T> the type of the list elements
* @param propName name of a property this list is associated with
* @param onChange index of the property to use when the list is modified
* during callback to {@link Type#onChange(java.lang.Object, int)}
* @param dependingProps the array of {@link ComputedProperty derived properties}
* that depend on the value of the list
* @return new, empty list associated with this proto-object and its model
public <T> List<T> createList(String propName, int onChange, String... dependingProps) {
return new JSONList<T>(this, propName, onChange, dependingProps);
/** Copies content of one collection to another, re-assigning all its
* elements from their current context to the new <code>ctx</code>.
* @param <T> type of the collections
* @param to the target collection to be filled with cloned values
* @param ctx context for the new collection
* @param from original collection with its data
public <T> void cloneList(Collection<T> to, BrwsrCtx ctx, Collection<T> from) {
Boolean isModel = null;
for (T t : from) {
if (isModel == null) {
isModel = JSON.isModel(t.getClass());
if (isModel) {
to.add(JSON.bindTo(t, ctx));
} else {
// internal state
final Bindings initBindings() {
if (ko == null) {
Bindings b = Bindings.apply(context, obj);
PropertyBinding[] pb = new PropertyBinding[type.propertyNames.length];
for (int i = 0; i < pb.length; i++) {
pb[i] = b.registerProperty(
type.propertyNames[i], i, obj, type, type.propertyReadOnly[i]
FunctionBinding[] fb = new FunctionBinding[type.functions.length];
for (int i = 0; i < fb.length; i++) {
fb[i] = FunctionBinding.registerFunction(
type.functions[i], i, obj, type
ko = b;
b.finish(obj, pb, fb);
return ko;
final Bindings getBindings() {
return ko;
final void onChange(int index) {
type.onChange(obj, index);
/** Functionality used by the code generated by annotation
* processor for the {@link} annotation.
* @param <Model> the generated class
* @since 0.7
public static abstract class Type<Model> {
private final Class<Model> clazz;
private final String[] propertyNames;
private final boolean[] propertyReadOnly;
private final String[] functions;
/** Constructor for subclasses generated by the annotation processor
* associated with {@link} annotation.
* @param clazz the generated model class
* @param modelFor the original class annotated by the {@link} annotation.
* @param properties number of properties the class has
* @param functions number of functions the class has
protected Type(
Class<Model> clazz, Class<?> modelFor, int properties, int functions
) {
assert getClass().getName().endsWith("$Html4JavaType");
try {
assert getClass().getDeclaringClass() == clazz;
} catch (SecurityException ex) {
// OK, no check
this.clazz = clazz;
this.propertyNames = new String[properties];
this.propertyReadOnly = new boolean[properties];
this.functions = new String[functions];
JSON.register(clazz, this);
/** Registers property for the type. It is expected each index
* is initialized only once.
* @param name name of the property
* @param index index of the property
* @param readOnly is the property read only?
protected final void registerProperty(String name, int index, boolean readOnly) {
assert propertyNames[index] == null;
propertyNames[index] = name;
propertyReadOnly[index] = readOnly;
/** Registers function of given name at given index.
* @param name name of the function
* @param index name of the type
protected final void registerFunction(String name, int index) {
assert functions[index] == null;
functions[index] = name;
/** Creates new proto-object for given {@link Model} class bound to
* provided context.
* @param obj instance of appropriate {@link Model} class
* @param context the browser context
* @return new proto-object that the generated class can use for
* communication with the infrastructure
public Proto createProto(Object obj, BrwsrCtx context) {
return new Proto(obj, this, context);
// Implemented by subclasses
/** Sets value of a {@link #registerProperty(java.lang.String, int, boolean) registered property}
* to new value.
* @param model the instance of {@link Model model class}
* @param index index of the property used during registration
* @param value the value to set the property to
protected abstract void setValue(Model model, int index, Object value);
/** Obtains and returns value of a
* {@link #registerProperty(java.lang.String, int, boolean) registered property}.
* @param model the instance of {@link Model model class}
* @param index index of the property used during registration
* @return current value of the property
protected abstract Object getValue(Model model, int index);
/** Invokes a {@link #registerFunction(java.lang.String, int)} registered function
* on given object.
* @param model the instance of {@link Model model class}
* @param index index of the property used during registration
* @param data the currently selected object the function is about to operate on
* @param event the event that triggered the event
protected abstract void call(Model model, int index, Object data, Object event);
/** Re-binds the model object to new browser context.
* @param model the instance of {@link Model model class}
* @param ctx browser context to clone the object to
* @return new instance of the model suitable for new context
protected abstract Model cloneTo(Model model, BrwsrCtx ctx);
/** Reads raw JSON data and converts them to our model class.
* @param c the browser context to work in
* @param json raw JSON data to get values from
* @return new instance of model class filled by the data
protected abstract Model read(BrwsrCtx c, Object json);
/** Called when a {@link #registerProperty(java.lang.String, int, boolean) registered property}
* changes its value.
* @param model the object that has the property
* @param index the index of the property during registration
protected abstract void onChange(Model model, int index);
/** Finds out if there is an associated proto-object for given
* object.
* @param object an object, presumably (but not necessarily) instance of Model class
* @return associated proto-object or <code>null</code>
protected abstract Proto protoFor(Object object);
/** Called to report results of asynchronous over-the-wire
* communication. Result of calling {@link Proto#wsOpen(int, java.lang.String, java.lang.Object)}
* or {@link Proto#loadJSON(int, java.lang.String, java.lang.String, java.lang.String, java.lang.Object)}.
* @param model the instance of the model class
* @param index index used during initiating the communication (via <code>loadJSON</code> or <code>wsOpen</code> calls)
* @param type type of the message: 0 - onOpen, 1 - onMessage, 2 - onError, 3 - onClose -
* not all messages are applicable to all communication protocols (JSON has only 1 and 2).
* @param data <code>null</code> or string, number or a {@link Model} class
* obtained to the server as a response
protected abstract void onMessage(Model model, int index, int type, Object data);
// Various support methods the generated classes use
/** Converts and array of raw JSON objects into an array of typed
* Java {@link Model} classes.
* @param <T> the type of the destination array
* @param context browser context to use
* @param src array of raw JSON objects
* @param destType type of the individual array elements
* @param dest array to be filled with read type instances
public <T> void copyJSON(BrwsrCtx context, Object[] src, Class<T> destType, T[] dest) {
for (int i = 0; i < src.length && i < dest.length; i++) {
dest[i] =, destType, src[i]);
/** Compares two objects that can be converted to integers.
* @param a first value
* @param b second value
* @return true if they are the same
public final boolean isSame(int a, int b) {
return a == b;
/** Compares two objects that can be converted to (floating point)
* numbers.
* @param a first value
* @param b second value
* @return true if they are the same
public final boolean isSame(double a, double b) {
return a == b;
/** Compares two objects for being the same - e.g. either <code>==</code>
* or <code>equals</code>.
* @param a first value
* @param b second value
* @return true if they are equals
public final boolean isSame(Object a, Object b) {
if (a == b) {
return true;
if (a == null || b == null) {
return false;
return a.equals(b);
/** Cumulative hash function. Adds hashcode of the object to the
* previous value.
* @param o the object (or <code>null</code>)
* @param h the previous value of the hash
* @return new hash - the old one xor the object's one
public final int hashPlus(Object o, int h) {
return o == null ? h : h ^ o.hashCode();
/** Converts an object to its JSON value.
* @param obj the object to convert
* @return JSON representation of the object
public final String toJSON(Object obj) {
return JSON.toJSON(obj);
/** Converts the value to string.
* @param val the value
* @return the converted value
public final String stringValue(Object val) {
return JSON.stringValue(val);
/** Converts the value to number.
* @param val the value
* @return the converted value
public final Number numberValue(Object val) {
return JSON.numberValue(val);
/** Converts the value to character.
* @param val the value
* @return the converted value
public final Character charValue(Object val) {
return JSON.charValue(val);
/** Converts the value to boolean.
* @param val the value
* @return the converted value
public final Boolean boolValue(Object val) {
return JSON.boolValue(val);
/** Extracts value of specific type from given object.
* @param <T> the type of object one is interested in
* @param type the type
* @param val the object to convert to type
* @return the converted value
public final <T> T extractValue(Class<T> type, Object val) {
if (Number.class.isAssignableFrom(type)) {
val = numberValue(val);
if (Boolean.class == type) {
val = boolValue(val);
if (String.class == type) {
val = stringValue(val);
if (Character.class == type) {
val = charValue(val);
if (Integer.class == type) {
val = val instanceof Number ? ((Number) val).intValue() : 0;
if (Long.class == type) {
val = val instanceof Number ? ((Number) val).longValue() : 0;
if (Short.class == type) {
val = val instanceof Number ? ((Number) val).shortValue() : 0;
if (Byte.class == type) {
val = val instanceof Number ? ((Number) val).byteValue() : 0;
if (Double.class == type) {
val = val instanceof Number ? ((Number) val).doubleValue() : Double.NaN;
if (Float.class == type) {
val = val instanceof Number ? ((Number) val).floatValue() : Float.NaN;
return type.cast(val);