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package org.apidesign.html.context.spi;
import org.netbeans.html.context.impl.CtxImpl;
/** Factory class to assign various technologies
* to a {@link BrwsrCtx browser context}. Start with {@link #newBuilder()}
* and then assign technologies with {@link Builder#register(java.lang.Class, java.lang.Object, int)}
* method.
* @author Jaroslav Tulach <>
public final class Contexts {
private Contexts() {
/** Creates new, empty builder for creation of {@link BrwsrCtx}. At the
* end call the {@link Builder#build()} method to generate the context.
* @return new instance of the builder
public static Builder newBuilder() {
return new Builder();
/** Seeks for the specified technology in the provided context.
* @param <Tech> type of the technology
* @param context the context to seek in
* (previously filled with ({@link Builder#register(java.lang.Class, java.lang.Object, int)})
* @param technology class that identifies the technology
* @return the technology in the context or <code>null</code>
public static <Tech> Tech find(BrwsrCtx context, Class<Tech> technology) {
return CtxImpl.find(context, technology);
/** Implementors of various HTML technologies should
* register their implementation via {@link java.util.ServiceProvider} so
* {@link java.util.ServiceProvider} can find them, when their JARs are included
* on the classpath of the running application.
* @author Jaroslav Tulach <>
public static interface Provider {
/** Register into the context if suitable technology is
* available for the requesting class.
* The provider should check if its own technology is available in current
* scope (e.g. proper JDK, proper browser, etc.). The provider
* can also find the right context depending on requestor's classloader, etc.
* <p>
* Providers should use {@link Builder} to enrich appropriately
* the context.
* @param context the context builder to fill with technologies
* @param requestor the application class requesting access the the HTML page
* @see BrwsrCtx#findDefault(java.lang.Class)
void fillContext(Builder context, Class<?> requestor);
/** Support for providers of new {@link BrwsrCtx}. Providers of different
* technologies should be of particular interest in this class. End users
* designing their application with existing technologies should rather
* point their attention to {@link BrwsrCtx} and co.
* @author Jaroslav Tulach <>
public static final class Builder {
private final CtxImpl impl = new CtxImpl();
Builder() {
/** Registers new technology into the context. Each technology is
* exactly identified by its implementation class and can be associated
* with (positive) priority. In case of presence of multiple technologies
* with the same class, the one with higher lower priority takes precedence.
* @param <Tech> type of technology to register
* @param type the real class of the technology type
* @param impl an instance of the technology class
* @param position the lower position, the more important implementation
* which will be consulted sooner when seeking for a {@link Contexts#find(, java.lang.Class)}
* an implementation
* @return this builder
public <Tech> Builder register(Class<Tech> type, Tech impl, int position) {
if (position <= 0) {
throw new IllegalStateException();
this.impl.register(type, impl, position);
return this;
/** Generates context based on values previously inserted into
* this builder.
* @return new, immutable instance of {@link BrwsrCtx}
public BrwsrCtx build() {