blob: edc109672a390677804e28b1613f4d037b46c7aa [file] [log] [blame]
Copyright 2015 Runtime Inc.
Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
You may obtain a copy of the License at
Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
limitations under the License.
package cli
import (
type Compiler struct {
ConfigPath string
TargetName string
BaseIncludes []string
ObjPathList map[string]bool
LinkerScript string
Cflags string
Aflags string
Lflags string
ccPath string
asPath string
arPath string
odPath string
osPath string
ocPath string
ldFlags string
ldResolveCircularDeps bool
ldMapFile bool
func NewCompiler(ccPath string, cDef string, tName string, includes []string) (
*Compiler, error) {
c := &Compiler{
ConfigPath: ccPath,
TargetName: tName,
BaseIncludes: includes,
log.Printf("[INFO] Loading compiler %s, target %s, def %s", ccPath, tName, cDef)
err := c.ReadSettings(cDef)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
c.ObjPathList = make(map[string]bool)
return c, nil
func (c *Compiler) ReadSettings(cDef string) error {
v, err := ReadConfig(c.ConfigPath, "compiler")
if err != nil {
return err
c.ccPath = v.GetString("")
c.asPath = v.GetString("")
c.arPath = v.GetString("compiler.path.archive")
c.odPath = v.GetString("compiler.path.objdump")
c.osPath = v.GetString("compiler.path.objsize")
c.ocPath = v.GetString("compiler.path.objcopy")
cflags := v.GetStringSlice("compiler.flags." + cDef)
for _, flag := range cflags {
if strings.HasPrefix(flag, "compiler.flags") {
c.Cflags += " " + strings.Trim(v.GetString(flag), "\n")
} else {
c.Cflags += " " + strings.Trim(flag, "\n")
c.ldFlags = v.GetString("compiler.ld.flags")
c.ldResolveCircularDeps = v.GetBool("compiler.ld.resolve_circular_deps")
c.ldMapFile = v.GetBool("compiler.ld.mapfile")
log.Printf("[INFO] ccPath = %s, arPath = %s, flags = %s", c.ccPath,
c.arPath, c.Cflags)
return nil
// file type 0 = cc, file type 1 = as
func (c *Compiler) CompileFile(file string, compilerType int) error {
wd, _ := os.Getwd()
objDir := wd + "/obj/" + c.TargetName + "/"
if NodeNotExist(objDir) {
os.MkdirAll(objDir, 0755)
objFile := strings.TrimSuffix(file, filepath.Ext(file)) + ".o"
objPath := objDir + objFile
c.ObjPathList[objPath] = true
var cmd string
switch compilerType {
case 0:
cmd = c.ccPath
case 1:
cmd = c.asPath
return NewNewtError("Unknown compiler type")
cmd += " -c " + "-o " + objPath + " " + file +
" " + c.Cflags + " -I" + strings.Join(c.BaseIncludes, " -I")
_, err := ShellCommand(cmd)
return err
func (c *Compiler) Compile(match string) error {
files, _ := filepath.Glob(match)
wd, err := os.Getwd()
if err != nil {
return err
log.Printf("[INFO] Compiling C (%s/%s) %s", wd, match, strings.Join(files, " "))
for _, file := range files {
err := c.CompileFile(file, 0)
if err != nil {
return err
return nil
func (c *Compiler) CompileAs(match string) error {
files, _ := filepath.Glob(match)
wd, err := os.Getwd()
if err != nil {
return err
log.Printf("[INFO] Compiling assembly (%s/%s) %s", wd, match, strings.Join(files, " "))
for _, file := range files {
err := c.CompileFile(file, 1)
if err != nil {
return err
return nil
func (c *Compiler) RecursiveClean(path string, tName string) error {
// Find all the subdirectories of path that contain an "obj/" directory, and
// remove that directory either altogether, or just the arch specific directory.
dirList, err := ioutil.ReadDir(path)
if err != nil {
return NewNewtError(err.Error())
for _, node := range dirList {
if node.IsDir() {
if node.Name() == "obj" || node.Name() == "bin" {
if tName == "" {
os.RemoveAll(path + "/" + node.Name() + "/")
} else {
os.RemoveAll(path + "/" + node.Name() + "/" + tName + "/")
} else {
// recurse into the directory.
err = c.RecursiveClean(path+"/"+node.Name(), tName)
if err != nil {
return err
return nil
func (c *Compiler) processEntry(wd string, node os.FileInfo, match string, cType int,
ignDirs []string) error {
// check to see if we ignore this element
for _, entry := range ignDirs {
if entry == node.Name() {
return nil
// if not, recurse into the directory
os.Chdir(wd + "/" + node.Name())
return c.RecursiveCompile(match, cType, ignDirs)
func (c *Compiler) RecursiveCompile(match string, cType int, ignDirs []string) error {
// Get a list of files in the current directory, and if they are a directory,
// and that directory is not in the ignDirs variable, then recurse into that
// directory and compile the files in there
wd, err := os.Getwd()
if err != nil {
return NewNewtError(err.Error())
dirList, err := ioutil.ReadDir(wd)
if err != nil {
return NewNewtError(err.Error())
for _, node := range dirList {
if node.IsDir() {
err = c.processEntry(wd, node, match, cType, ignDirs)
if err != nil {
return err
switch cType {
case 0:
return c.Compile(match)
case 1:
return c.CompileAs(match)
return NewNewtError("Wrong compiler type specified to RecursiveCompile")
func (c *Compiler) getObjFiles(baseObjFiles string) string {
objList := baseObjFiles
for objName, _ := range c.ObjPathList {
objList += " " + objName
return objList
func (c *Compiler) CompileBinary(dstFile string, options map[string]bool,
objFiles string) error {
objList := c.getObjFiles(objFiles)
log.Printf("[INFO] Compiling Binary %s with object files %s", dstFile,
cmd := c.ccPath + " -o " + dstFile + " " + c.ldFlags + " " + c.Cflags
if c.ldResolveCircularDeps {
cmd += " -Wl,--start-group -lc " + objList + " -Wl,--end-group "
} else {
cmd += " " + objList
if c.LinkerScript != "" {
cmd += " -T " + c.LinkerScript
if checkBoolMap(options, "mapFile") {
cmd += " -Wl,-Map=" + dstFile + ".map"
_, err := ShellCommand(cmd)
if err != nil {
return err
if checkBoolMap(options, "listFile") {
listFile := dstFile + ".lst"
// if list file exists, remove it
if NodeExist(listFile) {
if err := os.RemoveAll(listFile); err != nil {
return err
cmd = c.odPath + " -wxdS " + dstFile + " >> " + listFile
_, err := ShellCommand(cmd)
if err != nil {
// XXX: gobjdump appears to always crash. Until we get that sorted
// out, don't fail the link process if lst generation fails.
return nil
sects := []string{".text", ".rodata", ".data"}
for _, sect := range sects {
cmd = c.odPath + " -s -j " + sect + " " + dstFile + " >> " + listFile
cmd = c.osPath + " " + dstFile + " >> " + listFile
if checkBoolMap(options, "binFile") {
binFile := dstFile + ".bin"
cmd = c.ocPath + " -R .bss -R .bss.core -R -O binary " +
dstFile + " " + binFile
_, err := ShellCommand(cmd)
if err != nil {
return err
return nil
func (c *Compiler) CompileElf(binFile string, options map[string]bool,
objFiles string) error {
binFile += ".elf"
return c.CompileBinary(binFile, options, objFiles)
func (c *Compiler) CompileArchive(archiveFile string, objFiles string) error {
objList := c.getObjFiles(objFiles)
log.Printf("[INFO] Compiling archive %s with object files %s",
archiveFile, objList)
cmd := c.arPath + " rcs " + archiveFile + " " + objList
_, err := ShellCommand(cmd)
return err