blob: 1936ee5ac649573d4fba35311b780716e8781a7a [file] [log] [blame]
import java.util.Properties;
* This is a test set for <a href="">MNG-5889</a>:
* check that extensions in <code>.mvn/</code> are found when Maven is run with <code>-f path/to/pom.xml</code>.
public class MavenITmng5889FindBasedir
extends AbstractMavenIntegrationTestCase
public MavenITmng5889FindBasedir()
super( "[3.5.0,3.5.1)" );
protected MavenITmng5889FindBasedir( String constraint )
super( constraint );
* check that <code>path/to/.mvn/</code> is found when path to POM set by <code>--file path/to/pom.xml</code>
public void testMvnFileLongOption()
throws Exception
runCoreExtensionWithOption( "--file", null );
* check that <code>path/to/.mvn/</code> is found when path to POM set by <code>-f path/to/pom.xml</code>
public void testMvnFileShortOption()
throws Exception
runCoreExtensionWithOption( "-f", null );
* check that <code>path/to/.mvn/</code> is found when path to POM set by <code>--file path/to/module/pom.xml</code>
public void testMvnFileLongOptionModule()
throws Exception
runCoreExtensionWithOption( "--file", "module" );
* check that <code>path/to/.mvn/</code> is found when path to POM set by <code>-f path/to/module/pom.xml</code>
public void testMvnFileShortOptionModule()
throws Exception
runCoreExtensionWithOption( "-f", "module" );
private void runCoreExtensionWithOption( String option, String subdir )
throws Exception
runCoreExtensionWithOption( option, subdir, true );
protected void runCoreExtensionWithOption( String option, String subdir, boolean pom )
throws Exception
File testDir = ResourceExtractor.simpleExtractResources( getClass(), "/mng-5889-find.mvn" );
File basedir = new File( testDir, "../mng-" + ( pom ? "5889" : "6223" ) + "-find.mvn" + option + ( pom ? "Pom" : "Dir" ) );
if ( subdir != null )
testDir = new File( testDir, subdir );
basedir = new File( basedir, subdir );
Verifier verifier = newVerifier( basedir.getAbsolutePath() );
verifier.getCliOptions().add( "-Dexpression.outputFile=" + new File( basedir, "" ).getAbsolutePath() );
verifier.getCliOptions().add( option ); // -f/--file client/pom.xml
verifier.getCliOptions().add( ( pom ? new File( testDir, "pom.xml" ) : testDir ).getAbsolutePath() );
verifier.setForkJvm( true ); // force forked JVM since we need the shell script to detect .mvn/ location
verifier.executeGoal( "validate" );
Properties props = verifier.loadProperties( "" );
assertEquals( "ok", props.getProperty( "" ) );
assertEquals( "ok", props.getProperty( "" ) );