Apache Maven core ITs

Clone this repo:
  1. 0ec81c1 [MNG-8106] IT (#336) by Tamas Cservenak · 2 days ago master
  2. 680cd97 [MNG-8103] Upgrade default plugin bindings - fix ITs by Slawomir Jaranowski · 7 days ago
  3. da642e9 [MNG-8005] test for ide WorkspaceReader (#332) by Jonas Rutishauser · 3 months ago
  4. 9bd5a81 Remove experimental bit from buildconsumer (#331) by Guillaume Nodet · 4 months ago
  5. 6150ce0 Disable MNG-1088 test for MNG-7977 (#329) by Guillaume Nodet · 4 months ago

Maven Core Integration Tests


If you want to run the integration tests against a custom build of Maven use the following command:

mvn clean install -Prun-its -Dmaven.repo.local=`pwd`/repo -DmavenDistro=/path/to/apache-maven-dist.zip

or if behind a proxy

mvn clean install -Prun-its -Dmaven.repo.local=`pwd`/repo -DmavenDistro=/path/to/apache-maven-dist.zip -Dproxy.active=true -Dproxy.type=http -Dproxy.host=... -Dproxy.port=... -Dproxy.user=... -Dproxy.pass=...

Using the script

Build Maven core with the profile -PversionlessMavenDist

Now Run the script: sh ./run-its.sh

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