blob: dc01d4bb20207c71420e9aa30b5b6facfaa3b604 [file] [log] [blame]
#!/usr/bin/env perl
# Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
# contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
# this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
# The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
# (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
# the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
use strict;
use warnings;
use FindBin qw( $Bin );
use File::Find;
# make sure we are at the top-level dir
my $usage = "$0 version\n";
my $version = shift(@ARGV) or die $usage;
# standardize version strings
my ( $x, $y, $z );
if ( $version =~ m/^(\d+)\.(\d+)\.(\d+)$/ ) {
( $x, $y, $z ) = ( $1, $2, $3 );
elsif ( $version =~ m/^(\d+)\.(\d\d\d)(\d\d\d)$/ ) {
( $x, $y, $z ) = ( int($1), int($2), int($3) );
else {
die "Unknown version syntax. Try X.Y.Z or X.YYYZZZ\n";
my $x_y_z_version = sprintf( "%d.%d.%d", $x, $y, $z );
my $x_yyyzzz_version = sprintf( "%d.%03d%03d", $x, $y, $z );
print "Using version: $x_y_z_version ( $x_yyyzzz_version )\n";
my $buf;
# Update charmonizer.
for my $path ('runtime/common/charmonizer.c', 'runtime/common/charmonizer.main') {
$buf = read_file($path);
$buf =~ s/(cfish_version\[\]\s+=\s+)"[\d.]+"/$1"$x_y_z_version"/
or die "no match";
$buf =~ s/(cfish_major_version\[\]\s+=\s+)"[\d.]+"/$1"$x.$y"/
or die "no match";
write_file($path, $buf);
# Update
$buf = read_file('compiler/perl/lib/Clownfish/');
$buf =~ s/(our \$VERSION\ +=\ +)'.+?'/$1'$x_yyyzzz_version'/g
or die "no match";
$buf =~ s/XSLoader::load\( 'Clownfish::CFC', '(.+?)'/XSLoader::load\( 'Clownfish::CFC', '$x_y_z_version'/
or die "no match";
write_file( 'compiler/perl/lib/Clownfish/', $buf );
# Update
$buf = read_file('runtime/perl/lib/');
$buf =~ s/(our \$VERSION\ +=\ +)'.+?'/$1'$x_yyyzzz_version'/g
or die "no match";
$buf =~ s/(bootstrap Clownfish ')(.+?)'/$1$x_y_z_version'/
or die "no match";
$buf =~ s/^\d+\.\d+\.\d+\b$/$x_y_z_version/m
or die "no match";
write_file( 'runtime/perl/lib/', $buf );
# Update Clownfish.pod.
$buf = read_file('runtime/perl/lib/Clownfish.pod');
$buf =~ s/(^=head1\s+VERSION\s+)([\d.]+)/$1$x_y_z_version/m
or die "no match";
write_file( 'runtime/perl/lib/Clownfish.pod', $buf );
# Update compiler Build.PL
$buf = read_file('compiler/perl/Build.PL');
$buf =~ s/(dist_version\ +=>\ +)'.+?'/$1'$x_y_z_version'/
or die "no match";
write_file( 'compiler/perl/Build.PL', $buf );
# Update runtime Build.PL
$buf = read_file('runtime/perl/Build.PL');
$buf =~ s/(dist_version\ +=>\ +)'.+?'/$1'$x_y_z_version'/
or die "no match";
$buf =~ s/(Clownfish::CFC::Perl::Build'\s*=>\s*)(.*?),/$1$x_yyyzzz_version,/g
or die "no match";
$buf =~ s/(Clownfish::CFC'\s*=>\s*)(.*?),/$1$x_yyyzzz_version,/g
or die "no match";
write_file( 'runtime/perl/Build.PL', $buf );
# Update runtime/c/
$buf = read_file('runtime/c/');
$buf =~ s/\bversion=[\d.]+/version=$x_y_z_version/
or die "no match";
$buf =~ s/\bmajor_version=[\d.]+/major_version=$x.$y/
or die "no match";
write_file( 'runtime/c/', $buf );
# Update compiler/python/
$buf = read_file('compiler/python/');
$buf =~ s/(\bversion\s+=\s+)'[\d.]+'/$1'$x_y_z_version'/
or die "no match";
write_file( 'compiler/python/', $buf );
# Update POD in compiler/perl/lib/Clownfish/CFC/Perl/
$buf = read_file('compiler/perl/lib/Clownfish/CFC/Perl/');
$buf =~ s/(Clownfish::CFC::Perl::Build'\s*=>\s*)(.*?),/$1$x_yyyzzz_version,/g
or die "no match";
write_file( 'compiler/perl/lib/Clownfish/CFC/Perl/', $buf );
# Update Clownfish.cfp.
$buf = read_file('runtime/core/Clownfish.cfp');
$buf =~ s/("version":\s+)"v\d+\.\d+\.\d+"/$1"v$x_y_z_version"/
or die "no match";
write_file( 'runtime/core/Clownfish.cfp', $buf );
# Update runtime/core/TestClownfish.cfp
$buf = read_file('runtime/core/TestClownfish.cfp');
$buf =~ s/("version":\s+)"v\d+\.\d+\.\d+"/$1"v$x_y_z_version"/
or die "no match";
$buf =~ s/("Clownfish":\s+)"v\d+\.\d+\.\d+"/$1"v$x_y_z_version"/
or die "no match";
write_file( 'runtime/core/TestClownfish.cfp', $buf );
# Update all other Perl modules.
find(\&update_pm_file, 'compiler/perl');
find(\&update_pm_file, 'runtime/perl');
sub update_pm_file {
return unless /[.]pm$/;
my $name = $_;
return if $name eq '';
return if $name eq '';
my $buf = read_file($name);
$buf =~ s/(our \$VERSION\ +=\ +)'.+?'/$1'$x_yyyzzz_version'/g
or die "no match in $File::Find::name";
write_file($name, $buf);
# utility functions
sub read_file {
my ($file) = @_;
local $/;
open( F, "< $file" ) or die "Cannot read $file: $!\n";
my $buf = <F>;
close(F) or die "Cannot close $file: $!\n";
return $buf;
sub write_file {
my ( $file, $buf ) = @_;
open( F, "> $file" ) or die "Cannot write $file: $!\n";
print F $buf;
close(F) or die "Cannot close $file: $!\n";
print "Done. Consider running git grep for the old version.\n";
=head1 NAME
update_version - update Clownfish version strings in source files
perl devel/bin/update_version version
Updates key source files with I<version>, using correct syntax
depending on the file format and type.
I<version> may be specified in either format:
and update_version will convert the specified string into the
correct format for each relevant file.