Mirror of Apache Lucy

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  1. a713a7a Merge branch 'go_caller_filepath' by Marvin Humphrey · 7 years ago master
  2. 97e6c4d Kludge file location from Caller(). by Marvin Humphrey · 7 years ago
  3. 137f749 Fix -Wclobbered warnings by Nick Wellnhofer · 7 years ago
  4. 147e90e Run Travis tests with PERL_USE_UNSAFE_INC=0 by Nick Wellnhofer · 7 years ago
  5. 15e36c4 Disable thread support under Perl 5.8 by Nick Wellnhofer · 7 years ago

Apache Clownfish

The Apache Clownfish “symbiotic” object system pairs with “host” programming language environments and facilitates the development of high performance language extensions.

Host language support

Bindings for the following hosts are under development:

  • C (feature-complete)
  • Go (experimental)
  • Perl 5 (feature-complete)
  • Python 3 / CPython (nascent)
  • Ruby / MRI (nascent)


To build and install Apache Clownfish, follow the instructions in the accompanying “INSTALL” document.

Help wanted

The target audience for the current release of Clownfish is developers. Clownfish is developed by the Apache Lucy community, where it is used to provide host language bindings for the Lucy search engine library; we expect that as Clownfish matures it will eventually spin off as an independent project. If you would like to contribute to Clownfish, please join the Lucy developers mailing list.