blob: 6b3323ec0b83da5577702229a91c3b64e379d1c6 [file] [log] [blame]
/* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
* contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
* this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
* The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
* (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
* the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
parcel Clownfish;
// For strlen
#include <string.h>
#include "Clownfish/Class.h"
#include "Clownfish/Err.h"
* Immutable string holding Unicode characters.
public final class Clownfish::String nickname Str
inherits Clownfish::Obj {
const char *ptr;
size_t size;
String *origin;
/** Return true if the string is valid UTF-8, false otherwise.
public inert bool
utf8_valid(const char *ptr, size_t len);
/** Throws an error if the string isn't valid UTF-8.
public inert void
validate_utf8(const char *text, size_t size, const char *file, int line,
const char *func);
/** Returns true if the code point qualifies as Unicode whitespace.
public inert bool
is_whitespace(int32_t code_point);
/** Encode a Unicode code point to a UTF-8 sequence.
* @param code_point A legal unicode code point.
* @param buffer Write buffer which must hold at least 4 bytes (the
* maximum legal length for a UTF-8 char).
inert uint32_t
encode_utf8_char(int32_t code_point, void *buffer);
/** Return a String which holds a copy of the supplied UTF-8 character
* data after checking for validity.
* @param utf8 Pointer to UTF-8 character data.
* @param size Size of UTF-8 character data in bytes.
public inert incremented String*
new_from_utf8(const char *utf8, size_t size);
/** Return a String which holds a copy of the supplied UTF-8 character
* data, skipping validity checks.
* @param utf8 Pointer to UTF-8 character data.
* @param size Size of UTF-8 character data in bytes.
public inert incremented String*
new_from_trusted_utf8(const char *utf8, size_t size);
/** Initialize a String which holds a copy of the supplied UTF-8 character
* data, skipping validity checks.
* @param utf8 Pointer to UTF-8 character data.
* @param size Size of UTF-8 character data in bytes.
public inert String*
init_from_trusted_utf8(String *self, const char *utf8, size_t size);
/** Return a String which assumes ownership of the supplied buffer
* containing UTF-8 character data after checking for validity.
* @param utf8 Pointer to UTF-8 character data.
* @param size Size of UTF-8 character data in bytes.
public inert incremented String*
new_steal_utf8(char *utf8, size_t size);
/** Return a String which assumes ownership of the supplied buffer
* containing UTF-8 character data, skipping validity checks.
* @param utf8 Pointer to UTF-8 character data.
* @param size Size of UTF-8 character data in bytes.
public inert incremented String*
new_steal_trusted_utf8(char *utf8, size_t size);
/** Initialize a String which assumes ownership of the supplied buffer
* containing UTF-8 character data, skipping validity checks.
* @param utf8 Pointer to UTF-8 character data.
* @param size Size of UTF-8 character data in bytes.
public inert String*
init_steal_trusted_utf8(String *self, char *utf8, size_t size);
/** Return a String which wraps an external buffer containing UTF-8
* character data after checking for validity. The buffer must stay
* unchanged for the lifetime of the String.
* @param utf8 Pointer to UTF-8 character data.
* @param size Size of UTF-8 character data in bytes.
public inert incremented String*
new_wrap_utf8(const char *utf8, size_t size);
/** Return a String which wraps an external buffer containing UTF-8
* character data, skipping validity checks. The buffer must stay
* unchanged for the lifetime of the String.
* @param utf8 Pointer to UTF-8 character data.
* @param size Size of UTF-8 character data in bytes.
public inert incremented String*
new_wrap_trusted_utf8(const char *utf8, size_t size);
inert incremented String*
init_stack_string(void *allocation, const char *utf8, size_t size);
/** Initialize a String which wraps an external buffer containing UTF-8
* character data after checking for validity.
* @param utf8 Pointer to UTF-8 character data.
* @param size Size of UTF-8 character data in bytes.
public inert String*
init_wrap_trusted_utf8(String *self, const char *utf8, size_t size);
/** Return a String which holds a single character.
* @param code_point Unicode code point of the character.
public inert incremented String*
new_from_char(int32_t code_point);
/** Return a String with content expanded from a pattern and arguments
* conforming to the spec defined by [](CharBuf.VCatF).
* Note: a user-supplied `pattern` string is a security hole
* and must not be allowed.
* @param pattern A format string.
public inert incremented String*
newf(const char *pattern, ...);
To_Host(String *self, void *vcache);
/** Return the concatenation of the String and `other`.
public incremented String*
Cat(String *self, String *other);
/** Return the concatenation of the String and the supplied UTF-8
* character data after checking for validity.
* @param utf8 Pointer to UTF-8 character data.
* @param size Size of UTF-8 character data in bytes.
public incremented String*
Cat_Utf8(String *self, const char *utf8, size_t size);
/** Return the concatenation of the String and the supplied UTF-8
* character data, skipping validity checks.
* @param utf8 Pointer to UTF-8 character data.
* @param size Size of UTF-8 character data in bytes.
public incremented String*
Cat_Trusted_Utf8(String *self, const char *utf8, size_t size);
/** Extract a 64-bit integer from a decimal string. See [](.BaseX_To_I64)
* for details.
public int64_t
To_I64(String *self);
/** Extract a 64-bit integer from a variable-base stringified version.
* Expects an optional minus sign followed by base-x digits, stopping at
* any non-digit character. Returns zero if no digits are found. If the
* value exceeds the range of an `int64_t`, the result is undefined.
* @param base A base between 2 and 36.
public int64_t
BaseX_To_I64(String *self, uint32_t base);
/** Convert a string to a floating-point number using the C library
* function `strtod`.
public double
To_F64(String *self);
/** Test whether the String starts with `prefix`.
public bool
Starts_With(String *self, String *prefix);
/** Test whether the String starts with a prefix supplied as raw UTF-8.
* @param utf8 Pointer to UTF-8 character data.
* @param size Size of UTF-8 character data in bytes.
public bool
Starts_With_Utf8(String *self, const char *utf8, size_t size);
/** Test whether the String ends with `suffix`.
public bool
Ends_With(String *self, String *suffix);
/** Test whether the String ends with a suffix supplied as raw UTF-8.
* @param utf8 Pointer to UTF-8 character data.
* @param size Size of UTF-8 character data in bytes.
public bool
Ends_With_Utf8(String *self, const char *utf8, size_t size);
/** Test whether the String contains `substring`.
public bool
Contains(String *self, String *substring);
/** Test whether the String contains a substring supplied as raw UTF-8.
* @param utf8 Pointer to UTF-8 character data.
* @param size Size of UTF-8 character data in bytes.
public bool
Contains_Utf8(String *self, const char *utf8, size_t size);
/** Return a [](StringIterator) pointing to the first occurrence of
* `substring` within the String, or [](@null) if the substring does not
* match.
public incremented nullable StringIterator*
Find(String *self, String *substring);
/** Return a [](StringIterator) pointing to the first occurrence of the
* substring within the String, or [](@null) if the substring does not
* match. The substring is supplied as raw UTF-8.
* @param utf8 Pointer to UTF-8 character data.
* @param size Size of UTF-8 character data in bytes.
public incremented nullable StringIterator*
Find_Utf8(String *self, const char *utf8, size_t size);
/** Equality test.
* @return true if `other` is a String with the same character data as
* `self`.
public bool
Equals(String *self, Obj *other);
/** Test whether the String matches the supplied UTF-8 character data.
public bool
Equals_Utf8(String *self, const char *utf8, size_t size);
/** Return the number of Unicode code points the String contains.
public size_t
Length(String *self);
/** Return the number of bytes occupied by the String's internal content.
public size_t
Get_Size(String *self);
/** Return the internal backing array for the String if its internal
* encoding is UTF-8. If it is not encoded as UTF-8 throw an exception.
* The character data is not null-terminated.
public const char*
Get_Ptr8(String *self);
/** Return a NULL-terminated copy of the string data in UTF-8 encoding.
* The buffer must be freed by the caller.
public char*
To_Utf8(String *self);
/** Return a ByteBuf which holds a copy of the String.
public incremented ByteBuf*
To_ByteBuf(String *self);
public incremented String*
Clone(String *self);
Is_Copy_On_IncRef(String *self);
/** Indicate whether one String is less than, equal to, or greater than
* another. The Unicode code points of the Strings are compared
* lexicographically. Throws an exception if `other` is not a String.
* @return 0 if the Strings are equal, a negative number if `self` is less
* than `other`, and a positive number if `self` is greater than `other`.
public int32_t
Compare_To(String *self, Obj *other);
/** Return a hash code for the string.
Hash_Sum(String *self);
/** Return a copy of the String.
public incremented String*
To_String(String *self);
/** Return a copy of the String with Unicode whitespace characters
* removed from both top and tail. Whitespace is any character that has
* the Unicode property `White_Space`.
public incremented String*
Trim(String *self);
/** Return a copy of the String with leading Unicode whitespace
* removed. Whitespace is any character that has the Unicode property
* `White_Space`.
public incremented String*
Trim_Top(String *self);
/** Return a copy of the String with trailing Unicode whitespace
* removed. Whitespace is any character that has the Unicode property
* `White_Space`.
public incremented String*
Trim_Tail(String *self);
/** Return the Unicode code point located `tick` code points in from the
* top. Return `CFISH_STR_OOB` if out of bounds.
public int32_t
Code_Point_At(String *self, size_t tick);
/** Return the Unicode code point located `tick` code points counting
* backwards from the end. Return `CFISH_STR_OOB` if out of bounds.
public int32_t
Code_Point_From(String *self, size_t tick);
/** Return a new substring containing a copy of the specified range.
* @param offset Offset from the top, in code points.
* @param length The desired length of the substring, in code points.
public incremented String*
SubString(String *self, size_t offset, size_t length);
/** Return an iterator initialized to the start of the string.
public incremented StringIterator*
Top(String *self);
/** Return an iterator initialized to the end of the string.
public incremented StringIterator*
Tail(String *self);
public void
Destroy(String *self);
* Iterate Unicode code points in a String.
public final class Clownfish::StringIterator nickname StrIter
inherits Clownfish::Obj {
String *string;
size_t byte_offset;
inert incremented StringIterator*
new(String *string, size_t byte_offset);
/** Return the substring between the top and tail iterators.
* @param top Top iterator. Use start of string if [](@null).
* @param tail Tail iterator. Use end of string if [](@null).
public inert incremented String*
crop(StringIterator *top, StringIterator *tail);
public incremented StringIterator*
Clone(StringIterator *self);
/** Assign the source string and current position of `other` to `self`.
public void
Assign(StringIterator *self, StringIterator *other);
/** Equality test.
* @return true if `other` is a StringIterator with the same source
* string and character position as `self`.
public bool
Equals(StringIterator *self, Obj *other);
/** Indicate whether one StringIterator is less than, equal to, or
* greater than another by comparing their character positions. Throws an
* exception if `other` is not a StringIterator pointing to the same
* source string as `self`.
* @return 0 if the StringIterators are equal, a negative number if `self`
* is less than `other`, and a positive number if `self` is greater than
* `other`.
public int32_t
Compare_To(StringIterator *self, Obj *other);
/** Return true if the iterator is not at the end of the string.
public bool
Has_Next(StringIterator *self);
/** Return true if the iterator is not at the start of the string.
public bool
Has_Prev(StringIterator *self);
/** Return the code point after the current position and advance the
* iterator. Return `CFISH_STR_OOB` at the end of the string.
public int32_t
Next(StringIterator *self);
/** Return the code point before the current position and go one step back.
* Return `CFISH_STR_OOB` at the start of the string.
public int32_t
Prev(StringIterator *self);
/** Skip code points.
* @param num The number of code points to skip.
* @return the number of code points actually skipped. This can be less
* than the requested number if the end of the string is reached.
public size_t
Advance(StringIterator *self, size_t num);
/** Skip code points backward.
* @param num The number of code points to skip.
* @return the number of code points actually skipped. This can be less
* than the requested number if the start of the string is reached.
public size_t
Recede(StringIterator *self, size_t num);
/** Skip whitespace. Whitespace is any character that has the Unicode
* property `White_Space`.
* @return the number of code points skipped.
public size_t
Skip_Whitespace(StringIterator *self);
/** Skip whitespace backward. Whitespace is any character that has the
* Unicode property `White_Space`.
* @return the number of code points skipped.
public size_t
Skip_Whitespace_Back(StringIterator *self);
/** Test whether the content after the iterator starts with `prefix`.
public bool
Starts_With(StringIterator *self, String *prefix);
/** Test whether the content after the iterator starts with a prefix
* supplied as raw UTF-8.
* @param utf8 Pointer to UTF-8 character data.
* @param size Size of UTF-8 character data in bytes.
public bool
Starts_With_Utf8(StringIterator *self, const char *utf8, size_t size);
/** Test whether the content before the iterator ends with `suffix`.
public bool
Ends_With(StringIterator *self, String *suffix);
/** Test whether the content before the iterator ends with a suffix
* supplied as raw UTF-8.
* @param utf8 Pointer to UTF-8 character data.
* @param size Size of UTF-8 character data in bytes.
public bool
Ends_With_Utf8(StringIterator *self, const char *utf8, size_t size);
public void
Destroy(StringIterator *self);
#define CFISH_VALIDATE_UTF8(text, size) \
cfish_Str_validate_utf8(text, size, \
#define CFISH_SSTR_BLANK() \
cfish_Str_init_stack_string(CFISH_ALLOCA_OBJ(CFISH_STRING), "", 0)
#define CFISH_SSTR_WRAP_C(ptr) \
cfish_Str_init_stack_string(CFISH_ALLOCA_OBJ(CFISH_STRING), ptr, \
#define CFISH_SSTR_WRAP_UTF8(ptr, size) \
cfish_Str_init_stack_string(CFISH_ALLOCA_OBJ(CFISH_STRING), ptr, size)
#define CFISH_STR_OOB -1