blob: 803125ed1e38d4b02f363f78c909b23f4f087cd8 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package org.apache.kylin.dict;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.IdentityHashMap;
import java.util.LinkedList;
import org.apache.kylin.common.util.BytesUtil;
* Builds a dictionary using Trie structure. All values are taken in byte[] form
* and organized in a Trie with ordering. Then numeric IDs are assigned in
* sequence.
* @author yangli9
public class TrieDictionaryBuilder<T> {
public static final int _2GB = 2000000000;
public static class Node {
public byte[] part;
public boolean isEndOfValue;
public ArrayList<Node> children;
public int nValuesBeneath; // only present after stats()
Node(byte[] value, boolean isEndOfValue) {
reset(value, isEndOfValue);
Node(byte[] value, boolean isEndOfValue, ArrayList<Node> children) {
reset(value, isEndOfValue, children);
void reset(byte[] value, boolean isEndOfValue) {
reset(value, isEndOfValue, new ArrayList<Node>());
void reset(byte[] value, boolean isEndOfValue, ArrayList<Node> children) {
this.part = value;
this.isEndOfValue = isEndOfValue;
this.children = children;
public static interface Visitor {
void visit(Node n, int level);
// ============================================================================
private Node root;
protected BytesConverter<T> bytesConverter;
private boolean hasValue = false;
public TrieDictionaryBuilder(BytesConverter<T> bytesConverter) {
this.root = new Node(new byte[0], false);
this.bytesConverter = bytesConverter;
public void addValue(T value) {
// add a converted value (given in byte[] format), use with care, for internal only
void addValue(byte[] value) {
addValueR(root, value, 0, false);
void addValue(byte[] value, boolean isSplitValue) {
addValueR(root, value, 0, isSplitValue);
private void addValueR(Node node, byte[] value, int start, boolean isSplitValue) {
hasValue = true;
// match the value part of current node
int i = 0, j = start;
int n = node.part.length, nn = value.length;
int comp = 0;
for (; i < n && j < nn; i++, j++) {
comp = BytesUtil.compareByteUnsigned(node.part[i], value[j]);
if (comp != 0)
if (j == nn) {
// if value fully matched within the current node
if (i == n) {
// if equals to current node, just mark end of value
if (!isSplitValue) {
node.isEndOfValue = true;
} else {
// otherwise, split the current node into two
Node c = new Node(BytesUtil.subarray(node.part, i, n), node.isEndOfValue, node.children);
node.reset(BytesUtil.subarray(node.part, 0, i), isSplitValue? false : true);
// if partially matched the current, split the current node, add the new value, make a 3-way
if (i < n) {
Node c1 = new Node(BytesUtil.subarray(node.part, i, n), node.isEndOfValue, node.children);
Node c2 = new Node(BytesUtil.subarray(value, j, nn), isSplitValue? false : true);
node.reset(BytesUtil.subarray(node.part, 0, i), false);
if (comp < 0) {
} else {
// out matched the current, binary search the next byte for a child node to continue
byte lookfor = value[j];
int lo = 0;
int hi = node.children.size() - 1;
int mid = 0;
boolean found = false;
comp = 0;
while (!found && lo <= hi) {
mid = lo + (hi - lo) / 2;
comp = BytesUtil.compareByteUnsigned(lookfor, node.children.get(mid).part[0]);
if (comp < 0)
hi = mid - 1;
else if (comp > 0)
lo = mid + 1;
found = true;
if (found) {
// found a child node matching the first byte, continue in that child
addValueR(node.children.get(mid), value, j, isSplitValue);
} else {
// otherwise, make the value a new child
Node c = new Node(BytesUtil.subarray(value, j, nn), isSplitValue ? false : true);
node.children.add(comp <= 0 ? mid : mid + 1, c);
public void traverse(Visitor visitor) {
traverseR(root, visitor, 0);
private void traverseR(Node node, Visitor visitor, int level) {
visitor.visit(node, level);
for (Node c : node.children)
traverseR(c, visitor, level + 1);
public void traversePostOrder(Visitor visitor) {
traversePostOrderR(root, visitor, 0);
private void traversePostOrderR(Node node, Visitor visitor, int level) {
for (Node c : node.children)
traversePostOrderR(c, visitor, level + 1);
visitor.visit(node, level);
public static class Stats {
public int nValues; // number of values in total
public int nValueBytesPlain; // number of bytes for all values uncompressed
public int nValueBytesCompressed; // number of values bytes in Trie (compressed)
public int maxValueLength; // size of longest value in bytes
// the trie is multi-byte-per-node
public int mbpn_nNodes; // number of nodes in trie
public int mbpn_trieDepth; // depth of trie
public int mbpn_maxFanOut; // the maximum no. children
public long mbpn_nChildLookups; // number of child lookups during lookup every value once
public long mbpn_nTotalFanOut; // the sum of fan outs during lookup every value once
public int mbpn_sizeValueTotal; // the sum of value space in all nodes
public int mbpn_sizeNoValueBytes; // size of field noValueBytes
public int mbpn_sizeNoValueBeneath; // size of field noValuesBeneath, depends on cardinality
public int mbpn_sizeChildOffset; // size of field childOffset, points to first child in flattened array
public long mbpn_footprint; // MBPN footprint in bytes
// stats for one-byte-per-node as well, so there's comparison
public int obpn_sizeValue; // size of value per node, always 1
public int obpn_sizeNoValuesBeneath; // size of field noValuesBeneath, depends on cardinality
public int obpn_sizeChildCount; // size of field childCount, enables binary search among children
public int obpn_sizeChildOffset; // size of field childOffset, points to first child in flattened array
public int obpn_nNodes; // no. nodes in OBPN trie
public long obpn_footprint; // OBPN footprint in bytes
public void print() {
PrintStream out = System.out;
out.println("No. values: " + nValues);
out.println("No. bytes raw: " + nValueBytesPlain);
out.println("No. bytes in trie: " + nValueBytesCompressed);
out.println("Longest value length: " + maxValueLength);
// flatten trie footprint calculation, case of One-Byte-Per-Node
out.println("OBPN node size: " + (obpn_sizeValue + obpn_sizeNoValuesBeneath + obpn_sizeChildCount + obpn_sizeChildOffset) + " = " + obpn_sizeValue + " + " + obpn_sizeNoValuesBeneath + " + " + obpn_sizeChildCount + " + " + obpn_sizeChildOffset);
out.println("OBPN no. nodes: " + obpn_nNodes);
out.println("OBPN trie depth: " + maxValueLength);
out.println("OBPN footprint: " + obpn_footprint + " in bytes");
// flatten trie footprint calculation, case of Multi-Byte-Per-Node
out.println("MBPN max fan out: " + mbpn_maxFanOut);
out.println("MBPN no. child lookups: " + mbpn_nChildLookups);
out.println("MBPN total fan out: " + mbpn_nTotalFanOut);
out.println("MBPN average fan out: " + (double) mbpn_nTotalFanOut / mbpn_nChildLookups);
out.println("MBPN values size total: " + mbpn_sizeValueTotal);
out.println("MBPN node size: " + (mbpn_sizeNoValueBytes + mbpn_sizeNoValueBeneath + mbpn_sizeChildOffset) + " = " + mbpn_sizeNoValueBytes + " + " + mbpn_sizeNoValueBeneath + " + " + mbpn_sizeChildOffset);
out.println("MBPN no. nodes: " + mbpn_nNodes);
out.println("MBPN trie depth: " + mbpn_trieDepth);
out.println("MBPN footprint: " + mbpn_footprint + " in bytes");
public boolean isHasValue() {
return hasValue;
* out print some statistics of the trie and the dictionary built from it
public Stats stats() {
// calculate nEndValueBeneath
traversePostOrder(new Visitor() {
public void visit(Node n, int level) {
n.nValuesBeneath = n.isEndOfValue ? 1 : 0;
for (Node c : n.children)
n.nValuesBeneath += c.nValuesBeneath;
// run stats
final Stats s = new Stats();
final ArrayList<Integer> lenAtLvl = new ArrayList<Integer>();
traverse(new Visitor() {
public void visit(Node n, int level) {
if (n.isEndOfValue)
s.nValueBytesPlain += n.part.length * n.nValuesBeneath;
s.nValueBytesCompressed += n.part.length;
if (s.mbpn_trieDepth < level + 1)
s.mbpn_trieDepth = level + 1;
if (n.children.size() > 0) {
if (s.mbpn_maxFanOut < n.children.size())
s.mbpn_maxFanOut = n.children.size();
int childLookups = n.nValuesBeneath - (n.isEndOfValue ? 1 : 0);
s.mbpn_nChildLookups += childLookups;
s.mbpn_nTotalFanOut += childLookups * n.children.size();
if (level < lenAtLvl.size())
lenAtLvl.set(level, n.part.length);
int lenSoFar = 0;
for (int i = 0; i <= level; i++)
lenSoFar += lenAtLvl.get(i);
if (lenSoFar > s.maxValueLength)
s.maxValueLength = lenSoFar;
// flatten trie footprint calculation, case of One-Byte-Per-Node
s.obpn_sizeValue = 1;
s.obpn_sizeNoValuesBeneath = BytesUtil.sizeForValue(s.nValues);
s.obpn_sizeChildCount = 1;
s.obpn_sizeChildOffset = 5; // MSB used as isEndOfValue flag
s.obpn_nNodes = s.nValueBytesCompressed; // no. nodes is the total number of compressed bytes in OBPN
s.obpn_footprint = s.obpn_nNodes * (long) (s.obpn_sizeValue + s.obpn_sizeNoValuesBeneath + s.obpn_sizeChildCount + s.obpn_sizeChildOffset);
while (true) { // minimize the offset size to match the footprint
long t = s.obpn_nNodes * (long) (s.obpn_sizeValue + s.obpn_sizeNoValuesBeneath + s.obpn_sizeChildCount + s.obpn_sizeChildOffset - 1);
if (BytesUtil.sizeForValue(t * 2) <= s.obpn_sizeChildOffset - 1) { // *2 because MSB of offset is used for isEndOfValue flag
s.obpn_footprint = t;
} else
// flatten trie footprint calculation, case of Multi-Byte-Per-Node
s.mbpn_sizeValueTotal = s.nValueBytesCompressed;
s.mbpn_sizeNoValueBytes = 1;
s.mbpn_sizeNoValueBeneath = BytesUtil.sizeForValue(s.nValues);
s.mbpn_sizeChildOffset = 5;
s.mbpn_footprint = s.mbpn_sizeValueTotal + s.mbpn_nNodes * (long) (s.mbpn_sizeNoValueBytes + s.mbpn_sizeNoValueBeneath + s.mbpn_sizeChildOffset);
while (true) { // minimize the offset size to match the footprint
long t = s.mbpn_sizeValueTotal + s.mbpn_nNodes * (long) (s.mbpn_sizeNoValueBytes + s.mbpn_sizeNoValueBeneath + s.mbpn_sizeChildOffset - 1);
if (BytesUtil.sizeForValue(t * 4) <= s.mbpn_sizeChildOffset - 1) { // *4 because 2 MSB of offset is used for isEndOfValue & isEndChild flag
s.mbpn_footprint = t;
} else
return s;
* out print trie for debug
public void print() {
public void print(final PrintStream out) {
traverse(new Visitor() {
public void visit(Node n, int level) {
try {
for (int i = 0; i < level; i++)
out.print(" ");
out.print(new String(n.part, "UTF-8"));
out.print(" - ");
if (n.nValuesBeneath > 0)
if (n.isEndOfValue)
} catch (UnsupportedEncodingException e) {
private CompleteParts completeParts = new CompleteParts();
private class CompleteParts {
byte[] data = new byte[4096];
int current = 0;
public void append(byte[] part) {
while (current + part.length > data.length)
System.arraycopy(part, 0, data, current, part.length);
current += part.length;
public void withdraw(int size) {
current -= size;
public byte[] retrieve() {
return Arrays.copyOf(data, current);
private void expand() {
byte[] temp = new byte[2 * data.length];
System.arraycopy(data, 0, temp, 0, data.length);
data = temp;
// there is a 255 limitation of length for each node's part.
// we interpolate nodes to satisfy this when a node's part becomes
// too long(overflow)
private void checkOverflowParts(Node node) {
LinkedList<Node> childrenCopy = new LinkedList<Node>(node.children);
for (Node child : childrenCopy) {
if (child.part.length > 255) {
byte[] first255 = Arrays.copyOf(child.part, 255);
byte[] visited = completeParts.retrieve();
this.addValue(visited, true);
completeParts.append(node.part); // by here the node.children may have been changed
for (Node child : node.children) {
* Flatten the trie into a byte array for a minimized memory footprint.
* Lookup remains fast. Cost is inflexibility to modify (becomes immutable).
* <p>
* Flattened node structure is HEAD + NODEs, for each node:
* - o byte, offset to child node, o = stats.mbpn_sizeChildOffset
* - 1 bit, isLastChild flag, the 1st MSB of o
* - 1 bit, isEndOfValue flag, the 2nd MSB of o
* - c byte, number of values beneath, c = stats.mbpn_sizeNoValueBeneath
* - 1 byte, number of value bytes
* - n byte, value bytes
public TrieDictionary<T> build(int baseId) {
byte[] trieBytes = buildTrieBytes(baseId);
TrieDictionary<T> r = new TrieDictionary<T>(trieBytes);
return r;
protected byte[] buildTrieBytes(int baseId) {
Stats stats = stats();
int sizeNoValuesBeneath = stats.mbpn_sizeNoValueBeneath;
int sizeChildOffset = stats.mbpn_sizeChildOffset;
if (stats.mbpn_footprint <= 0) // must never happen, but let us be cautious
throw new IllegalStateException("Too big dictionary, dictionary cannot be bigger than 2GB");
if (stats.mbpn_footprint > _2GB)
throw new RuntimeException("Too big dictionary, dictionary cannot be bigger than 2GB");
// write head
byte[] head;
try {
ByteArrayOutputStream byteBuf = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
DataOutputStream headOut = new DataOutputStream(byteBuf);
headOut.writeShort(0); // head size, will back fill
headOut.writeInt((int) stats.mbpn_footprint); // body size
positiveShortPreCheck(baseId, "baseId");
positiveShortPreCheck(stats.maxValueLength, "stats.maxValueLength");
headOut.writeUTF(bytesConverter == null ? "" : bytesConverter.getClass().getName());
head = byteBuf.toByteArray();
BytesUtil.writeUnsigned(head.length, head, TrieDictionary.MAGIC_SIZE_I, 2);
} catch (IOException e) {
throw new RuntimeException(e); // shall not happen, as we are writing in memory
byte[] trieBytes = new byte[(int) stats.mbpn_footprint + head.length];
System.arraycopy(head, 0, trieBytes, 0, head.length);
LinkedList<Node> open = new LinkedList<Node>();
IdentityHashMap<Node, Integer> offsetMap = new IdentityHashMap<Node, Integer>();
// write body
int o = head.length;
offsetMap.put(root, o);
o = build_writeNode(root, o, true, sizeNoValuesBeneath, sizeChildOffset, trieBytes);
if (root.children.isEmpty() == false)
while (open.isEmpty() == false) {
Node parent = open.removeFirst();
build_overwriteChildOffset(offsetMap.get(parent), o - head.length, sizeChildOffset, trieBytes);
for (int i = 0; i < parent.children.size(); i++) {
Node c = parent.children.get(i);
boolean isLastChild = (i == parent.children.size() - 1);
offsetMap.put(c, o);
o = build_writeNode(c, o, isLastChild, sizeNoValuesBeneath, sizeChildOffset, trieBytes);
if (c.children.isEmpty() == false)
if (o != trieBytes.length)
throw new RuntimeException();
return trieBytes;
private void positiveShortPreCheck(int i, String fieldName) {
if (!BytesUtil.isPositiveShort(i)) {
throw new IllegalStateException(fieldName + " is not positive short, usually caused by too long dict value.");
private void build_overwriteChildOffset(int parentOffset, int childOffset, int sizeChildOffset, byte[] trieBytes) {
int flags = (int) trieBytes[parentOffset] & (TrieDictionary.BIT_IS_LAST_CHILD | TrieDictionary.BIT_IS_END_OF_VALUE);
BytesUtil.writeUnsigned(childOffset, trieBytes, parentOffset, sizeChildOffset);
trieBytes[parentOffset] |= flags;
private int build_writeNode(Node n, int offset, boolean isLastChild, int sizeNoValuesBeneath, int sizeChildOffset, byte[] trieBytes) {
int o = offset;
if (o > _2GB)
throw new IllegalStateException();
// childOffset
if (isLastChild)
trieBytes[o] |= TrieDictionary.BIT_IS_LAST_CHILD;
if (n.isEndOfValue)
trieBytes[o] |= TrieDictionary.BIT_IS_END_OF_VALUE;
o += sizeChildOffset;
// nValuesBeneath
BytesUtil.writeUnsigned(n.nValuesBeneath, trieBytes, o, sizeNoValuesBeneath);
o += sizeNoValuesBeneath;
// nValueBytes
if (n.part.length > 255)
throw new RuntimeException();
BytesUtil.writeUnsigned(n.part.length, trieBytes, o, 1);
// valueBytes
System.arraycopy(n.part, 0, trieBytes, o, n.part.length);
o += n.part.length;
return o;