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// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// File: KylinODBC.h
// Purpose: Main header for Kylin ODBC driver - GODBC.CPP
// Author: Hongbin Ma
// Notes: This file is the heart as far as the driver design is concerned.
// Essentially it contains the following elements/structures
// Environment --- as --- struct ODBCEnv
// -- type -- ODBCEnv
// Connection --- as --- struct ODBCConn
// -- type -- ODBCConn
// Statement --- as --- struct ODBCStmt
// -- type -- ODBCStmt
// Diag row & header --- as --- struct ODBCDiagRow/ODBCDiag
// -- type -- ODBCStmt
// ARD item & header --- as --- struct ARDItem/ODBCARD
// -- type -- ARDItem/ODBCARD
// IRD item & header --- as --- ODBCIRD
// -- type -- IRDItem/ODBCIRD
// APD item & header --- as --- struct APDItem/ODBCAPD
// -- type -- APDItem/ODBCAPD
// IPD item & header --- as --- struct IPDItem/ODBCIPD
// -- type -- IPDItem/ODBCIPD
// and constants, macros and function prototypes
// The descriptors( )
// are very important design issue as mentioned
// in the article. (,
// or you can just find all the stuff in "ODBC Driver Development Tutorial"
// at the project folder.)
// Environment encapsulates connection which
// enacapsulates statement which encapsulates all four descriptors.
// Almost all IO is done via these structures. You must be absolutely
// clear as to their purpose/
// We use windows c++ rest SDK for calling rest service.
// vist its homepage at
// For a tutorial of it, refer to
// and There is also an article
// on how to link it into our driver:
// For Rest SDK working smoothly in our driver, we adopt the static linking techniques as describled in
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// --------------------------- Windows ODBC includes --------------------------
#pragma once
#include "vld.h"
#include <windows.h>
#include <sqlext.h>
#include <odbcinst.h>
// -------------------- legacy types for basic data types ---------------------
#include "MsgTypes.h"
#include "windows.h"
#include <memory>
// -------------------- types ---------------------
typedef char Char;
typedef short Word;
typedef long Long;
typedef unsigned char UChar;
typedef unsigned short UWord;
typedef unsigned long ULong;
typedef Char* StrPtr;
typedef const Char* CStrPtr;
enum eGoodBad
GOOD = 0,
// ----------------------- predeclarations and typedefs ----------------------------
struct ODBCEnv; // environment
typedef struct ODBCEnv* pODBCEnv; // ENVIRONMENT as pointer type
struct ODBCConn; // connection
typedef struct ODBCConn* pODBCConn; // CONNECTION as pointer type
struct ODBCStmt; // statement
typedef struct ODBCStmt* pODBCStmt; // STATEMENT as pointer type
// --------------------------- descriptor types/signatures --------------------------
#define SQL_DESC_ARD 1
#define SQL_DESC_IRD 2
#define SQL_DESC_APD 3
#define SQL_DESC_IPD 4
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// DIAGNOSTIC ROW - diagnostic message holder and link list
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
struct ODBCDiagRow
Long NativeErrorCode;
// SQL_DIAG_NATIVE, native error code, specific to the data source
Long Row; // error row if applicable
Long Col; // error col if applicable
Char State[SQL_SQLSTATE_SIZE + 1]; // SQLSTATE --- state as per ODBC spec
StrPtr Msg; // SQL_DIAG_MESSAGE_TEXT, message text
struct ODBCDiagRow* Next; // next message
struct ODBCDiagRow* Prev; // prev message
typedef struct ODBCDiagRow* pODBCDiagRow; // DIAGROW as pointer type
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// DIAGNOSTIC - diagnostics header & rows link-list holder holder
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
struct ODBCDiag
// header attributes
Char Func[64]; // func/API that generated the messages
// diagnostic rows link-list
pODBCDiagRow DiagRows;
typedef struct ODBCDiag* pODBCDiag; // ODBCDIAG as pointer type
// ARD
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// APPL ROW DESC ITEM - to hold appl specified buffers & other details for one column
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
struct ARDItem
Word ColNum; // column number
Word DataConciseType; // concise data type
Word DataVerboseType; // basic data type
Word DateTimeIntervalCode; // date-time interval code
Long DateTimeIntervalPrec; // date-time precision
Long NumPrecRadix; // 2 if approx num type or 10 exact num type
Word Scale; // scale, right of decimal
void* DataPtr; // col data
Long DataSize; // size of data buffer
Long* SizePtr; // actual data size
Long* SizeIndPtr; // size indicator ptr
/////// following r fed & used at time of fetch for optimization
Word SrcDataType; // src data type ( for optimization only )
Long SrcDataSize; // size of source data
Word SrcDataPrecision; // precision for source data
Word SrcDataScale; // scale for source data
struct ARDItem* Next; // next col binding
struct ARDItem* Prev; // prev col binding
typedef struct ARDItem* pARDItem; // ARD-Col as pointer type
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// APPL ROW DESC - to hold appl specified buffers & other details for columns
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
struct ODBCARD
Word Sign;
// header fields
Word AllocType; // SQL_DESC_ALLOC_TYPE
ULong RowArraySize; // SQL_DESC_ARRAY_SIZE
Long* BindOffsetPtr; // SQL_DESC_BIND_OFFSET_PTR
Long BindTypeOrSize; // SQL_DESC_BIND_TYPE
Word DescCount; // SQL_DESC_COUNT
// rows for binding each col
pARDItem BindCols; // col bindings
// container
pODBCStmt Stmt; // container statememt
//typedef struct ODBCARD ODBCARD; // ARD data type
typedef struct ODBCARD* pODBCARD; // ARD as pointer type
// IRD
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// IMPL ROW DESC ITEM - to hold info about one IRD item
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
typedef SelectedColumnMeta IRDItem; // IRD data type
typedef SelectedColumnMeta* pIRDItem; // IRD as pointer type
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// IMPL ROW DESC - to hold response col description from server
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
struct ODBCIRD
Word Sign;
// header fields
Word DescCount; // SQL_DESC_COUNT
ULong* RowsProcessedPtr; // SQL_DESC_ROWS_PROCESSED_PTR, it is changed in _SQL_FETCH
// rows for binding each col
std::unique_ptr <SQLResponse> RowDesc; // Row descriptor
// container
pODBCStmt Stmt; // container statememt
typedef struct ODBCIRD* pODBCIRD; // IRD as pointer type
// APD
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// APPL PARM DESC ITEM - to hold appl specified buffers & other details for one param
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
struct APDItem
Word ParamNum; // parameter number
Word DataConciseType; // data type
Word DataVerboseType; // basic data type
Word DateTimeIntervalCode; // date-time interval code ????
Long DateTimeIntervalPrec; // date-time precision ????
Long NumPrecRadix; // 2 if approx num type or 10 exact num type
Word Scale; // scale, right of decimal
void* DataPtr; // param data
Long DataSize; // size of data
Long* SizePtr; // size of data buffer
Long* SizeIndPtr; // size indicator ptr
struct APDItem* Next; // next parm binding
struct APDItem* Prev; // prev parm binding
typedef struct APDItem* pAPDItem; // APD-Param as pointer type
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// APPL PARAM DESC - to hold appl specified buffers & other details for params
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
struct ODBCAPD
Word Sign;
// header fields
Word AllocType; // SQL_DESC_ALLOC_TYPE
ULong RowArraySize; // SQL_DESC_ARRAY_SIZE
Long* BindOffsetPtr; // SQL_DESC_BIND_OFFSET_PTR
Long BindTypeOrSize; // SQL_DESC_BIND_TYPE
Word DescCount; // SQL_DESC_COUNT
ULong ParamSetSize;
Long* ParamProcessedPtr;
// rows for binding each col
pAPDItem BindParams; // param bindings
// container
pODBCStmt Stmt; // container statememt
typedef struct ODBCAPD* pODBCAPD; // APD as pointer type
// IPD
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// IMPL PARM DESC ITEM - to hold impl buffers & other details for one param
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
struct IPDItem
Word ParamNum; // parameter number
Word ParamType; // parameter type input/output
Char ParamName[33]; // param name - arbitray/dummy
Word DataConciseType; // data type
Word DataVerboseType; // basic data type
Word DateTimeIntervalCode; // date-time interval code ????
Long DateTimeIntervalPrec; // date-time precision ????
Long NumPrecRadix; // 2 if approx num type or 10 exact num type
Word Scale; // scale, right of decimal
void* DataPtr; // param data
Long DataSize; // size of data buffer
Word FixedPrecScale; // fixed precision scale
Word Nullable; // is it nullable
struct IPDItem* Next; // next parm binding
struct IPDItem* Prev; // prev parm binding
typedef struct IPDItem* pIPDItem; // IPD-Param as pointer type
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// IMPL PARAM DESC - to hold impl buffers & other details for params
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
struct ODBCIPD
Word Sign;
// header fields
// Word AllocType; (read-only) // SQL_DESC_ALLOC_TYPE
Word DescCount; // SQL_DESC_COUNT
// rows for binding each col
pIPDItem BindParams; // param bindings
// container
pODBCStmt Stmt; // container statememt
typedef struct ODBCIPD* pODBCIPD; // IPD as pointer type
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// STATEMENT - a single sql stmt scoped within a CONNECTION and part of link list
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
struct ODBCStmt
Word Sign; // structure signature
// Attributes
ULong AsyncEnable;
ULong Concurrency;
ULong CursorScroll;
ULong CursorSensitivity;
ULong CursorType;
ULong AutoIPD;
ULong KeysetSize;
ULong MetaDataID;
ULong NoScan;
ULong QryTimeout;
ULong RetrieveData;
wchar_t* Stmt; // SQL statement
Long StmtLen; // length of statement
bool Prepared; // is it prepared
RespType; // Response type, like fault, result-set, count etc etc
SQLRowContent* CurRowsetStartRow; // start of current rowset
Long CurRowsetStartRowPos; // absolute position
SQLRowContent* CurRowsetEndRow; // end of current rowset
Long CurRowsetEndRowPos; // absolute position
Long RowCount; // total number of rows
ODBCARD ARD; // application row descriptor
ODBCIRD IRD; // implementation row descriptor
ODBCAPD APD; // application parm descriptor
ODBCIPD IPD; // implementation parm descriptor
ODBCDiag Diag; // diagnostic details
pODBCConn Conn; // container connection
// other stmt attributes
// state of stmt if required separately
struct ODBCStmt* Next; // next statement
struct ODBCStmt* Prev; // prev statement
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CONNECTION - a single connection to server scoped within environment & part of link-list
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
struct ODBCConn
Word Sign; // structure signature
// Attributes
ULong AccessMode;
ULong AutoIPD;
ULong AsyncEnable;
ULong AutoCommit;
ULong TimeOut;
ULong LoginTimeOut;
ULong MetaDataID;
ULong ODBCCursors;
ULong Window;
ULong TxnIsolation;
ULong MaxRows;
ULong QueryTimeout;
StrPtr ConnectStr; // connection string, the full connection string
StrPtr Server; // server name/address
ULong ServerPort; // server port
StrPtr Project; // name of database
StrPtr UserName; // user name
StrPtr Password; // password
bool IsConnected; // connection checked
pODBCStmt Stmts; // all stmts within connection
ODBCDiag Diag; // diagnostic details
pODBCEnv Env; // environment
struct ODBCConn* Next; // next connection
struct ODBCConn* Prev; // prev connection
std::unique_ptr <MetadataResponse> meta; // ACTUAL metadata returned from REST Server
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// ENVIRONMENT - maximum window for an application into the ODBC driver
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
struct ODBCEnv
Word Sign; // structure signature
pODBCConn Conns; // all connections within env
ODBCDiag Diag; // diagnostic messages
ULong AttrCPMatch; // SQL_ATTR_CP_MATCH 202
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Key-value pair - to hold a single key-value pair
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
struct ODBCKV
StrPtr key;
StrPtr value;
// ------------------------- other global variables ---------------------------
extern HINSTANCE ghInstDLL;
extern Long gLogFile;
extern Word gLogUsage;
// -------------------------------- defines -----------------------------------
#define DEFAULT_PORT 443
// --------------------- defines for connection properties --------------------
#define CONN_PROP_SERVER 100
#define CONN_PROP_PORT 101
#define CONN_PROP_UID 103
#define CONN_PROP_PWD 104
// ------------------------- defines for log system ---------------------------
#ifdef _DEBUG
#define __ODBCLOG(x) (x)
#define __ODBCLOGSTART() _ODBCLogStart()
#define __ODBCLOGEND(f) _ODBCLogStop(f)
#define __ODBCLOG(x) (x)
#define __ODBCLOGSTART()
#define __ODBCLOGEND(f)
// ------------ allow popup in non-debug also for the time being --------------
#define __ODBCPOPMSG(x) (x)
// ---------------------------- diag defines ----------------------------------
#define _DIAGSTMT(x) ( &(((pODBCStmt)(x))->Diag))
#define _DIAGCONN(x) ( &(((pODBCConn)(x))->Diag))
#define _DIAGENV(x) ( &(((pODBCEnv)(x))->Diag))
// --------------------------- descriptor defines ----------------------------
#define _DESCTYPE(x) ( *(( Word* )x) )
// --------------------------- checking handles -------------------------------
#define __CHK_HANDLE(h,t,r) { \
if(!(h)) { __ODBCPOPMSG(_ODBCPopMsg("Null handle!!!")); return r; } \
else if((h) && *(( Word* )(h)) != t ) { __ODBCPOPMSG(_ODBCPopMsg("Handle type does not match!!!")); return r; } \
// ---------------------------- diag functions --------------------------------
pODBCDiagRow _SQLPutDiagRow ( pODBCDiag pDiag, StrPtr pFunc, StrPtr pState, Long pNativeErrorCode,
StrPtr pMsgArgs, va_list pArgs );
eGoodBad _SQLPutDiagRow ( SQLSMALLINT pHandleType, SQLHANDLE pHandle, StrPtr pFunc, StrPtr pState,
Long pNativeErrorCode, StrPtr pMsgArgs, ... );
eGoodBad _SQLPutDiagRow ( SQLSMALLINT pHandleType, SQLHANDLE pHandle, StrPtr pFunc, StrPtr pState,
Long pNativeErrorCode, Long pRow, Long pCol, StrPtr pMsgArgs, ... );
eGoodBad _SQLFreeDiag ( pODBCDiag pHandle );
pODBCDiagRow _SQLGetDiagRow ( pODBCDiag pHandle, Word pRowNum );
// -------------------------------- debug functions ---------------------------
enum LogLevel
void _ODBCLogStart ( void );
void _ODBCLogStop ( int pForce );
void _ODBCLogMsg ( LogLevel level, const char* s, ... );
void _ODBCLogMsg ( LogLevel level, const wchar_t* textW );
void _ODBCPopMsg ( const char* s, ... );
void __ODBCPopMsg ( const char* s, ... );
// ------------------------------ data type functions -------------------------
Word _SQLColDataType ( CStrPtr* pDataType );
eGoodBad _SQLCheckDataType ( Word pDataType );
eGoodBad _SQLCheckIntervalCode ( Word pIntervalCode );
eGoodBad _SQLSetDataType ( pODBCDiag pDiag, Word pFldID, Word pFldValue, Word* pVerboseDataType,
Word* pConciseDataType, Word* pDateTimeIntervalCode );
// ---------------------------- descriptor functions --------------------------
pARDItem _SQLGetARDItem ( const pODBCARD pDesc, Word pRecNum );
pAPDItem _SQLGetAPDItem ( const pODBCAPD pDesc, Word pRecNum );
pIRDItem _SQLGetIRDItem ( const pODBCIRD pDesc, Word pRecNum );
pIPDItem _SQLGetIPDItem ( const pODBCIPD pDesc, Word pRecNum );
eGoodBad _SQLSetARDFieldsDefault ( pODBCARD pDesc, const pODBCStmt pStmt );
eGoodBad _SQLSetARDItemFieldsDefault ( pARDItem pDescItem, Word pRecNum );
eGoodBad _SQLSetAPDFieldsDefault ( pODBCAPD pDesc, const pODBCStmt pStmt );
eGoodBad _SQLSetAPDItemFieldsDefault ( pAPDItem pDescItem );
eGoodBad _SQLSetIRDFieldsDefault ( pODBCIRD pDesc, const pODBCStmt pStmt );
eGoodBad _SQLSetIRDItemFieldsDefault ( pIRDItem pDescItem );
eGoodBad _SQLSetIPDFieldsDefault ( pODBCIPD pDesc, const pODBCStmt pStmt );
eGoodBad _SQLSetIPDItemFieldsDefault ( pIPDItem pDescItem );
RETCODE SQL_API _SQLSetARDField ( pODBCARD pDesc, Word pFldID, const void* pDataPtr, Long pDataSize );
RETCODE SQL_API _SQLSetARDItemField ( pODBCARD pDesc, pARDItem pDescItem, Word pRecNum, Word pFldID,
const void* pDataPtr, Long pDataSize );
RETCODE SQL_API _SQLGetARDField ( const pODBCARD pDesc, Word pFldID, void* pDataPtr, Long pDataSize,
Long* pDataSizePtr );
RETCODE SQL_API _SQLGetARDItemField ( const pODBCARD pDesc, const pARDItem pDescItem, Word pRecNum,
Word pFldID, void* pDataPtr, Long pDataSize, Long* pDataSizePtr );
RETCODE SQL_API _SQLSetAPDField ( pODBCAPD pDesc, Word pFldID, const void* pDataPtr, Long pDataSize );
RETCODE SQL_API _SQLSetAPDItemField ( pODBCAPD pDesc, pAPDItem pDescItem, Word pRecNum, Word pFldID,
const void* pDataPtr, Long pDataSize );
RETCODE SQL_API _SQLGetAPDField ( const pODBCAPD pDesc, Word pFldID, void* pDataPtr, Long pDataSize,
Long* pDataSizePtr );
RETCODE SQL_API _SQLGetAPDItemField ( const pODBCAPD pDesc, const pAPDItem pDescItem, Word pRecNum,
Word pFldID, void* pDataPtr, Long pDataSize, Long* pDataSizePtr );
RETCODE SQL_API _SQLSetIRDField ( pODBCIRD pDesc, Word pFldID, const void* pDataPtr, Long pDataSize );
RETCODE SQL_API _SQLSetIRDItemField ( pODBCIRD pDesc, pIRDItem pDescItem, Word pRecNum, Word pFldID,
const void* pDataPtr, Long pDataSize );
RETCODE SQL_API _SQLGetIRDField ( const pODBCIRD pDesc, Word pFldID, void* pDataPtr, Long pDataSize,
Long* pDataSizePtr );
RETCODE SQL_API _SQLGetIRDItemField ( const pODBCIRD pDesc, const pIRDItem pDescItem, Word pRecNum,
Word pFldID, void* pDataPtr, Long pDataSize, Long* pDataSizePtr, bool isANSI );
RETCODE SQL_API _SQLSetIPDField ( pODBCIPD pDesc, Word pFldID, const void* pDataPtr, Long pDataSize );
RETCODE SQL_API _SQLSetIPDItemField ( pODBCIPD pDesc, pIPDItem pDescItem, Word pRecNum, Word pFldID,
const void* pDataPtr, Long pDataSize );
RETCODE SQL_API _SQLGetIPDField ( const pODBCIPD pDesc, Word pFldID, void* pDataPtr, Long pDataSize,
Long* pDataSizePtr );
RETCODE SQL_API _SQLGetIPDItemField ( const pODBCIPD pDesc, const pIPDItem pDescItem, Word pRecNum,
Word pFldID, void* pDataPtr, Long pDataSize, Long* pDataSizePtr );
RETCODE SQL_API _SQLFreeARDContent ( const pODBCARD pDesc );
RETCODE SQL_API _SQLFreeAPDContent ( const pODBCAPD pDesc );
RETCODE SQL_API _SQLFreeIRDContent ( const pODBCIRD pDesc );
RETCODE SQL_API _SQLFreeIPDContent ( const pODBCIPD pDesc );
eGoodBad _SQLAttachARDItem ( pODBCARD pDesc, pARDItem pDescItem );
eGoodBad _SQLDetachARDItem ( pODBCARD pDesc, pARDItem pDescItem );
eGoodBad GetIRDDataTypeDefaults ( CStrPtr pDataType, Word* pSqlDataType, Word* pNativeDataType,
Word* pPrecision, Word* pScale, Long* pLength, Long* pRadix );
eGoodBad GetIRDColDescInfo ( SelectedColumnMeta* pColDesc, Word* pDataType, Word* pPrecision, Word* pScale,
Long* pLength );
// ------------------------- execution function -------------------------------
RETCODE SQL_API _SQLExecStmtFromReq ( pODBCStmt pStmt, bool pPrepared );
eGoodBad PutRespToStmt ( pODBCStmt pStmt, std::unique_ptr <SQLResponse> resp );
// -------------------------- utility functions -------------------------------
RETCODE SQL_API _SQLCopyCharData ( pODBCDiag pDiag, void* pDataPtr, Long pDataBufSize, void* pSizePtr,
Word pSizePtrSize, CStrPtr pSrcData, Long pSrcDataSize );
RETCODE SQL_API _SQLCopyWCharData ( pODBCDiag pDiag, void* pDataPtr, Long pDataBufSize, void* pSizePtr,
Word pSizePtrSize, CStrPtr pSrcData, Long pSrcDataSize, bool returnByteSize = true );
RETCODE SQL_API _SQLCopyWCharDataW ( pODBCDiag pDiag, void* pDataPtr, Long pDataBufSize, void* pSizePtr,
Word pSizePtrSize, const wchar_t* pSrcData, Long pSrcDataSize, bool returnByteSize = true );
Word _SQLCopyNumData ( pODBCDiag pDiag, void* pTgtDataPtr, Word pTgtDataType, CStrPtr pSrcData,
Word pSrcDataType, Long* pTgtDataSizePtr );
Word _SQLCopyDateTimeData ( pODBCDiag pDiag, void* pTgtDataPtr, Word pTgtDataType, CStrPtr pSrcData,
Word pSrcDataType );
// -------------------------- DSN config functions -------------------------------
eGoodBad SetConnProp ( pODBCConn pConn, Word pPropID, void* pPropValue );
eGoodBad LoadODBCINIDataToConn ( pODBCConn pConn );
eGoodBad CvtStrToKeyValues ( CStrPtr pStr, Word pMaxLen, Word* pNumPair, struct ODBCKV** pKV );
RETCODE TryFetchMetadata ( pODBCConn pConn );
RETCODE TryAuthenticate ( pODBCConn pConn );
void SetCurrentDSN ( char* connStr, char* logFunc );
bool FindInKeyValues ( CStrPtr pKey, CStrPtr pValue, struct ODBCKV* pKV, Word pItems, Word* pPosition );
void FreeGenODBCKeyValues ( ODBCKV* keyvalues, int pairs );
RETCODE SQL_API _SQLDisconnect ( pODBCConn pHandle );