tree: 977f0eb87d0ee5a201e64c881d9acb79ff171e2b [path history] [tgz]
  1. _data/
  2. _dev/
  3. _dev40/
  4. _docs/
  5. _docs24/
  6. _docs30/
  7. _docs31/
  8. _includes/
  9. _layouts/
  10. _posts/
  11. _sass/
  12. about/
  13. archive/
  14. assets/
  15. blog/
  16. community/
  17. css/
  18. download/
  19. images/
  20. .gitignore
  21. _config.yml
  22. _config_prod.yml
  23. BingSiteAuth.xml
  24. CNAME
  25. doap_Kylin.rdf
  26. Dockerfile
  27. fav.png
  28. favicon.ico
  29. feed.xml
  30. google0f781a4ad9402c21.html
  33. KEYS
  35. Makefile
  37. website.iml

Apache Kylin website

This directory contains the source code for the Apache Kylin website:

Kylin website's structure:

  1. _config.yml: Jekyll settings
  2. _layouts: Page layout template
  3. _includes: Page template like header, footer...
  4. _data: Jekyll collections, docs.yml is for Docs menu generation
  5. _docs: Documentation folder
  6. _posts: Blog folder
  7. download: Download folder, including released source code package, binary package, ODBC Driver and development version.
  8. cn: Chinese version


To draft Chinese version document or translate existing one, just add or copy that doc and name with as sufffix. It will generate under /cn folder with same name as html file.
To add other language, please update _config.yml and follow the same pattern as Chinese version.


  1. cd website
  2. svn co _site
  3. sudo apt-get install rubygems ruby2.1-dev zlib1g-dev (linux)
  4. sudo gem install bundler github-pages jekyll
  5. bundle install

__site folder is working dir which will be removed anytime by maven or git, please make sure only check out from svn when you want to publish to website.

Running locally

Before opening a pull request or push to git repo, you can preview changes from your local box with following:

  1. cd website
  2. jekyll s
  3. Open http://localhost:4000 in your browser

Pushing to site (for committer only)

  1. cd website/_site
  2. svn status
  3. You'll need to svn add any new files
  4. svn commit -m 'UPDATE MESSAGE'

Within a few minutes, svnpubsub should kick in and you'll be able to see the results at