KYLIN-5813,improve query history page filter item and model list page button text
diff --git a/kystudio/src/components/common/DropdownFilter/DropdownFilter.vue b/kystudio/src/components/common/DropdownFilter/DropdownFilter.vue
index e6c8c9a..99fbb85 100644
--- a/kystudio/src/components/common/DropdownFilter/DropdownFilter.vue
+++ b/kystudio/src/components/common/DropdownFilter/DropdownFilter.vue
@@ -37,26 +37,56 @@
       type: Array,
       default: () => []
+    options2: {
+      type: Array,
+      default: () => []
+    },
     hideArrow: {
       type: Boolean
+    },
+    isShowfooter: {
+      type: Boolean,
+      default: true
+    },
+    filterScrollMaxHeight: {
+      type: String,
+      default: '130'
+    },
+    isLoadingData: Boolean,
+    isLoading: Boolean,
+    loadingTips: String,
+    isShowSearchInput: Boolean,
+    filterPlaceholder: String,
+    optionsTitle: String,
+    totalSizeLabel: String,
+    isShowDropDownImme: Boolean,
+    isSelectAllOption: {
+      type: Object,
+      default: null
 export default class DropdownFilter extends Vue {
   isShowDropDown = false
+  startSec = 0
+  endSec = 10
+  searchValue = ''
+  isAll = false
+  timer = null
   get resetValue () {
     const { type } = this
     switch (type) {
       case 'checkbox': return []
+      case 'inputNumber': return [null, null]
       default: return null
   get isPopoverType () {
     const { type } = this
-    return ['checkbox'].includes(type)
+    return ['checkbox', 'inputNumber'].includes(type)
   get isDatePickerType () {
@@ -84,6 +114,27 @@
+  handleChangeAll () {
+    this.$emit('handleChangeAll')
+  }
+  saveLatencyRange () {
+    const latencyFrom = this.startSec
+    let latencyTo = null
+    if (this.startSec > this.endSec) {
+      latencyTo = this.endSec = this.startSec
+    } else {
+      latencyTo = this.endSec
+    }
+    this.handleInput([latencyFrom, latencyTo])
+    this.handleToggleDropdown()
+  }
+  resetLatency () {
+    this.startSec = 0
+    this.endSec = 10
+    this.handleClearValue()
+    this.handleToggleDropdown()
+  }
   handleClearValue () {
     this.$emit('input', this.resetValue)
@@ -97,28 +148,76 @@
   handleToggleDropdown () {
+    if (this.isShowDropDown) {
+      this.bindScrollEvent()
+    }
+  }
+  removeScrollEvent () {
+    const groupBlocks = this.$refs.$checkBoxGroup.querySelectorAll('.group-block .scroll-content')
+    if (groupBlocks.length) {
+      for (let group of groupBlocks) {
+        group.removeEventListener('scroll', this.addScrollEvent, false)
+      }
+    }
+  }
+  bindScrollEvent () {
+    const groupBlocks = this.$refs.$checkBoxGroup.querySelectorAll('.group-block .scroll-content')
+    console.log(groupBlocks)
+    if (groupBlocks.length) {
+      for (let group of groupBlocks) {
+        group.addEventListener('scroll', this.addScrollEvent, false)
+      }
+    }
   handlerClickEvent () {
+  addScrollEvent (e) {
+    try {
+      const scrollT =
+      if (scrollT > 0) {
+ = 'group-block is-scrollable-top'
+      } else {
+ = 'group-block'
+      }
+      let scrollH =
+      let clientH =
+      if (scrollT + clientH === scrollH) {
+        this.$emit('filter-scroll-bottom')
+      }
+    } catch (e) {
+      console.error(e)
+    }
+  }
   mounted () {
     this.isDatePickerType && this.$slots.default && this.$slots.default.length && this.$slots.default[0].elm.addEventListener('click', this.handlerClickEvent)
+    if (this.isShowDropDownImme) {
+      this.$nextTick(() => {
+        this.handleSetDropdown(true)
+      })
+    }
   beforeDestroy () {
     if (this.isDatePickerType) {
       this.$slots.default && this.$slots.default.length && this.$slots.default[0].elm.removeEventListener('click', this.handlerClickEvent)
+    if (this.isPopoverType) {
+      this.removeScrollEvent()
+    }
-  renderCheckboxGroup (h) {
-    const { value, options } = this
+  renderCheckboxGroup2 (h) {
+    const { options2, optionsTitle2 } = this
     return (
-      <el-checkbox-group value={value} onInput={this.handleInput}>
-        {options.filter(o => {
+      <div>
+        {optionsTitle2 && <div class="group-title">{ optionsTitle2 }</div>}
+        {options2.filter(o => {
           return !o.unavailable
         }).map(option => (
@@ -128,7 +227,92 @@
             {option.renderLabel ? option.renderLabel(h, option) : option.label}
-      </el-checkbox-group>
+        <div class="bottom-line"></div>
+      </div>
+    )
+  }
+  renderCheckboxGroup (h) {
+    const { value, options, optionsTitle, options2, isSelectAllOption, isLoadingData, isLoading, loadingTips, filterScrollMaxHeight, totalSizeLabel, searchValue } = this
+    return (
+      <div class="filter-content" ref="$checkBoxGroup">
+        {searchValue && (<div class="tatol-size">{ totalSizeLabel }</div>) }
+        <el-checkbox-group value={value} onInput={this.handleInput}>
+          {options2.length > 0 && this.renderCheckboxGroup2(h)}
+          {optionsTitle && <div class="group-title">{ optionsTitle }</div>}
+          {isSelectAllOption && (
+            <div class="select-all-block">
+              <el-checkbox
+                class="select-all-checkbox"
+                indeterminate={isSelectAllOption.indeterminate}
+                onChange={this.handleChangeAll}
+                key={isSelectAllOption.value}
+                label={isSelectAllOption.value}>
+                {isSelectAllOption.renderLabel ? isSelectAllOption.renderLabel(h, isSelectAllOption) : isSelectAllOption.label}
+              </el-checkbox>
+              <span class="select-num-tips">{isSelectAllOption.selectedSize}/{isSelectAllOption.totalSize}</span>
+            </div>
+          )}
+          <div class="group-block">
+            <div class="scroll-content" style={{'max-height': filterScrollMaxHeight + 'px'}}>
+              {options.filter(o => {
+                return !o.unavailable
+              }).map(option => (
+                <el-checkbox
+                  class="dropdown-filter-checkbox"
+                  key={option.value}
+                  label={option.value}>
+                  {option.renderLabel ? option.renderLabel(h, option) : option.label}
+                </el-checkbox>
+              ))}
+              {isLoadingData && (
+                <div class="loading-block">
+                  {isLoading && <i class="el-ksd-n-icon-spinner-outlined"></i>}
+                  {loadingTips && <span class="loading-tips">{ loadingTips }</span>}
+                </div>
+              )}
+            </div>
+          </div>
+        </el-checkbox-group>
+      </div>
+    )
+  }
+  renderNoData (h) {
+    const isShowImage = false
+    return (
+      <kylin-empty-data size="small" showImage={isShowImage} content={this.$t('kylinLang.common.noResults')}/>
+    )
+  }
+  renderInputNumber (h) {
+    const { value } = this
+    if (value[0] && value[1]) {
+      this.startSec = value[0]
+      this.endSec = value[1]
+    }
+    return (
+      <div class="latency-filter">
+        <div class="latency-filter-pop">
+          <el-input-number
+            size="small"
+            min={0}
+            value={this.startSec}
+            onInput={val1 => (this.startSec = val1)}></el-input-number>
+          <span>&nbsp;S&nbsp;&nbsp;To</span>
+          <el-input-number
+            size="small"
+            min={this.startSec}
+            class="ksd-ml-10"
+            value={this.endSec}
+            onInput={val2 => (this.endSec = val2)}></el-input-number>
+          <span>&nbsp;S</span>
+        </div>
+        <div class="latency-filter-footer">
+          <el-button size="small" onClick={this.resetLatency}>{this.$t('kylinLang.query.clear')}</el-button>
+          <el-button type="primary" onClick={this.saveLatencyRange} size="small">{this.$t('')}</el-button>
+        </div>
+      </div>
@@ -154,19 +338,32 @@
   renderFilterInput (h) {
-    const { type } = this
+    const { type, options, options2 } = this
     switch (type) {
-      case 'checkbox': return this.renderCheckboxGroup(h)
+      case 'checkbox': return [...options, ...options2].length ? this.renderCheckboxGroup(h) : this.renderNoData(h)
+      case 'inputNumber': return this.renderInputNumber(h)
       default: return null
+  filterFilters (v) {
+    clearTimeout(this.timer)
+    this.timer = setTimeout(() => {
+      this.searchValue = v
+      this.$emit('filterFilters', v)
+      setTimeout(() => {
+        this.bindScrollEvent()
+      }, 500)
+    }, 400)
+  }
   renderPopover (h) {
-    const { value, placement, width, trigger, isShowDropDown, hideArrow } = this
+    const { value, placement, width, trigger, isShowDropDown, hideArrow, isShowfooter, isShowSearchInput, filterPlaceholder, searchValue } = this
     return (
+        visible-arrow={!hideArrow}
@@ -176,14 +373,26 @@
           {this.$slots.default ? this.$slots.default : value}
           {!hideArrow && <i class={['el-icon-arrow-up', isShowDropDown && 'reverse']} />}
+        {isShowSearchInput && (
+          <div class="search-input">
+            <el-input
+              placeholder={filterPlaceholder}
+              onInput={v => this.filterFilters(v)}
+              value={searchValue}>
+              <i slot="prefix" class="el-input__icon el-icon-search"></i>
+            </el-input>
+          </div>
+        )}
         <div class="body">
-        <div class="footer">
-          <el-button text type="primary" disabled={!value.length} onClick={this.handleClearValue}>
-            {this.$t('clearSelectItems')}
-          </el-button>
-        </div>
+        {isShowfooter && (
+          <div class="footer">
+            <el-button text type="primary" disabled={!value.length} onClick={this.handleClearValue}>
+              {this.$t('clearSelectItems')}
+            </el-button>
+          </div>
+        )}
@@ -219,6 +428,11 @@
 .dropdown-filter {
   display: inline-block;
   font-size: 12px;
+  .el-button--medium .button-text {
+    overflow: hidden;
+    text-overflow: ellipsis;
+    max-width: 200px;
+  }
   .filter-label {
     display: inline-block;
@@ -227,15 +441,7 @@
     position: relative;
     cursor: pointer;
     color: @color-text-primary;
-    // &:hover,
-    // &:hover i {
-    //   color: @color-primary;
-    // }
-  // .filter-value i {
-  //   margin-left: 5px;
-  //   color: #989898;
-  // }
   .el-icon-arrow-up {
     transform: rotate(180deg);
@@ -267,20 +473,118 @@
   padding: 0;
   width: unset !important;
   min-width: unset;
+  .search-input {
+    height: 34px;
+    padding: 8px 0;
+    border-bottom: 1px solid @ke-border-divider-color;
+    .el-input__inner {
+      border: none;
+      &:active,
+      &:focus {
+        border: none !important;
+        box-shadow: none !important;
+      }
+    }
+  }
   .body {
     padding: 10px;
+    position: relative;
+    min-height: 22px;
+    .tatol-size {
+      font-size: 12px;
+      line-height: 18px;
+      text-align: center;
+      margin-bottom: 8px;
+      color: @text-disabled-color;
+    }
+    .bottom-line {
+      border-top: 1px solid @ke-border-divider-color;
+      margin: 0 -10px 12px;
+    }
+    .group-title {
+      font-size: 12px;
+      line-height: 18px;
+      color: @text-disabled-color;
+      margin-bottom: 8px;
+    }
+    .group-block {
+      position: relative;
+      .scroll-content {
+        max-height: 180px;
+        overflow: auto;
+      }
+      &.is-scrollable-top {
+        &::before {
+          content: none;
+        }
+        &::after {
+          content: ' ';
+          position: absolute;
+          top: 0;
+          left: -10px;
+          right: -10px;
+          height: 10px;
+          background: linear-gradient(180deg, rgba(230, 235, 244, 0.8) 0%, rgba(230, 235, 244, 0) 100%);
+        }
+      }
+    }
+    .loading-block {
+      height: 18px;
+      margin-top: 8px;
+      text-align: center;
+      color: @text-placeholder-color;
+      .el-ksd-n-icon-spinner-outlined {
+        font-size: 14px;
+      }
+      .loading-tips {
+        font-size: 12px;
+        line-height: 18px;
+        position: relative;
+        &::after,
+        &::before {
+          content: "";
+          position: absolute;
+          top: 50%;
+          background: @text-placeholder-color;
+          height: 1px;
+          width: 28px;
+        }
+        &::after {
+          right: -36px;
+        }
+        &::before {
+          left: -36px;
+        }
+      }
+    }
   .footer {
-    padding: 0 10px 10px 10px;
+    padding: 12px 10px;
+    border-top: 1px solid @ke-border-divider-color;
   .el-checkbox {
     display: flex;
     &:not(:last-child) {
-      margin-bottom: 10px;
+      margin-bottom: 8px;
     .el-checkbox__label {
       font-size: 12px;
+    .select-all-checkbox {
+      margin-bottom: 4px;
+    }
+  }
+  .select-all-block {
+    display: flex;
+    .select-num-tips {
+      height: 22px;
+      width: 100%;
+      display: inline-block;
+      font-size: 12px;
+      line-height: 18px;
+      text-align: right;
+      color: @text-placeholder-color;
+    }
   .el-checkbox + .el-checkbox {
     margin-left: 0;
diff --git a/kystudio/src/components/query/query_history.vue b/kystudio/src/components/query/query_history.vue
index 5b044e3..c3e0850 100644
--- a/kystudio/src/components/query/query_history.vue
+++ b/kystudio/src/components/query/query_history.vue
@@ -145,6 +145,7 @@
     latencyFrom: null,
     latencyTo: null,
     realization: [],
+    exclude_realization: [],
     submitter: [],
     server: '',
     sql: '',
@@ -183,6 +184,7 @@
       latency_from: this.filterData.latencyFrom === null ? '' : this.filterData.latencyFrom,
       latency_to: this.filterData.latencyTo === null ? '' : this.filterData.latencyTo,
       realization: this.filterData.realization.join(','),
+      exclude_realization: this.filterData.exclude_realization.join(','),
       submitter: this.filterData.submitter.join(','),
       server: this.filterData.server,
       sql: this.filterData.sql,
@@ -220,6 +222,7 @@
         latency_from: this.filterData.latencyFrom,
         latency_to: this.filterData.latencyTo,
         realization: this.filterData.realization,
+        exclude_realization: this.filterData.exclude_realization,
         submitter: this.filterData.submitter,
         server: this.filterData.server,
         sql: this.filterData.sql,
diff --git a/kystudio/src/components/query/query_history_table.vue b/kystudio/src/components/query/query_history_table.vue
index a7bcb42..21e5533 100644
--- a/kystudio/src/components/query/query_history_table.vue
+++ b/kystudio/src/components/query/query_history_table.vue
@@ -1,35 +1,136 @@
   <div id="queryHistoryTable">
-    <div class="ksd-title-page ksd-mb-16">{{$t('')}}</div>
-    <div class="clearfix ksd-mb-10">
-      <div class="btn-group ksd-fleft export-btn">
-        <el-dropdown
-          split-button
-          class="ksd-fleft"
-          :class="{'is-disabled': !queryHistoryTotalSize}"
-          type="primary"
-          size="medium"
-          id="exportSql"
-          btn-icon="el-ksd-icon-export_22"
-          placement="bottom-start"
-          @click="exportHistory(false)">{{$t('kylinLang.query.export')}}
-          <el-dropdown-menu slot="dropdown" class="model-actions-dropdown">
-            <el-dropdown-item
-              :disabled="!queryHistoryTotalSize"
-              @click="exportHistory(true)">
-              {{$t('kylinLang.query.exportSql')}}
-            </el-dropdown-item>
+    <div class="clearfix ksd-mt-32 ksd-mb-16">
+      <div class="ksd-fleft">
+        <div class="ksd-title-page">{{$t('')}}</div>
+      </div>
+      <div class="ksd-fright">
+        <div class="btn-group export-btn">
+          <el-dropdown
+            split-button
+            class="ksd-fleft"
+            :class="{'is-disabled': !queryHistoryTotalSize}"
+            type="primary"
+            size="medium"
+            id="exportSql"
+            btn-icon="el-ksd-icon-export_22"
+            placement="bottom-start"
+            @click="exportHistory(false)">{{$t('kylinLang.query.export')}}
+            <el-dropdown-menu slot="dropdown" class="model-actions-dropdown">
+              <el-dropdown-item
+                :disabled="!queryHistoryTotalSize"
+                @click="exportHistory(true)">
+                {{$t('kylinLang.query.exportSql')}}
+              </el-dropdown-item>
+            </el-dropdown-menu>
+          </el-dropdown>
+        </div>
+      </div>
+    </div>  
+    <div class="clearfix ksd-mb-16">
+      <div class="table-filters ksd-fleft">
+        <DropdownFilter
+          type="checkbox"
+          trigger="click"
+          :value="realizationFilters"
+          hideArrow
+          @input="v => filterContent(v, 'realization')"
+          @handleChangeAll="handleChangeAll"
+          @filterFilters="(v) => fiterList('loadFilterHitModelsList', v)"
+          @filter-scroll-bottom="scrollBottom"
+          :totalSizeLabel="$t('totalSizeLabel', {num: searchCount})"
+          isShowSearchInput
+          :is-loading-data="isShowLoading && (isFilterItemLoading || paginationRealFilteArr.length === maxFilterAndFilterValues)"
+          :is-loading="isFilterItemLoading"
+          :loading-tips="paginationRealFilteArr.length === maxFilterAndFilterValues ? $t('loadingTips') : ''"
+          :filterPlaceholder="$t('searchAnsweredBy')"
+          :optionsTitle="$t('model')"
+          :isSelectAllOption="allHitModel"
+          :options=" => ({label: item, value: item}))"
+          :options2=" => ({label: item, value: item}))">
+          <el-button text type="primary" iconr="el-ksd-icon-arrow_down_22">
+            {{$t('kylinLang.query.realization_th')}} {{ realizationLabel }}
+          </el-button>
+        </DropdownFilter>
+        <DropdownFilter
+          type="checkbox"
+          trigger="click"
+          :value="filterData.query_status"
+          hideArrow
+          @input="v => filterContent(v, 'query_status')"
+          :options="[
+            { renderLabel: renderStatusLabel, value: 'SUCCEEDED' },
+            { renderLabel: renderStatusLabel, value: 'FAILED' }
+          ]">
+          <el-button text type="primary" iconr="el-ksd-icon-arrow_down_22">{{$t('kylinLang.query.query_status')}} {{filterData.query_status.length > 1 ? `${$t(filterData.query_status[0])} +${filterData.query_status.length - 1}` : filterData.query_status.join('')}}</el-button>
+        </DropdownFilter>
+        <DropdownFilter
+          type="datetimerange"
+          trigger="click"
+          :value="datetimerange"
+          hideArrow
+          :shortcuts="['lastDay', 'lastWeek', 'lastMonth']"
+          @input="v => handleInputDateRange(v)">
+          <el-button text type="primary" iconr="el-ksd-icon-arrow_down_22">{{$t('kylinLang.query.startTime_th')}} {{selectedRange}}</el-button>
+        </DropdownFilter>
+        <DropdownFilter
+          type="inputNumber"
+          trigger="click"
+          :value="[filterData.latencyFrom, filterData.latencyTo]"
+          hideArrow
+          :isShowDropDownImme="plusFilter.includes('latency_th')"
+          v-if="plusFilter.includes('latency_th')"
+          :isShowfooter="false"
+          @input="v => filterContent(v, 'latency')"
+          :options=" => ({label: item, value: item}))">
+          <el-button text type="primary" iconr="el-ksd-icon-arrow_down_22">{{$t('kylinLang.query.latency_th')}} <span v-if="filterData.latencyFrom!==null&&filterData.latencyTo!==null">{{filterData.latencyFrom}}s To {{ filterData.latencyTo }}s</span></el-button>
+        </DropdownFilter>
+        <DropdownFilter
+          type="checkbox"
+          trigger="click"
+          :value="filterData.server"
+          hideArrow
+          :isShowDropDownImme="plusFilter.includes('queryNode')"
+          v-if="plusFilter.includes('queryNode')"
+          @input="v => filterContent(v, 'server')"
+          :options=" => ({label: item, value: item}))">
+          <el-button text type="primary" iconr="el-ksd-icon-arrow_down_22">{{$t('kylinLang.query.queryNode')}} {{filterData.server.length > 1 ? `${$t(filterData.server[0])} +${filterData.server.length - 1}` : filterData.server.join('')}}</el-button>
+        </DropdownFilter>
+        <DropdownFilter
+          type="checkbox"
+          trigger="click"
+          :value="filterData.submitter"
+          hideArrow
+          :isShowDropDownImme="plusFilter.includes('submitter')"
+          isShowSearchInput
+          :filterPlaceholder="$t('searchSubmitter')"
+          v-if="queryHistoryFilter.includes('filterActions')&&plusFilter.includes('submitter')"
+          @input="v => filterContent(v, 'submitter')"
+          @filterFilters="(v) => fiterList('loadFilterSubmitterList', v)"
+          :options=" => ({label: item, value: item}))">
+          <el-button text type="primary" iconr="el-ksd-icon-arrow_down_22">{{$t('kylinLang.query.submitter')}} {{filterData.submitter.length > 1 ? `${$t(filterData.submitter[0])} +${filterData.submitter.length - 1}` : filterData.submitter.join('')}}</el-button>
+        </DropdownFilter>
+        <el-dropdown @command="handleCommand" placement="bottom-start" trigger="click" v-if="plusFilter.length < 3 ">
+          <i class="el-dropdown-link el-ksd-n-icon-plus-outlined"></i>
+          <el-dropdown-menu slot="dropdown">
+            <el-dropdown-item command="latency_th" v-if="!plusFilter.includes('latency_th')">{{$t('kylinLang.query.latency_th')}}</el-dropdown-item>
+            <el-dropdown-item command="queryNode" v-if="!plusFilter.includes('queryNode')">{{$t('kylinLang.query.queryNode')}}</el-dropdown-item>
+            <el-dropdown-item command="submitter" v-if="!plusFilter.includes('submitter')">{{$t('kylinLang.query.submitter')}}</el-dropdown-item>
+        <div class="actions">
+          <el-button
+            nobg-text
+            class="reset-filters-btn"
+            :disabled="!isHasFilterValue"
+            @click="clearAllTags">{{$t('clearAll')}}</el-button>
+        </div>
-      <div class="ksd-fright ksd-inline searchInput ksd-ml-10">
-        <el-input v-model="filterData.sql" v-global-key-event.enter.debounce="onSqlFilterChange" @clear="onSqlFilterChange()" prefix-icon="el-ksd-icon-search_22" :placeholder="$t('searchSQL')" size="medium"></el-input>
+      <div class="ksd-fright ksd-ml-10">
+        <el-input v-model="filterData.sql" class="searchInput" v-global-key-event.enter.debounce="onSqlFilterChange" @clear="onSqlFilterChange()" prefix-icon="el-ksd-icon-search_22" :placeholder="$t('searchSQL')" size="medium"></el-input>
-    <div class="filter-tags" v-show="filterTags.length">
-      <div class="filter-tags-layout"><el-tag closable v-for="(item, index) in filterTags" :key="index" @close="handleClose(item)">{{$t(item.source) + ':'}}{{['query_status', 'realization'].includes(item.key) ? $t(item.label) : item.label}}</el-tag><span class="clear-all-filters" @click="clearAllTags">{{$t('clearAll')}}</span></div>
-      <span class="filter-queries-size">{{$t('filteredTotalSize', {totalSize: queryHistoryTotalSize})}}</span>
-    </div>
@@ -171,12 +272,12 @@
-      <el-table-column :renderHeader="renderColumn" prop="query_time" width="218">
+      <el-table-column :label="$t('kylinLang.query.startTime_th')" prop="query_time" width="218">
         <template slot-scope="props">
-      <el-table-column :renderHeader="renderColumn2" prop="duration" align="right" width="120">
+      <el-table-column :label="$t('kylinLang.query.latency_th')" prop="duration" align="right" width="120">
         <template slot-scope="props">
           <span v-if="props.row.duration < 1000">&lt; 1s</span>
           <span v-if="props.row.duration >= 1000">{{props.row.duration / 1000 | fixed(2)}}s</span>
@@ -203,18 +304,7 @@
-        :filters="realFilteArr"
-        :filters2="allHitModels"
-        :show-search-input="true"
-        :filtered-value="filterData.realization"
-        filter-icon="el-ksd-icon-filter_22"
-        :placeholder="$t('searchAnsweredBy')"
-        :emptyFilterText="$t('kylinLang.common.noData')"
-        :show-multiple-footer="false"
-        :filter-change="(v) => filterContent(v, 'realization')"
-        :filter-filters-change="(v) => fiterList('loadFilterHitModelsList', v)"
-        customFilterClass="filter-realization"
         <template slot-scope="props">
@@ -233,25 +323,15 @@
-      <el-table-column :filters=" => ({text: $t(item), value: item}))" :filtered-value="filterData.query_status" :label="$t('kylinLang.query.query_status')" filter-icon="el-ksd-icon-filter_22" :show-multiple-footer="false" :filter-change="(v) => filterContent(v, 'query_status')" show-overflow-tooltip prop="query_status" width="130">
+      <el-table-column :label="$t('kylinLang.query.query_status')" show-overflow-tooltip prop="query_status" width="130">
         <template slot-scope="scope">
           {{$t('kylinLang.query.' + scope.row.query_status)}}
-      <el-table-column :filterMultiple="false" :show-all-select-option="false" :filters=" => ({text: item, value: item}))" :filtered-value="filterData.server" :label="$t('kylinLang.query.queryNode')" filter-icon="el-ksd-icon-filter_22" :filter-change="(v) => filterContent(v, 'server')"  show-overflow-tooltip prop="server" width="145">
+      <el-table-column :label="$t('kylinLang.query.queryNode')" show-overflow-tooltip prop="server" width="145">
-        :filters=" => ({text: item, value: item}))"
-        :show-search-input="true"
-        :filtered-value="filterData.submitter"
-        filter-icon="el-ksd-icon-filter_22"
-        :show-multiple-footer="false"
-        :placeholder="$t('searchSubmitter')"
-        :emptyFilterText="$t('kylinLang.common.noData')"
-        :filter-change="(v) => filterContent(v, 'submitter')"
-        :filter-filters-change="(v) => fiterList('loadFilterSubmitterList', v)"
-        customFilterClass="filter-submitter"
@@ -302,10 +382,11 @@
 import { mapActions, mapGetters } from 'vuex'
 import { Component, Watch } from 'vue-property-decorator'
 // import $ from 'jquery'
-import { sqlRowsLimit, sqlStrLenLimit, formatSQLConfig } from '../../config/index'
+import { sqlRowsLimit, sqlStrLenLimit, formatSQLConfig, filterPagesize, maxFilterAndFilterValues } from '../../config/index'
 // import { format } from 'sql-formatter'
 import IndexDetails from '../studio/StudioModel/ModelList/ModelAggregate/indexDetails'
 import Diagnostic from 'components/admin/Diagnostic/index'
+import DropdownFilter from '../common/DropdownFilter/DropdownFilter.vue'
   name: 'QueryHistoryTable',
   props: ['queryHistoryData', 'queryHistoryTotalSize', 'queryNodes', 'filterDirectData', 'isLoadingHistory'],
@@ -331,7 +412,8 @@
   components: {
-    Diagnostic
+    Diagnostic,
+    DropdownFilter
   locales: {
     'en': {
@@ -347,7 +429,8 @@
       FAILED: 'FAILED',
       pushdown: 'Pushdown',
-      modelName: 'Model',
+      model: 'Model',
+      modelName: 'All Models',
       totalDuration: 'Total Duration',
       PREPARATION: 'Preparation',
       SQL_TRANSFORMATION: 'SQL transformation',
@@ -364,7 +447,7 @@
       SQL_PUSHDOWN_TRANSFORMATION: 'SQL pushdown transformation',
       CONSTANT_QUERY: 'Constant query',
       HIT_CACHE: 'Cache hit',
-      allModels: 'All Models',
+      allModels: 'All',
       searchAnsweredBy: 'Search by model name',
       searchSubmitter: 'Search by submitter',
       aggDetailTitle: 'Aggregate Detail',
@@ -376,7 +459,11 @@
       downloadQueryDiagnosticPackage: 'Download Query Diagnostic Package',
       queryError: 'Query error.',
       viewDetails: 'View Details',
-      errorTitle: 'Error Details'
+      errorTitle: 'Error Details',
+      fetchError: 'Can\'t get the result as the record is missing',
+      loadingTips: 'Up to 100 items',
+      totalSizeLabel: '{num} search results',
+      realizationFilterLengthTips: 'Exceed the selection limit. Please clear and reselect'
   filters: {
@@ -386,18 +473,28 @@
 export default class QueryHistoryTable extends Vue {
+  maxFilterAndFilterValues = maxFilterAndFilterValues
   datetimerange = ''
   startSec = 0
   endSec = 10
   latencyFilterPopoverVisible = false
   realFilteArr = []
+  pushdownFilteArr = []
+  filterHandleChangeAll = false
+  filtePageOffset = 0
+  isShowLoading = false
   submitterFilter = []
+  realizationFilters = []
+  plusFilter = []
+  searchCount = 0
+  modelCount = 0
   filterData = {
     startTimeFrom: null,
     startTimeTo: null,
     latencyFrom: null,
     latencyTo: null,
     realization: [],
+    exclude_realization: [],
     submitter: [],
     server: [],
     sql: '',
@@ -428,6 +525,13 @@
     this.queryErrorVisible = true
+  renderStatusLabel (h, option) {
+    const { value } = option
+    return [
+      <span>{this.$t(value)}</span>
+    ]
+  }
   onQueryHistoryDataChange (val) {
     val.forEach(element => {
@@ -456,8 +560,23 @@
     return this.isHasFilterValue ? this.$t('kylinLang.common.noResults') : this.$t('kylinLang.common.noData')
-  get allHitModels () {
-    return [{text: this.$t('allModels'), value: 'modelName', icon: 'el-icon-ksd-cube'}]
+  get allHitModel () {
+    return {label: this.$t('allModels'), value: 'modelName', indeterminate: this.filterData.exclude_realization.length > 0, totalSize: this.modelCount, selectedSize: this.filterData.realization.includes('modelName') ? this.modelCount - this.filterData.exclude_realization.length : this.filterData.realization.filter(i => !this.pushdownFilteArr.includes(i)).length}
+  }
+  get realizationLabel () {
+    if (this.filterData.realization.length) {
+      if (this.filterData.realization.includes('modelName')) {
+        if (this.filterData.realization[0] === 'modelName') { // 过滤器第一个选择全部模型, 显示模型第一个名称+数字
+          return this.realizationFilters[0] !== 'modelName' ? `${this.realizationFilters[0]} +${this.modelCount - 1 - this.filterData.exclude_realization.length + this.filterData.realization.length - 1}` : `+${this.modelCount - this.filterData.exclude_realization.length + this.filterData.realization.length - 1}`
+        } else {
+          return `${this.filterData.realization[0]} +${this.filterData.realization.length - 1 - 1 + this.modelCount - this.filterData.exclude_realization.length}`
+        }
+      } else {
+        return this.filterData.realization.length > 1 ? `${this.filterData.realization[0]} +${this.filterData.realization.length - 1}` : this.filterData.realization[0]
+      }
+    } else {
+      return ''
+    }
   // 排除击中 snapshot 的查询对象
@@ -479,7 +598,7 @@
   dateRangeChange () {
-    if (this.datetimerange) {
+    if (this.datetimerange.length) {
       this.filterData.startTimeFrom = new Date(this.datetimerange[0]).getTime()
       this.filterData.startTimeTo = new Date(this.datetimerange[1]).getTime()
@@ -491,6 +610,16 @@
+  get selectedRange () {
+    if (this.datetimerange && this.datetimerange[0] && this.datetimerange[1]) {
+      return `${this.transToGmtTime(this.filterData.startTimeFrom)} To ${this.transToGmtTime(this.filterData.startTimeTo)}`
+    }
+    return ''
+  }
+  handleCommand (command) {
+    this.plusFilter.push(command)
+  }
   initFilterData () {
     const { startTimeFrom, startTimeTo } = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(this.filterDirectData))
     if (!startTimeFrom || !startTimeTo) return
@@ -507,27 +636,40 @@
   async loadFilterHitModelsList (filterValue) {
     try {
-      const res = await this.fetchHitModelsList({ project: this.currentSelectedProject, model_name: filterValue, page_size: 100 })
+      const res = await this.fetchHitModelsList({ project: this.currentSelectedProject, model_name: filterValue, page_size: maxFilterAndFilterValues })
       const data = await handleSuccessAsync(res)
-      this.realFilteArr = => {
-        if (d === 'HIVE') {
-          return { text: d, value: d, icon: 'el-icon-ksd-hive' }
-        } else if (d === 'CONSTANTS') {
-          return { text: d, value: d, icon: 'el-icon-ksd-contants' }
-        } else if (d === 'OBJECT STORAGE') {
-          return { text: d, value: d, icon: 'el-icon-ksd-data_source' }
-        } else {
-          return { text: d, value: d, icon: 'el-icon-ksd-model' }
-        }
-      })
+      this.pushdownFilteArr = data.engines
+      this.realFilteArr = data.models
+      if (this.filterData.realization.includes('modelName')) {
+        data.models.forEach(m => {
+          if (!this.filterData.exclude_realization.includes(m)) {
+            this.realizationFilters.push(m)
+          }
+        })
+      }
+      this.searchCount = data.search_count
+      this.modelCount = data.total_model_count
     } catch (e) {
+  get isFilterItemLoading () {
+    return this.paginationRealFilteArr.length < this.realFilteArr.length
+  }
+  get paginationRealFilteArr () {
+    return this.realFilteArr.slice(0, (this.filtePageOffset + 1) * filterPagesize)
+  }
+  scrollBottom () {
+    this.isShowLoading = true
+    setTimeout(() => {
+      this.isFilterItemLoading && this.filtePageOffset++
+    }, 200)
+  }
   async loadFilterSubmitterList (filterValue) {
     try {
-      const res = await this.fetchSubmitterList({ project: this.currentSelectedProject, submitter: filterValue, page_size: 100 })
+      const res = await this.fetchSubmitterList({ project: this.currentSelectedProject, submitter: filterValue, page_size: maxFilterAndFilterValues })
       this.submitterFilter = await handleSuccessAsync(res)
     } catch (e) {
@@ -774,161 +916,67 @@
     if (!realization.valid || realization.indexType === 'Table Snapshot') return
     this.$emit('openIndexDialog', realization, rows)
-  renderColumn (h) {
-    if (this.filterData.startTimeFrom && this.filterData.startTimeTo) {
-      const startTime = transToGmtTime(this.filterData.startTimeFrom)
-      const endTime = transToGmtTime(this.filterData.startTimeTo)
-      return (<span onClick={e => (e.stopPropagation())}>
-        <span>{this.$t('kylinLang.query.startTime_th')}</span>
-        <el-tooltip placement="top">
-          <div slot="content">
-            <span>
-              <i class='el-icon-time'></i>
-              <span> {startTime} To {endTime}</span>
-            </span>
-          </div>
-          <el-date-picker
-            value={this.datetimerange}
-            onInput={this.handleInputDateRange}
-            type="datetimerange"
-            popper-class="table-filter-datepicker"
-            toggle-icon="el-ksd-icon-data_range_old isFilter"
-            is-only-icon={true}>
-          </el-date-picker>
-        </el-tooltip>
-      </span>)
-    } else {
-      return (<span onClick={e => (e.stopPropagation())}>
-        <span>{this.$t('kylinLang.query.startTime_th')}</span>
-        <el-date-picker
-          value={this.datetimerange}
-          onInput={this.handleInputDateRange}
-          popper-class="table-filter-datepicker"
-          type="datetimerange"
-          toggle-icon="el-ksd-icon-data_range_old"
-          is-only-icon={true}>
-        </el-date-picker>
-      </span>)
-    }
-  }
   handleInputDateRange (val) {
     this.datetimerange = val
-  resetLatency () {
-    this.startSec = 0
-    this.endSec = 10
-    this.filterData.latencyFrom = null
-    this.filterData.latencyTo = null
-    this.latencyFilterPopoverVisible = false
-    this.clearLatencyRange()
-    this.filterList()
-  }
-  saveLatencyRange () {
-    this.filterData.latencyFrom = this.startSec
-    if (this.startSec > this.endSec) {
-      this.filterData.latencyTo = this.endSec = this.startSec
-    } else {
-      this.filterData.latencyTo = this.endSec
-    }
-    this.latencyFilterPopoverVisible = false
-    this.clearLatencyRange()
-    this.filterTags.push({label: `${this.startSec}s To ${this.endSec}s`, source: 'kylinLang.query.latency_th', key: 'latency'})
-    this.filterList()
+  handleChangeAll () {
+    this.filterHandleChangeAll = true
-  renderColumn2 (h) {
-    if (this.filterData.latencyTo) {
-      return (<span>
-        <span style="margin-right:5px;">{this.$t('kylinLang.query.latency_th')}</span>
-        <el-tooltip placement="top">
-          <div slot="content">
-            <span>
-              <i class='el-icon-time'></i>
-              <span> {this.filterData.latencyFrom}s To {this.filterData.latencyTo}s</span>
-            </span>
-          </div>
-          <el-popover
-            ref="latencyFilterPopover"
-            placement="bottom"
-            width="315"
-            value={this.latencyFilterPopoverVisible}
-            onInput={val => (this.latencyFilterPopoverVisible = val)}>
-            <div class="latency-filter-pop">
-              <el-input-number
-                size="small"
-                min={0}
-                value={this.startSec}
-                onInput={val1 => (this.startSec = val1)}></el-input-number>
-              <span>&nbsp;S&nbsp;&nbsp;To</span>
-              <el-input-number
-                size="small"
-                min={this.startSec}
-                class="ksd-ml-10"
-                value={this.endSec}
-                onInput={val2 => (this.endSec = val2)}></el-input-number>
-              <span>&nbsp;S</span>
-            </div>
-            <div class="latency-filter-footer">
-              <el-button size="small" onClick={this.resetLatency}>{this.$t('kylinLang.query.clear')}</el-button>
-              <el-button type="primary" onClick={this.saveLatencyRange} size="small">{this.$t('')}</el-button>
-            </div>
-            <i class="el-ksd-icon-data_range_old isFilter" onClick={e => (e.stopPropagation())} slot="reference"></i>
-          </el-popover>
-        </el-tooltip>
-      </span>)
-    } else {
-      return (<span>
-        <span style="margin-right:5px;">{this.$t('kylinLang.query.latency_th')}</span>
-        <el-popover
-          ref="latencyFilterPopover"
-          placement="bottom"
-          width="315"
-          value={this.latencyFilterPopoverVisible}
-          onInput={val => (this.latencyFilterPopoverVisible = val)}>
-          <div class="latency-filter-pop">
-            <el-input-number
-              size="small"
-              value={this.startSec}
-              min={0}
-              onInput={val1 => (this.startSec = val1)}></el-input-number>
-            <span>&nbsp;S&nbsp;&nbsp;To</span>
-            <el-input-number
-              size="small"
-              class="ksd-ml-10"
-              value={this.endSec}
-              min={this.startSec}
-              onInput={val2 => (this.endSec = val2)}></el-input-number>
-            <span>&nbsp;S</span>
-          </div>
-          <div class="latency-filter-footer">
-            <el-button size="small" onClick={this.resetLatency}>{this.$t('kylinLang.query.clear')}</el-button>
-            <el-button type="primary" onClick={this.saveLatencyRange} size="small">{this.$t('')}</el-button>
-          </div>
-          <i class="el-ksd-icon-data_range_old" onClick={e => (e.stopPropagation())} slot="reference"></i>
-        </el-popover>
-      </span>)
-    }
-  }
   // 查询状态过滤回调函数
   filterContent (val, type) {
-    const maps = {
-      realization: 'kylinLang.query.answered_by',
-      query_status: 'taskStatus',
-      server: 'kylinLang.query.queryNode',
-      submitter: 'kylinLang.query.submitter'
+    if (type === 'latency') {
+      this.filterData['latencyFrom'] = val[0]
+      this.filterData['latencyTo'] = val[1]
+      this.filterList()
+    } else if (type === 'realization') {
+      setTimeout(() => {
+        if (val.includes('modelName') && this.filterHandleChangeAll) {  // 选择全部模型
+          this.realizationFilters = [...this.realFilteArr, ...val]
+          this.filterData.realization = [...val]
+        } else if (!val.includes('modelName') && this.filterHandleChangeAll) {  // 取消全部模型
+          this.realizationFilters = [...this.filterData.realization].filter(i => i !== 'modelName')
+          this.filterData.realization = [...this.filterData.realization].filter(i => i !== 'modelName')
+          this.filterData.exclude_realization = []
+        } else {
+          if (val.includes('modelName')) { // 操作其他选项时,有全选模型,模型名称的进入反选数组
+            this.realizationFilters = [...val]
+            this.filterData.realization = [...val].filter(i => this.pushdownFilteArr.includes(i) || i === 'modelName')
+            this.filterData.exclude_realization = this.filterData.exclude_realization.filter(i => !this.realizationFilters.includes(i)) // 全选情况下,手动勾选的模型是取消反选的操作
+            this.filterData.exclude_realization = Array.from(new Set([...this.filterData.exclude_realization, ...this.realFilteArr.filter(i => !val.includes(i))]))
+          } else {
+            this.realizationFilters = [...val]
+            this.filterData.realization = [...val]
+            this.filterData.exclude_realization = []
+          }
+        }
+        if (this.filterData.realization.length > maxFilterAndFilterValues || this.filterData.exclude_realization.length > maxFilterAndFilterValues) {
+          this.$message({
+            message: this.$t('realizationFilterLengthTips'),
+            type: 'warning',
+            duration: 10000,
+            showClose: true
+          })
+          if (val.length > maxFilterAndFilterValues) {
+            this.realizationFilters = val.slice(0, val.length - 1)
+            this.filterData.realization = val.slice(0, val.length - 1)
+          } else {
+            this.realizationFilters.push(this.realFilteArr.filter(i => !val.includes(i))[0])
+            this.filterData.exclude_realization = this.filterData.exclude_realization.slice(0, this.filterData.exclude_realization.length - 1)
+          }
+          return
+        }
+        this.filterList()
+      })
+    } else {
+      this.filterData[type] = val
+      this.filterList()
-    this.filterTags = this.filterTags.filter((item, index) => item.key !== type || item.key === type && val.includes(item.label))
-    const list = this.filterTags.filter(it => it.key === type).map(it => it.label)
-    val.length && val.forEach(item => {
-      if (!list.includes(item)) {
-        this.filterTags.push({label: item === 'modelName' ? 'allModels' : item, source: maps[type], key: type})
-      }
-    })
-    this.filterData[type] = val
-    this.filterList()
+    this.filterHandleChangeAll = false
   // 删除单个筛选条件
   handleClose (tag) {
@@ -958,12 +1006,14 @@
   clearAllTags () {
     this.filterData.query_status.splice(0, this.filterData.query_status.length)
     this.filterData.realization.splice(0, this.filterData.realization.length)
+    this.filterData.exclude_realization.splice(0, this.filterData.exclude_realization.length)
     this.filterData.server.splice(0, this.filterData.server.length)
     this.filterData.submitter.splice(0, this.filterData.submitter.length)
     this.filterData.latencyFrom = null
     this.filterData.latencyTo = null
     this.datetimerange = ''
     this.filterTags = []
+    this.realizationFilters = []
@@ -1041,6 +1091,24 @@
         background: @table-stripe-color;
     } */
+    .actions {
+      line-height: 22px;
+      // border-right: 1px solid @ke-border-divider-color;
+      margin: 6px 8px 0 0;
+      padding-right: 4px;
+      height: 22px;
+      display: inline-block;
+ {
+        i {
+          cursor: not-allowed;
+        }
+      }
+    }
+    .table-filters {
+      >.dropdown-filter {
+        margin-left: -8px;
+      }
+    }
     .el-table__expanded-cell {
       padding: 24px;
       .copy-btn {
@@ -1367,7 +1435,7 @@
   .latency-filter-footer {
-    border-top: 1px solid @line-split-color;
+    border-top: 1px solid @ke-border-divider-color;
     padding: 10px 10px 0;
     margin: 10px -10px 0;
     text-align: right;
@@ -1427,17 +1495,20 @@
       color: @text-title-color;
-  .filter-realization, .filter-submitter {
+  .filter-submitter {
     .el-checkbox-group {
       max-height: 205px;
       overflow: auto;
     i {
-      margin-right: 5px;
+      margin-right: 4px;
       color: @text-normal-color;
     } i {
       color: @base-color;
+  .filter-realization i {
+    margin-right: 4px;
+  }
diff --git a/kystudio/src/components/studio/StudioModel/ModelList/index.vue b/kystudio/src/components/studio/StudioModel/ModelList/index.vue
index cbaea53..7d457f5 100644
--- a/kystudio/src/components/studio/StudioModel/ModelList/index.vue
+++ b/kystudio/src/components/studio/StudioModel/ModelList/index.vue
@@ -72,12 +72,10 @@
           <div class="actions">
-              text
-              type="primary"
-              icon="el-ksd-icon-resure_22"
+              nobg-text
-              @click="handleResetFilters">{{$t('reset')}}</el-button>
+              @click="handleResetFilters">{{$t('clearAll')}}</el-button>
         <div class="ksd-fright">
@@ -1134,19 +1132,24 @@
   .el-tabs__content {
     overflow: initial;
+  .actions {
+    line-height: 22px;
+    // border-right: 1px solid @ke-border-divider-color;
+    margin: 6px 8px 0 0;
+    padding-right: 4px;
+    height: 22px;
+    display: inline-block;
+ {
+      i {
+        cursor: not-allowed;
+      }
+    }
+  }
   .table-filters {
     margin-bottom: 8px;
     >.dropdown-filter {
       margin-left: -8px;
-    .actions {
-      float: right;
- {
-        i {
-          cursor: not-allowed;
-        }
-      }
-    }
   .last-modified {
     font-size: 12px;
diff --git a/kystudio/src/config/index.js b/kystudio/src/config/index.js
index dd5eac9..7a98627 100644
--- a/kystudio/src/config/index.js
+++ b/kystudio/src/config/index.js
@@ -5,6 +5,8 @@
 let baseUrl
 let regexApiUrl
+let filterPagesize = 5
 let pageCount = 10
 let bigPageCount = 20
 let pageSizes = [10, 20, 50, 100]
@@ -31,6 +33,7 @@
+  filterPagesize,
diff --git a/kystudio/src/service/datasource.js b/kystudio/src/service/datasource.js
index b1112c1..6ae2130 100644
--- a/kystudio/src/service/datasource.js
+++ b/kystudio/src/service/datasource.js
@@ -122,7 +122,7 @@
     return Vue.resource(`${apiUrl}access/${projectId}/all`).get(para)
   getHistoryList: (para) => {
-    return Vue.resource(apiUrl + 'query/history_queries{?realization}{&query_status}{&submitter}').get(para)
+    return Vue.resource(apiUrl + 'query/history_queries{?realization}{&query_status}{&submitter}{&exclude_realization}').get(para)
   loadOnlineQueryNodes: (para) => {
     return Vue.resource(apiUrl + 'query/servers').get(para)