blob: 14789c9da966bce11f8f2c08a2b26a8267f1d295 [file] [log] [blame]
# Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
# or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
# distributed with this work for additional information
# regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
# to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
# "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
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# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
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# under the License.
import hashlib
import re
import threading
import time
import requests.exceptions
from kibble.scanners.utils import jsonapi
This is the Kibble JIRA scanner plugin.
title = "Scanner for Atlassian JIRA"
version = "0.1.0"
def accepts(source):
""" Determines whether we want to handle this source """
if source["type"] == "jira":
return True
if source["type"] == "issuetracker":
jira = re.match(r"(https?://.+)/browse/([A-Z0-9]+)", url)
if jira:
return True
return False
def get_time(string):
return time.mktime(
time.strptime(re.sub(r"\..*", "", str(string)), "%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S")
def assigned(js):
if "items" in js:
for item in js["items"]:
if item["field"] == "assignee":
return True
return False
def wfi(js):
if "items" in js:
for item in js["items"]:
if item["field"] == "status" and item["toString"] == "Waiting for Infra":
return True
return False
def wfu(js):
if "items" in js:
for item in js["items"]:
if item["field"] == "status" and item["toString"] == "Waiting for user":
return True
return False
def moved(js):
if "items" in js:
for item in js["items"]:
if item["field"] == "Key" and item["toString"].find("INFRA-") != -1:
return True
return False
def wasclosed(js):
if "changelog" in js:
cjs = js["changelog"]["histories"]
for citem in cjs:
if "items" in citem:
for item in citem["items"]:
if item["field"] == "status" and (
item["toString"].lower().find("closed") != -1
or item["toString"].lower().find("resolved") != -1
return True, citem.get("author", {})
if "items" in js:
for item in js["items"]:
if item["field"] == "status" and (
item["toString"].find("Closed") != -1
return True, None
return False, None
def resolved(js):
if "items" in js:
for item in js["items"]:
if item["field"] == "resolution" and (
item["toString"] != "Pending Closed"
and item["toString"] != "Unresolved"
return True
return False
def pchange(js):
if "items" in js:
for item in js["items"]:
if item["field"] == "priority":
return True
return False
def scan_ticket(kibble_bit, key, u, source, creds, open_tickets):
""" Scans a single ticket for activity and people """
dhash = hashlib.sha224(
("%s-%s-%s" % (source["organisation"], source["sourceURL"], key)).encode(
"ascii", errors="replace"
parse_it = False
# the 'domain' var we try to figure out here is used
# for faking email addresses and keep them unique,
# in case JIRA has email visibility turned off.
domain = "jira"
m ="https?://([^/]+)", u)
if m:
domain =
found = kibble_bit.exists("issue", dhash)
if not found:
kibble_bit.pprint("[%s] We've never seen this ticket before, parsing..." % key)
parse_it = True
ticket = kibble_bit.get("issue", dhash)
if ticket["status"] == "closed" and key in open_tickets:
kibble_bit.pprint("[%s] Ticket was reopened, reparsing" % key)
parse_it = True
elif ticket["status"] == "open" and not key in open_tickets:
kibble_bit.pprint("[%s] Ticket was recently closed, parsing it" % key)
parse_it = True
if (
ticket["issueCreator"] == "unknown@kibble"
or ticket["issueCloser"] == "unknown@kibble"
): # Gotta redo these!
parse_it = True
"[%s] Ticket contains erroneous data from a previous scan, reparsing"
% key
# This is just noise!
# KibbleBit.pprint("[%s] Ticket hasn't changed, ignoring..." % key)
if parse_it:
kibble_bit.pprint("[%s] Parsing data from JIRA at %s..." % (key, domain))
query_url = (
% (u, key)
jira_url = "%s/browse/%s" % (u, key)
tjson = jsonapi.get(query_url, auth=creds)
if not tjson:
kibble_bit.pprint("%s does not exist (404'ed)" % key)
return False
except requests.exceptions.ConnectionError as err:
kibble_bit.pprint(f"Connection error: {err}, skipping this ticket for now!")
return False
st, closer = wasclosed(tjson)
if st and not closer:
kibble_bit.pprint("Closed but no closer??")
closer_email = None
status = "closed" if st else "open"
# Make sure we actually have field data to work with
if not tjson.get("fields") or not tjson["fields"].get("created"):
"[%s] JIRA response is missing field data, ignoring ticket." % key
return False
cd = get_time(tjson["fields"]["created"])
rd = (
if "resolutiondate" in tjson["fields"] and tjson["fields"]["resolutiondate"]
else None
comments = 0
if "comment" in tjson["fields"] and tjson["fields"]["comment"]:
comments = tjson["fields"]["comment"]["total"]
assignee = (
"emailAddress", # Try email, fall back to username
if tjson["fields"].get("assignee")
else None
creator = (
"emailAddress", # Try email, fall back to username
if tjson["fields"].get("reporter")
else None
title = tjson["fields"]["summary"]
if closer:
# print("Parsing closer")
closer_email = (
closer.get("emailAddress", closer.get("name"))
.replace(" dot ", ".", 10)
.replace(" at ", "@", 1)
if not "@" in closer_email:
closer_email = "%s@%s" % (closer_email, domain)
display_name = closer.get("displayName", "Unkown")
if display_name and len(display_name) > 0:
# Add to people db
pid = hashlib.sha1(
("%s%s" % (source["organisation"], closer_email)).encode(
"ascii", errors="replace"
jsp = {
"name": display_name,
"email": closer_email,
"organisation": source["organisation"],
"id": pid,
"upsert": True,
kibble_bit.append("person", jsp)
if creator:
creator = creator.replace(" dot ", ".", 10).replace(" at ", "@", 1)
if not "@" in creator:
creator = "%s@%s" % (creator, domain)
display_name = (
if tjson["fields"]["reporter"]
else None
if display_name and len(display_name) > 0:
# Add to people db
pid = hashlib.sha1(
("%s%s" % (source["organisation"], creator)).encode(
"ascii", errors="replace"
jsp = {
"name": display_name,
"email": creator,
"organisation": source["organisation"],
"id": pid,
"upsert": True,
kibble_bit.append("person", jsp)
if assignee and not "@" in assignee:
assignee = "%s@%s" % (assignee, domain)
jso = {
"id": dhash,
"key": key,
"organisation": source["organisation"],
"sourceID": source["sourceID"],
"url": jira_url,
"status": status,
"created": cd,
"closed": rd,
"issuetype": "issue",
"issueCloser": closer_email,
"createdDate": time.strftime("%Y/%m/%d %H:%M:%S", time.gmtime(cd)),
"closedDate": time.strftime("%Y/%m/%d %H:%M:%S", time.gmtime(rd))
if rd
else None,
"changeDate": time.strftime(
"%Y/%m/%d %H:%M:%S", time.gmtime(rd if rd else cd)
"assignee": assignee,
"issueCreator": creator,
"comments": comments,
"title": title,
kibble_bit.append("issue", jso)
return True
# except Exception as err:
# KibbleBit.pprint(err)
# return False
class JiraThread(threading.Thread):
def __init__(self, block, kibble_bit, source, creds, pt, ot):
super(JiraThread, self).__init__()
self.block = block
self.KibbleBit = kibble_bit
self.creds = creds
self.source = source
self.pendingTickets = pt
self.openTickets = ot
def run(self):
bad_ones = 0
while len(self.pendingTickets) > 0 and bad_ones <= 50:
# print("%u elements left to count" % len(pendingTickets))
rl = self.pendingTickets.pop(0)
except Exception as err:
print(f"An error occured: {err}")
if not rl:
if not scan_ticket(
self.KibbleBit, rl[0], rl[1], rl[2], self.creds, self.openTickets
self.KibbleBit.pprint("[%s] This borked, trying another one" % rl[0])
bad_ones += 1
if bad_ones > 100:
self.KibbleBit.pprint("Too many errors, bailing!")
self.source["steps"]["issues"] = {
"time": time.time(),
"status": "Too many errors while parsing at "
+ time.strftime("%Y/%m/%d %H:%M:%S", time.gmtime(time.time())),
"running": False,
"good": False,
bad_ones = 0
def scan(kibble_bit, source):
jira = re.match(r"(https?://.+)/browse/([A-Z0-9]+)", source["sourceURL"])
if jira:
# JIRA NEEDS credentials to do a proper scan!
creds = None
if (
and "username" in source["creds"]
and source["creds"]["username"]
and len(source["creds"]["username"]) > 0
creds = "%s:%s" % (source["creds"]["username"], source["creds"]["password"])
if not creds:
"JIRA at %s requires authentication, but none was found! Bailing."
% source["sourceURL"]
source["steps"]["issues"] = {
"time": time.time(),
"status": "Parsing JIRA changes...",
"running": True,
"good": True,
source["steps"]["issues"] = {
"time": time.time(),
"status": "Parsing JIRA changes...",
"running": True,
"good": True,
pending_tickets = []
kibble_bit.pprint("Parsing JIRA activity at %s" % source["sourceURL"])
source["steps"]["issues"] = {
"time": time.time(),
"status": "Downloading changeset",
"running": True,
"good": True,
# Get base URL, list and domain to parse
u =
instance =
last_ticket = 0
latest_url = (
% (u, instance)
js = None
js = jsonapi.get(latest_url, auth=creds)
if "issues" in js and len(js["issues"]) == 1:
key = js["issues"][0]["key"]
m ="-(\d+)$", key)
if m:
last_ticket = int(
open_tickets = []
start_at = 0
bad_tries = 0
while bad_tries < 10:
open_url = (
% (u, instance, start_at)
# print(openURL)
ojs = jsonapi.get(open_url, auth=creds)
if not "issues" in ojs or len(ojs["issues"]) == 0:
for item in ojs["issues"]:
kibble_bit.pprint("Found %u open tickets" % len(open_tickets))
start_at += 100
except: # pylint: disable=bare-except
kibble_bit.pprint("JIRA borked, retrying")
bad_tries += 1
kibble_bit.pprint("Found %u open tickets" % len(open_tickets))
for i in reversed(range(1, last_ticket + 1)):
key = "%s-%u" % (instance, i)
pending_tickets.append([key, u, source])
threads = []
block = threading.Lock()
kibble_bit.pprint("Scanning tickets using 4 sub-threads")
for i in range(0, 4):
t = JiraThread(
block, kibble_bit, source, creds, pending_tickets, open_tickets
for t in threads:
kibble_bit.pprint("Done scanning %s" % source["sourceURL"])
source["steps"]["issues"] = {
"time": time.time(),
"status": "Issue tracker (JIRA) successfully scanned at "
+ time.strftime("%Y/%m/%d %H:%M:%S", time.gmtime(time.time())),
"running": False,
"good": True,