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// Legacy versions of the documentation to not do frontend redirect for
// These docs are written as a single super long file so no need to re-route
var legacyDocPaths = [
// Any direct request for Streams documentation in docs versions prior to 0101
// Redirect these requests to the standalone Streams doc page
var currentPath = window.location.pathname;
var shouldRedirect = !legacyDocPaths.includes(currentPath);
var isDocumenationPage = currentPath.includes('/documentation');
var hasNotSpecifiedFullPath = !currentPath.includes('/documentation/streams') && !currentPath.includes('/documentation/streams/');
// Look for legacy anchors to clue us in on what full path the user needs
// Add more as needed
var specifiedStreamsAnchor = window.location.hash.includes('#streams_');
if (shouldRedirect && isDocumenationPage && hasNotSpecifiedFullPath) {
if (specifiedStreamsAnchor) {
window.location.pathname = currentPath + 'streams';
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