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package org.apache.juneau.petstore;
import static org.apache.juneau.http.HttpMethodName.*;
import java.util.*;
import org.apache.juneau.jsonschema.annotation.Items;
import org.apache.juneau.petstore.dto.*;
import org.apache.juneau.*;
import org.apache.juneau.http.annotation.*;
import org.apache.juneau.http.remote.*;
import org.apache.juneau.http.exception.*;
import org.apache.juneau.http.response.*;
* Defines the interface for both the server-side and client-side pet store application.
* <p>
* On the server side, this interface is implemented by the <c>PetStoreResource</c> class.
* <p>
* On the client side, this interface is instantiated as a proxy using the <c>RestClient.getRemoteProxy()</c> method.
* <ul class='seealso'>
* <li class='extlink'>{@source}
* </ul>
public interface PetStore {
// Pets
* Returns all pets in the database.
* @return All pets in the database.
* @throws NotAcceptable Unsupported <c>Accept</c> header specified.
@RemoteMethod(method=GET, path="/pet")
public Collection<Pet> getPets() throws NotAcceptable;
* Returns a pet from the database.
* @param petId The ID of the pet to retrieve.
* @return The pet.
* @throws IdNotFound Pet was not found.
* @throws NotAcceptable Unsupported <c>Accept</c> header specified.
@RemoteMethod(path="/pet/{petId}") /* method inferred from method name */
public Pet getPet(
description="ID of pet to return",
long petId
) throws IdNotFound, NotAcceptable;
* Adds a pet to the database.
* @param pet The pet data to add to the database.
* @return {@link Ok} if successful.
* @throws IdConflict ID already in use.
* @throws NotAcceptable Unsupported <c>Accept</c> header specified.
* @throws UnsupportedMediaType Unsupported <c>Content-Type</c> header specified.
@RemoteMethod(method=POST, path="/pet")
public long createPet(
description="Pet object to add to the store"
) CreatePet pet
) throws IdConflict, NotAcceptable, UnsupportedMediaType;
* Updates a pet in the database.
* @param pet The pet data to add to the database.
* @return {@link Ok} if successful.
* @throws IdNotFound ID not found.
* @throws NotAcceptable Unsupported <c>Accept</c> header specified.
* @throws UnsupportedMediaType Unsupported <c>Content-Type</c> header specified.
@RemoteMethod(method=PUT, path="/pet/{petId}")
public Ok updatePet(
description="Pet object that needs to be added to the store"
) UpdatePet pet
) throws IdNotFound, NotAcceptable, UnsupportedMediaType;
* Find all pets with the matching statuses.
* @param status The statuses to match against.
* @return The pets that match the specified statuses.
* @throws NotAcceptable Unsupported <c>Accept</c> header specified.
@RemoteMethod(method=GET, path="/pet/findByStatus")
public Collection<Pet> findPetsByStatus(
description="Status values that need to be considered for filter.",
PetStatus[] status
) throws NotAcceptable;
* Find all pets with the specified tags.
* @param tags The tags to match against.
* @return The pets that match the specified tags.
* @throws InvalidTag Invalid tag was specified.
* @throws NotAcceptable Unsupported <c>Accept</c> header specified.
@RemoteMethod(method=GET, path="/pet/findByTags")
public Collection<Pet> findPetsByTags(
description="Tags to filter by",
String[] tags
) throws InvalidTag, NotAcceptable;
* Deletes the specified pet.
* @param apiKey Security key.
* @param petId ID of pet to delete.
* @return {@link Ok} if successful.
* @throws IdNotFound Pet not found.
* @throws NotAcceptable Unsupported <c>Accept</c> header specified.
@RemoteMethod(method=DELETE, path="/pet/{petId}")
public Ok deletePet(
description="Security API key",
String apiKey,
description="Pet id to delete",
long petId
) throws IdNotFound, NotAcceptable;
// Orders
* Returns all orders in the database.
* @return All orders in the database.
* @throws NotAcceptable Unsupported <c>Accept</c> header specified.
@RemoteMethod(method=GET, path="/store/order")
public Collection<Order> getOrders() throws NotAcceptable;
* Returns an order from the database.
* @param orderId The ID of the order to retreieve.
* @return The retrieved order.
* @throws InvalidId ID was invalid.
* @throws IdNotFound Order was not found.
* @throws NotAcceptable Unsupported <c>Accept</c> header specified.
@RemoteMethod(method=GET, path="/store/order/{orderId}")
public Order getOrder(
description="ID of order to fetch",
long orderId
) throws InvalidId, IdNotFound, NotAcceptable;
* Adds an order to the database.
* @param petId Id of pet to order.
* @param username The username of the user placing the order.
* @return The ID of the order.
* @throws IdConflict ID was already in use.
* @throws NotAcceptable Unsupported <c>Accept</c> header specified.
* @throws UnsupportedMediaType Unsupported <c>Content-Type</c> header specified.
@RemoteMethod(method=POST, path="/store/order")
public long placeOrder(
description="Pet ID"
long petId,
description="The username of the user creating the order"
String username
) throws IdConflict, NotAcceptable, UnsupportedMediaType;
* Deletes an order from the database.
* @param orderId The order ID.
* @return {@link Ok} if successful.
* @throws InvalidId ID not valid.
* @throws IdNotFound Order not found.
* @throws NotAcceptable Unsupported <c>Accept</c> header specified.
@RemoteMethod(method=DELETE, path="/store/order/{orderId}")
public Ok deleteOrder(
description="ID of the order that needs to be deleted",
long orderId
) throws InvalidId, IdNotFound, NotAcceptable;
* Returns an inventory of pet statuses and counts.
* @return An inventory of pet statuses and counts.
* @throws NotAcceptable Unsupported <c>Accept</c> header specified.
@RemoteMethod(method=GET, path="/store/inventory")
public Map<PetStatus,Integer> getStoreInventory() throws NotAcceptable;
// Users
* Returns all users in the database.
* @return All users in the database.
* @throws NotAcceptable Unsupported <c>Accept</c> header specified.
@RemoteMethod(method=GET, path="/user")
public Collection<User> getUsers() throws NotAcceptable;
* Returns a user from the database.
* @param username The username.
* @return The user.
* @throws InvalidUsername Invalid username.
* @throws IdNotFound username not found.
* @throws NotAcceptable Unsupported <c>Accept</c> header specified.
@RemoteMethod(method=GET, path="/user/{username}")
public User getUser(
description="The name that needs to be fetched. Use user1 for testing."
String username
) throws InvalidUsername, IdNotFound, NotAcceptable;
* Adds a new user to the database.
* @param user The user to add to the database.
* @return {@link Ok} if successful.
* @throws InvalidUsername Username was invalid.
* @throws IdConflict Username already in use.
* @throws NotAcceptable Unsupported <c>Accept</c> header specified.
* @throws UnsupportedMediaType Unsupported <c>Content-Type</c> header specified.
@RemoteMethod(method=POST, path="/user")
public Ok createUser(
description="Created user object"
User user
) throws InvalidUsername, IdConflict, NotAcceptable, UnsupportedMediaType;
* Bulk creates users.
* @param users The users to add to the database.
* @return {@link Ok} if successful.
* @throws InvalidUsername Username was invalid.
* @throws IdConflict Username already in use.
* @throws NotAcceptable Unsupported <c>Accept</c> header specified.
* @throws UnsupportedMediaType Unsupported <c>Content-Type</c> header specified.
@RemoteMethod(method=POST, path="/user/createWithArray")
public Ok createUsers(
description="List of user objects"
User[] users
) throws InvalidUsername, IdConflict, NotAcceptable, UnsupportedMediaType;
* Updates a user in the database.
* @param username The username.
* @param user The updated information.
* @return {@link Ok} if successful.
* @throws InvalidUsername Username was invalid.
* @throws IdNotFound User was not found.
* @throws NotAcceptable Unsupported <c>Accept</c> header specified.
* @throws UnsupportedMediaType Unsupported <c>Content-Type</c> header specified.
@RemoteMethod(method=PUT, path="/user/{username}")
public Ok updateUser(
description="Name that need to be updated"
String username,
description="Updated user object"
User user
) throws InvalidUsername, IdNotFound, NotAcceptable, UnsupportedMediaType;
* Deletes a user from the database.
* @param username The username.
* @return {@link Ok} if successful.
* @throws InvalidUsername Username was not valid.
* @throws IdNotFound User was not found.
* @throws NotAcceptable Unsupported <c>Accept</c> header specified.
@RemoteMethod(method=DELETE, path="/user/{username}")
public Ok deleteUser(
description="The name that needs to be deleted"
String username
) throws InvalidUsername, IdNotFound, NotAcceptable;
* User login.
* @param username The username for login.
* @param password The password for login in clear text.
* @param rateLimit Calls per hour allowed by the user.
* @param expiresAfter The <bc>Expires-After</bc> response header.
* @return {@link Ok} if successful.
* @throws InvalidLogin Login was unsuccessful.
* @throws NotAcceptable Unsupported <c>Accept</c> header specified.
@RemoteMethod(method=GET, path="/user/login")
public Ok login(
description="The username for login.",
String username,
description="The password for login in clear text.",
String password,
description="Calls per hour allowed by the user.",
Value<Integer> rateLimit,
Value<ExpiresAfter> expiresAfter
) throws InvalidLogin, NotAcceptable;
* User logout.
* @return {@link Ok} if successful.
* @throws NotAcceptable Unsupported <c>Accept</c> header specified.
@RemoteMethod(method=GET, path="/user/logout")
public Ok logout() throws NotAcceptable;