Updated layout
diff --git a/5.0/index.md b/5.0/index.md
index 298c847..7a1d016 100644
--- a/5.0/index.md
+++ b/5.0/index.md
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
 layout: default
-title: Joshua 5.0 User Documentation
+title: Getting Started
 This page contains end-user oriented documentation for the 5.0 release of
@@ -8,12 +8,11 @@
 ## Download and Setup
-1. Follow [this link](http://cs.jhu.edu/~post/files/joshua-v5.0.tgz) to download Joshua, or do it
-from the command line:
+1. Download Joshua by clicking the big green button above, or from the command line:
        wget -q http://cs.jhu.edu/~post/files/joshua-v5.0.tgz
-2. Next, unpack it, set environment variables, and compile everything:
+1. Next, unpack it, set environment variables, and compile everything:
        tar xzf joshua-v5.0.tgz
        cd joshua-v5.0
@@ -28,12 +27,12 @@
        setenv JOSHUA `pwd`
        echo "setenv JOSHUA $JOSHUA" >> ~/.profile
-       ant all
+       ant
-(If you don't know what to set `$JAVA_HOME` to, try `/usr/java/default`)
+   (If you don't know what to set `$JAVA_HOME` to, try `/usr/java/default`)
 3. If you have a Hadoop installation, make sure that the environment variable `$HADOOP` is set and
-points to it.
+points to it. If you don't, Joshua will roll one out for you in standalone mode.
 4. If you want to use Cherry & Foster's
 [batch MIRA tuner](http://aclweb.org/anthology-new/N/N12/N12-1047v2.pdf) (recommended), you need to
@@ -45,7 +44,7 @@
 Our <a href="pipeline.html">pipeline script</a> is the quickest way to get started. For example, to
 train and test a complete model translating from Bengali to English:
-First, download the data:
+First, download the Indian languages data:
     wget --no-check -O indian-languages.tgz https://github.com/joshua-decoder/indian-parallel-corpora/tarball/master
     tar xf indian-languages.tgz
@@ -61,7 +60,7 @@
 This will align the data with the Berkeley aligner, build a Hiero model, tune with MERT, decode the
 test sets, and reports results that should correspond with what you find on <a
-href="http://joshua-decoder.org/indian-parallel-corpora/">the Indian Parallel Corpora page</a>. For
+href="/indian-parallel-corpora/">the Indian Parallel Corpora page</a>. For
 more details, including information on the many options available with the pipeline script, please
 see <a href="pipeline.html">its documentation page</a>.
diff --git a/_layouts/default.html b/_layouts/default.html
index b171af4..c1f3c37 100644
--- a/_layouts/default.html
+++ b/_layouts/default.html
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-      <div class="infobox">
-        <b>Stable version</b><br />
-        5.0<br/><br/>
-        <b>Release date</b><br />
-        17 August 2013<br/>
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-        <b>Links</b><br />
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-          <li> <a href="../index.html">Main</a> </li>
-          <li> <a href="pipeline.html">Pipeline</a> </li>
-          <li> <a href="decoder.html">Decoder</a> </li>
-          <li> <a href="server.html">Decoder Server</a> </li>
-          <li> <a href="file-formats.html">File formats</a> </li>
-          <li> <a href="thrax.html">Grammar Extraction</a> </li>
-          <li> <a href="../releases.html">Releases</a> </li>
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-        <b>Advanced</b><br />
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-<!--          <li> <a href="packing.html">Grammar packing</a> </li> -->
-          <li> <a href="large-lms.html">Building large LMs</a> </li>
-          <li> <a href="zmert.html">Running Z-MERT</a> </li>
-          <li> <a href="lattice.html">Lattices</a> </li>
-          <li> <a href="server.html">TCP/IP server</a> </li>
-          <li> <a href="bundle.html">Bundled configuration</a> </li>
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-        <b>Help</b><br />
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-          <li> <a href="faq.html">Answers</a> </li>
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