Apache Joshua Site

Clone this repo:
  1. 9a4315b ack! forgot the header by Matt Post · 9 years ago master
  2. f287587 added stub page by Matt Post · 9 years ago
  3. 0344946 removed dir since page not building by Matt Post · 9 years ago
  4. 4c1c9a5 link to paraphrase page by Matt Post · 9 years ago
  5. 723da06 added dummy title to get website to update by Matt Post · 9 years ago

This directory contains the Joshua web site, including

  • The Joshua decoder main web page
  • The Indian language corpora (in indian-parallel-corpora/)
  • Jekyll code for generating the Joshua end user documentation

The main thing you might want to do (assuming you have write access to this repository) is to add documentation pages. This can be done in two steps:

  1. Write your documentation using Github-supported Markdown or HTML. Create the file in the current directory, using one of the existing files as templates. The top of the file contains a number of lines specifying metadata. The metadata looks like this:

    layout: default.html title: My New Page

    Your content goes here.

    At minimum, you should specify the template to apply (relative to _layouts, probably default.html) and the page's title. Everything below the second set of --- is substituted into the template where {{ content }} is found.

  2. Edit _layouts/default.html, which contains the template file used to host user documentation. You'll want to add a link to your page from the sidebar.

  3. If you also want to edit the main documentation page, you can find that in the file index.md. This file is transformed by Jekyll and placed in userdocs/ alongside everything else.

Note that if you‘re testing on your local machine, you’ll need to install Jekyll. You need to have ruby installed. Then type:

gem install jekyll  # you might need to prepend 'sudo'

You can then type:

jekyll --pygments --safe

to generate the user pages. Do this within a web server and point a recent browser at it. You can also run your own minimal web server with Jekyll. This page has a good Jekyll tutorial.