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User's Manual: Curl</title>
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<h1 id="hints">24. Curl<a class="sectionlink" href="#hints" title="Link to here">&para;</a>
<p>This method is to create http requests from curl command. If you want to know more about curl, please click the <a href="">
Curl document</a>.
<div class="subsection">
<h2 id="enter_command">24.1 How to enter (a) command(s)<a class="sectionlink" href="#enter_command" title="Link to here">&para;</a>
Create a Test Plan From a cURL Command
1. To create an import from a cURL, open the &lsquo;Tools&rsquo; menu and click &lsquo;Import from cURL&rsquo;.
<a href="../images/screenshots/curl/choose_curl.png"><img src="../images/screenshots/curl/choose_curl.png" width="768" height="339" alt="Figure 1 - The menu where curl is located"></a>
<figcaption>Figure 1 - The menu where curl is located</figcaption>
2.There are two ways to enter the curl command line. Firstly, we can enter it manually. Secondly, we can import a file containing the curl command line.
This tool supports input of multiple curl command lines at the same time.
<a href="../images/screenshots/curl/enter_command.png"><img src="../images/screenshots/curl/enter_command.png" width="767" height="316" alt="Figure 2.1 - Enter curl command in text panel"></a>
<figcaption>Figure 2.1 - Enter curl command in text panel</figcaption>
<a href="../images/screenshots/curl/enter_command_from_file.png"><img src="../images/screenshots/curl/enter_command_from_file.png" width="767" height="316" alt="Figure 2.2 - Enter curl command from file"></a>
<figcaption>Figure 2.2 - Enter curl command from file</figcaption>
3.Then, click &lsquo;Create HTTP Request&rsquo; button and a new HTTP Sample will be added to the Test Plan.
<a href="../images/screenshots/curl/result.png"><img src="../images/screenshots/curl/result.png" width="767" height="316" alt="Figure 3 - result of Test Plan"></a>
<figcaption>Figure 3 - result of Test Plan</figcaption>
<div class="subsection">
<h2 id="curl_options">24.2 Curl options supported<a class="sectionlink" href="#curl_options" title="Link to here">&para;</a>
<b>-H, --header&lt;header&gt;</b>:Extra header to use when getting a&nbsp;web page.</p>
<b>-X, --request &lt;command&gt;</b>:Specifies a custom request method to use when communicating with the HTTP server.</p>
<b>--compressed</b>:Request a&nbsp;compressed&nbsp;response using one of the&nbsp;algorithms&nbsp;curl&nbsp;supports, and return the uncompressed document.</p>
<b>-A, --user-agent &lt;agent string&nbsp;&gt;</b>:Specify the User-Agent string to send to the HTTP server.</p>
<b>-b, --cookie &lt;name=data&gt;</b>:Pass the data to the HTTP server as a cookie.</p>
<b>Sends the specified data in a POST request to the HTTP server. If this option is used more than
once on the same command line, the data pieces specified will be merged together with a
separating "&amp;" character. Thus, using '-d name=daniel -d skill=lousy' would generate a POST
chunk that looks like 'name=daniel&amp;skill=lousy'.</b>
<li>-d,--data &lt;data&gt; --data-ascii &lt;data&gt; :use @ to upload the file</li>
<li> --data-binary &lt;data&gt; </li>
<li>--data-raw &lt;data&gt; : This posts data exactly as specified with no extra processing whatsoever.
If you start the data with the character @, the rest should be a filename. </li>
<li> --data-urlencode &lt;data&gt; :This posts data, similar to the other --data options with the exception that this performs
<li> --data-raw &lt;data&gt; :This posts data similarly to --data but without the special interpretation
of the @ character. </li>
<b>This lets curl emulate a filled-in form in which a user has pressed the submit button.</b>
<li>-F, --form &lt;name=content&gt; :use @ to upload the file</li>
<li>--form-string &lt;name=content&gt;</li>
<b>-u, --user &lt;user:password &gt;</b>:Specify user and password to use for server authentication.</p>
<b>--basic,--digest</b>:Tells curl to use HTTP authentication.</p>
<b>Tells curl to use the specified client certificate file when getting a file with HTTPS</b>
<li>--cacert &lt;CA certificate&gt;</li>
<li>--capath &lt;CA certificate directory&gt;</li>
<li>--ciphers &lt;list of ciphers&gt; </li>
<li>--cert-type &lt;type&gt;</li>
<b>-G, --get</b>:put the post data in the url and use get to replace post.</p>
<b>--no-keepalive</b>:Disables the use of keepalive messages on the TCP connection.</p>
<b>-e, --referer &lt;URL&gt;</b>:Sends the "Referer Page" information to the HTTP server.</p>
<b>-L, --location</b>:If the server reports that the requested page has moved to a different location
this option will make curl redo the request on the new place.</p>
<b>-i, --include</b>:Include the HTTP-header in the output.</p>
<b>--connect-timeout &lt;seconds&gt;</b>:Maximum time in seconds that the connection to the server may take.</p>
<b>--keepalive-time &lt;seconds&gt;</b>:This option sets the time a connection needs to remain idle before sending keepalive probes and the time between individual keepalive probes.</p>
<b>-m, --max-time &lt;seconds&gt;</b>:Maximum time in seconds that you allow the whole operation to take.</p>
<b>-x, --proxy &lt;[protocol://] [user:password@] proxyhost[:port]&gt;&nbsp;</b>:Use the specified HTTP proxy. If the port number is not specified, it is assumed at port 1080. </p>
<b>-U, --proxy-user &lt;user:password&gt;</b>:Specify user and password to use for proxy authentication. </p>
<b>-k, --insecure</b>:This option explicitly allows curl to perform "insecure" SSL connections and transfers.</p>
<b>--raw</b>:When used, it disables all internal HTTP decoding of content or transfer encodings and instead makes them passed on unaltered,raw.</p>
<b>-I, --head</b>:Fetch the HTTP-header only. HTTP-servers feature the command HEAD which this uses to get nothing but the header of a document.</p>
<b>--interface &lt;name&gt;</b>:Perform an operation using a specified interface. You can enter interface name, IP address or host name.</p>
<b>--proxy-ntlm/--proxy-negotiate</b>:Tells curl to use HTTP basic/ntlm/Digest authentication when communicating with the given proxy.</p>
<b>--dns-servers &lt;addresses&gt;</b>:Resolve host name over DOH.</p>
<b>--resolve &lt;host:port:address&gt;</b>:Provide a custom address for a specific host and port pair.</p>
<b>--limit-rate &lt;speed&gt;</b>:Specify the maximum transfer rate you want curl to use.</p>
<b>--max-redirs &lt;num&gt;</b>:Set maximum number of redirections which may be followed.</p>
<b>--noproxy &lt;no-proxy-list&gt;</b>:Comma-separated list of hosts which do not use a proxy, if one is specified.</p>
<div class="subsection">
<h2 id="warning">24.3 Warning<a class="sectionlink" href="#warning" title="Link to here">&para;</a>
When the command you entered is ignored or contains warning content, we will display warning in the comment section of Http Request.
<a href="../images/screenshots/curl/http_request_warning.png"><img src="../images/screenshots/curl/http_request_warning.png" width="768" height="339" alt="Figure 1 -Warning"></a>
<figcaption>Figure 1 -Warning</figcaption>
<div class="subsection">
<h2 id="example">24.4 Examples<a class="sectionlink" href="#example" title="Link to here">&para;</a>
<b>Use cookie :</b>curl -X POST "" -b 'username=Tom;password=123456'</p>
<b>Use data :</b>curl -X POST "" --data 'fname=a&amp;lname=b'</p>
<b>Use form :</b>curl -X POST "" -F 'lname=a' -F 'fname=b' -F 'c=@C:\Test\test.txt' </p>
<b>Use proxy :</b>curl '' -x ''</p>
<b>Use autorization :</b>curl "" -u 'user:passwd' --basic</p>
<b>Use DNS :</b>curl "" --dns-servers ','</p>
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